Tagbar highlighting

This commit is contained in:
ManjaroOne666 2017-09-13 00:05:28 +01:00
parent b0c38d4bca
commit 17aa082a60
1 changed files with 131 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let colors_name = "customred256"
hi Normal guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#000040 ctermfg=lightyellow ctermbg=16
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#ffffff guibg=#287eff ctermfg=white ctermbg=lightblue
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#ffffff guibg=#287eff ctermfg=232 ctermbg=250
hi Visual guifg=#8080ff guibg=fg gui=reverse ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=fg cterm=reverse
hi VisualNOS guifg=#8080ff guibg=fg gui=reverse,underline ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=fg cterm=reverse,underline
hi Todo guifg=#d14a14 guibg=#1248d1 ctermfg=251 ctermbg=none
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ hi DiffText cterm=bold ctermbg=red gui=bold guibg=Red
hi Cursor guifg=black guibg=yellow ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow
hi lCursor guifg=black guibg=white ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
hi Error ctermfg=255 ctermbg=none
hi Comment guifg=#80a0ff ctermfg=238
hi Constant ctermfg=magenta guifg=#ffa0a0 cterm=none
@ -77,23 +77,138 @@ hi PmenuSbar guifg=blue guibg=darkgray
hi PmenuThumb guifg=#c0c0c0
" colours
hi CRNormal ctermfg=166
hi CRBright ctermfg=208
hi CRDark ctermfg=160
" sidebar colours
hi BarH1 ctermfg=255 ctermbg=none
hi BarH2 ctermfg=250 ctermbg=none
hi BarH3 ctermfg=248 ctermbg=none
hi BarNormal ctermfg=240 ctermbg=none
hi BarNormalBright ctermfg=245 ctermbg=none
hi BarNormalDark ctermfg=238 ctermbg=none
hi BarComment ctermfg=124 ctermbg=none
hi BarCommentBright ctermfg=166 ctermbg=none
hi BarCommentDark ctermfg=88 ctermbg=none
hi BarSpecial ctermfg=lightred
hi BarCurrent ctermfg=255 ctermbg=240
hi def link BarFlag CRNormal
hi def link BarFlagBright CRBright
hi def link BarFlagDark CRDark
" Tagbar highlighting
hi TagbarFoldIcon ctermfg=237
hi! def link TagbarFoldIcon BarNormal
hi! def link TagbarHelp BarComment
hi! def link TagbarHelpKey BarCommentBright
hi! def link TagbarHelpTitle BarCommentDark
hi! def link TagbarKind BarH1
hi! def link TagbarNestedKind BarH1
hi! def link TagbarScope BarH1
hi! def link TagbarType BarH1
hi! def link TagbarSignature BarNormal
hi! def link TagbarPseudoID BarNormal
hi! def link TagbarHighlight BarCurrent
hi! def link TagbarAccessPublic BarH2
hi! def link TagbarAccessProtected BarH2
hi! def link TagbarAccessPrivate BarH2
" NOTE for TagbarNormal to work it must be defined
" with the following line in the plugin
" file tagbar.vim:
" syntax match TagbarNormal '.*' contains=ALL
" This must go before all other syntax
" definitions in that file.
" TODO see if its possible to extend that plugin
" rather than placing code in the plugin's file.
hi! def link TagbarNormal BarNormalBright
" NERDtree highlighting
hi! def link NERDTreeDir BarNormalBright
hi! def link NERDTreeFile BarNormal
hi! def link NERDTreeOpenable BarNormal
hi! def link NERDTreeClosable BarNormal
hi! def link NERDTreeDirSlash BarNormal
hi! def link NERDTreeFlags BarH2
hi! def link NERDTreeCWD BarH1
hi! def link NERDTreeUp BarH2
"hi! def link NERDTreeCurrentNode BarCurrent
hi! def link NERDTreeHelp BarComment
hi! def link NERDTreeHelpKey BarCommentBright
hi! def link NERDTreeHelpCommand BarCommentBright
hi! def link NERDTreeHelpTitle BarCommentDark
hi! def link NERDTreeToggleOn BarFlagBright
hi! def link NERDTreeToggleOff BarFlagNormal
hi! def link NERDTreeBookmarksHeader BarNormal
hi! def link NERDTreeBookmarkName BarH1
hi! def link NERDTreeBookmarksLeader BarNormal
hi! def link NERDTreeBookmark BarH3
hi! def link NERDTreeLinkFile NERDTreeFile
hi! def link NERDTreeLinkDir NERDTreeDir
hi! def link NERDTreeLinkTarget BarSpecial
hi! def link NERDTreePart BarSpecial
hi! def link NERDTreePartFile BarSpecial
hi! def link NERDTreeExecFile BarSpecial
hi! def link NERDTreeRO BarSpecial
hi! def link NERDTreeCurrentNode BarH1
hi TagbarHelp ctermfg=243
hi TagbarHelpKey ctermfg=255
hi TagbarHelpTitle ctermfg=238
hi TagbarKind ctermfg=220
hi TagbarNestedKind ctermfg=214
hi TagbarScope ctermfg=220
hi TagbarType ctermfg=214
hi TagbarSignature ctermfg=88
hi TagbarPseudoID ctermfg=160
hi TagbarHighlight ctermfg=255 ctermbg=245
hi TagbarAccessPublic ctermfg=136
hi TagbarAccessProtected ctermfg=130
hi TagbarAccessPrivate ctermfg=124