This commit is contained in:
Ray Elliott 2023-09-17 19:01:58 +01:00
parent 5d4f6daef9
commit 98e1ee645a
1 changed files with 80 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -7,82 +7,96 @@ export SHELL_CONFIG="$SHELL_CONFIG:.bashrc"
function show_date() {
# Define an array of adjectives with classifications
# Define the dot file to store the selected adjective
# Check if the dot file exists and was modified less than 1 day ago
if [[ -f "$dotfile" && $(date -d "$(stat -c %y "$dotfile")" +%s) -ge $(date -d 'yesterday' +%s) ]]; then
# If the dot file exists and was modified less than 1 day ago,
# read the stored adjective from the file
selected_adjective=$(cat "$dotfile")
# Define an array of adjectives with classifications
# Select a random adjective from the array
selected_adjective="${adjectives[$RANDOM % ${#adjectives[@]}]}"
# Split the selected adjective into the adjective and classification parts
IFS=':' read -r adjective classification <<< "$selected_adjective"
# Select a random adjective from the array
selected_adjective="${adjectives[$RANDOM % ${#adjectives[@]}]}"
# Determine the color code based on the classification
case "$classification" in
"positive") text_color="\033[1;32m";;
"negative") text_color="\033[1;31m";;
*) text_color="";; # Default to no colour
# Store the selected adjective in the dot file
echo "$selected_adjective" > "$dotfile"
# ANSI escape codes for reset
# Split the selected adjective into the adjective and classification parts
IFS=':' read -r adjective classification <<< "$selected_adjective"
# Get the current day of the week, day of the month, and year
day_of_week=$(date "+%A")
day_of_month=$(date "+%d")
month_name=$(date "+%B")
year=$(date "+%Y")
# Determine the color code based on the classification
case "$classification" in
"positive") text_color="\033[1;32m";;
"negative") text_color="\033[1;31m";;
*) text_color="";; # Default to no colour
# Determine the day suffix (th, nd, rd)
case "$day_of_month" in
1[0-9]) day_suffix="th";;
*1) day_suffix="st";;
*2) day_suffix="nd";;
*3) day_suffix="rd";;
*) day_suffix="th";;
# ANSI escape codes for reset
# Create the full date format with colored parts and the selected adjective
full_date="Pray, be informed, on this ${text_color}${adjective}${reset_color} day, ${hl_color}${day_of_week}${reset_color} the ${hl_color}${day_of_month}${day_suffix}${reset_color} day of ${hl_color}${month_name}${reset_color}, in the year of our Lord ${hl_color}${year}${reset_color}!"
# Get the current day of the week, day of the month, and year
day_of_week=$(date "+%A")
day_of_month=$(date "+%d")
month_name=$(date "+%B")
year=$(date "+%Y")
# Print the full date
echo -e "$full_date"
echo ""
# Determine the day suffix (th, nd, rd)
case "$day_of_month" in
1[0-9]) day_suffix="th";;
*1) day_suffix="st";;
*2) day_suffix="nd";;
*3) day_suffix="rd";;
*) day_suffix="th";;
# Create the full date format with colored parts and the selected adjective
full_date="Pray, be informed, on this ${text_color}${adjective}${reset_color} day,\n${hl_color}${day_of_week}${reset_color} the ${hl_color}${day_of_month}${day_suffix}${reset_color} day of ${hl_color}${month_name}${reset_color}, in the year of our Lord ${hl_color}${year}${reset_color}!"
# Print the full date
echo -e "$full_date"
echo ""
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return