This commit is contained in:
ManjaroOne666 2018-05-09 17:09:23 +01:00
parent 3d3383a702
commit ba26ec67f7
1 changed files with 13 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let g:colors_name = 'monotonous'
let g:d_normal_fg = '#555555'
let g:d_normal_bg = has('gui_running') ? '#000000' : 'NONE'
let g:l_normal_fg = '#707070'
let g:l_normal_bg = '#fcf8f9'
let g:l_normal_bg = '#f6f6f6'
call SetColor('Normal', g:d_normal_fg, g:d_normal_bg, g:l_normal_fg, g:l_normal_bg, '')
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ call SetColor('ColorColumn', '', '#1d0808', '', '#f0ebeb', '')
" Cursor
" CursorIM
" CursorColumn
call SetColor('CursorLine', '', '#222222', '', '#c1e7f4', '')
call SetColor('CursorLine', '', '#222222', '', '#e2f4fa', '')
call SetColor('Directory', '#eeeeee', '', '', '', '')
call SetColor('DiffAdd', '#aaaaaa', '#001000', '', '', '')
call SetColor('DiffChange', '#777777', '#101010', '', '', '')
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ call SetColor('SpellCap', '#550000', '#220000', '', '#c2acac', '')
" SpellRare
call SetColor('TabLine', '#777777', '#111111', '#777777', '#cccccc', 'italic')
call SetColor('Title', '#a8a8a8', 'none', '', '', 'bold')
call SetColor('Title', '#a8a8a8', 'none', '#222222', 'none', 'italic')
call SetColor('Visual', '#eeeeee', '#262626', '', '#c1e7f4', 'bold')
" VisualNOS
call SetColor('WarningMsg', '#ffffff', '', '#444444', '#ddbbbb', '')
@ -179,43 +179,6 @@ call SetColor('LinterWarningStyleInactive', '#585858', '', '#878787', '',
call SetColor('LinterInfo', '#440000', '', '#777777', '', 'italic')
" old highlight commands
" hi StatusLine ctermfg=239 guifg=#555555 ctermbg=232 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
" hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=238 guifg=#444444 ctermbg=232 guibg=NONE term=none cterm=none gui=NONE
" hi StatusLineNormal ctermfg=243 guifg=#777777 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineNormalNoText ctermfg=234 guifg=#1c1c1c ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineActive ctermfg=255 guifg=#ffffff ctermbg=239 guibg=#4e4e4e term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineActiveNoText ctermfg=239 guifg=#4e4e4e ctermbg=239 guibg=#4e4e4e term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineActiveQuotes ctermfg=244 guifg=#888888 ctermbg=239 guibg=#4e4e4e term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineDir ctermfg=241 guifg=#666666 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
" hi StatusLineDirActive ctermfg=243 guifg=#777777 ctermbg=237 guibg=#3a3a3a
" hi StatusLineFile ctermfg=250 guifg=#cccccc ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
" hi StatusLineFileActive ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee ctermbg=237 guibg=#3a3a3a
" hi StatusLineDot ctermfg=241 guifg=#606060 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
" hi StatusLineDotActive ctermfg=244 guifg=#808080 ctermbg=237 guibg=#3a3a3a
" hi StatusLineExt ctermfg=243 guifg=#777777 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
" hi StatusLineExtActive ctermfg=249 guifg=#bbbbbb ctermbg=239 guibg=#3a3a3a
" hi StatusLinePercent ctermfg=241 guifg=#555555 ctermbg=233 guibg=#111111
" hi StatusLinePercentActive ctermfg=243 guifg=#777777 ctermbg=233 guibg=#111111
" hi StatusLineDiv ctermfg=233 guifg=#111111 ctermbg=233 guibg=#111111 term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineDivActive ctermfg=234 guifg=#1c1c1c ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineDivMod ctermfg=234 guifg=#290000 ctermbg=234 guibg=#290000 term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineDivModActive ctermfg=233 guifg=#450000 ctermbg=233 guibg=#450000 term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineDivInput ctermfg=234 guifg=#cccccc ctermbg=234 guibg=#cccccc term=none cterm=none
" hi StatusLineSeparator ctermfg=255 guifg=#ffffff ctermbg=232 guibg=NONE
" hi LinterDash ctermfg=233 guifg=#222222
" hi LinterDashActive ctermfg=238 guifg=#333333
" hi LinterError ctermfg=196 guifg=#ff0000 gui=bold
" hi LinterErrorInactive ctermfg=196 guifg=#999999 gui=bold
" hi LinterErrorStyle ctermfg=196 guifg=#aa0000 gui=bold
" hi LinterErrorStyleInactive ctermfg=196 guifg=#858585 gui=bold
" hi LinterWarning ctermfg=88 guifg=#870000 gui=bold
" hi LinterWarningInactive ctermfg=88 guifg=#717171 gui=bold
" hi LinterWarningStyle ctermfg=88 guifg=#660000 gui=bold
" hi LinterWarningStyleInactive ctermfg=88 guifg=#585858 gui=bold
" hi LinterInfo ctermfg=52 guifg=#440000
" TabLine function
@ -236,6 +199,7 @@ call SetColor('cssClass', '#54b082', '', '#4d955f', '', '')
call SetColor('cssFunction', '#5a635a', '', '#54a36b', '', 'bold')
call SetColor('cssProp', '#555555', '', '#999999', '', '')
call SetColor('scssVariable', '#54b082', '', '#a4a673', '', 'bold')
hi! def link cssAttr String
hi! def link cssIdentifierAttr Noise
@ -253,7 +217,6 @@ hi! def link cssBraces Noise
hi! def link scssSelector cssIdentifier
hi! def link scssSelectorName scssSelector
hi! def link scssSelectorChar cssIdentifier
call SetColor('scssVariable', '#54b082', '', '#a4a673', '', 'bold')
hi! def link scssFunctionName cssFunction
hi! def link scssMixinName cssIdentifier
hi! def link scssampersand scssSelectorName
@ -275,7 +238,7 @@ call SetColor('htmlTagName', '#373e61', '', '#5f82b7', '', '')
call SetColor('htmlSpecialTagName', '#505b8f', '', '#5f82b7', '', 'bold')
hi! def link htmlValue String
hi! def link htmlSpecialChar Special
call SetColor('htmlLink', '#484a4d', '', '#999999', '', 'italic')
call SetColor('htmlLink', '#484a4d', '', '#3d3d96', '', 'italic,underline')
hi! def link htmlPreStmt PreProc
hi! def link htmlPreError Error