remove abbreviations, move some into snippets

This commit is contained in:
Ray Elliott 2021-09-19 13:49:22 +01:00
parent 33fd21d06f
commit d27b3caa9c
2 changed files with 21 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,23 @@
snippet sld "/* stylelint-disable-next-line ... */"
snippet abs "pabs position: absolute;"
position: absolute;
snippet fix "position: fixed;"
position: fixed;
snippet rel "position: relative;"
position: relative;
snippet row "flex-direction: row;"
flex-direction: row;
snippet col "flex-direction: column;"
flex-direction: column;
snippet over "overflow: hidden;"
overflow: $0;
snippet style "/* stylelint-disable-next-line ... */"
/* stylelint-disable-next-line ${1:declaration-block-no-shorthand-property-overrides} */
@ -29,7 +48,7 @@ linear-gradient(
snippet bglg "background: linear-gradient ..."
background: linear-gradient(
background-image: linear-gradient(
${2:to bottom},

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@ -360,31 +360,12 @@ inoremap jjrg <c-o>:reg<cr>
" #abbreviations {{{
" spelling"{{{
iabbrev adn and
iabbrev waht what
iabbrev tehn then
iabbrev functin function
iabbrev positin position
" css{{{
" TODO move these into autocommand to just load in css, scss, jsx, files
iabbrev pabs position: absolute;
iabbrev pfix position: fixed;
iabbrev prel position: relative;
iabbrev fdr flex-direction: row;
iabbrev fdc flex-direction: column;
iabbrev jcc justify-content: center;
iabbrev aic align-items: center;
iabbrev ovh overflow: hidden;
iabbrev ovv overflow: visible;
iabbrev ova overflow: auto;
iabbrev ct'' content-type: '';
" #autocommands {{{