2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #plugins {{{
2017-09-10 20:22:02 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
if empty ( glob ( '~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim' ) )
silent ! curl - fLo ~ /.vim/ autoload /plug .vim - - create - dirs
\ https :// raw .githubusercontent .com /junegunn/ vim - plug /master/ plug .vim
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall - - sync | source $MYVIMRC
call plug #begin ( '~/.vim/bundle' )
Plug 'hail2u/vim-css3-syntax'
Plug 'cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim'
Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug 'mbbill/undotree'
" Ctrlp
Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
" Obsession
Plug 'tpope/vim-obsession'
" vim-css-color
" Plug 'ap/vim-css-color'
" vim-javascript
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
" ultisnips
" https://github.com/sirver/UltiSnips
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
" and some snippets
" https://github.com/honza/vim-snippets
" Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
" https://github.com/w0rp/ale
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
" MatchTag
" https://github.com/gregsexton/MatchTag
" DISABLED DUE TO KNOWN ISSUE - https://github.com/gregsexton/MatchTag/issues/40
" Plug 'gregsexton/MatchTag'
" phpcomplete.vim
" https://github.com/shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim
Plug 'shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim'
" https://github.com/dsawardekar/wordpress.vim
" For up to date Wordpress Files see:
" https://github.com/joseluis/wordpress.vim-generator
"Plug 'dsawardekar/wordpress.vim'
" disabled - doesn't support universal ctags?
" vim-vue
" https://github.com/posva/vim-vue
Plug 'posva/vim-vue'
" vim-commentary
" https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
" vim-repeat
" https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
" https://github.com/mattn/emmet-vim
Plug 'mattn/emmet-vim'
" vimwiki
" https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki
Plug 'vimwiki/vimwiki'
" gitgutter
" https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter/blob/master/README.mkd
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
" vim-gutentags
" https://github.com/ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags
Plug 'ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags'
" vim-qlist
" https://github.com/romainl/vim-qlist/
" Plug 'romainl/vim-qlist'
" fugitive-vim
" https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive/blob/master/README.markdown
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" vim-dispatch
" https://github.com/tpope/vim-dispatch
Plug 'tpope/vim-dispatch'
" colorV
" https://github.com/gu-fan/colorv.vim
Plug 'gu-fan/colorv.vim'
" vim switch
Plug 'AndrewRadev/switch.vim'
" gitv
" https://github.com/gregsexton/gitv
Plug 'gregsexton/gitv'
" wakarime
" https://wakatime.com/vim
Plug 'wakatime/vim-wakatime'
" vim-easy-align
" https://github.com/junegunn/vim-easy-align
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
" vim-instant-markdown
" https://github.com/suan/vim-instant-markdown
Plug 'suan/vim-instant-markdown'
" asyncomplete.vim
" https://github.com/prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim
" Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim'
" Plug 'yami-beta/asyncomplete-omni.vim'
" Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-ultisnips.vim'
" Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-file.vim'
" Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-buffer.vim'
" Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-tags.vim'
" Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-lsp.vim'
" Plug 'Shougo/neco-vim'
" Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-necovim.vim'
" vim-lsp
" https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp
Plug 'prabirshrestha/async.vim'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'
" inline_edit.vim
" https://github.com/AndrewRadev/inline_edit.vim
" Plug 'AndrewRadev/inline_edit.vim'
call plug #end ( )
runtime macros /matchit .vim
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #plugin settings {{{
" inline_edit.vim
" let g:inline_edit_patterns = [{
" \ 'main_filetype': '*html',
" \ 'sub_filetype': 'scss',
" \ 'indent_adjustment': 1,
" \ 'start': '<style\>[^>]*lang=.scss[^>]*>',
" \ 'end': '</style>'
" \ }]
" let g:inline_edit_autowrite = 1
" let g:inline_edit_proxy_type = "tempfile"
" let g:inline_edit_new_buffer_command ="tabedit"
" let g:inline_edit_modify_statusline = 0
" nnoremap <space>ie :InlineEdit<cr>
" asyncomplete.vim
" let g:asyncomplete_auto_popup = 0
" let g:asyncomplete_remove_duplicates = 1
" inoremap <silent><expr> <C-l> asyncomplete#force_refresh()
" not working why?
" let g:asyncomplete_min_chars = 3
" augroup User asyncomplete_setup
" autocmd!
" autocmd! CompleteDone * if pumvisible() == 0 | pclose | endif
" augroup END
" call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#file#get_source_options({
" \ 'name': 'file',
" \ 'whitelist': ['*'],
" \ 'priority': -20,
" \ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#file#completor')
" \ }))
" call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#ultisnips#get_source_options({
" \ 'name': 'ultisnips',
" \ 'whitelist': ['*'],
" \ 'priority': -30,
" \ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#ultisnips#completor'),
" \ }))
" call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#necovim#get_source_options({
" \ 'name': 'necovim',
" \ 'whitelist': ['vim'],
" \ 'priority': -40,
" \ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#necovim#completor'),
" \ }))
" call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#buffer#get_source_options({
" \ 'name': 'buffer',
" \ 'whitelist': ['*'],
" \ 'blacklist': ['go'],
" \ 'priority': -50,
" \ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#buffer#completor'),
" \ }))
" call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#omni#get_source_options({
" \ 'name': 'omni',
" \ 'whitelist': ['*'],
" \ 'blacklist': ['c', 'cpp', 'html', 'python', 'vue'],
" \ 'priority': -60,
" \ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#omni#completor')
" \ }))
" call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#tags#get_source_options({
" \ 'name': 'tags',
" \ 'whitelist': ['*'],
" \ 'blacklist': ['vim', 'python'],
" \ 'priority': -70,
" \ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#tags#completor'),
" \ 'config': {
" \ 'max_file_size': 50000000,
" \ },
" \ }))
" vim-lsp
let g :lsp_signs_enabled = 1
let g :lsp_signs_error = {'text' : '>>' }
let g :lsp_signs_warning = {'text' : '>' }
let g :lsp_signs_information = {'text' : '--' }
let g :lsp_signs_hint = {'text' : '--' }
let g :lsp_diagnostics_echo_cursor = 1
let g :lsp_diagnostics_echo_delay = 0
nnoremap \l :LspDocumentDiagnostics < cr >
nnoremap \h :LspHover < cr >
nnoremap \d :LspDefinition < cr >
nnoremap \r :LspReferences < cr >
nnoremap \n :LspRename < cr >
nnoremap \s :LspDocumentSymbol < cr >
nnoremap \w :LspWorkspaceSymbol < cr >
nnoremap \ff :LspDocumentFormat < cr >
nnoremap \fr :LspDocumentRangeFormat < cr >
augroup User lsp_setup
autocmd !
if executable ( 'vls' )
autocmd User lsp_setup call lsp #register_server ( {
\ 'name' : 'vue' ,
\ 'cmd' : {server_info - > ['vls' ]},
\ 'whitelist' : ['vue' ],
\ })
if executable ( 'pyls' )
autocmd User lsp_setup call lsp #register_server ( {
\ 'name' : 'pyls' ,
\ 'cmd' : {server_info - > ['pyls' ]},
\ 'whitelist' : ['python' ],
\ })
if executable ( 'typescript-language-server' )
au User lsp_setup call lsp #register_server ( {
\ 'name' : 'typescript-language-server' ,
\ 'cmd' : { server_info - > [&shell , &shellcmdflag , 'typescript-language-server --stdio' ]},
\ 'root_uri' : { server_info - > lsp #utils #path_to_uri ( lsp #utils #find_nearest_parent_directory ( lsp #utils #get_buffer_path ( ) , '.git/..' ) ) },
\ 'whitelist' : ['typescript' , 'javascript' , 'javascript.jsx' ]
\ })
augroup END
nnoremap < space > ne :lnext < cr >
nnoremap < space > pe :lprev < cr >
let g :ale_sign_error = '>>'
let g :ale_sign_warning = '>'
let g :ale_sign_column_always = 1
" let g:ale_linters = {'scss': ['stylelint'], 'javascript': ['eslint'], 'php':['php'], 'html':['htmlhint'], 'python': [], 'vue': []}
let g :ale_linters = {'scss' : ['stylelint' ], 'javascript' : [], 'php' :['php' ], 'html' :['htmlhint' ], 'python' : [], 'vue' : []}
" let g:ale_linters_explicit = 1
let g :ale_html_htmlhint_options = '-c ~/.htmlhintrc --format=unix'
let g :ale_fixers = {'javascript' : ['eslint' ]}
" vim-easy-align
xmap ga < Plug > ( EasyAlign )
nmap ga < Plug > ( EasyAlign )
" switch.vim
let g :switch_mapping = '<space>-'
let g :switch_custom_definitions = [
\ ['0' , '1' ],
\ ['ease-in' , 'ease-out' ],
\ ['auto' , 'none' ],
\ ['left' , 'right' ],
\ ['top' , 'bottom' ],
\ ['relative' , 'absolute' , 'fixed' ]
\ ]
" gitgutter
nmap ]h < Plug > GitGutterNextHunk
nmap [h < Plug > GitGutterPrevHunk
omap ih < Plug > GitGutterTextObjectInnerPending
omap ah < Plug > GitGutterTextObjectOuterPending
xmap ih < Plug > GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual
xmap ah < Plug > GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual
" Use the silver searcher ag command instead of grep
if executable ( 'ag' )
" Use ag over grep
set grepprg = ag \ - - nogroup \ - - nocolor
" Use ag in CtrlP for listing files. Lightning fast and respects .gitignore
let g :ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -l --nocolor -g ""'
" ag is fast enough that CtrlP doesn't need to cache
let g :ctrlp_use_caching = 0
let g :vimwiki_list = [{'path' : '~/vimwiki/' , 'path_html' : '~/vimwiki_html/' }]
" emmet
let g :user_emmet_leader_key = ',,'
let g :user_emmet_settings = {
\ 'indentation' : ' ' ,
\ 'html' : {
\ 'indentation' : ' ' ,
\ }
" vue-vim
" disable preprocessor checking for vue files - increases speed
let g :vue_disable_pre_processors = 0
" set custom syntax highlighting
augroup fixhighlighting
autocmd !
autocmd BufNewFile , BufRead *.vue syntax sync fromstart
augroup END
" ultisnips
nnoremap < space > ul :call ListUltisnips ( ) < cr >
inoremap jkul < c - o > :call ListUltisnips ( ) < cr >
let g :UltiSnipsSnippetsDir = '~/.vim/UltiSnips'
" Trigger configuration. Do not use <tab> if you use https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe.
let g :UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = '<c-j>'
let g :UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger = '<c-f>'
let g :UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger = '<c-d>'
let g :UltiSnipsEditSplit = 'horizontal'
function ! ListUltisnips ( ) abort
let l :snips = UltiSnips #SnippetsInCurrentScope ( 1 )
let l :keylist = sort ( keys ( l :snips ) )
echo ' --------------------------------------------------'
for l :key in l :keylist
echo printf ( " %-10s\t%s" , l :key , l :snips [l :key ])
echo '---------------------------------------------------'
function ! CompleteSnippets ( findstart , base )
if a :findstart
let l :line = getline ( '.' )
let l :start = col ( '.' ) - 1
while l :start > 0 && l :line [l :start - 1 ] = ~ '\a'
let l :start - = 1
return l :start
let l :res = []
let l :snips = UltiSnips #SnippetsInCurrentScope ( 1 )
let l :keylist = sort ( keys ( l :snips ) )
for l :key in l :keylist
if l :key = ~ '^' . a :base
let l :item = {'word' : l :key , 'menu' : l :snips [l :key ]}
call add ( l :res , l :item )
return l :res
set completefunc = CompleteSnippets
" Netrw
let g :netrw_liststyle = 3
let g :netrw_list_hide = '^\..*'
let g :netrw_preview = 0
" undotree
nnoremap < space > ut :UndotreeToggle < cr >
" TagBar
nnoremap < space > tb :TagbarOpen fj < CR >
nnoremap < space > ] :tag /[.#@]< c - r > = expand ( '<cword>' ) < cr > < cr >
let g :tagbar_autoclose = 1
" let g:tagbar_autopreview = 1
" let g:tagbar_previewwin_pos = ''
let g :tagbar_type_css = {
\ 'ctagstype' : 'css' ,
\ 'kinds' : [
\ 'c:classes' ,
\ 'i:ids' ,
\ 't:tags' ,
\ 'm:medias'
\ ]
let g :tagbar_type_scss = {
\ 'ctagstype' : 'scss' ,
\ 'kinds' : [
\ 'v:variables' ,
\ 'c:classes' ,
\ 'i:ids' ,
\ 't:tags' ,
\ 'd:medias' ,
\ 'm:mixins' ,
\ 'f:functions'
\ ]
let g :tagbar_type_vue = {
\ 'ctagstype' : 'vue' ,
\ 'kinds' : [
\ 'o:objects' ,
\ 'f:functions' ,
\ 'a:array' ,
\ 's:string' ,
\ 'b:boolean' ,
\ 'n:number' ,
\ 'v:variable'
\ ]
\ }
" gutentags
let g :gutentags_ctags_tagfile = '.tags'
let g :gutentags_ctags_exclude = ['package.json' , 'Session.vim' , 'package-lock.json' , 'TODO.txt' ]
" colorV
let g :colorv_no_global_map = 1
let g :colorv_win_pos = 'top'
let g :colorv_preview_area = 0
nnoremap < space > cv :ColorV < CR >
nnoremap < space > ce :ColorVEdit < CR >
nnoremap < space > cc :call ToggleColorPreview ( ) < CR >
nnoremap < space > ci :ColorVInsert < CR >
nnoremap < space > cp :ColorVPicker < CR >
function ! ToggleColorPreview ( ) abort
if ! exists ( 'w:colorv_is_previewing' )
let w :colorv_is_previewing = 0
if w :colorv_is_previewing = = 0
execute 'ColorVPreview'
let w :colorv_is_previewing = 1
execute 'ColorVClear'
let w :colorv_is_previewing = 0
" vim-instant-markdown
" this doesn't work - issue is open in guthub
let g :instant_markdown_open_to_the_world = 1
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #functions {{{
function ! SetColor ( name , fg , bg , fg_l , bg_l , style ) abort "{{{
if &background = = ? 'dark'
if a :fg = = ? 'normal'
let l :guifg = ' guifg=' . g :d_normal_fg
let l :ctermfg = 'ctermfg=black'
" let l:termfg = 'termfg=black'
elseif a :fg = = ? 'none'
let l :guifg = ' guifg=' . g :d_normal_bg
let l :ctermfg = ' ctermfg=white'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=white'
elseif a :fg = = ? ''
let l :guifg = ''
let l :ctermfg = ''
" let l:termfg = ''
let l :guifg = ' guifg=' . a :fg
let l :ctermfg = ' ctermfg=black'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=black'
if a :bg = = ? 'none'
let l :guibg = ' guibg=NONE'
let l :ctermbg = ' ctermbg=none'
" let l:termbg = ' termbg=none'
elseif a :bg = = ? ''
let l :guibg = ''
let l :ctermbg = ''
" let l:termbg = ''
let l :guibg = ' guibg=' . a :bg
let l :ctermbg = ' ctermbg=black'
else " light background
if a :fg_l = = ? 'normal'
let l :guifg = ' guifg = ' . g :l_normal_fg
let l :ctermfg = ' ctermfg=black'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=black'
elseif a :fg_l = = ? 'none'
let l :guifg = ' guifg=' . g :l_normal_bg
let l :ctermfg = ' ctermfg=white'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=white'
elseif a :fg_l = = ? ''
let l :guifg = ''
let l :ctermfg = ''
let l :termfg = ''
let l :guifg = ' guifg=' . a :fg_l
let l :ctermfg = ' ctermfg=black'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=black'
if a :bg_l = = ? 'none'
let l :guibg = ' guibg=NONE'
let l :ctermbg = ' ctermbg=none'
" let l:termbg = ' termbg=none'
elseif a :bg_l = = ? ''
let l :guibg = ''
let l :ctermbg = ''
" let l:termbg = ''
let l :guibg = ' guibg=' . a :bg_l
let l :ctermbg = ' ctermbg=white'
" let l:termbg = ' termbg=white'
if a :style = = ? ''
let l :style = ' term=none cterm=none gui=NONE'
let l :style = ' term=' . a :style . ' cterm=' . a :style . ' gui=' . a :style
let l :histring = 'hi! ' . a :name . l :guifg . l :guibg . l :style
let l :histring .= l :ctermfg . l :ctermbg
" let l:histring .= l:termfg . l:termbg
execute 'hi clear ' . a :name
execute l :histring
endfunction "}}}
function ! GetStatusFrag ( condition , colorname , conditionprefix , text ) abort "{{{
" TODO better name
let l :frag = '%#' . a :colorname . '#'
let l :frag .= a :conditionprefix
let l :frag .= '%{(' . a :condition . ")?'" . a :text . "':''}"
return l :frag
endfunction "}}}
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
function ! MyFoldText ( ) "{{{
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
let l :linecount = v :foldend - v :foldstart - 1
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
let l :line = substitute ( getline ( v :foldstart ) , "\{\{\{" , "" , "" )
let l :line = substitute ( l :line , "\^\" " , "" , "" )
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
let l :postfix = ' +' . l :linecount . ' ' . v :folddashes . '|'
while len ( l :postfix ) < 11
let l :postfix = ' ' . l :postfix
let l :len_line = len ( l :line )
let l :len_postfix = len ( l :postfix )
if l :len_line + l :len_postfix < = 80
let l :padding = ' ' . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' [l :len_line + l :len_postfix + 4 :79 ]
if l :padding [:-1 ] ! = = '-'
let l :padding = ' ' . l :padding [0 :-1 ]
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
let l :padding = substitute ( l :padding , "-" , "•" , "g" )
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
let l :foldtext = l :line . l :padding . l :postfix
let l :foldtext = l :line [:76 - l :len_postfix ] . '...' . l :postfix
return l :foldtext
endfunction "}}}
" get name of syntax item
function ! SyntaxItem ( ) abort "{{{
return synIDattr ( synID ( line ( '.' ) , col ( '.' ) , 1 ) , 'name' ) . ' -> ' . synIDattr ( synIDtrans ( synID ( line ( '.' ) , col ( '.' ) , 1 ) ) , 'name' )
nnoremap < space > pp :echom SyntaxItem ( ) < CR >
" devdocs DD
" https://gist.github.com/romainl/8d3b73428b4366f75a19be2dad2f0987#file-devdocs-vim
function ! s :Get_env ( ) abort "{{{
if has ( 'win64' ) | | has ( 'win32' ) | | has ( 'win16' )
return 'WINDOWS'
return toupper ( substitute ( system ( 'uname' ) , '\n' , '' , '' ) )
" What command to use on what system
let s :cmds = {'DARWIN' : 'open' , 'LINUX' : 'qutebrowser' , 'WINDOWS' : 'start' }
" Build the URL stub
let s :stub = s :cmds [< SID > Get_env ( ) ] . " 'http://devdocs.io/?q="
command ! - nargs = * DD silent ! call system ( len ( split ( < q - args > , ' ' ) ) = = 0 ?
\ s :stub . &ft . ' ' . expand ( '<cword>' ) . "'" : len ( split ( < q - args > , ' ' ) ) = = 1 ?
\ s :stub . &ft . ' ' . < q - args > . "'" : s :stub . < q - args > . "'" )
" use ranger as file manager
if ! exists ( '*RangerExplorer' ) "{{{
function RangerExplorer ( ) abort
exec 'silent !ranger --choosefile=/tmp/vim_ranger_current_file ' . expand ( '%:p:h' )
if filereadable ( '/tmp/vim_ranger_current_file' )
exec 'edit ' . system ( 'cat /tmp/vim_ranger_current_file' )
call system ( 'rm /tmp/vim_ranger_current_file' )
redraw !
map < space > ra :call RangerExplorer ( ) < CR >
function ! SetColorColumn ( ) abort "{{{
if &buftype = = ''
setlocal colorcolumn = 80
function ! GetLinterStatus ( key ) abort "{{{
let l :statuscount = 0
if exists ( 'b:ale_linted' )
let l :linter = ale #statusline #Count ( bufnr ( '' ) )
let l :linter = GetDiagnosticCountsFromSigns ( bufnr ( '' ) )
if has_key ( l :linter , a :key )
let l :statuscount = l :linter [a :key ]
return l :statuscount
" Shell command
" http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/VimTip1599
function ! s :RunShellCommand ( cmdline ) abort "{{{
let l :expanded_cmdline = a :cmdline
for l :part in split ( a :cmdline , ' ' )
if l :part [0 ] = ~ '\v[%#<]'
let l :expanded_part = fnameescape ( expand ( l :part ) )
let l :expanded_cmdline = substitute ( l :expanded_cmdline , l :part , l :expanded_part , '' )
if g :shell_scratch_buffer_nr > -1
let l :win_nr = bufwinnr ( g :shell_scratch_buffer_nr )
if l :win_nr < 0
execute 'bdelete' g :shell_scratch_buffer_nr
top new
let g :shell_scratch_buffer_nr = bufnr ( '%' )
execute l :win_nr . ' wincmd w'
setlocal modifiable
%delete _
top new
let g :shell_scratch_buffer_nr = bufnr ( '%' )
setlocal buftype = nofile bufhidden = wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap
nnoremap < buffer > q :bdelete < CR >
augroup ResetShellBufferNr
autocmd ! * < buffer >
autocmd BufUnload < buffer > let g :shell_scratch_buffer_nr = -1
augroup END
" call setline(1, 'You entered: ' . a:cmdline)
" call setline(2, 'Expanded Form: ' .l:expanded_cmdline)
" call setline(3,substitute(getline(2),'.','=','g'))
execute '$read !' . l :expanded_cmdline
setlocal nomodifiable
if ! exists ( 'b:shell_line_count' )
let b :shell_line_count = line ( '$' )
if b :shell_line_count > 25
let b :shell_line_count = 20
execute 'resize' b :shell_line_count + 1
wincmd p
command ! - complete = shellcmd - nargs = + Shell call s :RunShellCommand ( < q - args > )
let g :shell_scratch_buffer_nr = -1
function ! GetDiagnosticCountsFromSigns ( buffer ) abort "{{{
let l :error = 0
let l :warn = 0
let l :info = 0
let l :hint = 0
redir = > l :result
silent exec 'sign place buffer=' . a :buffer
redir end
let l :lines = split ( l :result , '\n' )
for l :line in l :lines
if l :line = ~ ? 'Error'
let l :error + = 1
if l :line = ~ ? 'Warning'
let l :warn + = 1
if l :line = ~ ? 'Info'
let l :info + = 1
if l :line = ~ ? 'Hint'
let l :hint + = 1
return {'error' : l :error , 'warning' : l :warn , 'info' : l :info , 'hint' : l :hint }
" https://stackoverflow.com/a/40195855
" ex_command: command to run to execute file
function ! SaveAndExecute ( ex_command ) abort "{{{
" SOURCE [reusable window]: https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/blob/master/autoload/go/ui.vim
" save and reload current file
silent execute "update | edit"
" get file path of current file
let s :current_buffer_file_path = expand ( "%" )
let s :output_buffer_name = "Output"
let s :output_buffer_filetype = "output"
" reuse existing buffer window if it exists otherwise create a new one
if ! exists ( "s:buf_nr" ) | | ! bufexists ( s :buf_nr ) | | bufwinnr ( s :buf_nr ) = = -1
silent execute 'top new ' . s :output_buffer_name
let s :buf_nr = bufnr ( '%' )
elseif bufwinnr ( s :buf_nr ) ! = bufwinnr ( '%' )
silent execute bufwinnr ( s :buf_nr ) . 'wincmd w'
silent execute "setlocal filetype=" . s :output_buffer_filetype
setlocal bufhidden = delete
setlocal buftype = nofile
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal nobuflisted
setlocal winfixheight
setlocal cursorline " make it easy to distinguish
setlocal nonumber
setlocal norelativenumber
setlocal showbreak = ""
nnoremap < silent > < buffer > q :bdelete ! < CR > '.zz
" clear the buffer
setlocal noreadonly
" setlocal modifiable
%delete _
" add the console output
silent execute '.!' . a :ex_command . ' ' . shellescape ( s :current_buffer_file_path , 1 )
" resize window to content length
" Note: This is annoying because if you print a lot of lines then your code buffer is forced to a height of one line every time you run this function.
" However without this line the buffer starts off as a default size and if you resize the buffer then it keeps that custom size after repeated runs of this function.
" But if you close the output buffer then it returns to using the default size when its recreated
"execute 'resize' . line('$')
" make the buffer non modifiable
setlocal readonly
" setlocal nomodifiable
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #settings {{{
scriptencoding utf -8
set ttyfast
if &term = = ? 'xterm-256color'
set termguicolors
syntax on
set background = light
set fillchars = stl :\ , stlnc :\ , vert :\|
colorscheme monotonous
set guioptions - = mTrLb
set guioptions + = c
set updatetime = 100
set backupdir = ~ /.vimtmp
set directory = ~ /.vimtmp
set tags + = ./.tags,.tags;/ home /ray/
" persisitent undo file
set undodir = /home/ ray /.vim/ undodir
set undofile
set clipboard = unnamedplus
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set wildmenu
set wildmode = longest :full , full
set hidden
set number relativenumber
set hlsearch
" set previewheight=24
" set splitbelow
set completeopt = longest , menuone
set completeopt - = preview
set nospell
set spelllang = en_gb
set dictionary + = /usr/ share /dict/ brit - a - z .txt , /usr/ share /dict/ britcaps .txt
set thesaurus + = /usr/ share /dict/ mthesaur .txt
" function! GetGitRoot() abort
" let gitroot=system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")
" if gitroot=~?"^fatal"
" let gitstring = system("echo ${PWD/#$HOME/'~'}") . "/"
" let gitstring .= expand("%t")
" else
" let gitstring = system("echo ${PWD/#$HOME/'~'}") . "/"
" let gitstring .= expand("%t")
" let gitstring .= " [ " . system("git branch | grep '*' | cut -d ' ' -f2")
" let gitstring .= " ] ( " . system('basename "' . gitroot . '"') . " )"
" endif
" return gitstring
" endfunction
" let &titlestring="%{GetGitRoot()}"
" set title
set tabstop = 8
set softtabstop = 2
set shiftwidth = 2
set shiftround
set expandtab
set autoindent
set textwidth = 180
set formatoptions = cq
set wrapmargin = 0
set foldcolumn = 1
set signcolumn = yes
set colorcolumn = 80
set iskeyword + = -
set scrolloff = 10
set showcmd
set incsearch
set laststatus = 2
set shortmess = aoOT
set cmdheight = 2
set foldmethod = manual
set showmode
set autoindent
set breakindent
set showbreak = \ \ ↳\
set mouse = a
set listchars = eol :¬, tab :> - , trail :~ , extends :> , precedes :< , space :·
set foldtext = MyFoldText ( )
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #mappings {{{
let g :mapleader = ' '
" miscallaneous {{{
nnoremap : :setlocal norelativenumber < CR > :
nnoremap < silent > < space > rc :so $MYVIMRC < CR >
nnoremap < silent > < space > nn :set invrelativenumber < CR >
nnoremap < silent > < expr > < space > nh ( &hls && v :hlsearch ? ':nohls' : ':set hls' ) ."\n"
nnoremap < silent > < space > sl :set invlist < CR >
nnoremap < space > aa A < left >
nnoremap < space > a2 A < left > < left >
nnoremap < space > ab A < C - o > B
nnoremap < space > co :! clear ;
" Focus on current fold, close the rest
nnoremap < silent > < space > zz zMzvzt
" replace current word with last yanked/deleted text
nnoremap < silent > < space > rr "_diwP
" replace current word with last yanked text
nnoremap < silent > < space > ry diw "0 P
" quick grep of visual selection
vnoremap < space > gr y :grep ! - R < C - r > " .
" open quickfix window of TODOs
nnoremap < space > td :grep ! - R '// *TODO' .< CR > :botright cwindow < CR > :echo len ( getqflist ( ) ) 'TODOs' < CR >
" devdocs mapping
nnoremap < space > dd :DD < CR >
" write and delete current buffer
nnoremap < space > bx :w \| bd < cr >
" git mappings {{{
nnoremap < space > gs :Gstatus < CR >
nnoremap < space > gd :Gdiff < CR >
nnoremap < space > gD :! clear ; echo 'git diff' ; git diff < CR >
nnoremap < space > ga :! clear ; git add %; git status < CR >
nnoremap < space > gA :! clear ; git add .; git status < CR >
nnoremap < space > gc :Gcommit < CR >
nnoremap < space > gg :! clear ; git add %; git commit - m '' < Left >
nnoremap < space > gp :! clear ; echo 'git push' ; git push < CR >
" nnoremap <space>gp :terminal echo ':git push' & git push<CR>
" nnoremap <space>gp :Gpush<CR>
" nnoremap <space>gp :pedit | read ! echo 'git push'; git push<CR>
nnoremap < space > gl :Glog < CR >
" netrw {{{
nnoremap < space > ex :Ex < CR >
nnoremap < space > ee :e .< CR >
nnoremap < space > eq :Rex < CR >
" better window/tab/buffer navigation/management {{{
nnoremap < Esc > j :resize -5 < CR >
nnoremap < Esc > k :resize + 5 < CR >
nnoremap < Esc > l :vertical resize + 5 < CR >
nnoremap < Esc > h :vertical resize -5 < CR >
"location list and quickfix mappings {{{
nnoremap < space > lo :botright lwindow < CR >
nnoremap < up > :lprev < CR > zv
nnoremap < down > :lnext < CR > zv
nnoremap < space > lc :lclose < CR >
nnoremap < space > lh :lhistory < CR >
nnoremap < space > lp :lolder < CR >
nnoremap < space > ln :lnewer < CR >
nnoremap < space > qo :botright cwindow < CR >
nnoremap < left > :cprev < CR > zv
nnoremap < right > :cnext < CR > zv
nnoremap < space > qc :cclose < CR >
nnoremap < space > qh :chistory < CR >
nnoremap < space > qp :colder < CR >
nnoremap < space > qn :cnewer < CR >
" insert mode mappings {{{
inoremap jkrg < c - o > :reg < cr >
inoremap :w < cr > :w < cr >
inoremap [:w < cr > :w < cr >
inoremap {:w < cr > :w < cr >
" brace/quotes completion {{{
inoremap {{ {}< left >
inoremap {< CR > {< CR > }< C - o > O
inoremap {; {< CR > };< C - o > O
inoremap {{{ {{}}< Left > < Left >
inoremap ( ( ( ) < Left >
inoremap ( < CR > ( < CR > ) < C - o > O
inoremap ( ; ( ) ;< Left > < Left >
inoremap [[ []< Left >
inoremap [< CR > [< CR > ]< C - o > O
inoremap "" "" < Left >
inoremap "" " " "
inoremap "; " ";< Left > < Left >
inoremap '' '' < Left >
inoremap ''' ' '
inoremap '; ' ';< Left > < Left >
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #abbreviations {{{
iabbrev adn and
iabbrev waht what
iabbrev tehn then
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #autocommands {{{
" persistent folds {{{
augroup AutoSaveFolds
autocmd !
autocmd BufWinLeave ?* mkview
autocmd BufWinEnter ?* silent loadview
augroup END
" fix higlight problems such as vertical-align etc {{{
augroup VimCSS3Syntax
autocmd !
autocmd FileType css setlocal iskeyword + = -
augroup END
" Show trailing whitepace and spaces before a tab: {{{
augroup whitespaceerrors
autocmd !
autocmd Syntax * syn match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/ containedin = ALL
augroup END
" automatically reload if color scheme file written {{{
" augroup coloreload
" autocmd!
" autocmd BufWritePost customred256.vim so $MYVIMRC
" augroup end
" line numbering {{{
augroup linenumbering
autocmd !
autocmd InsertEnter * :set norelativenumber
autocmd InsertLeave * :set number relativenumber
autocmd WinEnter * :set number relativenumber
autocmd WinLeave * set norelativenumber
autocmd CmdlineLeave * :set number relativenumber
" see 'mapping nnoremap :' for setting norelative number.
augroup END
" colorcolumns {{{
augroup colorcolumns
autocmd !
autocmd WinEnter * call SetColorColumn ( )
autocmd WinLeave * setlocal colorcolumn = 0
augroup END
" Automatically reload .vimrc if chanaged {{{
augroup myvimrc
autocmd !
autocmd BufWritePost .vimrc , _vimrc , vimrc , .gvimrc , _gvimrc , gvimrc so $MYVIMRC | if has ( 'gui_running' ) | so $MYGVIMRC | endif
augroup END
" Open qfix after grepping {{{
augroup qfixopen
autocmd !
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *grep * botright cwindow
augroup END
" }}}
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #statusline {{{
set statusline = %! GetStatus ( 1 )
function ! GetStatus ( isactive ) abort "{{{
" let l:linter = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l :divider = '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >'
let l :separator = '%#StatusLineSeparator# '
let l :normal = '%#StatusLineNormal#'
let l :active = '%#StatusLineActive#'
let l :statusline = ''
"buffer number
if a :isactive
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineBufferNrActive#'
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineBufferNr#'
let l :statusline .= ' %n %* '
" file percentage {{{
let l :statusline .= '%#FoldColumn# '
if a :isactive
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLinePercentActive#'
let l :statusline .= '%P %#StatusLineDirActive#of %#StatusLineFileActive#%L %* '
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLinePercent#'
let l :statusline .= '%P %#StatusLineDir#of %#StatusLinePercent#%L %* '
endif "}}}
" non-empty buftype (help, quickfix, etc) {{{
if a :isactive
let l :statusline .= l :active . "%{&buftype == '' ? '' : ' '}%q%h%w%#StatusLineActiveNoText#"
let l :statusline .= l :normal . "%{&buftype == '' ? '' : ' '}%q%h%w%#StatusLineNormalNoText#"
let l :statusline .= "%{&buftype == '' ? '' : ' '}%s"
" right/left divider {{{
let l :statusline .= l :separator
" modified version
let l :color = 'StatusLineDivMod' . ( a :isactive ?'Active' :'' )
let l :statusline .= GetStatusFrag ( "&modified && mode() != 'i'" , l :color , '%<' , l :divider )
" unmodified version
let l :color = 'StatusLineDiv' . ( a :isactive ?'Active' :'' )
let l :statusline .= GetStatusFrag ( "!&modified && mode() != 'i'" , l :color , '%<' , l :divider )
" input mode version
if a :isactive
let l :statusline .= GetStatusFrag ( "mode() == 'i'" , 'StatusLineDivInput' , '%<' , l :divider )
let l :statusline .= l :separator . '%*%='
let l :statusline .= ' '
" file info{{{
if a :isactive = = 1
" let l:statusline.=l:active
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineFileActive#'
" let l:statusline.=" %{strlen(&ft)?&ft:'none'} "
" let l:statusline.=l:separator . l:active
let l :statusline .= ' %{strlen(&fenc)?&fenc:&enc} '
" let l:statusline.=l:separator . l:active
let l :statusline .= ' %{&fileformat} '
let l :statusline .= l :separator . l :active
" let l:statusline.=' %{&spelllang} '
" let l:statusline.=l:separator
" path/filename.extension {{{
if a :isactive
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineDirActive# '
let l :statusline .= "%{expand('%:p:h:t')}/"
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineFileActive#'
let l :statusline .= "%{expand('%:t:r')}"
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineDotActive#'
let l :statusline .= "%{strlen(expand('%:e'))?'.':''}"
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineExtActive#'
let l :statusline .= "%{strlen(expand('%:e'))?expand('%:e'):expand('%:e')} "
let l :statusline .= '%#InterfaceSignWarning# %R '
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineDir# '
let l :statusline .= "%{fnamemodify(expand('%:p:h'),':~')}/"
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineFile#'
let l :statusline .= "%{expand('%:t:r')}"
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineDot#'
let l :statusline .= "%{strlen(expand('%:e'))?'.':''}"
let l :statusline .= '%#StatusLineExt#'
let l :statusline .= "%{strlen(expand('%:e'))?expand('%:e'):expand('%:e')} "
let l :statusline .= '%#LinterWarningInactive# %R '
let l :statusline .= '%*'
" linter status {{{
if a :isactive
" errors
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('error') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterError#%{(GetLinterStatus('error') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('error'))}"
" style errors
let l :statusline .= '%#LinterDash#|'
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_error') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterErrorStyle#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_error') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('style_error'))} "
" warnings
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('warning') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterWarning#%{(GetLinterStatus('warning') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('warning'))}"
" style warnings
let l :statusline .= '%#LinterDash#|'
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_warning') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterWarningStyle#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_warning') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('style_warning'))} "
" info
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('info') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterInfo#%{(GetLinterStatus('info') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('info'))}"
" errors
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterDash#%{(GetLinterStatus('error') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterErrorInactive#%{(GetLinterStatus('error') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('error'))}"
" style errors
let l :statusline .= '%#LinterDash#|'
let l :statusline .= "%{(GetLinterStatus('style_error') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterErrorStyleInactive#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_error') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('style_error'))} "
" warnings
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterDash#%{(GetLinterStatus('warning') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterWarningInactive#%{(GetLinterStatus('warning') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('warning'))}"
" style warnings
let l :statusline .= '%#LinterDash#|'
let l :statusline .= "%{(GetLinterStatus('style_warning') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterWarningStyleInactive#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_warning') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('style_warning'))} "
" info
let l :statusline .= "%#LinterDash#%{GetLinterStatus('info') == 0 ? '-' : GetLinterStatus('info')}"
return l :statusline
function ! DoInsertEnter ( ) "{{{
set cursorline
call SetColor ( 'LineNr' , '#262626' , '' , '#cccccc' , '' , '' )
call SetColor ( 'CursorLineNr' , '#bcbcbc' , '' , '#999999' , '' , 'bold' )
function ! DoInsertLeave ( ) "{{{
set nocursorline
call SetColor ( 'LineNr' , '#3a3a3a' , '' , '#999999' , '' , '' )
call SetColor ( 'CursorLineNr' , '#767676' , '' , '#777777' , '' , 'bold' )
augroup status "{{{
autocmd !
autocmd WinNew , WinEnter * setlocal statusline = %! GetStatus ( 1 )
autocmd WinLeave * setlocal statusline = %! GetStatus ( 0 )
" autocmd WinNew * setlocal statusline=%!GetStatus(1)
" autocmd InsertChange * setlocal statusline=%!GetStatus(1)
augroup END
augroup statuscursorlines "{{{
au !
au InsertEnter * call DoInsertEnter ( )
au InsertLeave * call DoInsertLeave ( )
augroup END
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #tabline {{{
if exists ( '+showtabline' )
" Rename tabs to show tab number.
" based on:
" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5927952/whats-implementation-of-vims-default-tabline-function
function ! MyTabLine ( ) "{{{
let l :customtabline = ''
let l :currenttabnum = tabpagenr ( )
let l :lasttabnumber = tabpagenr ( '$' )
let l :tabnumber = 1
while l :tabnumber < = l :lasttabnumber
let l :buflist = tabpagebuflist ( l :tabnumber )
let l :winnr = tabpagewinnr ( l :tabnumber )
if l :lasttabnumber > 1
let l :customtabline .= '%' . l :tabnumber . 'T'
let l :customtabline .= ( l :tabnumber = = l :currenttabnum ? '%1*' : '%2*' )
let l :customtabline .= ( l :tabnumber = = l :currenttabnum ? '%#TabNumSel#' : '%#TabNum#' )
let l :customtabline .= ' ' . l :tabnumber
let l :customtabline .= '%#TabSeparator#:'
let l :customtabline .= ( l :tabnumber = = l :currenttabnum ? '%#TabLineItemSel#' : '%#TabLineItem#' )
let l :bufnr = l :buflist [l :winnr - 1 ]
let l :file = bufname ( l :bufnr )
let l :buftype = getbufvar ( l :bufnr , '&buftype' )
if l :buftype = = # 'help'
let l :file = 'help:' . fnamemodify ( l :file , ':t:r' )
elseif l :buftype = = # 'quickfix'
let l :file = 'quickfix'
elseif l :buftype = = # 'nofile'
if l :file = ~ # '\/.'
let l :file = substitute ( l :file , '.*\/\ze.' , '' , '' )
let l :file = fnamemodify ( l :file , ':p:t' )
if l :file = = # ''
let l :file = "''"
let l :customtabline .= l :file . ' %#TabLineNoise# '
let l :tabnumber = l :tabnumber + 1
let l :customtabline .= '%T%#TabLineFill#%='
let l :customtabline .= '%#TabLineItemSel# %{fugitive#statusline()}%#TabSeparator# '
let l :customtabline .= '%#TabLineNoise# '
let l :customtabline .= '%#TabLineNoise# '
" let l:customtabline .= '%#TabSeparator# "%#TabLineItemSel#%{v:register}%#TabSeparator#" '
" let l:customtabline .= '%#TabLineNoise# '
let l :customtabline .= "%#TabLineItemSel# %{ObsessionStatus(fnamemodify(v:this_session,':t'),'---')} %*"
return l :customtabline
set showtabline = 2
set tabline = %! MyTabLine ( )
endif " exists(" + showtabline ")
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-09-25 13:54:09 +00:00
" #pymode {{{
let g :pymode = 1
let g :pymode_syntax = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_all = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_print_as_function = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_highlight_async_await = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_highlight_equal_operator = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_highlight_stars_operator = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_highlight_self = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_indent_errors = 0
let g :pymode_syntax_space_errors = 0
let g :pymode_syntax_string_formatting = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_string_format = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_string_templates = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_doctests = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_docstrings = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_builtin_objs = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_builtin_types = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_builtin_funcs = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_highlight_exceptions = 1
let g :pymode_syntax_slow_sync = 1
2018-03-17 23:42:49 +00:00
2018-09-25 14:24:27 +00:00
2018-03-18 16:56:02 +00:00
2018-03-15 15:26:21 +00:00
" vim: foldmethod=marker