get rid of terminal ESC remapping

This commit is contained in:
Ray Elliott 2020-04-07 16:25:55 +01:00
parent eb9c48eea5
commit b3a89a397d
1 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -342,9 +342,9 @@ nnoremap <silent><space>ss :syntax sync fromstart<CR>
" terminal{{{
if has('terminal')
tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
" if has('terminal')
" tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
" endif
" windows{{{
nnoremap <space>ww :resize<CR>:vertical resize<CR>
@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ endif
nnoremap <space>gD :!clear; echo 'git diff'; git diff<CR>
nnoremap <space>ga :!clear; git add %; git status<CR>
nnoremap <space>gg :!clear; git add %; git commit -m ''<Left>
nnoremap <silent><space>gs :!bspc rule -a st-256color -o state=fullscreen; st tig status<CR>
" movement/navigation{{{