This commit is contained in:
ManjaroOne666 2018-04-01 18:45:41 +01:00
parent e1ed385c18
commit 80799a0c71
1 changed files with 29 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ hi clear WildMenu
if has('gui_running')
hi Normal guifg=#705d51 ctermbg=none guibg=#000000"{{{
hi Normal guifg=#5c524c ctermbg=none guibg=#000000"{{{
hi Normal guifg=#705d51 ctermbg=none guibg=NONE
hi Normal guifg=#5c524c ctermbg=none guibg=NONE
@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ hi WildMenu guifg=#aaaaaa guibg=NONE
" syntax colour definitions
" hi CRNoiseDark guifg=#333333
" hi CRNoiseDarker guifg=#222222
" hi mNoiseDark guifg=#333333
" hi mNoiseDarker guifg=#222222
" hi CRNoiseRed guifg=#440000
" hi mNoiseRed guifg=#440000
" hi CRCommentDark guifg=#444444 gui=italic
" hi mCommentDark guifg=#444444 gui=italic
" hi CRTypeBright guifg=#c63d3d
" hi CRTypeDark guifg=#571010
" hi mTypeBright guifg=#c63d3d
" hi mTypeDark guifg=#571010
" hi CRIdentifierBright guifg=#ff9360
" hi CRIdentifier guifg=#c28a6f
@ -126,18 +126,24 @@ hi WildMenu guifg=#aaaaaa guibg=NONE
" hi CRSpecialDark guifg=#880000
hi CRNoiseBright guifg=#707070
hi CRNoise guifg=#444444
hi mNoiseBright guifg=#404040
hi mNoise guifg=#363636
hi mNoiseDark guifg=#262626
hi CRCommentBright guifg=#59524f gui=bold cterm=bold
hi CRComment guifg=#4f4946 gui=italic cterm=italic
" hi mCommentBright guifg=#59524f gui=bold cterm=bold
" hi mComment guifg=#4f4946 gui=italic cterm=italic
hi mCommentBright guifg=#373737 gui=bold cterm=bold
hi mComment guifg=#343434 gui=italic cterm=italic
" TODO ffkdfkfj fjfj
" TODO ffkdfkfj fjfj
hi CRType guifg=#8f2a2a
hi mType guifg=#4f4946
hi CRValueBright guifg=#d0d0d0
hi CRValueBold guifg=#a8a8a8 cterm=bold gui=BOLD
hi CRValueBold guifg=#a8a8a8 cterm=bold gui=bold
hi CRStatementBright guifg=#6a5555
hi CRStatement guifg=#5a4545
hi CRStatementDark guifg=#483d3d
@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ hi CRError guifg=#eeeeee guibg=#8f2a2a
" syntax groups
hi! def link Comment CRComment
hi! def link Comment mComment
hi! def link Constant CRValueBright
hi! def link String CRValueBold
@ -160,23 +166,23 @@ hi! def link Boolean CRValueBold
hi! def link Float CRValueBold
hi! def link Statement CRStatement
hi! def link Conditional CRStatementDark
hi! def link Conditional CRStatementBright
" Repeat
" Label
hi! def link Operator CRNoise
hi! def link Operator mNoise
" Keyword
" Exception
hi! def link Identifier CRIdentifier
" Function
hi! def link PreProc CRCommentBright
hi! def link PreProc mCommentBright
" Include
hi! def link Define CRNoiseBright
hi! def link Define mNoiseBright
" Macro
" PreCondit
hi! def link Type CRType
hi! def link Type mType
" StorageClass
" Structure
" Typedef
@ -184,8 +190,8 @@ hi! def link Type CRType
hi! def link Special CRSpecial
" SpecialChar
" Tag
hi! def link Delimiter CRNoise
hi! def link SpecialComment CRCommentBright
hi! def link Delimiter mNoise
hi! def link SpecialComment mCommentBright
" Debug
hi Underlined cterm=underline term=underline gui=underline
@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ hi Ignore guifg=NONE
hi! def link Error CRError
hi! def link Todo CRCommentBright
hi! def link Todo mCommentBright