snippet todo "// TODO" // TODO $0 endsnippet snippet if "if ( ... ) { ... }" if ($1) { $0 } endsnippet snippet cl "console.log( ... )" console.log($0); endsnippet snippet if "if ( ... ) { ... }" if ($1) { $0 } endsnippet snippet ifelse "if ( ... ) { ... } else { ... }" if ($1) { $2 } else { $0 } endsnippet snippet for "for ( ... ) { ... }" for (let ${1:index} = ${2:0}; $1 $3; $1${4:++}) { $0 } endsnippet snippet st "setTimeout( ... )" setTimeout(() => {$0 }, ${1:1000}); endsnippet snippet jsx "import React ..." import React from "react"; class $1 extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { } } render() { return ( <${2:div} className={this.props.className}> $0 </$2> ); } } export default () => ( <S.$1}></S.$1> ); endsnippet snippet jsxs "import React ... styled" import React from "react"; import styled from "styled-components"; const S = {}; class $1 extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { } } render() { return ( <${2:div} className={this.props.className}> $0 </$2> ); } } S.$1 = styled($1)\` \`; export default () => ( <S.$1}></S.$1> ); endsnippet snippet jsc "class ... extends React.Component" class $1 extends React.Component \{ ${2: constructor(props) \{ super(props); this.state = \{ \} \}} render() \{ return ( <${3:div}${4: className=\{this.props.className\}}> $0 </$3> ); } } endsnippet snippet th "this.handle..." this.handle${1:Click} = this.handle$1.bind(this); endsnippet snippet tb "this ... = ... .bind(this);" this.$1 = this.$1.bind(this); endsnippet snippet wprb import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks'; const blockStyle = { color: red, backgroundColor: pink, }; registerBlockType( '${1:namespace}/${2:block-name}', { title: '$3', icon: '${4:universal-access-alt}', category: '${5:layout}', example: {}, edit( { className } ) { return <div className={ className }>Hello World, step 1 (from the editor).</div>; }, save() { return <div style={ blockStyle }>Hello World, step 1 (from the frontend).</div>; }, } ); endsnippet