diff --git a/sxhkdrc b/sxhkdrc index 407a2c3..41176d1 100644 --- a/sxhkdrc +++ b/sxhkdrc @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ctrl + grave dunstctl history-pop # toggle keyboard layout -super + BackSpace +KP_Divide ~/.config/sxhkd/toggle-gb-ru-kb.sh # mouse scroll down @@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ super + ctrl + p tmux-select super + Return - terminal - -super + shift + Return alacritty --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty--light.yml -super + control + Return +super + shift + Return alacritty +super + control + Return + st + ## screenshots super + Print i3-scrot @@ -88,28 +88,24 @@ super + x xcompmgr-toggle # surf -super + KP_Home - surf https://git.rayelliott.dev/ -super + KP_Up - surf https://git.rayelliott.dev/rayelliott/wiki -super + KP_Prior - surf http://web.home/ -# chromium as app -super + shift + KP_Prior - chromium --app=http://web.home +KP_Home + bspc rule --add Chromium --one-shot follow=on state=floating rectangle=1080x868+0+700 && chromium --app=https://git.rayelliott.dev/rayelliott/wiki +KP_Up + bspc rule --add Chromium --one-shot follow=on state=floating rectangle=1080x868+0+700 && chromium --app=https://git.rayelliott.dev/ +KP_Add + bspc rule --add Chromium --one-shot follow=on state=floating rectangle=1080x868+0+700 && chromium --app=http://web.home - -super + KP_Left - keepassxc +KP_Insert + bspc rule --add KeePassXC --one-shot follow=on state=floating && keepassxc # file managers -super + KP_Begin +KP_Left bspc rule --add Alacritty --one-shot follow=on state=floating && alacritty --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty--light-small.yml -e lf ~ -super + shift + KP_Begin - bspc rule --add Pcmanfm --one-shot follow=on state=floating && pcmanfm +KP_Begin + bspc rule --add Pcmanfm --one-shot follow=on state=floating rectangle=1080x868+0+700 && pcmanfm # floating terminal -super + KP_End - bspc rule --add Alacritty --one-shot follow=on state=floating && alacritty --working-directory ~/.Temp --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty--light-small.yml -super + shift + KP_End - bspc rule --add Alacritty --one-shot follow=on state=floating && alacritty --working-directory ~/.Temp --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty--light-small.yml -e nvim -c "setfiletype markdown" +KP_End + bspc rule --add Alacritty --one-shot follow=on state=floating rectangle=1000x600+0+700 && alacritty --working-directory ~/.Temp --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty--light-small.yml +KP_Down + bspc rule --add Alacritty --one-shot follow=on state=floating rectangle=1000x600+0+700 && alacritty --working-directory ~/.Temp --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty--light-small.yml -e nvim -c "setfiletype markdown" diff --git a/sxhkdrc.bspwm b/sxhkdrc.bspwm index 78a4339..b4614f2 100644 --- a/sxhkdrc.bspwm +++ b/sxhkdrc.bspwm @@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ super + shift + {q,r} bspc {quit,wm -r} # close and kill -super + {_,ctrl + }q - bspc node -{c,k} +KP_Subtract + bspc node -c +shift + KP_Subtract + bspc node -k # alternate between the tiled and monocle layout super + m