remove pymode settings, added cursorcolumn settings

This commit is contained in:
ManjaroOne666 2018-11-05 12:36:11 +00:00
parent 42d218f28e
commit 213c8524e6
1 changed files with 2 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -1139,13 +1139,6 @@ augroup AutoSaveFolds
augroup END
" fix higlight problems such as vertical-align etc {{{
augroup VimCSS3Syntax
autocmd FileType css setlocal iskeyword+=-
augroup END
" Show trailing whitepace and spaces before a tab: {{{
augroup whitespaceerrors
@ -1178,9 +1171,9 @@ augroup END
augroup windowenteringleaving
autocmd WinEnter * call SetColorColumn()
autocmd WinEnter * set cursorline
autocmd WinEnter * set cursorline | set cursorcolumn
autocmd WinLeave * setlocal colorcolumn=0
autocmd WinLeave * set nocursorline
autocmd WinLeave * set nocursorline | set nocursorcolumn
augroup END
@ -1530,29 +1523,5 @@ endif " exists("+showtabline")
" #pymode {{{
let g:pymode = 1
let g:pymode_syntax = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_all = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_print_as_function = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_highlight_async_await = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_highlight_equal_operator = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_highlight_stars_operator = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_highlight_self = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_indent_errors = 0
let g:pymode_syntax_space_errors = 0
let g:pymode_syntax_string_formatting = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_string_format = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_string_templates = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_doctests = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_docstrings = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_builtin_objs = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_builtin_types = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_builtin_funcs = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_highlight_exceptions = 1
let g:pymode_syntax_slow_sync = 1
" vim: set foldmethod=marker: