This commit is contained in:
ManjaroOne666 2018-04-01 18:45:41 +01:00
parent e1ed385c18
commit 80799a0c71
1 changed files with 29 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ hi clear WildMenu
"}}} "}}}
if has('gui_running') if has('gui_running')
hi Normal guifg=#705d51 ctermbg=none guibg=#000000"{{{ hi Normal guifg=#5c524c ctermbg=none guibg=#000000"{{{
else else
hi Normal guifg=#705d51 ctermbg=none guibg=NONE hi Normal guifg=#5c524c ctermbg=none guibg=NONE
endif endif
"}}} "}}}
@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ hi WildMenu guifg=#aaaaaa guibg=NONE
" syntax colour definitions " syntax colour definitions
"{{{ "{{{
" hi CRNoiseDark guifg=#333333 " hi mNoiseDark guifg=#333333
" hi CRNoiseDarker guifg=#222222 " hi mNoiseDarker guifg=#222222
" hi CRNoiseRed guifg=#440000 " hi mNoiseRed guifg=#440000
" hi CRCommentDark guifg=#444444 gui=italic " hi mCommentDark guifg=#444444 gui=italic
" hi CRTypeBright guifg=#c63d3d " hi mTypeBright guifg=#c63d3d
" hi CRTypeDark guifg=#571010 " hi mTypeDark guifg=#571010
" hi CRIdentifierBright guifg=#ff9360 " hi CRIdentifierBright guifg=#ff9360
" hi CRIdentifier guifg=#c28a6f " hi CRIdentifier guifg=#c28a6f
@ -126,18 +126,24 @@ hi WildMenu guifg=#aaaaaa guibg=NONE
" hi CRSpecialDark guifg=#880000 " hi CRSpecialDark guifg=#880000
hi CRNoiseBright guifg=#707070 hi mNoiseBright guifg=#404040
hi CRNoise guifg=#444444 hi mNoise guifg=#363636
hi mNoiseDark guifg=#262626
hi CRCommentBright guifg=#59524f gui=bold cterm=bold " hi mCommentBright guifg=#59524f gui=bold cterm=bold
hi CRComment guifg=#4f4946 gui=italic cterm=italic " hi mComment guifg=#4f4946 gui=italic cterm=italic
hi mCommentBright guifg=#373737 gui=bold cterm=bold
hi mComment guifg=#343434 gui=italic cterm=italic
" TODO ffkdfkfj fjfj
" TODO ffkdfkfj fjfj " TODO ffkdfkfj fjfj
hi CRType guifg=#8f2a2a hi mType guifg=#4f4946
hi CRValueBright guifg=#d0d0d0 hi CRValueBright guifg=#d0d0d0
hi CRValueBold guifg=#a8a8a8 cterm=bold gui=BOLD hi CRValueBold guifg=#a8a8a8 cterm=bold gui=bold
hi CRStatementBright guifg=#6a5555
hi CRStatement guifg=#5a4545 hi CRStatement guifg=#5a4545
hi CRStatementDark guifg=#483d3d hi CRStatementDark guifg=#483d3d
@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ hi CRError guifg=#eeeeee guibg=#8f2a2a
" syntax groups " syntax groups
"{{{ "{{{
hi! def link Comment CRComment hi! def link Comment mComment
hi! def link Constant CRValueBright hi! def link Constant CRValueBright
hi! def link String CRValueBold hi! def link String CRValueBold
@ -160,23 +166,23 @@ hi! def link Boolean CRValueBold
hi! def link Float CRValueBold hi! def link Float CRValueBold
hi! def link Statement CRStatement hi! def link Statement CRStatement
hi! def link Conditional CRStatementDark hi! def link Conditional CRStatementBright
" Repeat " Repeat
" Label " Label
hi! def link Operator CRNoise hi! def link Operator mNoise
" Keyword " Keyword
" Exception " Exception
hi! def link Identifier CRIdentifier hi! def link Identifier CRIdentifier
" Function " Function
hi! def link PreProc CRCommentBright hi! def link PreProc mCommentBright
" Include " Include
hi! def link Define CRNoiseBright hi! def link Define mNoiseBright
" Macro " Macro
" PreCondit " PreCondit
hi! def link Type CRType hi! def link Type mType
" StorageClass " StorageClass
" Structure " Structure
" Typedef " Typedef
@ -184,8 +190,8 @@ hi! def link Type CRType
hi! def link Special CRSpecial hi! def link Special CRSpecial
" SpecialChar " SpecialChar
" Tag " Tag
hi! def link Delimiter CRNoise hi! def link Delimiter mNoise
hi! def link SpecialComment CRCommentBright hi! def link SpecialComment mCommentBright
" Debug " Debug
hi Underlined cterm=underline term=underline gui=underline hi Underlined cterm=underline term=underline gui=underline
@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ hi Ignore guifg=NONE
hi! def link Error CRError hi! def link Error CRError
hi! def link Todo CRCommentBright hi! def link Todo mCommentBright
"}}} "}}}