Compare commits
15 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
Ray Elliott | 5345877ae1 | |
Ray Elliott | 6352e60f08 | |
Ray Elliott | 14cd692317 | |
Ray Elliott | 57eb3389d4 | |
ManjaroOne666 | 8405768563 | |
ManjaroOne666 | ff4c54221b | |
ManjaroOne666 | 7bbadbb0e4 | |
ManjaroOne666 | 66b69aa661 | |
ManjaroOne666 | 995ecca61e | |
ManjaroOne666 | 4b92f289c9 | |
ManjaroOne666 | bee5fef900 | |
ManjaroOne666 | 993d7d639a | |
ManjaroOne666 | d6ee08daea | |
ManjaroOne666 | 0e82935b84 | |
ManjaroOne666 | e984e9308d |
@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
snippet sld "/* stylelint-disable-next-line ... */"
/* stylelint-disable-next-line ${1:declaration-block-no-shorthand-property-overrides} */
snippet @m "@media ..."
@media (${1:min}-${2:width}: $3) {
snippet lg "linear-gradient( ... )"
${1:to bottom},
snippet bglg "background: linear-gradient ..."
background: linear-gradient(
${2:to bottom},
snippet flex "display: flex ..."
display: flex;
flex-direction: ${1:row};
justify-content: ${2:center};
align-items: ${3:center};
snippet w "width: ;"
width: ${1:100%};
snippet h "height: ;"
height: ${1:100%};
snippet maxw "max-width: ;"
max-width: ${1:100%};
snippet maxh "max-height: ;"
max-height: ${1:100%};
snippet minw "min-width: ;"
min-width: ${1:100%};
snippet minh "min-height: ;"
min-height: ${1:100%};
snippet bgc "background-color: ;"
background-color: ${1:transparent};
snippet t "top: ... ;"
top: ${1:0};
snippet b "bottom: ... ;"
bottom: ${1:0};
snippet l "left: ... ;"
left: ${1:0};
snippet r "right: ... ;"
right: ${1:0};
snippet m "margin: ... ;"
margin: ${1:0};
snippet mt "margin-top: ... ;"
margin-top: ${1:0};
snippet mb "margin-bottom: ... ;"
margin-bottom: ${1:0};
snippet ml "margin-left: ... ;"
margin-left: ${1:0};
snippet mr "margin-right: ... ;"
margin-right: ${1:0};
snippet p "padding: ... ;"
padding: ${1:0};
snippet pt "padding-top: ... ;"
padding-top: ${1:0};
snippet pb "padding-bottom: ... ;"
padding-bottom: ${1:0};
snippet pl "padding-left: ... ;"
padding-left: ${1:0};
snippet pr "padding-right: ... ;"
padding-right: ${1:0};
snippet fs "font-size: ... ;"
font-size: ${1:1}${2:rem};
snippet o "opacity: ... ;"
opacity: ${1:0};
snippet rgbw "rgba( ... )"
rgba(${1:#fff}, ${2:0.5})
snippet rgbb "rgba( ... )"
rgba(${1:#000}, ${2:0.5})
snippet before "::before { ... }"
${1:&}::before {
content: '$2';
display: ${3:block};
position: ${4:absolute};
width: ${5:100%};
height: ${6:100%};
${7:top}: ${8:0};
${9:left}: ${10:0};
snippet after "::after { ... }"
${1:&}::after {
content: '$2';
display: ${3:block};
position: ${4:absolute};
width: ${5:100%};
height: ${6:100%};
${7:top}: ${8:0};
${9:left}: ${10:0};
snippet befaft "::before, ::after { ... }"
${1:&}::before {
$1::after {
content: '$2';
display: ${3:block};
position: ${4:absolute};
width: ${5:100%};
height: ${6:100%};
${7:top}: ${8:0};
${9:left}: ${10:0};
snippet bs "box-shadow ...;"
box-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} $3px $4px ${5:#000} ${6:inset};
snippet pabs "Position: absolute ..."
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
left: 0;
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
snippet polycolor "${colors.color}"
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
snippet cldef "Colour definition"
$1 = ["#$2", $3, "$4"]
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
snippet option "<option value=..."
<option value="$1">${2:$1}</option>$0
snippet c "class= ... "
snippet plc "<img src=' ..."
<img class="$1" src="$2" alt="">
snippet tag "wrap with tag"
snippet tagi "wrap with tag inline"
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
snippet todo "// TODO"
// TODO $0
snippet if "if ( ... ) { ... }"
if ($1) {
snippet cl; "console.log( ... );"
snippet cl "console.log( ... )"
snippet if "if ( ... ) { ... }"
if ($1) {
snippet ifelse "if ( ... ) { ... } else { ... }"
if ($1) {
} else {
snippet for "for ( ... ) { ... }"
for (let ${1:index} = ${2:0}; $1 $3; $1${4:++}) {
snippet st "setTimeout( ... )"
setTimeout(() => {$0
}, ${1:1000});
snippet jsx "import React ..."
import React from "react"
export default () => (
snippet jsxs "import React ... (styled)"
import React from "react"
import styled from "styled-components"
const $1 = styled.${2:div}\`
export default () => (
snippet xc "class ..."
class $1 extends React.component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
snippet pf "public function ..."
public function $1($2) {
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
snippet qxconfig "qutebrowser xResources config"
c.colors.messages.$1 = xresources['*${2:background}']$0
snippet main "if __name__ == .."
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
snippet ld "logger.debug()"
snippet li ""
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
extends css
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
snippet polybashcolor "%{{F{color}}}" i
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
snippet scolor "SetColor('', .."
SetColor('$1', '$2', '$3', '$4', '$5', '$6')$0
snippet cscolor "call SetColor('', .."
call SetColor('$1', '$2', '$3', '$4', '$5', '$6')$0
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
extends html, javascript, scss
snippet vue "Default template"
export default {
props: {
data () {
return {
methods: {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
snippet byinput "Beufy Input Field"
<div class="field"> <!-- $1 -->
<label class="label">$1</label>
<div class="control">
<input class="input"
snippet byselect "Buefy Select Field"
<div class="field"> <!-- $1 -->
<label class="label">$1</label>
<div class="control">
<div class="select">
<select name="$2"
snippet nt "this.$nextTick( () => { ... })"
this.$nextTick( () => {
snippet props "props: { ... }"
props: {
$1: {
type: ${2:Boolean},
required: ${3:false},
default() {
return ${4:false};
snippet prop "property: { ... }"
$1: {
type: ${2:Boolean},
required: ${3:false},
default() {
return ${4:false};
snippet comps "components { ... }"
components: {
snippet data "data() { return { ... } }"
data() {
return {
$1: $2,$0
snippet compd "computed: { ... }"
computed: {
$1() {
snippet meth "methods: { ... }"
methods: {
$1() {
snippet style "<style ..."
<style ${1:lang="${2:scss}"} ${3:scoped}>
snippet impc "import ... from '~/components...';"
import $1 from '~/components/$1';$0
snippet tran "<transition ..."
<transition name="$1">
snippet .tran "vue transition selector"
.$1 {
&-enter-active {
transition: ${2:opacity} ${3:1}s;
&-leave-active {
transition: $2 ${4:1}s;
&-leave-to {
$2: ${5:0};
snippet script "<script> ...</script>"
export default {
name: '$0',
snippet s ":style='{ ... }"
:style="{ '$1': $2 }"$0
@ -1 +0,0 @@
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.htm set filetype=octobercms
@ -1 +0,0 @@
nmap <buffer> q :q<CR>
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
nnoremap <silent> <space>cF :call CocAction('runCommand', 'eslint.executeAutofix')<CR>
setlocal includeexpr=RESOLVE(v:fname)
function! RESOLVE(module) abort
let built_ins = [
\ "assert",
\ "async_hooks",
\ "child_process",
\ "cluster",
\ "crypto",
\ "dns",
\ "domain",
\ "events",
\ "fs",
\ "http",
\ "http2",
\ "https",
\ "inspector",
\ "net",
\ "os",
\ "path",
\ "perf_hooks",
\ "punycode",
\ "querystring",
\ "readline",
\ "stream",
\ "string_decoder",
\ "tls",
\ "tty",
\ "dgram",
\ "url",
\ "util",
\ "v8",
\ "vm",
\ "zlib" ]
" There's no source file for built-in node modules.
" Example: var http = require('http');
if index(built_ins, a:module) != -1
return 0
" Handling absolute and relative paths.
" Example: var foo = require('./foo.js');
if a:module =~ '^\/' || a:module =~ '^\.\{1,2}\/'
let root = fnamemodify(substitute(finddir("node_modules", ".;"), '/node_modules', '', ''), ':p:h:h')
if a:module =~ '^\.\{1,2}\/'
let module = substitute(a:module, '^\.\{1,2}\/', '', '')
let filename = 0
let filename = findfile(module, root)
let filename = findfile(module . ".js", root)
let filename = findfile(module . "/index.js", root)
let filename = 0
return filename
" Handling vendored-in modules.
" Example: var _ = require('lodash');
" require('module') => node_modules/module/package.json#main => node_modules/module/**/...
if filereadable(dir . "/" . a:module . "/package.json")
let package = json_decode(join(readfile(dir . "/" . a:module . "/package.json")))
return dir . "/" . a:module . "/" . substitute(get(package, "main", "index.js"), '^\.\{1,2}\/', '', '')
" require('module') => node_modules/module/index.js
if filereadable(dir . "/" . a:module . "/index.js")
return dir . "/" . a:module . "/index.js"
" require('module') => node_modules/module.js
if filereadable(dir . "/" . a:module . ".js")
return dir . "/" . a:module . ".js"
" well, well, well
return 0
function! NODE_MODULES_PATHS() abort
" node_modules/
let node_modules = finddir("node_modules", ".;")
" node_modules/foo/node_modules/
let basic_dirs = extend([node_modules], globpath(node_modules, "*/node_modules", 1, 1))
" node_modules/@foo/bar/node_modules/
let all_dirs = extend(basic_dirs, globpath(node_modules, "@*/*/node_modules", 1, 1))
return all_dirs
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
nmap <buffer> o <CR>
nmap <buffer><silent> q <CR>:call CloseNetrw(1)<CR>
nmap <buffer><silent> Q :call CloseNetrw(0)<CR>
setl bufhidden=wipe
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
nmap <buffer> o <CR>
nmap <buffer> q :q<CR>
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
set includeexpr=substitute(substitute(substitute(v:fname,'\%(.*/\|^\)\zs','_',''),'^[\\~@]\/','./',''),'^[\\~@]','./node_modules/','')
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
set foldmethod=marker
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
syn match gitCommitNumber "\<\d\+\>" containedin=gitCommitComment
syn keyword gitCommitAhead ahead containedin=gitCommitOnBranch
syn keyword gitCommitBehind behind containedin=gitCommitOnBranch
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
syn clear htmlArg
syn clear htmlCssDefinition
" css classes
syn region cssClassRegion contained start=+class="+hs=s+7 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssClassAttr,cssAttrNoise,cssClassName containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region cssClassRegion contained start=+class='+hs=s+7 end=+'+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssClassAttr,cssAttrNoise,cssClassName containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region cssClassName contained start=+"+hs=s+1 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn region cssClassName contained start=+'+hs=s+1 end=+'+he=e-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn match cssClassAttr "class" contained
" css IDs
syn region cssIdRegion contained start=+id="+hs=s+4 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssIdentifierAttr,cssAttrNoise,cssIdentifier containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region cssIdRegion contained start=+id='+hs=s+4 end=+'+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssIdentifierAttr,cssAttrNoise,cssIdentifier containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region cssIdentifier contained start=+"+hs=s+1 end=+"+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn region cssIdentifier contained start=+'+hs=s+1 end=+'+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn match cssIdentifierAttr "id" contained
" img arguments
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+src="+hs=s+5 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssAttrNoise,htmlSrcArg,htmlSrcValue containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+src='+hs=s+5 end=+'+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssAttrNoise,htmlSrcArg,htmlSrcValue containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlSrcValue contained start=+"+hs=s+1 end=+"+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn region htmlSrcValue contained start=+'+hs=s+1 end=+'+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn match htmlSrcArg "src" contained
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+srcset="+hs=s+8 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,htmlSrcsetArg,htmlSrcsetValue,cssAttrNoise containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+srcset='+hs=s+8 end=+'+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,htmlSrcsetArg,htmlSrcsetValue,cssAttrNoise containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlSrcsetValue contained start=+"+hs=s+1 end=+"+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn region htmlSrcsetValue contained start=+'+hs=s+1 end=+'+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn match htmlSrcsetArg "srcset" contained
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+\<alt="+hs=s+5 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,htmlAltArg,htmlAltValue,cssAttrNoise containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+\<alt='+hs=s+5 end=+'+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,htmlAltArg,htmlAltValue,cssAttrNoise containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlAltValue contained start=+"+hs=s+1 end=+"+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn region htmlAltValue contained start=+'+hs=s+1 end=+'+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn match htmlAltArg "alt" contained
" data-*
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+data.*="+ end=+"+ contains=htmlDataArg,htmlDataValue,cssAttrNoise,htmlTag containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+data.*='+ end=+'+ contains=htmlDataArg,htmlDataValue,cssAttrNoise,htmlTag containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlDataValue contained start=+"+hs=s+1 end=+"+me=e-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn region htmlDataValue contained start=+'+hs=s+1 end=+'+me=e-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn match htmlDataArg +data.*="+me=e-2 contained
" href
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+href="+hs=s+7 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,htmlHrefArg,htmlHrefValue,cssAttrNoise containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlArgRegion contained start=+href='+hs=s+7 end=+'+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,htmlHrefArg,htmlHrefValue,cssAttrNoise containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn region htmlHrefValue contained start=+"+hs=s+1 end=+"+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn region htmlHrefValue contained start=+'+hs=s+1 end=+'+he=s-1 contains=cssAttrNoise keepend
syn match htmlHrefArg "href" contained
syn match cssAttrNoise +=+ contained
syn region htmlLink start="<a\>\_[^>]*\<href\>" end="</a>"me=e-4 contains=@Spell,htmlTag,htmlEndTag,htmlSpecialChar,htmlPreProc,htmlComment,htmlLeadingSpace,javaScript,@htmlPreproc,htmlArgRegion
"TODO better group links
hi def link cssAttrNoise htmlTag
hi def link cssClassName Identifier
hi def link cssClassAttr Type
hi def link cssIdentifier Identifier
hi def link cssIdentifierAttr Type
hi def link htmlSrcValue htmlImgValue
hi def link htmlSrcArg htmlImgArg
hi def link htmlSrcsetValue htmlImgValue
hi def link htmlSrcsetArg htmlImgArg
hi def link htmlAltValue htmlImgValue
hi def link htmlAltArg htmlImgArg
hi def link htmlImgValue Identifier
hi def link htmlImgArg Type
hi def link htmlDataValue Identifier
hi def link htmlDataArg Special
hi def link htmlHrefValue Identifier
hi def link htmlHrefArg Type
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
hi! def link ArbitraryCommand Identifier
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
syn match pythonBrackets "[(){}\[\]]" containedin=ALL
syn match pythonNoise "[,:]" containedin=ALL
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
" syn region cssURL contained matchgroup=cssFunctionName start="\<\(uri\|url\|local\|format\)\s*(" end=")" contains=cssStringQ,cssStringQQ oneline
syn region cssURL containedin=scssDefinition matchgroup=cssFunctionName start="\<\(uri\|url\|local\|format\)\s*(" end=")" contains=cssStringQ,cssStringQQ oneline
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
syn match vimDefLink "def\(ine\)\= link" containedin=vimHiGroup,vimGroup
syn match vimFoldMarker "{{{\|}}}" containedin=vimComment,vimLineComment
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
runtime! after/syntax/html.vim
syn keyword vueComponentTag contained template containedin=htmlSpecialTagName
syn match vueDirective "\(^\|\s\)\zs[v:][-:.0-9_a-z]*" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN contains=vueDirectiveClass nextgroup=vueDirectiveValue
syn match vueEvent "\(^\|\s\)\zs[@][-:.0-9_a-z]*" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN nextgroup=vueEventValue
syn match vueConditional "\<v-else" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN
syn match vueConditional "\<v-else-if" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN nextgroup=vueConditionalValue
syn match vueConditional "\<v-if\|\<v-show" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN nextgroup=vueConditionalValue
syn match vueSlot +\<slot=+he=e-1 containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN nextgroup=vueSlotValue
syn match vueFor "\<v-for" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN nextgroup=vueForValue
syn match vueRef "\(^\|\s\)\zs:\?ref" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN nextgroup=vueRefValue
syn region vueMustache start="{{"hs=s+2 end="}}"he=e-2
syn region vueDirectiveClass contained start=+class="+hs=s+7 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=vueObjectKey
syn region vueDirectiveValue contained start=+="+hs=s+2 end=+"+he=e-1
" syn region vueDirectiveValue contained start=+='+hs=s+2 end=+'+he=e-1
syntax match vueObjectKey contained /\<\k*\ze\s*:/ contains=jsFunctionKey skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=vueObjectValue
syntax region vueObjectKey contained start=+\z([']\)+hs=s+1 skip=+\\\%(\z1\|$\)+ end=+\z1\|$+he=e-1 contains=jsSpecial,@Spell skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=vueObjectValue
syntax region vueObjectValue contained matchgroup=jsNoise start=/:/ end=/[,}]\@=/ contains=@jsExpression extend
" TODO match vueObjectValue with a javascript expression
syn region vueEventValue contained start=+="+hs=s+2 end=+"+he=e-1
syn region vueEventValue contained start=+='+hs=s+2 end=+'+he=e-1
syn region vueConditionalValue contained start=+="+hs=s+2 end=+"+he=e-1
syn region vueConditionalValue contained start=+='+hs=s+2 end=+'+he=e-1
syn region vueForValue contained start=+="+hs=s+2 end=+"+he=e-1
syn region vueForValue contained start=+='+hs=s+2 end=+'+he=e-1
syn match vueRefValue contained +="[-:.0-9_a-z]*"+hs=s+2,he=e-1
syn match vueRefValue contained +='[-:.0-9_a-z]*'+hs=s+2,he=e-1
syn match vueSlotValue contained +"[-:.0-9_a-z]*"+hs=s+1,he=e-1
syn match vueSlotValue contained +'[-:.0-9_a-z]*'+hs=s+1,he=e-1
syn match vueComponentName contained "\(<\|</\)\zsvue-[0-9A-Za-z\-]\+\|\(<\|</\)\zs\u\+[0-9A-Za-z]\+\ze\(\s\|>\)" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN
syn region vueLink start="<router-link\>[^>]*" end="</router-link>"me=e-14 contains=@Spell,vueTag,htmlEndTag,htmlSpecialChar,htmlPreProc,htmlComment,htmlLeadingSpace,javaScript,@htmlPreproc,vueComponentName
syn region vueTag start=+<[^/]+ end=+>+ fold contained contains=htmlString,htmlArg,htmlValue,htmlTagError,htmlEvent,htmlCssDefinition,@htmlPreproc,@htmlArgCluster,vueDynamicComponent
syn match vueComponentName contained "router-link" containedin=vueTag,htmlEndTag
hi! def link vueLink htmlLink
syn match vueDynamicComponent contained "\<component\>\|\<keep-alive\>\|\<router-link\>" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN
syn match vueTransitionComponent contained "\<transition\>" containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN nextgroup=vueTransitionName,vueTransitionMode
syn region vueTransitionName contained start=+\sname="+hs=s+7 end=+"+he=e-1 containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN
syn region vueTransitionMode contained start=+\smode="+hs=s+7 end=+"+he=e-1 containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN
syn keyword vueTagSpecial contained template script style containedin=htmlTagN
syn keyword htmlArg contained scoped ts
" syn region cssClassRegion contained start=+classes="+hs=s+9 end=+"+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssClassAttr,cssAttrNoise,cssClassName containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
" syn region cssClassRegion contained start=+classes='+hs=s+9 end=+'+he=e-1 contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssClassAttr,cssAttrNoise,cssClassName containedin=htmlTag,htmlTagN keepend
syn match cssClassesAttr contained "\<[-a-zA-z0-9]*class[-a-zA-z0-9]*=" contains=htmlSpecialChar,cssClassAttr,cssAttrNoise,cssClassName containedin=htmlTag,vueTag,htmlTagN keepend nextgroup=vueClassesName
syn region vueClassesName contained start=+"+hs=s+1 end=+"+he=e-1
hi def link cssClassesAttr cssClassAttr
hi def link vueClassesname cssClassName
hi def link vueObjectKey cssClassName
hi def link vueDirectiveClass Noise
hi def link vueDirectiveClassName vueClassesName
hi def link vueMustache Identifier
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
function! ft#compileeruby#CompileEruby(reload) abort
silent execute 'update | edit'
execute '!erb -T - % > %:r.vim'
if a:reload
source $MYVIMRC
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
README.txt for color scheme files
These files are used for the ":colorscheme" command. They appear in the
Edit/Color Scheme menu in the GUI.
Hints for writing a color scheme file:
There are two basic ways to define a color scheme:
1. Define a new Normal color and set the 'background' option accordingly.
set background={light or dark}
highlight clear
highlight Normal ...
2. Use the default Normal color and automatically adjust to the value of
highlight clear Normal
set background&
highlight clear
if &background == "light"
highlight Error ...
highlight Error ...
You can use ":highlight clear" to reset everything to the defaults, and then
change the groups that you want differently. This also will work for groups
that are added in later versions of Vim.
Note that ":highlight clear" uses the value of 'background', thus set it
before this command.
Some attributes (e.g., bold) might be set in the defaults that you want
removed in your color scheme. Use something like "gui=NONE" to remove the
In case you want to set 'background' depending on the colorscheme selected,
this autocmd might be useful:
autocmd SourcePre */colors/blue_sky.vim set background=dark
Replace "blue_sky" with the name of the colorscheme.
In case you want to tweak a colorscheme after it was loaded, check out the
ColorScheme autocmd event.
To customize a colorscheme use another name, e.g. "~/.vim/colors/mine.vim",
and use `:runtime` to load the original colorscheme:
" load the "evening" colorscheme
runtime colors/evening.vim
" change the color of statements
hi Statement ctermfg=Blue guifg=Blue
To see which highlight group is used where, find the help for
"highlight-groups" and "group-name".
You can use ":highlight" to find out the current colors. Exception: the
ctermfg and ctermbg values are numbers, which are only valid for the current
terminal. Use the color names instead. See ":help cterm-colors".
The default color settings can be found in the source file src/syntax.c.
Search for "highlight_init".
If you think you have a color scheme that is good enough to be used by others,
please check the following items:
- Does it work in a color terminal as well as in the GUI?
- Is "g:colors_name" set to a meaningful value? In case of doubt you can do
it this way:
let g:colors_name = expand('<sfile>:t:r')
- Is 'background' either used or appropriately set to "light" or "dark"?
- Try setting 'hlsearch' and searching for a pattern, is the match easy to
- Split a window with ":split" and ":vsplit". Are the status lines and
vertical separators clearly visible?
- In the GUI, is it easy to find the cursor, also in a file with lots of
syntax highlighting?
- Do not use hard coded escape sequences, these will not work in other
terminals. Always use color names or #RRGGBB for the GUI.
@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
darkred1 = ["#373030", 237, "darkred"]
darkred2 = ["#6b5d5d", 52, "darkred"]
darkred3 = ["#866b6b", 52, "darkred"]
red1 = ["#967978", 52, "darkred"]
red2 = ["#a78685", 88, "darkred"]
red3 = ["#b79392", 88, "red"]
lightred1 = ["#c4a6a5", 88, "red"]
lightred2 = ["#cab0af", 124, "red"]
lightred3 = ["#d1bab9", 124, "red"]
graygreen0 = ["#303730", 237, "black"]
green1 = ["#6b866c", 22, "darkgreen"]
green2 = ["#7a9678", 22, "darkgreen"]
green3 = ["#85a786", 28, "darkgreen"]
green4 = ["#95b792", 28, "green"]
green5 = ["#a5c4a5", 28, "green"]
green6 = ["#b1caaf", 34, "green"]
green7 = ["#b9d1bb", 34, "green"]
grayblue0 = ["#303237", 237, "black"]
blue1 = ["#5c6191", 17, "darkblue"]
blue2 = ["#6a6f9b", 18, "darkblue"]
blue3 = ["#7378b4", 19, "darkblue"]
blue4 = ["#7e84c6", 19, "blue"]
blue5 = ["#898fcb", 20, "blue"]
blue6 = ["#959ad0", 20, "blue"]
blue7 = ["#a1a5d5", 21, "blue"]
grayindigo0 = ["#323037", 237, "black"]
indigo1 = ["#6c6b86", 17, "darkblue"]
indigo2 = ["#787896", 18, "darkblue"]
indigo3 = ["#8685a7", 19, "darkblue"]
indigo4 = ["#9292b7", 19, "blue"]
indigo5 = ["#a6a5c4", 20, "blue"]
indigo6 = ["#b0afca", 20, "blue"]
indigo7 = ["#beb9d1", 21, "blue"]
grayyellow0 = ["#373730", 237, "black"]
yellow1 = ["#90905c", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow2 = ["#a2a268", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow3 = ["#b4b473", 28, "darkyellow"]
yellow4 = ["#c3c67e", 28, "yellow"]
yellow5 = ["#c6c689", 28, "yellow"]
yellow6 = ["#d0d095", 34, "yellow"]
yellow7 = ["#d5d5a1", 34, "yellow"]
bg_cursorline = ["#1B1C1D", 232, "gray"]
bg_colorcolumn = bg_cursorline
bg_cursorcolumn = ["#1F1F1F", 232, "gray"]
bg = ["#202122", 234, "black"]
bg_cursorline_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
fg_comment = ["#5d5d5d", 240, "gray"]
fg_weak2 = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
fg = ["#767070", 243, "gray"]
fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
fg_error = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
fg_spellcap = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
fg_spellrare = ["#797532", 247, "darkyellow"]
fg_spelllocal = fg_spellrare
bg_whitespace_error = ["#6a2e2e", 196, "red"]
color_primary_weak1 = darkred1
color_primary_weak2 = darkred2
color_primary_weak3 = darkred3
color_primary1 = red1
color_primary2 = red2
color_primary3 = red3
color_primary_strong1 = lightred1
color_primary_strong2 = lightred2
color_primary_strong3 = lightred3
color_secondary_weak = green5
color_secondary = green6
color_secondary_strong = green7
color_tertiary_weak = blue3
color_tertiary = blue4
color_tertiary_strong = blue7
ui_bg = ["#3f3f3f", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak2 = ["#5d5959", 240, "gray"]
ui_fg = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
ui_fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
ui_fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_bg = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_fg = ["#131313", 0, "black"]
ui_linenr = fg_weak1
ui_cursorlinenr = fg_weak2
ui_search = ["#49535a", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_incsearch = ["#93adc2", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visual_bg = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visualnos_bg = ["#463838", 52, "darkred"]
menu_bg = ["#333535", 237, "black"]
menu_fg = ui_fg_strong1
menu_sel = ui_fg_strong3
diff_delete_bg = ["#282020", 52, "darkred"]
diff_add_bg = ["#202820", 22, "darkgreen"]
diff_change_bg = ["#242528", 17, "darkblue"]
diff_change_fg = ["#656a7c", 21, "white"]
ui_sign_add = ["#496349", 34, "green"]
ui_sign_change = ["#596171", 19, "blue"]
ui_sign_delete = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_sign_changedelete = ["#5c4a5a", 126, "magenta"]
ui_statusbar_mod = ["#655757", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_mod_active = ["#916c6c", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_fileinfo = fg_comment
ui_fg_errormsg = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_warningmsg = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
ui_fg_question = ["#797532", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_warning_weak = ["#7b6a6a", 88, "darkred"]
ui_fg_warning = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_fg_warning_strong = ["#916c6c", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_error = ["#7D3636", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_linter_dash = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_dash_active = fg_comment
ui_fg_linter_error = ui_fg
ui_fg_linter_error_active = ui_fg_error
ui_fg_linter_warning = ui_fg_weak2
ui_fg_linter_warning_active = ui_fg_warning
ui_fg_linter_info = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_info_active = fg_comment
@ -1,795 +0,0 @@
require 'chroma'
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (
# Canonical URL:
# Step 1: information
# Make sure the name of your colorscheme is unique and attractive.
# The description should fit in a single line with no linefeed.
# 'background' can be "light" or "dark".
information = {
author: "studiovx",
email: "",
name: "monotonous-chroma",
description: "",
background: "dark",
webpage: ""
# Step 2: colors
# black = [ give each color a distinctive name
# "#000000", hexadecimal color for GVim/MacVim and "true colors" terminals
# 0, integer between 0 and 255 for terminals supporting 256 colors
# "black" color name for less capable color terminals, can be "darkred", "red",
# "darkgreen", "green", "darkyellow", "yellow", "darkblue", "blue",
# "darkmagenta", "magenta", "black", "darkgrey", "grey", "white"
# ]
# If your colors are defined correctly, the resulting colorscheme is guaranteed
# to work in GVim (Windows/Linux), MacVim, and any properly set up terminal emulator.
darkred1 = ["#373030", 237, "darkred"]
darkred2 = ["#6b5d5d", 52, "darkred"]
darkred3 = ["#866b6b", 52, "darkred"]
red1 = ["#967978", 52, "darkred"]
red2 = ["#a78685", 88, "darkred"]
red3 = ["#b79392", 88, "red"]
lightred1 = ["#c4a6a5", 88, "red"]
lightred2 = ["#cab0af", 124, "red"]
lightred3 = ["#d1bab9", 124, "red"]
graygreen0 = ["#303730", 237, "black"]
green1 = ["#6b866c", 22, "darkgreen"]
green2 = ["#7a9678", 22, "darkgreen"]
green3 = ["#85a786", 28, "darkgreen"]
green4 = ["#95b792", 28, "green"]
green5 = ["#a5c4a5", 28, "green"]
green6 = ["#b1caaf", 34, "green"]
green7 = ["#b9d1bb", 34, "green"]
grayblue0 = ["#303237", 237, "black"]
blue1 = ["#5c6191", 17, "darkblue"]
blue2 = ["#6a6f9b", 18, "darkblue"]
blue3 = ["#7378b4", 19, "darkblue"]
blue4 = ["#7e84c6", 19, "blue"]
blue5 = ["#898fcb", 20, "blue"]
blue6 = ["#959ad0", 20, "blue"]
blue7 = ["#a1a5d5", 21, "blue"]
grayindigo0 = ["#323037", 237, "black"]
indigo1 = ["#6c6b86", 17, "darkblue"]
indigo2 = ["#787896", 18, "darkblue"]
indigo3 = ["#8685a7", 19, "darkblue"]
indigo4 = ["#9292b7", 19, "blue"]
indigo5 = ["#a6a5c4", 20, "blue"]
indigo6 = ["#b0afca", 20, "blue"]
indigo7 = ["#beb9d1", 21, "blue"]
grayyellow0 = ["#373730", 237, "black"]
yellow1 = ["#90905c", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow2 = ["#a2a268", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow3 = ["#b4b473", 28, "darkyellow"]
yellow4 = ["#c3c67e", 28, "yellow"]
yellow5 = ["#c6c689", 28, "yellow"]
yellow6 = ["#d0d095", 34, "yellow"]
yellow7 = ["#d5d5a1", 34, "yellow"]
base = "#767070"
bg_cursorline = ["#1B1C1D", 232, "gray"]
bg_colorcolumn = bg_cursorline
bg_cursorcolumn = ["#1F1F1F", 232, "gray"]
bg = ["#202122", 234, "black"]
bg_cursorline_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
fg_comment = ["#5d5d5d", 240, "gray"]
fg_weak2 = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
fg = [base, 243, "gray"]
fg_strong1 = [base.paint.lighten(5.8), 244, "darkgray"]
fg_strong2 = [base.paint.lighten(14.1), 247, "darkgray"]
fg_strong3 = [base.paint.lighten(22.4), 250, "white"]
fg_strong4 = [base.paint.lighten(48.2), 255, "white"]
fg_error = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
fg_spellcap = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
fg_spellrare = ["#797532", 247, "darkyellow"]
fg_spelllocal = fg_spellrare
bg_whitespace_error = ["#6a2e2e", 196, "red"]
color_primary_weak1 = darkred1
color_primary_weak2 = darkred2
color_primary_weak3 = darkred3
color_primary1 = red1
color_primary2 = red2
color_primary3 = red3
color_primary_strong1 = lightred1
color_primary_strong2 = lightred2
color_primary_strong3 = lightred3
color_secondary_weak = green5
color_secondary = green6
color_secondary_strong = green7
color_tertiary_weak = blue3
color_tertiary = blue4
color_tertiary_strong = blue7
ui_bg = ["#3f3f3f", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak2 = ["#5d5959", 240, "gray"]
ui_fg = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
ui_fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
ui_fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_bg = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_fg = ["#131313", 0, "black"]
ui_linenr = fg_weak1
ui_cursorlinenr = fg_weak2
ui_search = ["#49535a", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_incsearch = ["#93adc2", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visual_bg = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visualnos_bg = ["#463838", 52, "darkred"]
menu_bg = ["#333535", 237, "black"]
menu_fg = ui_fg_strong1
menu_sel = ui_fg_strong3
diff_delete_bg = ["#282020", 52, "darkred"]
diff_add_bg = ["#202820", 22, "darkgreen"]
diff_change_bg = ["#242528", 17, "darkblue"]
diff_change_fg = ["#656a7c", 21, "white"]
ui_sign_add = ["#496349", 34, "green"]
ui_sign_change = ["#596171", 19, "blue"]
ui_sign_delete = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_sign_changedelete = ["#5c4a5a", 126, "magenta"]
ui_statusbar_mod = ["#655757", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_mod_active = ["#916c6c", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_fileinfo = fg_comment
ui_fg_errormsg = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_warningmsg = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
ui_fg_question = ["#797532", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_warning_weak = ["#7b6a6a", 88, "darkred"]
ui_fg_warning = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_fg_warning_strong = ["#916c6c", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_error = ["#7D3636", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_linter_dash = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_dash_active = fg_comment
ui_fg_linter_error = ui_fg
ui_fg_linter_error_active = ui_fg_error
ui_fg_linter_warning = ui_fg_weak2
ui_fg_linter_warning_active = ui_fg_warning
ui_fg_linter_info = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_info_active = fg_comment
# Step 3: highlights
highlights = [
[ "Normal", bg, fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Special", "NONE", lightred2, "bold" ],
[ "NonText", "NONE", lightred3, "NONE" ],
[ "Tag", color_primary_weak1, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Identifier", "NONE", red3, "NONE" ],
[ "Function", "NONE", lightred1, "bold" ],
[ "Type", "NONE", red1, "NONE" ],
[ "StorageClass", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "bold" ],
[ "Structure", "StorageClass"],
[ "TypeDef", "StorageClass"],
[ "Constant", "NONE", fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "String", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "Character", "String" ],
[ "Number", "String" ],
[ "Boolean", "String" ],
[ "Float", "String" ],
[ "Folded", "NONE", fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Statement", "NONE", fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conditional", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Repeat", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "Label", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Operator", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "Keyword", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Exception", "NONE", color_primary_weak2, "bold" ],
[ "PreProc", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "Include", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "Comment", "NONE", fg_comment, "italic" ],
[ "SpecialComment", "NONE", fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "Todo", "NONE", fg_strong2, "italic" ],
[ "Ignore", "NONE", bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Error", "NONE", fg_error, "bold" ],
[ "Underlined", "NONE", "NONE", "underline" ],
[ "StatusLine", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "StatusLineNC", ui_bg, ui_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "TabLine", ui_bg, ui_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "TabLineFill", ui_bg, ui_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "TabLineSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "VertSplit", bg, ui_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "FoldColumn", bg, fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "ColorColumn", bg_colorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "SignColumn", bg, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLine", bg_cursorline, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Title", "Constant" ],
[ "LineNr", bg, ui_linenr, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLineNr", bg, ui_cursorlinenr, "bold" ],
# [ "helpLeadBlank", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
# [ "helpNormal", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
[ "Pmenu", menu_bg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSbar", menu_bg, menu_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSel", menu_bg, menu_sel, "bold" ],
[ "PmenuThumb", menu_fg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "SpecialKey", "NONE", lightred3, "NONE" ],
[ "DiffAdd", diff_add_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffChange", diff_change_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffDelete", diff_delete_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffText", diff_change_bg, diff_change_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "IncSearch", ui_incsearch, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Search", ui_search, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Visual", ui_visual_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "VisualNOS", ui_visualnos_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Directory", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "MatchParen", ui_search, "NONE", "bold" ],
[ "SpellBad", "NONE", fg_error, "NONE", fg_error ],
[ "SpellCap", "NONE", fg_spellcap, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellLocal", "NONE", fg_spelllocal, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellRare", "NONE", fg_spellrare, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "WildMenu", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "ErrorMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_errormsg, "bold" ],
[ "ModeMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "MoreMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "NONE" ],
[ "Question", "NONE", ui_fg_question, "NONE" ],
[ "WarningMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_warningmsg, "bold" ],
[ "Cursor", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CursorColumn", bg_cursorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "EndOfBuffer", bg, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Noise", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE"],
# tabline, statusline
[ "TabLineNum", ui_bg, ui_fg, "bold"],
[ "TabLineNumSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "bold"],
[ "StatusLineNoise", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineNoiseActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNr", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "bold"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNrActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "bold"],
[ "StatusLinePercent", ui_bg, ui_fg, "bold"],
[ "StatusLinePercentActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "bold"],
[ "StatusLineLinecount", ui_bg, ui_fg, "bold"],
[ "StatusLineLinecountActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "bold"],
[ "StatusLineDivActive", ui_fg, ui_fg, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivInput", ui_statusbar_input, ui_statusbar_input, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivMod", ui_statusbar_mod, ui_statusbar_mod, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivModActive", ui_statusbar_mod_active, ui_statusbar_mod_active, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineFileInfo", "NONE", ui_fileinfo, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFile", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDir", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDirActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExt", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExtActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDot", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDotActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnly", ui_bg, ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnlyActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarning", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "bold"],
[ "StatusLineWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "bold"],
[ "LinterDash", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash, "NONE"],
[ "LinterDashActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterError", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "NONE"],
[ "LinterErrorStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarning", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarningStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfo", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfoActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info_active, "NONE"],
[ "GitGutterDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_delete, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChange", "NONE", ui_sign_change, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterAdd", "NONE", ui_sign_add, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChangeDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_changedelete, "bold"],
# css, scss
[ "cssIdentifier", "NONE", color_secondary, "bold" ],
[ "cssClass", "NONE", color_secondary_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "cssFunction", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "cssProp", "NONE", fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssVariable", "NONE", color_secondary_strong, "bold" ],
[ "cssAttr", "String"],
[ "cssIdentifierAttr", "Noise" ],
[ "cssClassAttr", "cssIdentifierAttr" ],
[ "cssAttrNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "atKeyword", "PreProc" ],
[ "cssIdentifier", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "cssClassName", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssClassNameDot", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssTagName", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "cssPseudoClassId", "cssClassName" ],
[ "cssKeyFrameSelector", "Label" ],
[ "cssFunctionName", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "cssBraces", "Noise" ],
[ "cssUnitDecorators", "NONE", fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssSelector", "cssClass" ],
[ "scssSelectorName", "scssSelector" ],
[ "scssSelectorChar", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "scssFunctionName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "scssMixin", "keyword" ],
[ "scssMixinName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "scssampersand", "scssSelectorName" ],
[ "scssAtRoot", "atKeyword" ],
[ "vue_scss", "cssIdentifier" ],
["htmlTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary_weak, "NONE"],
["htmlSpecialTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary, "bold"],
["htmlLink", "NONE", color_tertiary_strong, "underline"],
[ "htmlNormal", "Normal" ],
[ "htmlTitle", "Title" ],
[ "htmlH1", "htmlTitle" ],
[ "htmlTag", "Noise" ],
[ "htmlEndTag", "htmlTag" ],
[ "htmlArg", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlPreStmt", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlPreProc", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreAttr", "String" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrName", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlSpecial", "Special" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlString", "String" ],
[ "htmlStatement", "Statement" ],
[ "htmlComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCommentPart", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlCommentError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlTagError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlEvent", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlError", "Error" ],
[ "javaScript", "Special" ],
[ "javaScriptExpression", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlCssStyleComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCssDefinition", "Special" ],
[ "htmlImgArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlSrcValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSrcsetValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
[ "htmlAltValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlDataArg", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "htmlDataValue", "Constant" ],
[ "htmlHrefArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlHrefValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
# vue
[ "vueTagSpecial", "NONE", indigo5, "bold" ],
[ "vueTagComponentName", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueDynamicComponent", "NONE", indigo1, "bold" ],
[ "vueTransitionComponent", "vueDynamicComponent" ],
[ "vueTransitionName", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "vueTransitionMode", "String" ],
[ "vueDirective", "Identifier" ],
[ "vueEvent", "Function" ],
[ "vueConditional", "Special" ],
[ "vueFor", "vueConditional" ],
[ "vueRef", "vueDirective" ],
[ "vueSlot", "Noise" ],
[ "vueDirectiveValue", "Type" ],
[ "vueEventValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueConditionalValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueForValue", "vueConditionalValue" ],
[ "vueRefValue", "Constant" ],
[ "vueSlotName", "Constant" ],
[ "vueObjectKey", "cssClass" ],
[ "vueObjectValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueDirectiveClass", "Noise" ],
[ "vueMustache", "Type" ],
# javascript
[ "jsFunctionKey", "Function" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "NONE", red2, "bold" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "jsVariableDef", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsGlobalObjects", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "jsGlobalNodeObjects", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsExceptions", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsBuiltins", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsStorageClass", "Include" ],
[ "jsObjectKey", "NONE", red3, "NONE"],
[ "jsObjectProp", "Type" ],
[ "jsObjectValue", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "NONE" ],
[ "jsModuleKeyword", "Type" ],
[ "jsOperatorKeyword", "Label" ],
[ "jsThis", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsArrowFunction", "Function" ],
# python
[ "pythonBuiltin", "Type" ],
[ "pythonBuiltinObj", "Special" ],
[ "pythonDottedName", "Identifier" ],
[ "pythonBrackets", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonQuotes", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonDot", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonExtraOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "pythonDocString", "SpecialComment" ],
[ "pythonSelf", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
# sql
[ "sqlOperator", "Operator" ],
# vim
[ "vimFoldMarker", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE"],
[ "vimMap", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAbb", "vimMap" ],
[ "VimCommand", "Statement" ],
[ "VimOption", "String" ],
[ "vimFunction", "Function" ],
[ "vimFuncKey", "Special" ],
[ "vimHighlight", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAuGroupKey", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAutoCmd", "Noise" ],
[ "vimHiTerm", "Include" ],
[ "vimHiAttrib", "Number" ],
[ "VimIsCommand", "Type" ],
[ "vimNotation", "StorageClass" ],
[ "vimMapLhs", "Special" ],
[ "vimMapRhs", "Label" ],
[ "vimNotFunc", "Conditional" ],
[ "vimSep", "Noise" ],
[ "vimParenSep", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimContinue", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimBracket", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimOperParen", "Normal" ],
[ "vimUserFunc", "Identifier" ],
[ "vimFoldMarker", "Noise" ],
# yaml
["yamlKeyValueDelimiter", "Noise" ],
["yamlFowIndicator", "Noise" ],
# config highlighting
[ "confComment", "Comment" ],
# extra whitespace
[ "ExtraWhitespace", bg_whitespace_error ,"NONE", "NONE" ],
# php
[ "phpRegion", "Normal" ],
[ "phpComparison", "Operator" ],
# quickfix
[ "QuickfixLine", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "qfLineNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "qfFilename", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "qfSeparator", "Ignore" ],
[ "qfError", "ErrorMsg" ],
# json
[ "jsonKeyword", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsonValue", "String" ],
[ "jsonQuote", "Noise" ],
# plugins
[ "LspErrorText", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "LspWarningText", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "LspInformationText", "Question" ],
[ "LspHintText", "Question" ],
# ctrl-p highlighting
# :h ctrlp-customization
[ "CtrlPPrtBase", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPPrtText", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMatch", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode1", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode2", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE"],
[ "CtrlPNoEntries", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferNr", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferInd", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferPath", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHid", "NONE", ui_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHidMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVis", "Normal" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVisMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCur", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCurMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufName", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPTagKind", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPqfLineCol", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoT", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoBr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoSv", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoPo", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
# i3config
[ "Variable", "Function" ],
# to be implemented
# "" #shell highlighting
# "{{{
# "hi! def link shConditional shLoop
# "hi! def link shFunctionTwo mIdentifierBright
# "hi! def link shFunction mIdentifier
# "hi! def link shFunctionKey mStatement
# "hi! def link shCaseEsac mValue
# "hi! def link shCaseBar mNoise
# "hi! def link shEcho mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link bashSpecialVariables mSpecial
# "hi! def link shCmdSubRegion mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link shCommandSub mSpecialDark
# "hi! def link shEscape mNoise
# "hi! def link shTestOpr mNoise
# "hi! def link shSnglCase mNoise
# hi! def link shDerefSimple Type
# hi! def link shDerefVar shDerefSimple
# hi! def link shDerefOp Conditional
# hi! def link shDerefPattern shDerefOp
# hi! def link shCommandSub Type
# hi! def link shOption StorageClass
# ""}}}
# "" vim-fugitive
# ""{{{
# "hi! def link gitCommitBranch mValueDarkItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscarded mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitComment mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitOnBranch mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitWarning mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedFile mValueDarkerItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedFile mInterfaceWarning
# "hi! def link gitCommitUntrackedFile mStatementBright
# "hi! def link gitCommitNumber mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitAhead gitCommitNumber
# "hi! def link gitCommitBehind gitCommitNumber
# ""}}}
# "" #netrw highlighting
# ""{{{
# "hi! def link netrwVersion mInterfaceH3
# "hi! def link netrwComment mInterfaceNormalNormal
# "hi! def link netrwClassify mInterfaceNormal
# "hi! def link netrwTreebar mInterfaceNormalDark
# "hi! def link netrwCmdNote mInterfaceHelpBright
# "hi! def link netrwQuickHelp netrwCmdNote
# "hi! def link netrwList mInterfaceSpecial
# "hi! def link netrwHidePat mInterfaceSpecial
# "hi! def link netrwQHTopic mInterfaceKeyword
# "hi! def link netrwHelpCmd mInterfaceKey
# ""}}}
# "" #tagbar highlighting
# "" TagbarHighlight defined in vimrc as it gets overridden
# "" by plugin when defined in here
# "" hi! def link TagbarFoldIcon InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelp InterfaceHelp
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpKey InterfaceHelpDark
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpTitle InterfaceHelpBright
# "" hi! def link TagbarKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarNestedKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarScope InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarType InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarSignature InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarPseudoID InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHighlight InterfaceCurrent
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPublic InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessProtected InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPrivate InterfaceH2
# "" hi! TagbarHighlight ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee ctermbg=240 guibg=#585858
# "" #vimwiki highlighting
# "" hi VimwikiLink ctermfg=252 guifg=#d0d0d0 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
# "" hi! def link VimwikiHeaderChar CRNoiseDark
# "" hi VimwikiHeader1 ctermbg=242 guibg=#666666 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader2 ctermbg=238 guibg=#444444 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader3 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader4 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=251 guifg=#c6c6c6
# "" hi VimwikiHeader5 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=246 guifg=#949494
# "" hi VimwikiHeader6 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=244 guifg=#808080
# "" hi VimwikiListTodo ctermbg=233 guibg=#121212 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# Step 4: generation
# From a separate shell:
# $ erb -T - bar.erb > bar.vim
# From Vim:
# :!erb -T - % > %:r.vim
# These online resources can help you design your colorscheme:
# *
# the xterm palette
# *
# play with hexadecimal colors right in the address bar (currently down)
# *
# similar concept, fuzzier implementation
# *
# similar concept, fancier implementation
# *
# extract a palette from an image
# *
# search for 'word', get images and color palettes
# *
# user-created palettes
# *
# a no-nonsense colorscheme generator
# *
# Adobe's fancy colorscheme generator
# *
# The classic 'Color Scheme Designer', rebranded
# *
# A very smart palette generator
# *
# "I Made My Own Colour Scheme and You Can Too!"
# A few general advices:
# * The Windows console is limited to the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors but it has
# a few of them interverted which makes numbers impractical. Use color names
# instead of numbers: :help cterm-colors
# * The Windows console (yeah…) doesn't do italics, underlines or bolded text;
# it is limited to normal and reverse. Keep that in mind if you want
# your colorscheme to be usable in as many environments as possible by as many
# people as possible.
# * All of the terminal emulators in use these days allow their users to
# change the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors. It is also possible on some platforms
# to change some or all of the 256 colors in the xterm palette. Don't take
# anything for granted.
# * When used against a light background, strong colors work better than muted
# ones. Light or dark doesn't really matters. Also, it is harder to discriminate
# between two similar colors on a light background.
# * Both strong and muted colors work well against a dark background. It is also
# easier to work with similar colors, but dark colors don't work at all.
# * Use as many text samples as possible. String-heavy languages may look completely
# different than keyword-heavy ones. This can have an impact on the usability
# of your colorscheme.
# * Most terminal emulators and terminal multiplexers currently in use on unix-like
# systems support 256 colors but they almost always default to a '$TERM' that tells
# Vim otherwise. Your users will need to make sure their terminal emulator/multiplexer
# is correctly set up if they want to enjoy the best possible experience.
# Many thanks to Barry Arthur ( for the original idea.
# You don't need to edit anything beyond this line.
" <%= information[:name] %>.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: <%= information[:author] %> (<%= information[:email] %>)
" Webpage: <%= information[:webpage] %>
" Description: <%= information[:description] %>
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "<%= information[:name] %>"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% elsif highlight.length == 4 -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %> guisp=<%= highlight[4].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[4] : highlight[4][0] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16
set t_Co=16
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][2] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][2] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[0] %> guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline[0] %> guifg=NONE
augroup END
@ -1,629 +0,0 @@
" monotonous-chroma.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: studiovx (
" Webpage:
" Description:
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "monotonous-chroma"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
hi Normal ctermbg=234 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#767070 gui=NONE
set background=dark
hi Special ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#cab0af gui=bold
hi NonText ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#d1bab9 gui=NONE
hi Tag ctermbg=237 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#373030 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Identifier ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=88 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#b79392 gui=NONE
hi Function ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=88 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#c4a6a5 gui=bold
hi Type ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#967978 gui=NONE
hi StorageClass ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#866b6b gui=bold
hi link Structure StorageClass
hi link TypeDef StorageClass
hi Constant ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#eeeded gui=italic
hi String ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#aeaaaa gui=italic
hi link Character String
hi link Number String
hi link Boolean String
hi link Float String
hi Folded ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#aeaaaa gui=NONE
hi Statement ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#767070 gui=NONE
hi Conditional ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#aeaaaa gui=bold
hi Repeat ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#9a9494 gui=bold
hi Label ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=bold
hi Operator ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#9a9494 gui=bold
hi Keyword ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=bold
hi Exception ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#6b5d5d gui=bold
hi PreProc ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=238 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#494646 gui=bold
hi Include ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi Comment ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5d5d gui=italic
hi SpecialComment ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=italic
hi Todo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#9a9494 gui=italic
hi Ignore ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=234 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#202122 gui=NONE
hi Error ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=196 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#c74444 gui=bold
hi Underlined ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE cterm=underline guibg=NONE guifg=NONE gui=underline
hi StatusLine ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=NONE
hi TabLine ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=NONE
hi TabLineFill ctermbg=238 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#3f3f3f gui=NONE
hi TabLineSel ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi VertSplit ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#3f3f3f gui=NONE
hi FoldColumn ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#1B1C1D guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi SignColumn ctermbg=234 ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi CursorLine ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#1B1C1D guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi link Title Constant
hi LineNr ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi CursorLineNr ctermbg=234 ctermfg=243 cterm=bold guibg=#202122 guifg=#716c6c gui=bold
hi Pmenu ctermbg=237 ctermfg=244 cterm=NONE guibg=#333535 guifg=#857f7f gui=NONE
hi PmenuSbar ctermbg=237 ctermfg=237 cterm=NONE guibg=#333535 guifg=#333535 gui=NONE
hi PmenuSel ctermbg=237 ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=#333535 guifg=#aeadad gui=bold
hi PmenuThumb ctermbg=244 ctermfg=244 cterm=NONE guibg=#857f7f guifg=#857f7f gui=NONE
hi SpecialKey ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#d1bab9 gui=NONE
hi DiffAdd ctermbg=22 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#202820 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi DiffChange ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#242528 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi DiffDelete ctermbg=52 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#282020 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi DiffText ctermbg=17 ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guibg=#242528 guifg=#656a7c gui=NONE
hi IncSearch ctermbg=17 ctermfg=234 cterm=NONE guibg=#93adc2 guifg=#202122 gui=NONE
hi Search ctermbg=17 ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=#49535a guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi Visual ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#384046 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi VisualNOS ctermbg=52 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#463838 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Directory ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi MatchParen ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=bold guibg=#49535a guifg=NONE gui=bold
hi SpellBad ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=196 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#c74444 gui=NONE guisp=#c74444
hi SpellCap ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=166 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#a67038 gui=NONE guisp=#a67038
hi SpellLocal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#797532 gui=NONE guisp=#a67038
hi SpellRare ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#797532 gui=NONE guisp=#a67038
hi WildMenu ctermbg=238 ctermfg=255 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#eee4e4 gui=bold
hi ErrorMsg ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=196 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#c74444 gui=bold
hi ModeMsg ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#eee4e4 gui=bold
hi MoreMsg ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#eee4e4 gui=NONE
hi Question ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#797532 gui=NONE
hi WarningMsg ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=166 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#a67038 gui=bold
hi Cursor ctermbg=255 ctermfg=0 cterm=bold guibg=#eee4e4 guifg=#131313 gui=bold
hi CursorColumn ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#1F1F1F guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi EndOfBuffer ctermbg=234 ctermfg=234 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#202122 gui=NONE
hi Noise ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5959 gui=NONE
hi TabLineNum ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=bold
hi TabLineNumSel ctermbg=238 ctermfg=244 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#857f7f gui=bold
hi StatusLineNoise ctermbg=238 ctermfg=240 cterm=NONE guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#5d5959 gui=NONE
hi StatusLineNoiseActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=NONE
hi StatusLineBufferNr ctermbg=238 ctermfg=247 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#9a9393 gui=bold
hi StatusLineBufferNrActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#aeadad gui=bold
hi StatusLinePercent ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=bold
hi StatusLinePercentActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=247 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#9a9393 gui=bold
hi StatusLineLinecount ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=bold
hi StatusLineLinecountActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=244 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#857f7f gui=bold
hi StatusLineDivActive ctermbg=243 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#716c6c guifg=#716c6c gui=NONE
hi StatusLineDivInput ctermbg=17 ctermfg=17 cterm=NONE guibg=#384046 guifg=#384046 gui=NONE
hi StatusLineDivMod ctermbg=124 ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=#655757 guifg=#655757 gui=NONE
hi StatusLineDivModActive ctermbg=124 ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=#916c6c guifg=#916c6c gui=NONE
hi StatusLineFileInfo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5d5d gui=italic
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hi link vimOperParen Normal
hi link vimUserFunc Identifier
hi link vimFoldMarker Noise
hi link yamlKeyValueDelimiter Noise
hi link yamlFowIndicator Noise
hi link confComment Comment
hi ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE
hi link phpRegion Normal
hi link phpComparison Operator
hi QuickfixLine ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi qfLineNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=italic
hi qfFilename ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi link qfSeparator Ignore
hi link qfError ErrorMsg
hi link jsonKeyword Identifier
hi link jsonValue String
hi link jsonQuote Noise
hi link LspErrorText ErrorMsg
hi link LspWarningText WarningMsg
hi link LspInformationText Question
hi link LspHintText Question
hi CtrlPPrtBase ctermbg=white ctermfg=black cterm=bold
hi CtrlPPrtText ctermbg=white ctermfg=black cterm=bold
hi CtrlPMatch ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi CtrlPMode1 ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPMode2 ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPNoEntries ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferInd ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferPath ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufferHid ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufferHidMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkred cterm=NONE
hi link CtrlPBufferVis Normal
hi CtrlPBufferVisMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufferCur ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferCurMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufName ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPTagKind ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPqfLineCol ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi CtrlPUndoT ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoBr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoSv ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoPo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi link Variable Function
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#384046 guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#1B1C1D guifg=NONE
augroup END
@ -1,863 +0,0 @@
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (
# Canonical URL:
# Step 1: information
# Make sure the name of your colorscheme is unique and attractive.
# The description should fit in a single line with no linefeed.
# 'background' can be "light" or "dark".
information = {
author: "studiovx",
email: "",
name: "monotonous-dark",
description: "",
background: "dark",
webpage: ""
# Step 2: colors
# black = [ give each color a distinctive name
# "#000000", hexadecimal color for GVim/MacVim and "true colors" terminals
# 0, integer between 0 and 255 for terminals supporting 256 colors
# "black" color name for less capable color terminals, can be "darkred", "red",
# "darkgreen", "green", "darkyellow", "yellow", "darkblue", "blue",
# "darkmagenta", "magenta", "black", "darkgrey", "grey", "white"
# ]
# If your colors are defined correctly, the resulting colorscheme is guaranteed
# to work in GVim (Windows/Linux), MacVim, and any properly set up terminal emulator.
darkred1 = ["#373030", 237, "darkred"]
darkred2 = ["#6b5d5d", 52, "darkred"]
darkred3 = ["#866b6b", 52, "darkred"]
red1 = ["#967978", 52, "darkred"]
red2 = ["#a78685", 88, "darkred"]
red3 = ["#b79392", 88, "red"]
lightred1 = ["#c4a6a5", 88, "red"]
lightred2 = ["#cab0af", 124, "red"]
lightred3 = ["#d1bab9", 124, "red"]
graygreen0 = ["#303730", 237, "black"]
green1 = ["#6b866c", 22, "darkgreen"]
green2 = ["#7a9678", 22, "darkgreen"]
green3 = ["#85a786", 28, "darkgreen"]
green4 = ["#95b792", 28, "green"]
green5 = ["#a5c4a5", 28, "green"]
green6 = ["#b1caaf", 34, "green"]
green7 = ["#b9d1bb", 34, "green"]
grayblue0 = ["#303237", 237, "black"]
blue1 = ["#5c6191", 17, "darkblue"]
blue2 = ["#6a6f9b", 18, "darkblue"]
blue3 = ["#7378b4", 19, "darkblue"]
blue4 = ["#7e84c6", 19, "blue"]
blue5 = ["#898fcb", 20, "blue"]
blue6 = ["#959ad0", 20, "blue"]
blue7 = ["#a1a5d5", 21, "blue"]
grayindigo0 = ["#323037", 237, "black"]
indigo1 = ["#6c6b86", 17, "darkblue"]
indigo2 = ["#787896", 18, "darkblue"]
indigo3 = ["#8685a7", 19, "darkblue"]
indigo4 = ["#9292b7", 19, "blue"]
indigo5 = ["#a6a5c4", 20, "blue"]
indigo6 = ["#b0afca", 20, "blue"]
indigo7 = ["#beb9d1", 21, "blue"]
# TODO 256 and term colours
magenta1= ["#625166", 164, "magenta"]
magenta2= ["#725f77", 164, "magenta"]
magenta3= ["#826c89", 164, "magenta"]
magenta4= ["#927a9a", 164, "magenta"]
magenta5= ["#a287aa", 164, "magenta"]
magenta6= ["#b294bb", 164, "magenta"]
magenta7= ["#b99dc1", 164, "magenta"]
grayyellow0 = ["#373730", 237, "black"]
yellow1 = ["#90905c", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow2 = ["#a2a268", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow3 = ["#b4b473", 28, "darkyellow"]
yellow4 = ["#c3c67e", 28, "yellow"]
yellow5 = ["#c6c689", 28, "yellow"]
yellow6 = ["#d0d095", 34, "yellow"]
yellow7 = ["#d5d5a1", 34, "yellow"]
bg_cursorline = ["#1B1C1D", 232, "gray"]
bg_colorcolumn = bg_cursorline
bg_cursorcolumn = ["#1F1F1F", 232, "gray"]
bg = ["#202122", 234, "black"]
bg_cursorline_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
fg_comment = ["#5d5d5d", 240, "gray"]
fg_weak2 = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
fg = ["#767070", 243, "gray"]
fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
fg_special = ["#ffffff", 255, "white"]
fg_error = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
fg_spellcap = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
fg_spellrare = ["#797532", 247, "darkyellow"]
fg_spelllocal = fg_spellrare
bg_whitespace_error = ["#6a2e2e", 196, "red"]
fg_todo = ["#ff4500", 196, "red"]
color_primary_weak1 = darkred1
color_primary_weak2 = darkred2
color_primary_weak3 = darkred3
color_primary1 = red1
color_primary2 = red2
color_primary3 = red3
color_primary_strong1 = lightred1
color_primary_strong2 = lightred2
color_primary_strong3 = lightred3
color_secondary_weak = green5
color_secondary = green6
color_secondary_strong = green7
color_tertiary_weak = blue3
color_tertiary = blue4
color_tertiary_strong = blue7
ui_bg = ["#3f3f3f", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak2 = ["#5d5959", 240, "gray"]
ui_fg = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
ui_fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
ui_fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_bg = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_fg = ["#131313", 0, "black"]
ui_linenr = fg_weak1
ui_cursorlinenr = fg_weak2
ui_search = ["#49535a", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_incsearch = ["#93adc2", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visual_bg = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visualnos_bg = ["#463838", 52, "darkred"]
menu_bg = ["#333535", 237, "black"]
menu_fg = ui_fg_strong1
menu_sel = ui_fg_strong3
diff_delete_bg = ["#322929", 52, "darkred"]
diff_add_bg = ["#293229", 22, "darkgreen"]
diff_change_bg = ["#2D2E34", 17, "darkblue"]
diff_change_fg = ["#656a7c", 21, "white"]
ui_sign_add = ["#496349", 34, "green"]
ui_sign_change = ["#596171", 19, "blue"]
ui_sign_delete = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_sign_changedelete = ["#5c4a5a", 126, "magenta"]
ui_statusbar_mod = ["#655757", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_mod_active = ["#916c6c", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_fileinfo = fg_comment
ui_fg_errormsg = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_warningmsg = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
ui_fg_question = ["#797532", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_warning_weak = ["#7b6a6a", 88, "darkred"]
ui_fg_warning = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_fg_warning_strong = ["#916c6c", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_error = ["#7D3636", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_linter_dash = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_dash_active = fg_comment
ui_fg_linter_error = ui_fg
ui_fg_linter_error_active = ui_fg_errormsg
ui_fg_linter_warning = ui_fg_weak2
ui_fg_linter_warning_active = ui_fg_warningmsg
ui_fg_linter_info = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_info_active = ui_fg_question
# terminal_ansi_colors = [ '#1f2121', fg_comment[0], fg_weak2[0], fg[0], fg_strong1[0], fg_strong2[0], fg_strong3[0], fg_strong4[0], bg_cursorline[0], color_primary_weak3[0], color_primary1[0], color_primary2[0], color_primary3[0], color_primary_strong1[0], color_primary_strong2[0], color_primary_strong3[0] ]
terminal_ansi_colors = [ '#1f2121', fg_comment[0], fg_weak2[0], fg[0], fg_strong1[0], fg_strong2[0], fg_strong3[0], fg_strong4[0], ui_bg[0], yellow1[0], yellow2[0], yellow3[0], yellow4[0], yellow5[0], yellow6[0], yellow7[0] ]
# Step 3: highlights
highlights = [
[ "Normal", bg, fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Special", "NONE", color_primary_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "NonText", "NONE", color_primary_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Tag", color_primary_weak1, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Identifier", "NONE", color_primary3, "NONE" ],
[ "Function", "NONE", color_primary_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Type", "NONE", color_primary1, "NONE" ],
[ "StorageClass", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "bold" ],
[ "Structure", "StorageClass"],
[ "TypeDef", "StorageClass"],
[ "Constant", "NONE", fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "String", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "Character", "String" ],
[ "Number", "String" ],
[ "Boolean", "String" ],
[ "Float", "String" ],
[ "Folded", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Statement", "NONE", fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conditional", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Repeat", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "Label", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Operator", "NONE", fg_comment, "NONE" ],
[ "Keyword", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Exception", "NONE", color_primary_weak2, "bold" ],
[ "PreProc", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "Include", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "Comment", "NONE", fg_comment, "bold,italic" ],
[ "SpecialComment", "NONE", fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "Todo", "NONE", fg_todo, "bold,italic" ],
[ "Ignore", "NONE", bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conceal", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Error", "NONE", fg_error, "bold" ],
[ "Underlined", "NONE", "NONE", "underline" ],
[ "StatusLine", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "StatusLineNC", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLine", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLineFill", ui_bg, ui_bg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLineSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "VertSplit", bg, ui_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "FoldColumn", bg, fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "ColorColumn", bg_colorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "SignColumn", bg, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLine", bg_cursorline, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Title", "NONE", fg_strong4, "bold,italic" ],
[ "LineNr", bg, ui_linenr, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLineNr", bg, ui_cursorlinenr, "bold" ],
# [ "helpLeadBlank", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
# [ "helpNormal", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
[ "Pmenu", menu_bg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSbar", menu_bg, menu_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSel", menu_bg, menu_sel, "bold" ],
[ "PmenuThumb", menu_fg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "SpecialKey", "NONE", color_primary_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "DiffAdd", diff_add_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffChange", diff_change_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffDelete", diff_delete_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffText", diff_change_bg, diff_change_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "IncSearch", ui_incsearch, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Search", ui_search, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Visual", ui_visual_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "VisualNOS", ui_visualnos_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Directory", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "MatchParen", "NONE", fg_special, "bold" ],
[ "SpellBad", "NONE", fg_error, "NONE", fg_error ],
[ "SpellCap", "NONE", fg_spellcap, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellLocal", "NONE", fg_spelllocal, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellRare", "NONE", fg_spellrare, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "WildMenu", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "ErrorMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_errormsg, "italic" ],
[ "ModeMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "MoreMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "Question", "NONE", ui_fg_question, "italic" ],
[ "WarningMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_warningmsg, "italic" ],
[ "Cursor", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CursorColumn", bg_cursorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "EndOfBuffer", bg, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Noise", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE"],
# tabline, statusline
[ "TabLineNum", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "TabLineNumSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineNoise", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineNoiseActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNr", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNrActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLinePercent", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLinePercentActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineLinecount", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineLinecountActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDivActive", ui_fg, ui_fg, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivInput", ui_statusbar_input, ui_statusbar_input, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivMod", ui_statusbar_mod, ui_statusbar_mod, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivModActive", ui_statusbar_mod_active, ui_statusbar_mod_active, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineFileInfo", "NONE", ui_fileinfo, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFile", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDir", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDirActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExt", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExtActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDot", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDotActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnly", ui_bg, ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnlyActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarning", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "LinterDash", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash, "NONE"],
[ "LinterDashActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterError", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "NONE"],
[ "LinterErrorStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarning", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarningStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfo", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfoActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info_active, "NONE"],
[ "GitGutterDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_delete, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChange", "NONE", ui_sign_change, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterAdd", "NONE", ui_sign_add, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChangeDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_changedelete, "bold"],
[ "QuickScopePrimary", "IncSearch" ],
[ "QuickScopeSecondary", "Pmenu" ],
# css, scss
[ "cssIdentifier", "NONE", color_secondary, "bold" ],
[ "cssClass", "NONE", color_secondary_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "cssFunction", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "cssProp", "NONE", fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssVariable", "NONE", color_secondary_strong, "bold" ],
[ "cssAttr", "String"],
[ "cssIdentifierAttr", "Noise" ],
[ "cssClassAttr", "cssIdentifierAttr" ],
[ "cssAttrNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "atKeyword", "PreProc" ],
[ "cssIdentifier", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "cssClassName", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssClassNameDot", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssTagName", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "cssPseudoClassId", "cssClassName" ],
[ "cssKeyFrameSelector", "Label" ],
[ "cssFunctionName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "cssBraces", "Noise" ],
[ "cssUnitDecorators", "NONE", fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssSelector", "cssClass" ],
[ "scssSelectorName", "scssSelector" ],
[ "scssSelectorChar", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "scssFunctionName", "cssFunctionName" ],
[ "scssMixin", "keyword" ],
[ "scssMixinName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "scssampersand", "scssSelectorName" ],
[ "scssAtRoot", "atKeyword" ],
[ "vue_scss", "cssIdentifier" ],
["htmlTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary_weak, "NONE"],
["htmlSpecialTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary, "bold"],
["htmlLink", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic,underline"],
[ "htmlNormal", "Normal" ],
[ "htmlTitle", "Title" ],
[ "htmlH1", "htmlTitle" ],
[ "htmlTag", "Noise" ],
[ "htmlEndTag", "htmlTag" ],
[ "htmlArg", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlPreStmt", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlPreProc", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreAttr", "String" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrName", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlSpecial", "Special" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlString", "String" ],
[ "htmlStatement", "Statement" ],
[ "htmlComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCommentPart", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlCommentError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlTagError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlEvent", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlError", "Error" ],
[ "javaScript", "Special" ],
[ "javaScriptExpression", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlCssStyleComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCssDefinition", "Special" ],
[ "htmlImgArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlSrcValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSrcsetValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
[ "htmlAltValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlDataArg", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "htmlDataValue", "Constant" ],
[ "htmlHrefArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlHrefValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
# vue
[ "vueSpecial", "NONE", indigo7, "bold" ],
[ "vueTagSpecial", "NONE", indigo5, "bold" ],
[ "vueTagComponentName", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueDynamicComponent", "NONE", indigo1, "bold" ],
# [ "vueTag", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueSlotName", "Constant" ],
[ "vueComponentName", "vueTagComponentName" ],
[ "vueTransitionComponent", "vueDynamicComponent" ],
[ "vueTransitionName", "vueSlotName" ],
[ "vueTransitionMode", "String" ],
[ "vueDirective", "Identifier" ],
[ "vueEvent", "Function" ],
[ "vueConditional", "vueSpecial" ],
[ "vueFor", "vueConditional" ],
[ "vueRef", "vueSpecial" ],
[ "vueSlot", "Noise" ],
[ "vueDirectiveValue", "Type" ],
[ "vueEventValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueConditionalValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueForValue", "vueConditionalValue" ],
[ "vueRefValue", "Constant" ],
[ "vueSlotValue", "vueSlotName" ],
[ "vueObjectKey", "cssClass" ],
[ "vueObjectValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueDirectiveClass", "Noise" ],
[ "vueMustache", "Type" ],
# javascript
[ "jsFunctionKey", "Function" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "NONE", red2, "bold" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "jsVariableDef", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsGlobalObjects", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "jsGlobalNodeObjects", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsExceptions", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsBuiltins", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsStorageClass", "Include" ],
[ "jsObjectKey", "NONE", red3, "NONE"],
[ "jsObjectProp", "Type" ],
[ "jsObjectValue", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "NONE" ],
[ "jsModuleKeyword", "Type" ],
[ "jsOperatorKeyword", "Label" ],
[ "jsThis", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsArrowFunction", "Function" ],
# python
[ "pythonBuiltin", "Type" ],
[ "pythonBuiltinObj", "Special" ],
[ "pythonDottedName", "Identifier" ],
[ "pythonBrackets", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonQuotes", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonDot", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonExtraOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "pythonDocString", "SpecialComment" ],
[ "pythonSelf", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "JinjaVarBlock", "Noise" ],
[ "JinjaTagBlock", "JinjaVarBlock" ],
[ "jinjaSpecial", "NONE", magenta7, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaRaw", "NONE", magenta1, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaStatement", "NONE", magenta2, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaFilter", "NONE", magenta6, "bold"],
[ "jinjaBlockName", "NONE", magenta6, "bold"],
[ "jinjaVariable", "NONE", magenta3, "bold"],
[ "jinjaString", "String"],
[ "jinjaNumber", "Number"],
[ "jinjaOperator", "Noise"],
[ "jinjaComment", "Comment"],
# sql
[ "sqlOperator", "Operator" ],
# vim
[ "vimFoldMarker", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE"],
[ "vimMap", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAbb", "vimMap" ],
[ "VimCommand", "Statement" ],
[ "VimOption", "String" ],
[ "vimFunction", "Function" ],
[ "vimFuncKey", "Special" ],
[ "vimHighlight", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAuGroupKey", "Noise" ],
[ "vimGroupName", "Special" ],
[ "vimAutoCmd", "Noise" ],
[ "vimSynMtchGrp", "Type" ],
[ "vimSynContains", "Type" ],
[ "vimSynRegOpt", "Type" ],
[ "vimHiTerm", "Include" ],
[ "vimHiAttrib", "Number" ],
[ "VimIsCommand", "Type" ],
[ "vimNotation", "StorageClass" ],
[ "vimMapLhs", "Special" ],
[ "vimMapRhs", "Label" ],
[ "vimNotFunc", "Conditional" ],
[ "vimSep", "Noise" ],
[ "vimParenSep", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimContinue", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimBracket", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimOperParen", "Normal" ],
[ "vimUserFunc", "Identifier" ],
[ "vimFoldMarker", "Noise" ],
# yaml
["yamlKeyValueDelimiter", "Noise" ],
["yamlFowIndicator", "Noise" ],
# config highlighting
[ "confComment", "Comment" ],
# markdown
["markdownDelimiter", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold"],
["markdownHeadingDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownListMarker", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold"],
["markdownCodeDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownCode", "Type"],
["markdownItalic", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic"],
["markdownItalicDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownBold", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold"],
["markdownBoldDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownIdDeclaration", "Conditional"],
["markdownId", "markdownIdDeclaration"],
["markdownLinkText", "NONE", fg_strong2, "underline"],
# extra whitespace
[ "ExtraWhitespace", bg_whitespace_error ,"NONE", "NONE" ],
# php
[ "phpRegion", "Normal" ],
[ "phpComparison", "Operator" ],
[ "phpMethod", "Function" ],
[ "phpParent", "Normal" ],
[ "phpMemberSelector", "StorageClass" ],
[ "phpVarSelector", "StorageClass" ],
# quickfix
[ "QuickfixLine", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "qfLineNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "qfFilename", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "qfSeparator", "Ignore" ],
[ "qfError", "ErrorMsg" ],
# json
[ "jsonKeyword", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsonValue", "String" ],
[ "jsonQuote", "Noise" ],
# octobercms
[ "octobercmsSectionDelimiter", "Noise" ],
# plugins
[ "CocErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "CocWarningSign", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "CocInfoSign", "Question" ],
[ "CocHintSign", "Question" ],
[ "CocHighlightText", "IncSearch" ],
[ "CocUnderline", "NONE", fg_error, "NONE" ],
[ "LspErrorText", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "LspWarningText", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "LspInformationText", "Question" ],
[ "LspHintText", "Question" ],
[ "ALEErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "ALEErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "mkdCodeStart", "Comment" ],
[ "mkdListItem", "Conditional" ],
# ctrl-p highlighting
# :h ctrlp-customization
[ "CtrlPPrtBase", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPPrtText", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMatch", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode1", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode2", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE"],
[ "CtrlPNoEntries", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferNr", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferInd", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferPath", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHid", "NONE", ui_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHidMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVis", "Normal" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVisMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCur", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCurMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufName", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPTagKind", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPqfLineCol", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoT", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoBr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoSv", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoPo", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
# netrw
[ "netrwTreeBar", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwClassify", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwExe", "Identifier" ],
[ "netrwDir", "String" ],
[ "netrwPlain", "Statement" ],
[ "netrwHelpCmd", "Type" ],
[ "netrwCmdNote", "function" ],
[ "netrwQuickHelp", "netrwCmdNote" ],
[ "netrwCmdSep", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwVersion", "StorageClass" ],
[ "netrwList", "String" ],
[ "netrwHidePat", "Identifier" ],
# i3config
[ "Variable", "Function" ],
# to be implemented
# "" #shell highlighting
# "{{{
# "hi! def link shConditional shLoop
# "hi! def link shFunctionTwo mIdentifierBright
# "hi! def link shFunction mIdentifier
# "hi! def link shFunctionKey mStatement
# "hi! def link shCaseEsac mValue
# "hi! def link shCaseBar mNoise
# "hi! def link shEcho mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link bashSpecialVariables mSpecial
# "hi! def link shCmdSubRegion mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link shCommandSub mSpecialDark
# "hi! def link shEscape mNoise
# "hi! def link shTestOpr mNoise
# "hi! def link shSnglCase mNoise
# hi! def link shDerefSimple Type
# hi! def link shDerefVar shDerefSimple
# hi! def link shDerefOp Conditional
# hi! def link shDerefPattern shDerefOp
# hi! def link shCommandSub Type
# hi! def link shOption StorageClass
# ""}}}
# "" vim-fugitive
# ""{{{
# "hi! def link gitCommitBranch mValueDarkItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscarded mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitComment mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitOnBranch mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitWarning mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedFile mValueDarkerItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedFile mInterfaceWarning
# "hi! def link gitCommitUntrackedFile mStatementBright
# "hi! def link gitCommitNumber mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitAhead gitCommitNumber
# "hi! def link gitCommitBehind gitCommitNumber
# ""}}}
# "" #tagbar highlighting
# "" TagbarHighlight defined in vimrc as it gets overridden
# "" by plugin when defined in here
# "" hi! def link TagbarFoldIcon InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelp InterfaceHelp
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpKey InterfaceHelpDark
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpTitle InterfaceHelpBright
# "" hi! def link TagbarKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarNestedKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarScope InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarType InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarSignature InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarPseudoID InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHighlight InterfaceCurrent
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPublic InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessProtected InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPrivate InterfaceH2
# "" hi! TagbarHighlight ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee ctermbg=240 guibg=#585858
# "" #vimwiki highlighting
# "" hi VimwikiLink ctermfg=252 guifg=#d0d0d0 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
# "" hi! def link VimwikiHeaderChar CRNoiseDark
# "" hi VimwikiHeader1 ctermbg=242 guibg=#666666 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader2 ctermbg=238 guibg=#444444 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader3 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader4 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=251 guifg=#c6c6c6
# "" hi VimwikiHeader5 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=246 guifg=#949494
# "" hi VimwikiHeader6 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=244 guifg=#808080
# "" hi VimwikiListTodo ctermbg=233 guibg=#121212 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# Step 4: generation
# From a separate shell:
# $ erb -T - bar.erb > bar.vim
# From Vim:
# :!erb -T - % > %:r.vim
# These online resources can help you design your colorscheme:
# *
# the xterm palette
# *
# play with hexadecimal colors right in the address bar (currently down)
# *
# similar concept, fuzzier implementation
# *
# similar concept, fancier implementation
# *
# extract a palette from an image
# *
# search for 'word', get images and color palettes
# *
# user-created palettes
# *
# a no-nonsense colorscheme generator
# *
# Adobe's fancy colorscheme generator
# *
# The classic 'Color Scheme Designer', rebranded
# *
# A very smart palette generator
# *
# "I Made My Own Colour Scheme and You Can Too!"
# A few general advices:
# * The Windows console is limited to the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors but it has
# a few of them interverted which makes numbers impractical. Use color names
# instead of numbers: :help cterm-colors
# * The Windows console (yeah…) doesn't do italics, underlines or bolded text;
# it is limited to normal and reverse. Keep that in mind if you want
# your colorscheme to be usable in as many environments as possible by as many
# people as possible.
# * All of the terminal emulators in use these days allow their users to
# change the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors. It is also possible on some platforms
# to change some or all of the 256 colors in the xterm palette. Don't take
# anything for granted.
# * When used against a light background, strong colors work better than muted
# ones. Light or dark doesn't really matters. Also, it is harder to discriminate
# between two similar colors on a light background.
# * Both strong and muted colors work well against a dark background. It is also
# easier to work with similar colors, but dark colors don't work at all.
# * Use as many text samples as possible. String-heavy languages may look completely
# different than keyword-heavy ones. This can have an impact on the usability
# of your colorscheme.
# * Most terminal emulators and terminal multiplexers currently in use on unix-like
# systems support 256 colors but they almost always default to a '$TERM' that tells
# Vim otherwise. Your users will need to make sure their terminal emulator/multiplexer
# is correctly set up if they want to enjoy the best possible experience.
# Many thanks to Barry Arthur ( for the original idea.
# You don't need to edit anything beyond this line.
" <%= information[:name] %>.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: <%= information[:author] %> (<%= information[:email] %>)
" Webpage: <%= information[:webpage] %>
" Description: <%= information[:description] %>
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "<%= information[:name] %>"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% elsif highlight.length == 4 -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %> guisp=<%= highlight[4].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[4] : highlight[4][0] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16
set t_Co=16
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][2] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][2] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = <%= terminal_ansi_colors %>
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[0] %> guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline[0] %> guifg=NONE
augroup END
@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
" monotonous-dark.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: studiovx (
" Webpage:
" Description:
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "monotonous-dark"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
hi Normal ctermbg=234 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#767070 gui=NONE
set background=dark
hi Special ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#cab0af gui=bold
hi NonText ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#d1bab9 gui=NONE
hi Tag ctermbg=237 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#373030 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Identifier ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=88 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#b79392 gui=NONE
hi Function ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=88 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#c4a6a5 gui=bold
hi Type ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#967978 gui=NONE
hi StorageClass ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#866b6b gui=bold
hi link Structure StorageClass
hi link TypeDef StorageClass
hi Constant ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#eee4e4 gui=italic
hi String ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#aeadad gui=italic
hi link Character String
hi link Number String
hi link Boolean String
hi link Float String
hi Folded ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#aeadad gui=bold
hi Statement ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#767070 gui=NONE
hi Conditional ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#aeadad gui=bold
hi Repeat ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#9a9393 gui=bold
hi Label ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=bold
hi Operator ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5d5d gui=NONE
hi Keyword ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=bold
hi Exception ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#6b5d5d gui=bold
hi PreProc ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=238 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#494646 gui=bold
hi Include ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi Comment ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=bold,italic guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5d5d gui=bold,italic
hi SpecialComment ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=italic
hi Todo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=196 cterm=bold,italic guibg=NONE guifg=#ff4500 gui=bold,italic
hi Ignore ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=234 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#202122 gui=NONE
hi Conceal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Error ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=196 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#c74444 gui=bold
hi Underlined ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE cterm=underline guibg=NONE guifg=NONE gui=underline
hi StatusLine ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#aeadad gui=italic
hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=italic
hi TabLine ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=italic
hi TabLineFill ctermbg=238 ctermfg=238 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#3f3f3f gui=italic
hi TabLineSel ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#aeadad gui=italic
hi VertSplit ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#3f3f3f gui=NONE
hi FoldColumn ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#1B1C1D guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi SignColumn ctermbg=234 ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi CursorLine ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#1B1C1D guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Title ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=bold,italic guibg=NONE guifg=#eee4e4 gui=bold,italic
hi LineNr ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi CursorLineNr ctermbg=234 ctermfg=243 cterm=bold guibg=#202122 guifg=#716c6c gui=bold
hi Pmenu ctermbg=237 ctermfg=244 cterm=NONE guibg=#333535 guifg=#857f7f gui=NONE
hi PmenuSbar ctermbg=237 ctermfg=237 cterm=NONE guibg=#333535 guifg=#333535 gui=NONE
hi PmenuSel ctermbg=237 ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=#333535 guifg=#aeadad gui=bold
hi PmenuThumb ctermbg=244 ctermfg=244 cterm=NONE guibg=#857f7f guifg=#857f7f gui=NONE
hi SpecialKey ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#d1bab9 gui=NONE
hi DiffAdd ctermbg=22 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#293229 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi DiffChange ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#2D2E34 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi DiffDelete ctermbg=52 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#322929 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi DiffText ctermbg=17 ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guibg=#2D2E34 guifg=#656a7c gui=NONE
hi IncSearch ctermbg=17 ctermfg=234 cterm=NONE guibg=#93adc2 guifg=#202122 gui=NONE
hi Search ctermbg=17 ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=#49535a guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi Visual ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#384046 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi VisualNOS ctermbg=52 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#463838 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Directory ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi MatchParen ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
hi SpellBad ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=196 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#c74444 gui=NONE guisp=#c74444
hi SpellCap ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=166 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#a67038 gui=NONE guisp=#a67038
hi SpellLocal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#797532 gui=NONE guisp=#a67038
hi SpellRare ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#797532 gui=NONE guisp=#a67038
hi WildMenu ctermbg=238 ctermfg=255 cterm=bold guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#eee4e4 gui=bold
hi ErrorMsg ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=196 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#c74444 gui=italic
hi ModeMsg ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#eee4e4 gui=italic
hi MoreMsg ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#eee4e4 gui=italic
hi Question ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#797532 gui=italic
hi WarningMsg ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=166 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#a67038 gui=italic
hi Cursor ctermbg=255 ctermfg=0 cterm=bold guibg=#eee4e4 guifg=#131313 gui=bold
hi CursorColumn ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#1F1F1F guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi EndOfBuffer ctermbg=234 ctermfg=234 cterm=NONE guibg=#202122 guifg=#202122 gui=NONE
hi Noise ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5959 gui=NONE
hi TabLineNum ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=italic
hi TabLineNumSel ctermbg=238 ctermfg=244 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#857f7f gui=italic
hi StatusLineNoise ctermbg=238 ctermfg=240 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#5d5959 gui=italic
hi StatusLineNoiseActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=italic
hi StatusLineBufferNr ctermbg=238 ctermfg=247 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#9a9393 gui=italic
hi StatusLineBufferNrActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#aeadad gui=italic
hi StatusLinePercent ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=italic
hi StatusLinePercentActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=247 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#9a9393 gui=italic
hi StatusLineLinecount ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#716c6c gui=italic
hi StatusLineLinecountActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=244 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#857f7f gui=italic
hi StatusLineDivActive ctermbg=243 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#716c6c guifg=#716c6c gui=NONE
hi StatusLineDivInput ctermbg=17 ctermfg=17 cterm=NONE guibg=#384046 guifg=#384046 gui=NONE
hi StatusLineDivMod ctermbg=124 ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=#655757 guifg=#655757 gui=NONE
hi StatusLineDivModActive ctermbg=124 ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=#916c6c guifg=#916c6c gui=NONE
hi StatusLineFileInfo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5d5d gui=italic
hi StatusLineFile ctermbg=238 ctermfg=247 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#9a9393 gui=italic
hi StatusLineFileActive ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=#3f3f3f guifg=#aeadad gui=italic
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hi link jsVariableDef Identifier
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hi link jsExceptions jsGlobalObjects
hi link jsBuiltins jsGlobalObjects
hi link jsStorageClass Include
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hi link pythonNoise Noise
hi link pythonExtraOperator Operator
hi link pythonDocString SpecialComment
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hi link sqlOperator Operator
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hi link vimAbb vimMap
hi link VimCommand Statement
hi link VimOption String
hi link vimFunction Function
hi link vimFuncKey Special
hi link vimHighlight Noise
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hi link vimGroupName Special
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hi link vimMapRhs Label
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hi link confComment Comment
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hi link phpRegion Normal
hi link phpComparison Operator
hi link phpMethod Function
hi link phpParent Normal
hi link phpMemberSelector StorageClass
hi link phpVarSelector StorageClass
hi QuickfixLine ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi qfLineNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=italic
hi qfFilename ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi link qfSeparator Ignore
hi link qfError ErrorMsg
hi link jsonKeyword Identifier
hi link jsonValue String
hi link jsonQuote Noise
hi link octobercmsSectionDelimiter Noise
hi link CocErrorSign ErrorMsg
hi link CocWarningSign WarningMsg
hi link CocInfoSign Question
hi link CocHintSign Question
hi link CocHighlightText IncSearch
hi CocUnderline ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi link LspErrorText ErrorMsg
hi link LspWarningText WarningMsg
hi link LspInformationText Question
hi link LspHintText Question
hi link ALEErrorSign ErrorMsg
hi link ALEErrorSign ErrorMsg
hi link mkdCodeStart Comment
hi link mkdListItem Conditional
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hi CtrlPBufferHid ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
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hi link CtrlPBufferVis Normal
hi CtrlPBufferVisMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufferCur ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferCurMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
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hi CtrlPUndoBr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoSv ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoPo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
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let g:terminal_ansi_colors = ["#1f2121", "#5d5d5d", "#716c6c", "#767070", "#857f7f", "#9a9393", "#aeadad", "#eee4e4", "#3f3f3f", "#90905c", "#a2a268", "#b4b473", "#c3c67e", "#c6c689", "#d0d095", "#d5d5a1"]
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#384046 guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#1B1C1D guifg=NONE
augroup END
@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (
# Canonical URL:
# Step 1: information
# Make sure the name of your colorscheme is unique and attractive.
# The description should fit in a single line with no linefeed.
# 'background' can be "light" or "dark".
information = {
author: "studiovx",
email: "",
name: "monotonous-darker",
description: "",
background: "dark",
webpage: ""
# Step 2: colors
# black = [ give each color a distinctive name
# "#000000", hexadecimal color for GVim/MacVim and "true colors" terminals
# 0, integer between 0 and 255 for terminals supporting 256 colors
# "black" color name for less capable color terminals, can be "darkred", "red",
# "darkgreen", "green", "darkyellow", "yellow", "darkblue", "blue",
# "darkmagenta", "magenta", "black", "darkgrey", "grey", "white"
# ]
# If your colors are defined correctly, the resulting colorscheme is guaranteed
# to work in GVim (Windows/Linux), MacVim, and any properly set up terminal emulator.
darkred1 = ["#373030", 237, "darkred"]
darkred2 = ["#6b5d5d", 52, "darkred"]
darkred3 = ["#866b6b", 52, "darkred"]
red1 = ["#967978", 52, "darkred"]
red2 = ["#a78685", 88, "darkred"]
red3 = ["#b79392", 88, "red"]
lightred1 = ["#c4a6a5", 88, "red"]
lightred2 = ["#cab0af", 124, "red"]
lightred3 = ["#d1bab9", 124, "red"]
graygreen0 = ["#303730", 237, "black"]
green1 = ["#6b866c", 22, "darkgreen"]
green2 = ["#7a9678", 22, "darkgreen"]
green3 = ["#85a786", 28, "darkgreen"]
green4 = ["#95b792", 28, "green"]
green5 = ["#a5c4a5", 28, "green"]
green6 = ["#b1caaf", 34, "green"]
green7 = ["#b9d1bb", 34, "green"]
grayblue0 = ["#303237", 237, "black"]
blue1 = ["#5c6191", 17, "darkblue"]
blue2 = ["#6a6f9b", 18, "darkblue"]
blue3 = ["#7378b4", 19, "darkblue"]
blue4 = ["#7e84c6", 19, "blue"]
blue5 = ["#898fcb", 20, "blue"]
blue6 = ["#959ad0", 20, "blue"]
blue7 = ["#a1a5d5", 21, "blue"]
grayindigo0 = ["#323037", 237, "black"]
indigo1 = ["#6c6b86", 17, "darkblue"]
indigo2 = ["#787896", 18, "darkblue"]
indigo3 = ["#8685a7", 19, "darkblue"]
indigo4 = ["#9292b7", 19, "blue"]
indigo5 = ["#a6a5c4", 20, "blue"]
indigo6 = ["#b0afca", 20, "blue"]
indigo7 = ["#beb9d1", 21, "blue"]
# TODO 256 and term colours
magenta1= ["#625166", 164, "magenta"]
magenta2= ["#725f77", 164, "magenta"]
magenta3= ["#826c89", 164, "magenta"]
magenta4= ["#927a9a", 164, "magenta"]
magenta5= ["#a287aa", 164, "magenta"]
magenta6= ["#b294bb", 164, "magenta"]
magenta7= ["#b99dc1", 164, "magenta"]
grayyellow0 = ["#373730", 237, "black"]
yellow1 = ["#90905c", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow2 = ["#a2a268", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow3 = ["#b4b473", 28, "darkyellow"]
yellow4 = ["#c3c67e", 28, "yellow"]
yellow5 = ["#c6c689", 28, "yellow"]
yellow6 = ["#d0d095", 34, "yellow"]
yellow7 = ["#d5d5a1", 34, "yellow"]
bg_cursorline = ["#0c0c0d", 232, "gray"]
bg_colorcolumn = bg_cursorline
bg_cursorcolumn = ["#0c0c0d", 232, "gray"]
bg = ["#000000", 234, "black"]
bg_cursorline_input = ["#191E1F", 17, "darkblue"]
fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
fg_comment = ["#5d5d5d", 240, "gray"]
fg_weak2 = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
fg = ["#767070", 243, "gray"]
fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
fg_error = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
fg_spellcap = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
fg_spellrare = ["#797532", 247, "darkyellow"]
fg_spelllocal = fg_spellrare
bg_whitespace_error = ["#6a2e2e", 196, "red"]
color_primary_weak1 = darkred1
color_primary_weak2 = darkred2
color_primary_weak3 = darkred3
color_primary1 = red1
color_primary2 = red2
color_primary3 = red3
color_primary_strong1 = lightred1
color_primary_strong2 = lightred2
color_primary_strong3 = lightred3
color_secondary_weak = green5
color_secondary = green6
color_secondary_strong = green7
color_tertiary_weak = blue3
color_tertiary = blue4
color_tertiary_strong = blue7
ui_bg = ["#2B2B2B", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak2 = ["#5d5959", 240, "gray"]
ui_fg = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
ui_fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
ui_fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_bg = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_fg = ["#131313", 0, "black"]
ui_linenr = fg_weak1
ui_cursorlinenr = fg_weak2
ui_search = ["#49535a", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_incsearch = ["#93adc2", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visual_bg = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visualnos_bg = ["#463838", 52, "darkred"]
menu_bg = ["#232525", 237, "black"]
menu_fg = ui_fg_strong1
menu_sel = ui_fg_strong3
diff_delete_bg = ["#322929", 52, "darkred"]
diff_add_bg = ["#293229", 22, "darkgreen"]
diff_change_bg = ["#2D2E34", 17, "darkblue"]
diff_change_fg = ["#656a7c", 21, "white"]
ui_sign_add = ["#496349", 34, "green"]
ui_sign_change = ["#596171", 19, "blue"]
ui_sign_delete = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_sign_changedelete = ["#5c4a5a", 126, "magenta"]
ui_statusbar_mod = ["#655757", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_mod_active = ["#916c6c", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_fileinfo = fg_comment
ui_fg_errormsg = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_warningmsg = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
ui_fg_question = ["#797532", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_warning_weak = ["#7b6a6a", 88, "darkred"]
ui_fg_warning = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_fg_warning_strong = ["#916c6c", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_error = ["#7D3636", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_linter_dash = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_dash_active = fg_comment
ui_fg_linter_error = ui_fg
ui_fg_linter_error_active = ui_fg_errormsg
ui_fg_linter_warning = ui_fg_weak2
ui_fg_linter_warning_active = ui_fg_warningmsg
ui_fg_linter_info = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_info_active = ui_fg_question
# terminal_ansi_colors = [ '#1f2121', fg_comment[0], fg_weak2[0], fg[0], fg_strong1[0], fg_strong2[0], fg_strong3[0], fg_strong4[0], bg_cursorline[0], color_primary_weak3[0], color_primary1[0], color_primary2[0], color_primary3[0], color_primary_strong1[0], color_primary_strong2[0], color_primary_strong3[0] ]
terminal_ansi_colors = [ '#1f2121', fg_comment[0], fg_weak2[0], fg[0], fg_strong1[0], fg_strong2[0], fg_strong3[0], fg_strong4[0], ui_bg[0], yellow1[0], yellow2[0], yellow3[0], yellow4[0], yellow5[0], yellow6[0], yellow7[0] ]
# Step 3: highlights
highlights = [
[ "Normal", bg, fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Special", "NONE", color_primary_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "NonText", "NONE", color_primary_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Tag", color_primary_weak1, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Identifier", "NONE", color_primary3, "NONE" ],
[ "Function", "NONE", color_primary_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Type", "NONE", color_primary1, "NONE" ],
[ "StorageClass", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "bold" ],
[ "Structure", "StorageClass"],
[ "TypeDef", "StorageClass"],
[ "Constant", "NONE", fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "String", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "Character", "String" ],
[ "Number", "String" ],
[ "Boolean", "String" ],
[ "Float", "String" ],
[ "Folded", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Statement", "NONE", fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conditional", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Repeat", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "Label", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Operator", "NONE", fg_comment, "NONE" ],
[ "Keyword", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Exception", "NONE", color_primary_weak2, "bold" ],
[ "PreProc", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "Include", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "Comment", "NONE", fg_comment, "bold,italic" ],
[ "SpecialComment", "NONE", fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "Todo", "NONE", fg_strong2, "italic" ],
[ "Ignore", "NONE", bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conceal", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Error", "NONE", fg_error, "bold" ],
[ "Underlined", "NONE", "NONE", "underline" ],
[ "StatusLine", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "StatusLineNC", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLine", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLineFill", ui_bg, ui_bg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLineSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "VertSplit", bg, ui_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "FoldColumn", bg, fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "ColorColumn", bg_colorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "SignColumn", bg, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLine", bg_cursorline, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Title", "NONE", fg_strong4, "bold,italic" ],
[ "LineNr", bg, ui_linenr, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLineNr", bg, ui_cursorlinenr, "bold" ],
# [ "helpLeadBlank", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
# [ "helpNormal", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
[ "Pmenu", menu_bg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSbar", menu_bg, menu_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSel", menu_bg, menu_sel, "bold" ],
[ "PmenuThumb", menu_fg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "SpecialKey", "NONE", color_primary_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "DiffAdd", diff_add_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffChange", diff_change_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffDelete", diff_delete_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffText", diff_change_bg, diff_change_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "IncSearch", ui_incsearch, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Search", ui_search, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Visual", ui_visual_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "VisualNOS", ui_visualnos_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Directory", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "MatchParen", ui_search, fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "SpellBad", "NONE", fg_error, "NONE", fg_error ],
[ "SpellCap", "NONE", fg_spellcap, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellLocal", "NONE", fg_spelllocal, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellRare", "NONE", fg_spellrare, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "WildMenu", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "ErrorMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_errormsg, "italic" ],
[ "ModeMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "MoreMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "Question", "NONE", ui_fg_question, "italic" ],
[ "WarningMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_warningmsg, "italic" ],
[ "Cursor", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CursorColumn", bg_cursorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "EndOfBuffer", bg, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Noise", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE"],
# tabline, statusline
[ "TabLineNum", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "TabLineNumSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineNoise", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineNoiseActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNr", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNrActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLinePercent", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLinePercentActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineLinecount", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineLinecountActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDivActive", ui_fg, ui_fg, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivInput", ui_statusbar_input, ui_statusbar_input, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivMod", ui_statusbar_mod, ui_statusbar_mod, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivModActive", ui_statusbar_mod_active, ui_statusbar_mod_active, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineFileInfo", "NONE", ui_fileinfo, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFile", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDir", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDirActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExt", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExtActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDot", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDotActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnly", ui_bg, ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnlyActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarning", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "LinterDash", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash, "NONE"],
[ "LinterDashActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterError", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "NONE"],
[ "LinterErrorStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarning", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarningStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfo", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfoActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info_active, "NONE"],
[ "GitGutterDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_delete, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChange", "NONE", ui_sign_change, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterAdd", "NONE", ui_sign_add, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChangeDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_changedelete, "bold"],
[ "QuickScopePrimary", "IncSearch" ],
[ "QuickScopeSecondary", "Search" ],
# css, scss
[ "cssIdentifier", "NONE", color_secondary, "bold" ],
[ "cssClass", "NONE", color_secondary_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "cssFunction", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "cssProp", "NONE", fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssVariable", "NONE", color_secondary_strong, "bold" ],
[ "cssAttr", "String"],
[ "cssIdentifierAttr", "Noise" ],
[ "cssClassAttr", "cssIdentifierAttr" ],
[ "cssAttrNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "atKeyword", "PreProc" ],
[ "cssIdentifier", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "cssClassName", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssClassNameDot", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssTagName", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "cssPseudoClassId", "cssClassName" ],
[ "cssKeyFrameSelector", "Label" ],
[ "cssFunctionName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "cssBraces", "Noise" ],
[ "cssUnitDecorators", "NONE", fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssSelector", "cssClass" ],
[ "scssSelectorName", "scssSelector" ],
[ "scssSelectorChar", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "scssFunctionName", "cssFunctionName" ],
[ "scssMixin", "keyword" ],
[ "scssMixinName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "scssampersand", "scssSelectorName" ],
[ "scssAtRoot", "atKeyword" ],
[ "vue_scss", "cssIdentifier" ],
["htmlTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary_weak, "NONE"],
["htmlSpecialTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary, "bold"],
["htmlLink", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic,underline"],
[ "htmlNormal", "Normal" ],
[ "htmlTitle", "Title" ],
[ "htmlH1", "htmlTitle" ],
[ "htmlTag", "Noise" ],
[ "htmlEndTag", "htmlTag" ],
[ "htmlArg", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlPreStmt", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlPreProc", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreAttr", "String" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrName", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlSpecial", "Special" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlString", "String" ],
[ "htmlStatement", "Statement" ],
[ "htmlComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCommentPart", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlCommentError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlTagError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlEvent", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlError", "Error" ],
[ "javaScript", "Special" ],
[ "javaScriptExpression", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlCssStyleComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCssDefinition", "Special" ],
[ "htmlImgArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlSrcValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSrcsetValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
[ "htmlAltValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlDataArg", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "htmlDataValue", "Constant" ],
[ "htmlHrefArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlHrefValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
# vue
[ "vueTagSpecial", "NONE", indigo5, "bold" ],
[ "vueTagComponentName", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueDynamicComponent", "NONE", indigo1, "bold" ],
# [ "vueTag", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueSlotName", "NONE", indigo7, "italic" ],
[ "vueComponentName", "vueTagComponentName" ],
[ "vueTransitionComponent", "vueDynamicComponent" ],
[ "vueTransitionName", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "vueTransitionMode", "String" ],
[ "vueDirective", "Identifier" ],
[ "vueEvent", "Function" ],
[ "vueConditional", "Special" ],
[ "vueFor", "vueConditional" ],
[ "vueRef", "vueDirective" ],
[ "vueSlot", "Noise" ],
[ "vueDirectiveValue", "Type" ],
[ "vueEventValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueConditionalValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueForValue", "vueConditionalValue" ],
[ "vueRefValue", "Constant" ],
[ "vueSlotValue", "vueSlotName" ],
[ "vueObjectKey", "cssClass" ],
[ "vueObjectValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueDirectiveClass", "Noise" ],
[ "vueMustache", "Type" ],
# javascript
[ "jsFunctionKey", "Function" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "NONE", red2, "bold" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "jsVariableDef", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsGlobalObjects", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "jsGlobalNodeObjects", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsExceptions", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsBuiltins", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsStorageClass", "Include" ],
[ "jsObjectKey", "NONE", red3, "NONE"],
[ "jsObjectProp", "Type" ],
[ "jsObjectValue", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "NONE" ],
[ "jsModuleKeyword", "Type" ],
[ "jsOperatorKeyword", "Label" ],
[ "jsThis", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsArrowFunction", "Function" ],
# python
[ "pythonBuiltin", "Type" ],
[ "pythonBuiltinObj", "Special" ],
[ "pythonDottedName", "Identifier" ],
[ "pythonBrackets", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonQuotes", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonDot", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonExtraOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "pythonDocString", "SpecialComment" ],
[ "pythonSelf", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "JinjaVarBlock", "Noise" ],
[ "JinjaTagBlock", "JinjaVarBlock" ],
[ "jinjaSpecial", "NONE", magenta7, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaRaw", "NONE", magenta1, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaStatement", "NONE", magenta2, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaFilter", "NONE", magenta6, "bold"],
[ "jinjaBlockName", "NONE", magenta6, "bold"],
[ "jinjaVariable", "NONE", magenta3, "bold"],
[ "jinjaString", "String"],
[ "jinjaNumber", "Number"],
[ "jinjaOperator", "Noise"],
[ "jinjaComment", "Comment"],
# sql
[ "sqlOperator", "Operator" ],
# vim
[ "vimFoldMarker", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE"],
[ "vimMap", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAbb", "vimMap" ],
[ "VimCommand", "Statement" ],
[ "VimOption", "String" ],
[ "vimFunction", "Function" ],
[ "vimFuncKey", "Special" ],
[ "vimHighlight", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAuGroupKey", "Noise" ],
[ "vimGroupName", "Special" ],
[ "vimAutoCmd", "Noise" ],
[ "vimSynMtchGrp", "Type" ],
[ "vimSynContains", "Type" ],
[ "vimSynRegOpt", "Type" ],
[ "vimHiTerm", "Include" ],
[ "vimHiAttrib", "Number" ],
[ "VimIsCommand", "Type" ],
[ "vimNotation", "StorageClass" ],
[ "vimMapLhs", "Special" ],
[ "vimMapRhs", "Label" ],
[ "vimNotFunc", "Conditional" ],
[ "vimSep", "Noise" ],
[ "vimParenSep", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimContinue", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimBracket", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimOperParen", "Normal" ],
[ "vimUserFunc", "Identifier" ],
[ "vimFoldMarker", "Noise" ],
# yaml
["yamlKeyValueDelimiter", "Noise" ],
["yamlFowIndicator", "Noise" ],
# config highlighting
[ "confComment", "Comment" ],
# markdown
["markdownDelimiter", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold"],
["markdownHeadingDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownListMarker", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold"],
["markdownCodeDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownCode", "Function"],
["markdownItalic", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic"],
["markdownItalicDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownBold", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold"],
["markdownBoldDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownIdDeclaration", "Conditional"],
["markdownId", "markdownIdDeclaration"],
["markdownLinkText", "NONE", fg_strong2, "underline"],
# extra whitespace
[ "ExtraWhitespace", bg_whitespace_error ,"NONE", "NONE" ],
# php
[ "phpRegion", "Normal" ],
[ "phpComparison", "Operator" ],
[ "phpMethod", "Function" ],
[ "phpParent", "Normal" ],
[ "phpMemberSelector", "StorageClass" ],
[ "phpVarSelector", "StorageClass" ],
# quickfix
[ "QuickfixLine", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "qfLineNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "qfFilename", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "qfSeparator", "Ignore" ],
[ "qfError", "ErrorMsg" ],
# json
[ "jsonKeyword", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsonValue", "String" ],
[ "jsonQuote", "Noise" ],
# plugins
[ "CocErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "CocWarningSign", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "CocInfoSign", "Question" ],
[ "CocHintSign", "Question" ],
[ "CocHighlightText", "IncSearch" ],
[ "LspErrorText", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "LspWarningText", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "LspInformationText", "Question" ],
[ "LspHintText", "Question" ],
[ "ALEErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "ALEWarningSign", "WarningMsg" ],
# ctrl-p highlighting
# :h ctrlp-customization
[ "CtrlPPrtBase", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPPrtText", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMatch", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode1", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode2", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE"],
[ "CtrlPNoEntries", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferNr", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferInd", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferPath", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHid", "NONE", ui_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHidMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVis", "Normal" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVisMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCur", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCurMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufName", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPTagKind", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPqfLineCol", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoT", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoBr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoSv", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoPo", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
# netrw
[ "netrwTreeBar", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwClassify", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwExe", "Identifier" ],
[ "netrwDir", "String" ],
[ "netrwPlain", "Statement" ],
[ "netrwHelpCmd", "Type" ],
[ "netrwCmdNote", "function" ],
[ "netrwQuickHelp", "netrwCmdNote" ],
[ "netrwCmdSep", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwVersion", "StorageClass" ],
[ "netrwList", "String" ],
[ "netrwHidePat", "Identifier" ],
# i3config
[ "Variable", "Function" ],
# to be implemented
# "" #shell highlighting
# "{{{
# "hi! def link shConditional shLoop
# "hi! def link shFunctionTwo mIdentifierBright
# "hi! def link shFunction mIdentifier
# "hi! def link shFunctionKey mStatement
# "hi! def link shCaseEsac mValue
# "hi! def link shCaseBar mNoise
# "hi! def link shEcho mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link bashSpecialVariables mSpecial
# "hi! def link shCmdSubRegion mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link shCommandSub mSpecialDark
# "hi! def link shEscape mNoise
# "hi! def link shTestOpr mNoise
# "hi! def link shSnglCase mNoise
# hi! def link shDerefSimple Type
# hi! def link shDerefVar shDerefSimple
# hi! def link shDerefOp Conditional
# hi! def link shDerefPattern shDerefOp
# hi! def link shCommandSub Type
# hi! def link shOption StorageClass
# ""}}}
# "" vim-fugitive
# ""{{{
# "hi! def link gitCommitBranch mValueDarkItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscarded mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitComment mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitOnBranch mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitWarning mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedFile mValueDarkerItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedFile mInterfaceWarning
# "hi! def link gitCommitUntrackedFile mStatementBright
# "hi! def link gitCommitNumber mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitAhead gitCommitNumber
# "hi! def link gitCommitBehind gitCommitNumber
# ""}}}
# "" #tagbar highlighting
# "" TagbarHighlight defined in vimrc as it gets overridden
# "" by plugin when defined in here
# "" hi! def link TagbarFoldIcon InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelp InterfaceHelp
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpKey InterfaceHelpDark
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpTitle InterfaceHelpBright
# "" hi! def link TagbarKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarNestedKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarScope InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarType InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarSignature InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarPseudoID InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHighlight InterfaceCurrent
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPublic InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessProtected InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPrivate InterfaceH2
# "" hi! TagbarHighlight ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee ctermbg=240 guibg=#585858
# "" #vimwiki highlighting
# "" hi VimwikiLink ctermfg=252 guifg=#d0d0d0 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
# "" hi! def link VimwikiHeaderChar CRNoiseDark
# "" hi VimwikiHeader1 ctermbg=242 guibg=#666666 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader2 ctermbg=238 guibg=#444444 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader3 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader4 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=251 guifg=#c6c6c6
# "" hi VimwikiHeader5 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=246 guifg=#949494
# "" hi VimwikiHeader6 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=244 guifg=#808080
# "" hi VimwikiListTodo ctermbg=233 guibg=#121212 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# Step 4: generation
# From a separate shell:
# $ erb -T - bar.erb > bar.vim
# From Vim:
# :!erb -T - % > %:r.vim
# These online resources can help you design your colorscheme:
# *
# the xterm palette
# *
# play with hexadecimal colors right in the address bar (currently down)
# *
# similar concept, fuzzier implementation
# *
# similar concept, fancier implementation
# *
# extract a palette from an image
# *
# search for 'word', get images and color palettes
# *
# user-created palettes
# *
# a no-nonsense colorscheme generator
# *
# Adobe's fancy colorscheme generator
# *
# The classic 'Color Scheme Designer', rebranded
# *
# A very smart palette generator
# *
# "I Made My Own Colour Scheme and You Can Too!"
# A few general advices:
# * The Windows console is limited to the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors but it has
# a few of them interverted which makes numbers impractical. Use color names
# instead of numbers: :help cterm-colors
# * The Windows console (yeah…) doesn't do italics, underlines or bolded text;
# it is limited to normal and reverse. Keep that in mind if you want
# your colorscheme to be usable in as many environments as possible by as many
# people as possible.
# * All of the terminal emulators in use these days allow their users to
# change the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors. It is also possible on some platforms
# to change some or all of the 256 colors in the xterm palette. Don't take
# anything for granted.
# * When used against a light background, strong colors work better than muted
# ones. Light or dark doesn't really matters. Also, it is harder to discriminate
# between two similar colors on a light background.
# * Both strong and muted colors work well against a dark background. It is also
# easier to work with similar colors, but dark colors don't work at all.
# * Use as many text samples as possible. String-heavy languages may look completely
# different than keyword-heavy ones. This can have an impact on the usability
# of your colorscheme.
# * Most terminal emulators and terminal multiplexers currently in use on unix-like
# systems support 256 colors but they almost always default to a '$TERM' that tells
# Vim otherwise. Your users will need to make sure their terminal emulator/multiplexer
# is correctly set up if they want to enjoy the best possible experience.
# Many thanks to Barry Arthur ( for the original idea.
# You don't need to edit anything beyond this line.
" <%= information[:name] %>.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: <%= information[:author] %> (<%= information[:email] %>)
" Webpage: <%= information[:webpage] %>
" Description: <%= information[:description] %>
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "<%= information[:name] %>"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% elsif highlight.length == 4 -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %> guisp=<%= highlight[4].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[4] : highlight[4][0] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16
set t_Co=16
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][2] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][2] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = <%= terminal_ansi_colors %>
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[0] %> guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline[0] %> guifg=NONE
augroup END
@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
" monotonous-darker.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: studiovx (
" Webpage:
" Description:
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "monotonous-darker"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
hi Normal ctermbg=234 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#000000 guifg=#767070 gui=NONE
set background=dark
hi Special ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#cab0af gui=bold
hi NonText ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#d1bab9 gui=NONE
hi Tag ctermbg=237 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#373030 guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Identifier ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=88 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#b79392 gui=NONE
hi Function ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=88 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#c4a6a5 gui=bold
hi Type ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#967978 gui=NONE
hi StorageClass ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#866b6b gui=bold
hi link Structure StorageClass
hi link TypeDef StorageClass
hi Constant ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#eee4e4 gui=italic
hi String ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#aeadad gui=italic
hi link Character String
hi link Number String
hi link Boolean String
hi link Float String
hi Folded ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#aeadad gui=bold
hi Statement ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#767070 gui=NONE
hi Conditional ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#aeadad gui=bold
hi Repeat ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#9a9393 gui=bold
hi Label ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=bold
hi Operator ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5d5d gui=NONE
hi Keyword ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=bold
hi Exception ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=52 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#6b5d5d gui=bold
hi PreProc ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=238 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#494646 gui=bold
hi Include ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi Comment ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=240 cterm=bold,italic guibg=NONE guifg=#5d5d5d gui=bold,italic
hi SpecialComment ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=244 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#857f7f gui=italic
hi Todo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=247 cterm=italic guibg=NONE guifg=#9a9393 gui=italic
hi Ignore ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=234 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#000000 gui=NONE
hi Conceal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Error ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=196 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#c74444 gui=bold
hi Underlined ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE cterm=underline guibg=NONE guifg=NONE gui=underline
hi StatusLine ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=#2B2B2B guifg=#aeadad gui=italic
hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=italic guibg=#2B2B2B guifg=#716c6c gui=italic
hi TabLine ctermbg=238 ctermfg=243 cterm=italic guibg=#2B2B2B guifg=#716c6c gui=italic
hi TabLineFill ctermbg=238 ctermfg=238 cterm=italic guibg=#2B2B2B guifg=#2B2B2B gui=italic
hi TabLineSel ctermbg=238 ctermfg=250 cterm=italic guibg=#2B2B2B guifg=#aeadad gui=italic
hi VertSplit ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#000000 guifg=#2B2B2B gui=NONE
hi FoldColumn ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#000000 guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#0c0c0d guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi SignColumn ctermbg=234 ctermfg=250 cterm=NONE guibg=#000000 guifg=#aeadad gui=NONE
hi CursorLine ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#0c0c0d guifg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Title ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=255 cterm=bold,italic guibg=NONE guifg=#eee4e4 gui=bold,italic
hi LineNr ctermbg=234 ctermfg=238 cterm=NONE guibg=#000000 guifg=#494646 gui=NONE
hi CursorLineNr ctermbg=234 ctermfg=243 cterm=bold guibg=#000000 guifg=#716c6c gui=bold
hi Pmenu ctermbg=237 ctermfg=244 cterm=NONE guibg=#232525 guifg=#857f7f gui=NONE
hi PmenuSbar ctermbg=237 ctermfg=237 cterm=NONE guibg=#232525 guifg=#232525 gui=NONE
hi PmenuSel ctermbg=237 ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=#232525 guifg=#aeadad gui=bold
hi PmenuThumb ctermbg=244 ctermfg=244 cterm=NONE guibg=#857f7f guifg=#857f7f gui=NONE
hi SpecialKey ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#d1bab9 gui=NONE
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hi link CocInfoSign Question
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hi link LspWarningText WarningMsg
hi link LspInformationText Question
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hi link ALEWarningSign WarningMsg
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hi CtrlPMode2 ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
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hi CtrlPBufferPath ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufferHid ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
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hi link CtrlPBufferVis Normal
hi CtrlPBufferVisMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
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hi CtrlPBufferCurMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufName ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
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hi CtrlPqfLineCol ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi CtrlPUndoT ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoBr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoSv ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoPo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
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hi link netrwList String
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let g:terminal_ansi_colors = ["#1f2121", "#5d5d5d", "#716c6c", "#767070", "#857f7f", "#9a9393", "#aeadad", "#eee4e4", "#2B2B2B", "#90905c", "#a2a268", "#b4b473", "#c3c67e", "#c6c689", "#d0d095", "#d5d5a1"]
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#191E1F guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=232 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#0c0c0d guifg=NONE
augroup END
@ -1,864 +0,0 @@
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (
# Canonical URL:
# Step 1: information
# Make sure the name of your colorscheme is unique and attractive.
# The description should fit in a single line with no linefeed.
# 'background' can be "light" or "dark".
information = {
author: "studiovx",
email: "",
name: "monotonous-dark",
description: "",
background: "dark",
webpage: ""
# Step 2: colors
# black = [ give each color a distinctive name
# "#000000", hexadecimal color for GVim/MacVim and "true colors" terminals
# 0, integer between 0 and 255 for terminals supporting 256 colors
# "black" color name for less capable color terminals, can be "darkred", "red",
# "darkgreen", "green", "darkyellow", "yellow", "darkblue", "blue",
# "darkmagenta", "magenta", "black", "darkgrey", "grey", "white"
# ]
# If your colors are defined correctly, the resulting colorscheme is guaranteed
# to work in GVim (Windows/Linux), MacVim, and any properly set up terminal emulator.
strongred3 = ["#373030", 237, "darkred"]
strongred2 = ["#6b5d5d", 52, "darkred"]
strongred1 = ["#866b6b", 52, "darkred"]
red3 = ["#967978", 52, "darkred"]
red2 = ["#a78685", 88, "darkred"]
red1 = ["#b79392", 88, "red"]
weakred3 = ["#c4a6a5", 88, "red"]
weakred2 = ["#cab0af", 124, "red"]
weakred1 = ["#d1bab9", 124, "red"]
graygreen0 = ["#303730", 237, "black"]
green7 = ["#6b866c", 22, "darkgreen"]
green6 = ["#7a9678", 22, "darkgreen"]
green5 = ["#85a786", 28, "darkgreen"]
green4 = ["#95b792", 28, "green"]
green3 = ["#a5c4a5", 28, "green"]
green2 = ["#b1caaf", 34, "green"]
green1 = ["#b9d1bb", 34, "green"]
grayblue0 = ["#303237", 237, "black"]
blue7 = ["#5c6191", 17, "darkblue"]
blue6 = ["#6a6f9b", 18, "darkblue"]
blue5 = ["#7378b4", 19, "darkblue"]
blue4 = ["#7e84c6", 19, "blue"]
blue3 = ["#898fcb", 20, "blue"]
blue2 = ["#959ad0", 20, "blue"]
blue1 = ["#a1a5d5", 21, "blue"]
grayindigo0 = ["#323037", 237, "black"]
indigo7 = ["#6c6b86", 17, "darkblue"]
indigo6 = ["#787896", 18, "darkblue"]
indigo5 = ["#8685a7", 19, "darkblue"]
indigo4 = ["#9292b7", 19, "blue"]
indigo3 = ["#a6a5c4", 20, "blue"]
indigo2 = ["#b0afca", 20, "blue"]
indigo1 = ["#beb9d1", 21, "blue"]
# TODO 256 and term colours
magenta7= ["#625166", 164, "magenta"]
magenta6= ["#725f77", 164, "magenta"]
magenta5= ["#826c89", 164, "magenta"]
magenta4= ["#927a9a", 164, "magenta"]
magenta3= ["#a287aa", 164, "magenta"]
magenta2= ["#b294bb", 164, "magenta"]
magenta1= ["#b99dc1", 164, "magenta"]
grayyellow0 = ["#373730", 237, "black"]
yellow7 = ["#90905c", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow6 = ["#a2a268", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow5 = ["#b4b473", 28, "darkyellow"]
yellow4 = ["#c3c67e", 28, "yellow"]
yellow3 = ["#c6c689", 28, "yellow"]
yellow2 = ["#d0d095", 34, "yellow"]
yellow1 = ["#d5d5a1", 34, "yellow"]
bg_cursorline = ["#f7f7f7", 250, "white"]
bg_colorcolumn = bg_cursorline
bg_cursorcolumn = ["#f7f7f7", 250, "white"]
bg = ["#ffffff", 234, "black"]
bg_cursorline_input = ["#e6e6e6", 17, "darkblue"]
fg_weak1 = ["#cccccc", 247, "darkgray"]
fg_comment = ["#c4c4c4", 244, "darkgray"]
fg_weak2 = ["#afafaf", 238, "gray"]
fg = ["#999999", 243, "gray"]
fg_strong1 = ["#888888", 240, "gray"]
fg_strong2 = ["#777777", 238, "gray"]
fg_strong3 = ["#666666", 232, "gray"]
fg_strong4 = ["#555555", 232, "gray"]
fg_special = ["#111111", 232, "gray"]
fg_error = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
fg_spellcap = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
fg_spellrare = ["#797532", 247, "darkyellow"]
fg_spelllocal = fg_spellrare
bg_whitespace_error = ["#ccbbbb", 196, "red"]
fg_todo = ["#aa0000", 196, "red"]
color_primary_weak1 = weakred1
color_primary_weak2 = weakred2
color_primary_weak3 = weakred3
color_primary1 = red1
color_primary2 = red2
color_primary3 = red3
color_primary_strong1 = strongred1
color_primary_strong2 = strongred2
color_primary_strong3 = strongred3
color_secondary_weak = green5
color_secondary = green6
color_secondary_strong = green7
color_tertiary_weak = blue3
color_tertiary = blue4
color_tertiary_strong = blue7
ui_bg = ["#dddddd", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak1 = ["#999999", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak2 = ["#8f8f8f", 240, "gray"]
ui_fg = ["#828282", 243, "gray"]
ui_fg_strong1 = ["#707070", 244, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong2 = ["#666666", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong3 = ["#555555", 250, "white"]
ui_fg_strong4 = ["#444444", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_bg = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_fg = ["#131313", 0, "black"]
ui_linenr = fg_weak1
ui_cursorlinenr = fg_weak2
ui_search = ["#b7c3cd", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_incsearch = ["#5a727c", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visual_bg = ["#ced8e0", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visualnos_bg = ["#e0d4ce", 52, "darkred"]
menu_bg = ["#333535", 237, "black"]
menu_fg = ui_fg_strong1
menu_sel = ui_fg_strong3
diff_delete_bg = ["#ece0e0", 52, "darkred"]
diff_add_bg = ["#e0ece0", 22, "darkgreen"]
diff_change_bg = ["#e0e0ec", 17, "darkblue"]
diff_change_fg = ["#656a7c", 21, "white"]
ui_sign_add = ["#496349", 34, "green"]
ui_sign_change = ["#596171", 19, "blue"]
ui_sign_delete = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_sign_changedelete = ["#5c4a5a", 126, "magenta"]
ui_statusbar_mod = ["#655757", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_mod_active = ["#916c6c", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_input = ["#ced8e0", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_fileinfo = fg_comment
ui_fg_errormsg = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_warningmsg = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
ui_fg_question = ["#797532", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_warning_weak = ["#7b6a6a", 88, "darkred"]
ui_fg_warning = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_fg_warning_strong = ["#916c6c", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_error = ["#7D3636", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_linter_dash = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_dash_active = fg_comment
ui_fg_linter_error = ui_fg
ui_fg_linter_error_active = ui_fg_errormsg
ui_fg_linter_warning = ui_fg_weak2
ui_fg_linter_warning_active = ui_fg_warningmsg
ui_fg_linter_info = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_info_active = ui_fg_question
# terminal_ansi_colors = [ '#1f2121', fg_comment[0], fg_weak2[0], fg[0], fg_strong1[0], fg_strong2[0], fg_strong3[0], fg_strong4[0], bg_cursorline[0], color_primary_weak3[0], color_primary1[0], color_primary2[0], color_primary3[0], color_primary_strong1[0], color_primary_strong2[0], color_primary_strong3[0] ]
terminal_ansi_colors = [ '#1f2121', fg_comment[0], fg_weak2[0], fg[0], fg_strong1[0], fg_strong2[0], fg_strong3[0], fg_strong4[0], ui_bg[0], yellow1[0], yellow2[0], yellow3[0], yellow4[0], yellow5[0], yellow6[0], yellow7[0] ]
# Step 3: highlights
highlights = [
[ "Normal", bg, fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Special", "NONE", color_primary_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "NonText", "NONE", color_primary_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Tag", color_primary_weak1, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Identifier", "NONE", color_primary3, "NONE" ],
[ "Function", "NONE", color_primary_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Type", "NONE", color_primary1, "NONE" ],
[ "StorageClass", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "bold" ],
[ "Structure", "StorageClass"],
[ "TypeDef", "StorageClass"],
[ "Constant", "NONE", fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "String", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "Character", "String" ],
[ "Number", "String" ],
[ "Boolean", "String" ],
[ "Float", "String" ],
[ "Folded", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Statement", "NONE", fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conditional", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Repeat", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "Label", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Operator", "NONE", fg_comment, "NONE" ],
[ "Keyword", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Exception", "NONE", color_primary_weak2, "bold" ],
[ "PreProc", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "Include", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "Comment", "NONE", fg_comment, "bold,italic" ],
[ "SpecialComment", "NONE", fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "Todo", "NONE", fg_todo, "bold,italic" ],
[ "Ignore", "NONE", bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conceal", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Error", "NONE", fg_error, "bold" ],
[ "Underlined", "NONE", "NONE", "underline" ],
[ "StatusLine", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "StatusLineNC", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLine", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLineFill", ui_bg, ui_bg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLineSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "VertSplit", bg, ui_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "FoldColumn", bg, fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "ColorColumn", bg_colorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "SignColumn", bg, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLine", bg_cursorline, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Title", "NONE", fg_strong4, "bold,italic" ],
[ "LineNr", bg, ui_linenr, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLineNr", bg, ui_cursorlinenr, "bold" ],
# [ "helpLeadBlank", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
# [ "helpNormal", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
[ "Pmenu", menu_bg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSbar", menu_bg, menu_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSel", menu_bg, menu_sel, "bold" ],
[ "PmenuThumb", menu_fg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "SpecialKey", "NONE", color_primary_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "DiffAdd", diff_add_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffChange", diff_change_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffDelete", diff_delete_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffText", diff_change_bg, diff_change_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "IncSearch", ui_incsearch, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Search", ui_search, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Visual", ui_visual_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "VisualNOS", ui_visualnos_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Directory", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "MatchParen", "NONE", fg_special, "bold" ],
[ "SpellBad", "NONE", fg_error, "NONE", fg_error ],
[ "SpellCap", "NONE", fg_spellcap, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellLocal", "NONE", fg_spelllocal, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellRare", "NONE", fg_spellrare, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "WildMenu", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "ErrorMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_errormsg, "italic" ],
[ "ModeMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "MoreMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "Question", "NONE", ui_fg_question, "italic" ],
[ "WarningMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_warningmsg, "italic" ],
[ "Cursor", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CursorColumn", bg_cursorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "EndOfBuffer", bg, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Noise", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE"],
# tabline, statusline
[ "TabLineNum", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "TabLineNumSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineNoise", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineNoiseActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNr", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNrActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLinePercent", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLinePercentActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineLinecount", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineLinecountActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDivActive", ui_fg, ui_fg, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivInput", ui_statusbar_input, ui_statusbar_input, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivMod", ui_statusbar_mod, ui_statusbar_mod, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivModActive", ui_statusbar_mod_active, ui_statusbar_mod_active, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineFileInfo", "NONE", ui_fileinfo, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFile", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDir", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDirActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExt", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExtActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDot", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDotActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnly", ui_bg, ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnlyActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarning", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "LinterDash", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash, "NONE"],
[ "LinterDashActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterError", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "NONE"],
[ "LinterErrorStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarning", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarningStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfo", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfoActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info_active, "NONE"],
[ "GitGutterDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_delete, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChange", "NONE", ui_sign_change, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterAdd", "NONE", ui_sign_add, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChangeDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_changedelete, "bold"],
[ "QuickScopePrimary", "IncSearch" ],
[ "QuickScopeSecondary", "Pmenu" ],
# css, scss
[ "cssIdentifier", "NONE", color_secondary, "bold" ],
[ "cssClass", "NONE", color_secondary_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "cssFunction", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "cssProp", "NONE", fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssVariable", "NONE", color_secondary_strong, "bold" ],
[ "cssAttr", "String"],
[ "cssIdentifierAttr", "Noise" ],
[ "cssClassAttr", "cssIdentifierAttr" ],
[ "cssAttrNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "atKeyword", "PreProc" ],
[ "cssIdentifier", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "cssClassName", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssClassNameDot", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssTagName", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "cssPseudoClassId", "cssClassName" ],
[ "cssKeyFrameSelector", "Label" ],
[ "cssFunctionName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "cssBraces", "Noise" ],
[ "cssUnitDecorators", "NONE", fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssSelector", "cssClass" ],
[ "scssSelectorName", "scssSelector" ],
[ "scssSelectorChar", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "scssFunctionName", "cssFunctionName" ],
[ "scssMixin", "keyword" ],
[ "scssMixinName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "scssampersand", "scssSelectorName" ],
[ "scssAtRoot", "atKeyword" ],
[ "vue_scss", "cssIdentifier" ],
["htmlTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary_weak, "NONE"],
["htmlSpecialTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary, "bold"],
["htmlLink", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic,underline"],
[ "htmlNormal", "Normal" ],
[ "htmlTitle", "Title" ],
[ "htmlH1", "htmlTitle" ],
[ "htmlTag", "Noise" ],
[ "htmlEndTag", "htmlTag" ],
[ "htmlArg", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlPreStmt", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlPreProc", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreAttr", "String" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrName", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlSpecial", "Special" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlString", "String" ],
[ "htmlStatement", "Statement" ],
[ "htmlComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCommentPart", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlCommentError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlTagError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlEvent", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlError", "Error" ],
[ "javaScript", "Special" ],
[ "javaScriptExpression", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlCssStyleComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCssDefinition", "Special" ],
[ "htmlImgArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlSrcValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSrcsetValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
[ "htmlAltValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlDataArg", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "htmlDataValue", "Constant" ],
[ "htmlHrefArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlHrefValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
# vue
[ "vueSpecial", "NONE", indigo7, "bold" ],
[ "vueTagSpecial", "NONE", indigo5, "bold" ],
[ "vueTagComponentName", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueDynamicComponent", "NONE", indigo1, "bold" ],
# [ "vueTag", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueSlotName", "Constant" ],
[ "vueComponentName", "vueTagComponentName" ],
[ "vueTransitionComponent", "vueDynamicComponent" ],
[ "vueTransitionName", "vueSlotName" ],
[ "vueTransitionMode", "String" ],
[ "vueDirective", "Identifier" ],
[ "vueEvent", "Function" ],
[ "vueConditional", "vueSpecial" ],
[ "vueFor", "vueConditional" ],
[ "vueRef", "vueSpecial" ],
[ "vueSlot", "Noise" ],
[ "vueDirectiveValue", "Type" ],
[ "vueEventValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueConditionalValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueForValue", "vueConditionalValue" ],
[ "vueRefValue", "Constant" ],
[ "vueSlotValue", "vueSlotName" ],
[ "vueObjectKey", "cssClass" ],
[ "vueObjectValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueDirectiveClass", "Noise" ],
[ "vueMustache", "Type" ],
# javascript
[ "jsFunctionKey", "Function" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "NONE", red2, "bold" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "jsVariableDef", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsGlobalObjects", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "jsGlobalNodeObjects", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsExceptions", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsBuiltins", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsStorageClass", "Include" ],
[ "jsObjectKey", "NONE", red3, "NONE"],
[ "jsObjectProp", "Type" ],
[ "jsObjectValue", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "NONE" ],
[ "jsModuleKeyword", "Type" ],
[ "jsOperatorKeyword", "Label" ],
[ "jsThis", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsArrowFunction", "Function" ],
# python
[ "pythonBuiltin", "Type" ],
[ "pythonBuiltinObj", "Special" ],
[ "pythonDottedName", "Identifier" ],
[ "pythonBrackets", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonQuotes", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonDot", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonExtraOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "pythonDocString", "SpecialComment" ],
[ "pythonSelf", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "JinjaVarBlock", "Noise" ],
[ "JinjaTagBlock", "JinjaVarBlock" ],
[ "jinjaSpecial", "NONE", magenta7, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaRaw", "NONE", magenta1, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaStatement", "NONE", magenta2, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaFilter", "NONE", magenta6, "bold"],
[ "jinjaBlockName", "NONE", magenta6, "bold"],
[ "jinjaVariable", "NONE", magenta3, "bold"],
[ "jinjaString", "String"],
[ "jinjaNumber", "Number"],
[ "jinjaOperator", "Noise"],
[ "jinjaComment", "Comment"],
# sql
[ "sqlOperator", "Operator" ],
# vim
[ "vimFoldMarker", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE"],
[ "vimMap", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAbb", "vimMap" ],
[ "VimCommand", "Statement" ],
[ "VimOption", "String" ],
[ "vimFunction", "Function" ],
[ "vimFuncKey", "Special" ],
[ "vimHighlight", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAuGroupKey", "Noise" ],
[ "vimGroupName", "Special" ],
[ "vimAutoCmd", "Noise" ],
[ "vimSynMtchGrp", "Type" ],
[ "vimSynContains", "Type" ],
[ "vimSynRegOpt", "Type" ],
[ "vimHiTerm", "Include" ],
[ "vimHiAttrib", "Number" ],
[ "VimIsCommand", "Type" ],
[ "vimNotation", "StorageClass" ],
[ "vimMapLhs", "Special" ],
[ "vimMapRhs", "Label" ],
[ "vimNotFunc", "Conditional" ],
[ "vimSep", "Noise" ],
[ "vimParenSep", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimContinue", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimBracket", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimOperParen", "Normal" ],
[ "vimUserFunc", "Identifier" ],
[ "vimFoldMarker", "Noise" ],
# yaml
["yamlKeyValueDelimiter", "Noise" ],
["yamlFowIndicator", "Noise" ],
# config highlighting
[ "confComment", "Comment" ],
# markdown
["markdownDelimiter", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold"],
["markdownHeadingDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownListMarker", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold"],
["markdownCodeDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownCode", "Type"],
["markdownItalic", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic"],
["markdownItalicDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownBold", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold"],
["markdownBoldDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownIdDeclaration", "Conditional"],
["markdownId", "markdownIdDeclaration"],
["markdownLinkText", "NONE", fg_strong2, "underline"],
# extra whitespace
[ "ExtraWhitespace", bg_whitespace_error ,"NONE", "NONE" ],
# php
[ "phpRegion", "Normal" ],
[ "phpComparison", "Operator" ],
[ "phpMethod", "Function" ],
[ "phpParent", "Normal" ],
[ "phpMemberSelector", "StorageClass" ],
[ "phpVarSelector", "StorageClass" ],
# quickfix
[ "QuickfixLine", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "qfLineNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "qfFilename", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "qfSeparator", "Ignore" ],
[ "qfError", "ErrorMsg" ],
# json
[ "jsonKeyword", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsonValue", "String" ],
[ "jsonQuote", "Noise" ],
# octobercms
[ "octobercmsSectionDelimiter", "Noise" ],
# plugins
[ "CocErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "CocWarningSign", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "CocInfoSign", "Question" ],
[ "CocHintSign", "Question" ],
[ "CocHighlightText", "IncSearch" ],
[ "CocUnderline", diff_delete_bg, fg_error, "NONE" ],
[ "LspErrorText", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "LspWarningText", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "LspInformationText", "Question" ],
[ "LspHintText", "Question" ],
[ "ALEError", "CocUnderline" ],
[ "ALEErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "ALEErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "mkdCodeStart", "Comment" ],
[ "mkdListItem", "Conditional" ],
# ctrl-p highlighting
# :h ctrlp-customization
[ "CtrlPPrtBase", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPPrtText", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMatch", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode1", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode2", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE"],
[ "CtrlPNoEntries", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferNr", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferInd", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferPath", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHid", "NONE", ui_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHidMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVis", "Normal" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVisMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCur", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCurMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufName", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPTagKind", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPqfLineCol", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoT", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoBr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoSv", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoPo", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
# netrw
[ "netrwTreeBar", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwClassify", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwExe", "Identifier" ],
[ "netrwDir", "String" ],
[ "netrwPlain", "Statement" ],
[ "netrwHelpCmd", "Type" ],
[ "netrwCmdNote", "function" ],
[ "netrwQuickHelp", "netrwCmdNote" ],
[ "netrwCmdSep", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwVersion", "StorageClass" ],
[ "netrwList", "String" ],
[ "netrwHidePat", "Identifier" ],
# i3config
[ "Variable", "Function" ],
# to be implemented
# "" #shell highlighting
# "{{{
# "hi! def link shConditional shLoop
# "hi! def link shFunctionTwo mIdentifierBright
# "hi! def link shFunction mIdentifier
# "hi! def link shFunctionKey mStatement
# "hi! def link shCaseEsac mValue
# "hi! def link shCaseBar mNoise
# "hi! def link shEcho mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link bashSpecialVariables mSpecial
# "hi! def link shCmdSubRegion mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link shCommandSub mSpecialDark
# "hi! def link shEscape mNoise
# "hi! def link shTestOpr mNoise
# "hi! def link shSnglCase mNoise
# hi! def link shDerefSimple Type
# hi! def link shDerefVar shDerefSimple
# hi! def link shDerefOp Conditional
# hi! def link shDerefPattern shDerefOp
# hi! def link shCommandSub Type
# hi! def link shOption StorageClass
# ""}}}
# "" vim-fugitive
# ""{{{
# "hi! def link gitCommitBranch mValueDarkItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscarded mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitComment mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitOnBranch mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitWarning mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedFile mValueDarkerItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedFile mInterfaceWarning
# "hi! def link gitCommitUntrackedFile mStatementBright
# "hi! def link gitCommitNumber mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitAhead gitCommitNumber
# "hi! def link gitCommitBehind gitCommitNumber
# ""}}}
# "" #tagbar highlighting
# "" TagbarHighlight defined in vimrc as it gets overridden
# "" by plugin when defined in here
# "" hi! def link TagbarFoldIcon InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelp InterfaceHelp
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpKey InterfaceHelpDark
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpTitle InterfaceHelpBright
# "" hi! def link TagbarKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarNestedKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarScope InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarType InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarSignature InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarPseudoID InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHighlight InterfaceCurrent
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPublic InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessProtected InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPrivate InterfaceH2
# "" hi! TagbarHighlight ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee ctermbg=240 guibg=#585858
# "" #vimwiki highlighting
# "" hi VimwikiLink ctermfg=252 guifg=#d0d0d0 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
# "" hi! def link VimwikiHeaderChar CRNoiseDark
# "" hi VimwikiHeader1 ctermbg=242 guibg=#666666 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader2 ctermbg=238 guibg=#444444 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader3 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader4 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=251 guifg=#c6c6c6
# "" hi VimwikiHeader5 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=246 guifg=#949494
# "" hi VimwikiHeader6 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=244 guifg=#808080
# "" hi VimwikiListTodo ctermbg=233 guibg=#121212 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# Step 4: generation
# From a separate shell:
# $ erb -T - bar.erb > bar.vim
# From Vim:
# :!erb -T - % > %:r.vim
# These online resources can help you design your colorscheme:
# *
# the xterm palette
# *
# play with hexadecimal colors right in the address bar (currently down)
# *
# similar concept, fuzzier implementation
# *
# similar concept, fancier implementation
# *
# extract a palette from an image
# *
# search for 'word', get images and color palettes
# *
# user-created palettes
# *
# a no-nonsense colorscheme generator
# *
# Adobe's fancy colorscheme generator
# *
# The classic 'Color Scheme Designer', rebranded
# *
# A very smart palette generator
# *
# "I Made My Own Colour Scheme and You Can Too!"
# A few general advices:
# * The Windows console is limited to the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors but it has
# a few of them interverted which makes numbers impractical. Use color names
# instead of numbers: :help cterm-colors
# * The Windows console (yeah…) doesn't do italics, underlines or bolded text;
# it is limited to normal and reverse. Keep that in mind if you want
# your colorscheme to be usable in as many environments as possible by as many
# people as possible.
# * All of the terminal emulators in use these days allow their users to
# change the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors. It is also possible on some platforms
# to change some or all of the 256 colors in the xterm palette. Don't take
# anything for granted.
# * When used against a light background, strong colors work better than muted
# ones. Light or dark doesn't really matters. Also, it is harder to discriminate
# between two similar colors on a light background.
# * Both strong and muted colors work well against a dark background. It is also
# easier to work with similar colors, but dark colors don't work at all.
# * Use as many text samples as possible. String-heavy languages may look completely
# different than keyword-heavy ones. This can have an impact on the usability
# of your colorscheme.
# * Most terminal emulators and terminal multiplexers currently in use on unix-like
# systems support 256 colors but they almost always default to a '$TERM' that tells
# Vim otherwise. Your users will need to make sure their terminal emulator/multiplexer
# is correctly set up if they want to enjoy the best possible experience.
# Many thanks to Barry Arthur ( for the original idea.
# You don't need to edit anything beyond this line.
" <%= information[:name] %>.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: <%= information[:author] %> (<%= information[:email] %>)
" Webpage: <%= information[:webpage] %>
" Description: <%= information[:description] %>
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "<%= information[:name] %>"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% elsif highlight.length == 4 -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %> guisp=<%= highlight[4].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[4] : highlight[4][0] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16
set t_Co=16
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][2] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][2] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = <%= terminal_ansi_colors %>
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[0] %> guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline[0] %> guifg=NONE
augroup END
@ -1,755 +0,0 @@
" monotonous-dark.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: studiovx (
" Webpage:
" Description:
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "monotonous-dark"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
hi Normal ctermbg=234 ctermfg=243 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#999999 gui=NONE
set background=dark
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hi CtrlPUndoSv ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=124 cterm=NONE guibg=NONE guifg=#725454 gui=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoPo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=250 cterm=bold guibg=NONE guifg=#555555 gui=bold
hi link netrwTreeBar Noise
hi link netrwClassify Noise
hi link netrwExe Identifier
hi link netrwDir String
hi link netrwPlain Statement
hi link netrwHelpCmd Type
hi link netrwCmdNote function
hi link netrwQuickHelp netrwCmdNote
hi link netrwCmdSep Noise
hi link netrwVersion StorageClass
hi link netrwList String
hi link netrwHidePat Identifier
hi link Variable Function
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16
set t_Co=16
hi Normal ctermbg=black ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
set background=dark
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hi Type ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi StorageClass ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi link Structure StorageClass
hi link TypeDef StorageClass
hi Constant ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=italic
hi String ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=italic
hi link Character String
hi link Number String
hi link Boolean String
hi link Float String
hi Folded ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=bold
hi Statement ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi Conditional ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=bold
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hi Label ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=bold
hi Operator ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi Keyword ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=bold
hi Exception ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi PreProc ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
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hi Comment ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold,italic
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hi StatusLineDirActive ctermbg=gray ctermfg=gray cterm=italic
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hi StatusLineExtActive ctermbg=gray ctermfg=darkgray cterm=italic
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hi StatusLineDotActive ctermbg=gray ctermfg=gray cterm=italic
hi StatusLineFileReadOnly ctermbg=gray ctermfg=red cterm=italic
hi StatusLineFileReadOnlyActive ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=italic
hi StatusLineWarning ctermbg=gray ctermfg=darkgray cterm=italic
hi StatusLineWarningActive ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=italic
hi LinterDash ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi LinterDashActive ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi LinterError ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=bold
hi LinterErrorActive ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi LinterErrorStyle ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi LinterErrorStyleActive ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi LinterWarning ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=bold
hi LinterWarningActive ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=yellow cterm=bold
hi LinterWarningStyle ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi LinterWarningStyleActive ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=yellow cterm=NONE
hi LinterInfo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi LinterInfoActive ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi GitGutterDelete ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi GitGutterChange ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=blue cterm=bold
hi GitGutterAdd ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=green cterm=bold
hi GitGutterChangeDelete ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=magenta cterm=bold
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hi link jsBuiltins jsGlobalObjects
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hi link jsArrowFunction Function
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hi link pythonDot Noise
hi link pythonNoise Noise
hi link pythonExtraOperator Operator
hi link pythonDocString SpecialComment
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hi link JinjaTagBlock JinjaVarBlock
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hi link sqlOperator Operator
hi vimFoldMarker ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
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hi link VimCommand Statement
hi link VimOption String
hi link vimFunction Function
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hi link vimAutoCmd Noise
hi link vimSynMtchGrp Type
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hi link vimSynRegOpt Type
hi link vimHiTerm Include
hi link vimHiAttrib Number
hi link VimIsCommand Type
hi link vimNotation StorageClass
hi link vimMapLhs Special
hi link vimMapRhs Label
hi link vimNotFunc Conditional
hi link vimSep Noise
hi link vimParenSep vimSep
hi link vimContinue vimSep
hi link vimBracket vimSep
hi link vimOperParen Normal
hi link vimUserFunc Identifier
hi link vimFoldMarker Noise
hi link yamlKeyValueDelimiter Noise
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hi link confComment Comment
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hi markdownBold ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=bold
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hi link markdownIdDeclaration Conditional
hi link markdownId markdownIdDeclaration
hi markdownLinkText ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=underline
hi ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE
hi link phpRegion Normal
hi link phpComparison Operator
hi link phpMethod Function
hi link phpParent Normal
hi link phpMemberSelector StorageClass
hi link phpVarSelector StorageClass
hi QuickfixLine ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi qfLineNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=italic
hi qfFilename ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
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hi link qfError ErrorMsg
hi link jsonKeyword Identifier
hi link jsonValue String
hi link jsonQuote Noise
hi link octobercmsSectionDelimiter Noise
hi link CocErrorSign ErrorMsg
hi link CocWarningSign WarningMsg
hi link CocInfoSign Question
hi link CocHintSign Question
hi link CocHighlightText IncSearch
hi CocUnderline ctermbg=darkred ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi link LspErrorText ErrorMsg
hi link LspWarningText WarningMsg
hi link LspInformationText Question
hi link LspHintText Question
hi link ALEError CocUnderline
hi link ALEErrorSign ErrorMsg
hi link ALEErrorSign ErrorMsg
hi link mkdCodeStart Comment
hi link mkdListItem Conditional
hi CtrlPPrtBase ctermbg=white ctermfg=black cterm=bold
hi CtrlPPrtText ctermbg=white ctermfg=black cterm=bold
hi CtrlPMatch ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi CtrlPMode1 ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPMode2 ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPNoEntries ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferInd ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferPath ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufferHid ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufferHidMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkred cterm=NONE
hi link CtrlPBufferVis Normal
hi CtrlPBufferVisMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufferCur ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPBufferCurMod ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPBufName ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPTagKind ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi CtrlPqfLineCol ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=bold
hi CtrlPUndoT ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoBr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoNr ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=gray cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoSv ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=red cterm=NONE
hi CtrlPUndoPo ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=white cterm=bold
hi link netrwTreeBar Noise
hi link netrwClassify Noise
hi link netrwExe Identifier
hi link netrwDir String
hi link netrwPlain Statement
hi link netrwHelpCmd Type
hi link netrwCmdNote function
hi link netrwQuickHelp netrwCmdNote
hi link netrwCmdSep Noise
hi link netrwVersion StorageClass
hi link netrwList String
hi link netrwHidePat Identifier
hi link Variable Function
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = ["#1f2121", "#c4c4c4", "#afafaf", "#999999", "#888888", "#777777", "#666666", "#555555", "#dddddd", "#d5d5a1", "#d0d095", "#c6c689", "#c3c67e", "#b4b473", "#a2a268", "#90905c"]
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=17 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#e6e6e6 guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=250 ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=#f7f7f7 guifg=NONE
augroup END
@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
" #vim-hexokinase {{{
Plug 'RRethy/vim-hexokinase'
let g:Hexokinase_highlighters = ['virtual']
let g:Hexokinase_virtualText = '██████'
nnoremap <silent> <cr>cc :HexokinaseToggle<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <cr>cr :HexokinaseRefresh<CR>
" #ALE {{{
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
" let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1
let g:ale_disable_lsp = 1
let g:ale_sign_column_always = 1
let g:ale_open_list = 0
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1
let g:ale_fix_on_save_ignore = { 'vue': ['eslint'] }
let g:ale_linters = {'scss': [], 'javascript': [], 'json': [], 'php':['php'], 'python': [], 'html':['htmlhint'], 'vue': []}
let g:ale_fixers = {'scss': ['prettier'], 'javascript': [], 'json': ['jq'], 'python': [], 'vue': []}
let g:ale_html_htmlhint_options = '-c ~/.htmlhintrc --format=unix'
let g:ale_python_pyls_config = {
\ 'pyls': {
\ 'pycodestyle': { 'enabled': v:false },
\ 'configurationSources': ['flake8']
\ }
\ }
let g:ale_sign_error = 'Α'
let g:ale_sign_warning = 'α'
nmap gh <Plug>(ale_hover)
nmap <space>aa <Plug>(ale_detail)
nmap <space>af <Plug>(ale_fix)
nmap <space>ar <Plug>(ale_find_references)
nmap <space>ad <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition)
nmap <space>aD <Plug>(ale_documentation)
nmap <space>an <Plug>(ale_next)
nmap <space>ap <Plug>(ale_previous)
" #coc.nvim{{{
" SEE BOTTOM OF VIMRC FOR coc#add_extension statement
" for some reason fails when added some other places
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'tag': '*', 'do': { -> coc#util#install()}}
let g:coc_snippet_next = '<tab>'
let g:coc_snippet_prev = '<s-tab>'
inoremap <silent><expr> <c-n> coc#refresh()
nnoremap <silent> <silent> gH :call CocAction('doHover')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>cf :call CocAction('doQuickfix')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>cd :call CocAction('jumpDefinition')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>ci :call CocAction('jumpImplementation')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>cr :call CocAction('jumpReferences')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>cm :call CocAction('rename')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>ca :call CocAction('codeAction')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>cs :call CocAction('documentSymbols')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>cS :call CocAction('workspaceSymbols')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>cn :call CocAction('diagnosticNext')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>cp :call CocAction('diagnosticPrevious')<CR>
" vnoremap \f <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
" nnoremap \f <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocAction('format')
command! -nargs=? Fold :call CocAction('fold', <f-args>)
" }}}
" #delimitMate{{{
Plug 'Raimondi/delimitMate'
let delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
let delimitMate_expand_space = 1
" #echodoc.vim{{{
Plug 'Shougo/echodoc.vim'
" #emmet-vim {{{
Plug 'mattn/emmet-vim'
let g:user_emmet_leader_key=',,'
let g:user_emmet_settings = {
\ 'indentation': ' ',
" #vim-fugitive{{{
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
nnoremap <silent> <space>gs :Gstatus<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>gd :tabedit %<CR>:Gdiff<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>gc :Gcommit<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>gl :Glog<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>gp :Gpush<CR>:copen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>gp :Gpushjob<CR>:copen<CR>
" #gitgutter {{{
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
nmap ]h <Plug>GitGutterNextHunk
nmap [h <Plug>GitGutterPrevHunk
omap ih <Plug>GitGutterTextObjectInnerPending
omap ah <Plug>GitGutterTextObjectOuterPending
xmap ih <Plug>GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual
xmap ah <Plug>GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual
" #MatchTagAlways{{{
Plug 'Valloric/MatchTagAlways'
let g:mta_filetypes = {
\ 'jinja' : 1,
\ 'html' : 1,
\ 'vue' : 1,
\ 'xhtml' : 1,
\ 'xml' : 1,
" #phpcomplete.vim{{{
Plug 'shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim'
" For up to date Wordpress Files see:
" #polyglot{{{
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
" vue options
let g:vue_disable_pre_processors=0
" set custom syntax highlighting
augroup fixhighlighting
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.vue syntax sync fromstart
augroup END
" #quickscope{{{
Plug 'unblevable/quick-scope'
let g:qs_highlight_on_keys = ['f', 'F', 't', 'T']
" #rainbow{{{
Plug 'luochen1990/rainbow'
let g:rainbow_active = 0
nnoremap <cr>9 :RainbowToggle<cr>
nnoremap <cr>( :RainbowToggle<cr>
" #switch {{{
Plug 'AndrewRadev/switch.vim'
let g:switch_mapping = '<space>-'
let g:switch_custom_definitions = [
\ ['0', '1'],
\ ['ease-in', 'ease-out', 'ease-in-out', 'linear'],
\ ['auto', 'none'],
\ ['left', 'right'],
\ ['top', 'bottom'],
\ ['row', 'column'],
\ ['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed'],
\ ['private', 'public', 'protected']
\ ]
" #tagbar {{{
" Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
" nnoremap <space>tb :TagbarOpen fj<CR>
" nnoremap <space>] :tag /[.#@]<c-r>=expand('<cword>')<cr><cr>
" let g:tagbar_autoclose = 1
" " let g:tagbar_autopreview = 1
" " let g:tagbar_previewwin_pos = ''
" let g:tagbar_type_css = {
" \ 'ctagstype' : 'css',
" \ 'kinds' : [
" \ 'c:classes',
" \ 'i:ids',
" \ 't:tags',
" \ 'm:medias'
" \ ]
" \}
" let g:tagbar_type_scss = {
" \ 'ctagstype' : 'scss',
" \ 'kinds' : [
" \ 'v:variables',
" \ 'c:classes',
" \ 'i:ids',
" \ 't:tags',
" \ 'd:medias',
" \ 'm:mixins',
" \ 'f:functions'
" \ ]
" \}
" let g:tagbar_type_vue = {
" \ 'ctagstype' : 'vue',
" \ 'kinds' : [
" \ 'o:objects',
" \ 'f:functions',
" \ 'a:array',
" \ 's:string',
" \ 'b:boolean',
" \ 'n:number',
" \ 'v:variable'
" \ ]
" \ }
" #ultisnips {{{
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
" and some snippets
" Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
nnoremap <space>ul :call ListUltisnips()<cr>
inoremap jkul <c-o>:call ListUltisnips()<cr>
let g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir='~/.vim/UltiSnips'
" Trigger configuration. Do not use <tab> if you use
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger='<tab>'
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger='<tab>'
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger='<s-tab>'
let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit='horizontal'
function! ListUltisnips() abort"{{{
let l:snips = UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope(1)
let l:keylist = sort(keys(l:snips))
echo ' --------------------------------------------------'
for l:key in l:keylist
echo printf(" %-10s\t%s", l:key, l:snips[l:key])
echo '---------------------------------------------------'
function! CompleteSnippets(findstart, base)"{{{
if a:findstart
let l:line = getline('.')
let l:start = col('.') - 1
while l:start > 0 && l:line[l:start - 1] =~ '\a'
let l:start -= 1
return l:start
let l:res = []
let l:snips = UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope(1)
let l:keylist = sort(keys(l:snips))
for l:key in l:keylist
if l:key =~ '^' . a:base
let l:item = {'word': l:key, 'menu': l:snips[l:key]}
call add(l:res, l:item)
return l:res
set completefunc=CompleteSnippets
" #vim-dispatch{{{
Plug 'tpope/vim-dispatch'
" #vim-gutentags {{{
Plug 'ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags'
let g:gutentags_ctags_tagfile = '.tags'
let g:gutentags_ctags_exclude = ['package.json', 'Session.vim', 'package-lock.json', 'TODO.txt']
let g:gutentags_resolve_symlinks = 1
" #vim-Jinja2-Syntax{{{
" original:
Plug 'studio-vx/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax'
" #vim-SyntaxRange{{{
" Plug 'inkarkat/vim-SyntaxRange'
" command! HiJinja call SyntaxRange#Include('{{', '}}', 'jinja', 'jinjaBraces', 'jinjaVariable')
" command! HiJinja call SyntaxRange#IncludeEx('start=/{{-\?/hs=s+2 end=/-\?}}/he=s-1', 'jinja')
" #wordpress.vim{{{
" doesn't support universal ctags
" #Plug 'dsawardekar/wordpress.vim'
" This fork does:
" Using studio-vx fork
" Plug 'studio-vx/wordpress.vim', { 'branch': 'universal-ctags' }
" #vim-git{{{
Plug 'tpope/vim-git'
" vim: set fdm=marker ft=vim:
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
" #Netrw {{{
let g:netrw_liststyle=3
let g:netrw_list_hide='^\..*'
let g:netrw_preview = 1
let g:netrw_winsize = 40
" let g:netrw_browse_split = 4
let g:netrw_altfile = 1
let g:netrw_mousemaps = 0
nnoremap <space>nn :call OpenNetrw()<CR>
" nnoremap <space>ee :e .<CR>
" nnoremap <space>eq :Rex<CR>
" #Obsession{{{
" fork of tpope/vim-obsession
Plug 'studio-vx/vim-obsession'
" #undotree {{{
Plug 'mbbill/undotree'
nnoremap <space>ut :UndotreeToggle<cr>
" #tcomment_vim{{{
Plug 'tomtom/tcomment_vim'
" #vim-easy-align {{{
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
xmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign)
nmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign)
" #vim-fzf {{{
if executable('fzf') && v:version >= 704
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
nnoremap <space>fg :GFiles<CR>
nnoremap <space>ff :Files<CR>
nnoremap <space>fH :History<CR>
nnoremap <space>ft :Tags<CR>
nnoremap <space>fb :Buffers<CR>
nnoremap <space>fh :Helptags<CR>
" nnoremap <space>fa :Ag<CR>
" nnoremap <space>fA :Ag!<CR>
" Ag! gives fullscreen with preview
" command! -bang -nargs=* Ag
" \ call fzf#vim#ag(<q-args>,
" \ <bang>0 ? fzf#vim#with_preview('up:60%')
" \ : fzf#vim#with_preview('right:50%:hidden', '?'),
" \ <bang>0)
" Similarly, we can apply it to fzf#vim#grep. To use ripgrep instead of ag:
command! -bang -nargs=* Rg
\ call fzf#vim#grep(
\ 'rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case '.shellescape(<q-args>), 1,
\ <bang>0 ? fzf#vim#with_preview('up:60%')
\ : fzf#vim#with_preview('right:50%:hidden', '?'),
\ <bang>0)
" Files command with preview window
command! -bang -nargs=? -complete=dir Files
\ call fzf#vim#files(<q-args>, fzf#vim#with_preview(), <bang>0)
let g:fzf_colors =
\ { 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg': ['bg', 'Normal'],
\ 'hl': ['fg', 'Label'],
\ 'fg+': ['fg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg+': ['bg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn'],
\ 'hl+': ['fg', 'WildMenu'],
\ 'info': ['fg', 'Comment'],
\ 'border': ['fg', 'Ignore'],
\ 'prompt': ['fg', 'Constant'],
\ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Special'],
\ 'marker': ['fg', 'Keyword'],
\ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
\ 'header': ['fg', 'Comment'] }
" #vim-markdown{{{
Plug 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
let g:vim_markdown_toc_autofit = 1
let g:vim_markdown_fenced_languages = ['bash=sh']
" #vim-repeat{{{
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
" #vim-rsi{{{
Plug 'tpope/vim-rsi'
" #vim-surround{{{
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
" #wakatime{{{
Plug 'wakatime/vim-wakatime'
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
" #vimwiki {{{
Plug 'vimwiki/vimwiki'
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/vimwiki/', 'path_html': '~/vimwiki_html/'}]
@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
set statusline=%!GetStatus(1)
augroup statusline "{{{
autocmd WinNew,WinEnter * setlocal statusline=%!GetStatus(1)
autocmd WinLeave * setlocal statusline=%!GetStatus(0)
autocmd Filetype qf setlocal statusline=%!GetStatus(1)
autocmd Filetype help setlocal statusline=%!GetStatus(1)
augroup END
function! GetStatus(isactive) abort "{{{
" let l:linter = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l:divider = '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >'
let l:separator = '%#StatusLineSeparator# '
let l:normal = '%#StatusLineNormal#'
let l:active = '%#StatusLineActive#'
let l:linterdash = '%#LinterDash#·'
let l:linterdashactive = '%#LinterDashActive#·'
let l:statusline = l:separator
"buffer number {{{
if a:isactive
let l:statusline .= '%#StatusLineBufferNrActive#'
let l:statusline .= '%#StatusLineBufferNr#'
let l:statusline .= ' %n ' . l:separator
" file percentage {{{
if a:isactive
let l:statusline .= '%#StatusLinePercentActive#'
let l:statusline .= ' %P %#StatusLineNoiseActive#of %#StatusLineLinecountActive#%L '
let l:statusline .= '%#StatusLinePercent#'
let l:statusline .= ' %P %#StatusLineNoise#of %#StatusLineLinecount#%L '
" non-empty buftype (help, quickfix, etc) {{{
if a:isactive
let l:statusline .= l:active . "%{&buftype == '' ? '' : ' '}%q%h%w%#StatusLineActiveNoText#"
let l:statusline .= l:normal . "%{&buftype == '' ? '' : ' '}%q%h%w%#StatusLineNormalNoText#"
let l:statusline .= "%{&buftype == '' ? '' : ' '}%s"
" right/left divider {{{
let l:statusline.=l:separator
" modified version
let l:color = 'StatusLineDivMod' . (a:isactive?'Active':'')
let l:statusline .= GetStatusFrag("&modified && mode() != 'i'", l:color, '%<', l:divider)
" unmodified version
let l:color = 'StatusLineDiv' . (a:isactive?'Active':'')
let l:statusline .= GetStatusFrag("!&modified && mode() != 'i'", l:color, '%<', l:divider)
" input mode version
if a:isactive
let l:statusline .= GetStatusFrag("mode() == 'i'", 'StatusLineDivInput', '%<', l:divider)
let l:statusline.= l:separator . '%*%='
" file info{{{
if a:isactive == 1
" let l:statusline.=l:active
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineFileInfo#'
" let l:statusline.=" %{strlen(&ft)?&ft:'none'} "
" let l:statusline.=l:separator . l:active
let l:statusline.='%{strlen(&fenc)?&fenc:&enc}'
" let l:statusline.=l:separator . l:active
let l:statusline.=' %{&fileformat}'
let l:statusline.="%{strlen(expand('%:e')) > 1?' ' . expand('%:e'):''}"
" let l:statusline.=l:separator . l:active
" let l:statusline.=' %{&spelllang} '
let l:statusline .= l:separator
" path/filename.extension {{{
if a:isactive
if &readonly
let l:statusline .= '%#StatusLineWarningActive# %r '
let l:statusline .= '%#StatusLineFileReadOnlyActive#'
" let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineDirActive# '
let l:statusline.="%{expand('%:p:h:t')}/"
" let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineFileActive#'
let l:statusline.="%{expand('%:t:r')}"
" let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineDotActive#'
let l:statusline.="%{strlen(expand('%:e'))?'.':''}"
" let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineExtActive#'
let l:statusline.="%{expand('%:e')} "
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineDirActive# '
let l:statusline.="%{expand('%:p:h:t')}/"
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineFileActive#'
let l:statusline.="%{expand('%:t:r')}"
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineDotActive#'
let l:statusline.="%{strlen(expand('%:e'))?'.':''}"
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineExtActive#'
let l:statusline.="%{expand('%:e')} "
let l:statusline .= ' %#StatusLineWarning#%r'
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineDir# '
let l:statusline.="%{fnamemodify(expand('%:p:h'),':~')}/"
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineFile#'
let l:statusline.="%{expand('%:t:r')}"
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineDot#'
let l:statusline.="%{strlen(expand('%:e'))?'.':''}"
let l:statusline.='%#StatusLineExt#'
let l:statusline.="%{strlen(expand('%:e'))?expand('%:e'):expand('%:e')} "
let l:statusline.='%*' . l:separator
" linter status {{{
if a:isactive
" errors
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('error') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterErrorActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('error') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('error'))}"
" style errors
let l:statusline .= l:linterdashactive
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_error') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterErrorStyleActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_error') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('style_error'))} "
" warnings
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('warning') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterWarningActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('warning') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('warning'))}"
" style warnings
let l:statusline .= l:linterdashactive
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_warning') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterWarningStyleActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_warning') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('style_warning'))} "
" info
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterDashActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('info') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterInfoActive#%{(GetLinterStatus('info') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('info'))}"
" errors
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterDash#%{(GetLinterStatus('error') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterError#%{(GetLinterStatus('error') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('error'))}"
" style errors
let l:statusline .= l:linterdash
let l:statusline .= "%{(GetLinterStatus('style_error') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterErrorStyle#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_error') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('style_error'))} "
" warnings
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterDash#%{(GetLinterStatus('warning') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterWarning#%{(GetLinterStatus('warning') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('warning'))}"
" style warnings
let l:statusline .= l:linterdash
let l:statusline .= "%{(GetLinterStatus('style_warning') == 0?'-':'')}"
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterWarningStyle#%{(GetLinterStatus('style_warning') == 0?'':GetLinterStatus('style_warning'))} "
" info
let l:statusline .= "%#LinterInfo#%{GetLinterStatus('info') == 0 ? '-' : GetLinterStatus('info')}"
let l:statusline .= ' ' . l:separator
if exists('gutentags#statusline')
let l:statusline .= '%#StatusLineWarning#%{gutentags#statusline("", "", "☢")}'
return l:statusline
" highlight groups {{{
hi def link StatusLineSeparator Ignore
hi def link StatusLineNormal StatusLineNC
hi def link StatusLineActive StatusLine
hi def link StatusLineNormalNoText TabLineFill
hi def link StatusLineActiveNoText TabLineFill
hi def link StatusLineNoise StatusLineNormal
hi def link StatusLineNoiseActive StatusLineNormal
hi def link StatusLineBufferNr StatusLineNormal
hi def link StatusLineBufferNrActive StatusLineActive
hi def link StatusLinePercent StatusLineNormal
hi def link StatusLinePercentActive StatusLineActive
hi def link StatusLineLinecount StatusLinePercent
hi def link StatusLineLinecountActive StatusLinePercentActive
hi DivActive ctermbg=darkgray ctermfg=darkgray guibg=#666666 guifg=#666666
hi DivMod ctermbg=darkred ctermfg=darkred guibg=#660000 guifg=#660000
hi DivModActive ctermbg=red ctermfg=red guibg=#aa0000 guifg=#aa0000
hi DivInput ctermbg=darkblue ctermfg=darkblue guibg=#000022 guifg=#000022
hi def link StatusLineDiv TabLineFill
hi def link StatusLineDivActive DivActive
hi def link StatusLineDivMod DivMod
hi def link StatusLineDivModActive DivModActive
hi def link StatusLineDivInput DivInput
hi def link StatusLineFileInfo StatusLineActive
hi def link StatusLineFile StatusLineNormal
hi def link StatusLineFileActive StatusLineActive
hi def link StatusLineDir StatusLineFile
hi def link StatusLineDirActive StatusLineFileActive
hi def link StatusLineDot StatusLineDir
hi def link StatusLineDotActive StatusLineDirActive
hi def link StatusLineExt StatusLineDir
hi def link StatusLineExtActive StatusLineDirActive
hi def link StatusLineFileReadOnlyActive WarningMsg
hi def link StatusLineWarning StatusLineNormal
hi def link StatusLineWarningActive WarningMsg
hi def link LinterDash Normal
hi def link LinterDashActive Normal
hi def link LinterError Normal
hi def link LinterErrorActive ErrorMsg
hi def link LinterErrorStyle Normal
hi def link LinterErrorStyleActive SpellBad
hi def link LinterWarning Normal
hi def link LinterWarningActive SpellCap
hi def link LinterWarningStyle Normal
hi def link LinterWarningStyleActive LinterWarningActive
hi def link LinterInfo Normal
hi def link LinterInfoActive SpellRare
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
" Rename tabs to show tab number.
" based on:
function! MyTabLine() "{{{
let l:customtabline = ''
let l:currenttabnum = tabpagenr()
let l:lasttabnumber = tabpagenr('$')
let l:tabnumber = 1
while l:tabnumber <= l:lasttabnumber
let l:buflist = tabpagebuflist(l:tabnumber)
let l:winnr = tabpagewinnr(l:tabnumber)
if l:lasttabnumber > 1
let l:customtabline .= '%' . l:tabnumber . 'T'
let l:customtabline .= (l:tabnumber == l:currenttabnum ? '%1*' : '%2*')
let l:customtabline .= (l:tabnumber == l:currenttabnum ? '%#TabLineNumSel#' : '%#TabLineNum#')
let l:customtabline .= ' ' . l:tabnumber . ' '
let l:customtabline .= (l:tabnumber == l:currenttabnum ? '%#TabLineItemSel#' : '%#TabLineItem#')
let l:bufnr = l:buflist[l:winnr - 1]
let l:file = bufname(l:bufnr)
let l:buftype = getbufvar(l:bufnr, '&buftype')
if l:buftype ==# 'help'
let l:file = 'help:' . fnamemodify(l:file, ':t:r')
elseif l:buftype ==# 'quickfix'
let l:file = 'quickfix'
elseif l:buftype ==# 'nofile'
if l:file =~# '\/.'
let l:file = substitute(l:file, '.*\/\ze.', '', '')
let l:file = fnamemodify(l:file, ':p:t')
if l:file ==# ''
let l:file = "''"
let l:customtabline .= l:file . ' '
let l:tabnumber = l:tabnumber + 1
let l:customtabline .= '%T%#TabLineFill#%='
if exists('*gutentags#statusline')
let l:customtabline .= '%#TabLineItemSel# %{gutentags#statusline("[ ", " ☢ ] ")}'
let l:customtabline .= '%#TabLineItem# %{getcwd()}% '
if exists('*fugitive#statusline')
let l:customtabline .= '%#TabLineItem# %{fugitive#statusline()}% '
if exists('*ObsessionStatus')
let l:customtabline .= "%#TabLineItemSel# %{ObsessionStatus(fnamemodify(v:this_session,':t'),'---')} %*"
return l:customtabline
set tabline=%!MyTabLine()
hi def link TabLineItem TabLine
hi def link TabLineItemSel TabLineSel
hi def link TabLineNum TabLine
hi def link TabLineNumSel TabLineSel
@ -1 +0,0 @@
set iskeyword+=-
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
nnoremap <buffer> <F5> :call ft#compileeruby#CompileEruby(0)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <F6> :call ft#compileeruby#CompileEruby(1)<CR>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
:compiler fish
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
setlocal keywordprg=:help
setlocal relativenumber number
@ -1 +0,0 @@
set iskeyword+=$
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
" markdown : jump to next heading
function! s:JumpToNextHeading(direction, count)
let col = col(".")
silent execute a:direction == "up" ? '?^#' : '/^#'
if a:count > 1
silent execute "normal! " . repeat("n", a:direction == "up" && col != 1 ? a:count : a:count - 1)
silent execute "normal! " . col . "|"
unlet col
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]] :<C-u>call <SID>JumpToNextHeading("down", v:count1)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [[ :<C-u>call <SID>JumpToNextHeading("up", v:count1)<CR>
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
function! StripSpecialM() abort
augroup RemoveSpecialM
autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> call StripSpecialM()
augroup END
@ -1 +0,0 @@
set iskeyword+=$
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
set softtabstop=8
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set textwidth=88
set foldmethod=indent
set foldnestmax=1
set colorcolumn=88
noremap <F4> :w<CR>:silent !clear;python %<CR> :redraw!<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <F5> :call SaveAndExecute('python')<CR>
command! CTagsPython !ctags -R --fields=+l --languages=python --python-kinds=-iv -f ./.tags-py $(python -c "import os, sys; print(' '.join('{}'.format(d) for d in sys.path if os.path.isdir(d)))")
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <F5> :call SaveAndExecute('ruby')<CR>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
set iskeyword+=$
@ -1 +0,0 @@
nnoremap <buffer> <F5> :w !sh<cr>
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
setlocal keywordprg=:help
setlocal iskeyword+=:
nnoremap <buffer> <F5> :w \| source %<cr>
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
set includeexpr=substitute(substitute(v:fname,'^[\\~@]\/','./',''),'^[\\~@]','./node_modules/','')
setlocal suffixesadd=.js,.vue,.scss
setlocal complete=.,w,b,u,i
setlocal include=\\%(\\<require\\s*(\\s*\\\|\\<import\\>[^;\"']*\\)[\"']\\zs[^\"']*
setlocal foldnestmax=3
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: cst
" Maintainer: Thomas R. Kimpton <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 5/14/2003
" Remark: Used to test color schemes: edit your color scheme file, and
" to see what each color assignment does, set the color scheme to your color
" scheme then type the command ':setf cst'. As you continue to make changes
" save your changes, and switch to another color scheme and back to your own
" to see changes.
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if !exists("main_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" we define it here so that included files can test for it
let main_syntax='cst'
" don't use standard HiLink, it will not work with included syntax files
if version < 508
command! -nargs=+ CSTHiLink hi link <args>
command! -nargs=+ CSTHiLink hi def link <args>
syntax case ignore
" match definitions
syn match CSTSpecialKey /\<SpecialKey\>/
syn match CSTNonText /\<NonText\>/
syn match CSTDirectory /\<Directory\>/
syn match CSTErrorMsg /\<ErrorMsg\>/
syn match CSTIncSearch /\<IncSearch\>/
syn match CSTSearch /\<Search\>/
syn match CSTMoreMsg /\<MoreMsg\>/
syn match CSTModeMsg /\<ModeMsg\>/
syn match CSTLineNr /\<LineNr\>/
syn match CSTQuestion /\<Question\>/
syn match CSTStatusLineNC /\<StatusLineNC\>/
syn match CSTStatusLine /\<StatusLine\>/
syn match CSTVertSplit /\<VertSplit\>/
syn match CSTTitle /\<Title\>/
syn match CSTVisualNOS /\<VisualNOS\>/
syn match CSTVisual /\<Visual\>/
syn match CSTWarningMsg /\<WarningMsg\>/
syn match CSTWildMenu /\<WildMenu\>/
syn match CSTFolded /\<Folded\>/
syn match CSTFoldColumn /\<FoldColumn\>/
syn match CSTSignColumn /\<SignColumn\>/
syn match CSTDiffAdd /\<DiffAdd\>/
syn match CSTDiffChange /\<DiffChange\>/
syn match CSTDiffDelete /\<DiffDelete\>/
syn match CSTDiffText /\<DiffText\>/
syn match CSTCursor /\<Cursor\>/
syn match CSTComment /\<Comment\>/
syn match CSTConstant /\<Constant\>/
syn match CSTString /\<String\>/
syn match CSTCharacter /\<Character\>/
syn match CSTNumber /\<Number\>/
syn match CSTBoolean /\<Boolean\>/
syn match CSTFloat /\<Float\>/
syn match CSTIdentifier /\<Identifier\>/
syn match CSTFunction /\<Function\>/
syn match CSTStatement /\<Statement\>/
syn match CSTConditional /\<Conditional\>/
syn match CSTRepeat /\<Repeat\>/
syn match CSTLabel /\<Label\>/
syn match CSTOperator /\<Operator\>/
syn match CSTKeyword /\<Keyword\>/
syn match CSTException /\<Exception\>/
syn match CSTPreProc /\<PreProc\>/
syn match CSTInclude /\<Include\>/
syn match CSTDefine /\<Define\>/
syn match CSTMacro /\<Macro\>/
syn match CSTPreCondit /\<PreCondit\>/
syn match CSTType /\<Type\>/
syn match CSTStorageClass /\<StorageClass\>/
syn match CSTStructure /\<Structure\>/
syn match CSTTypeDef /\<TypeDef\>/
syn match CSTSpecial /\<Special\>/
syn match CSTSpecialChar /\<SpecialChar\>/
syn match CSTTag /\<Tag\>/
syn match CSTDelimiter /\<Delimiter\>/
syn match CSTSpecialComment /\<SpecialComment\>/
syn match CSTDebug /\<Debug\>/
syn match CSTUnderlined /\<Underlined\>/
syn match CSTIgnore /\<Ignore\>/
syn match CSTError /\<Error\>/
syn match CSTSpellBad /\<SpellBad\>/
syn match CSTSpellCap /\<SpellCap\>/
syn match CSTSpellLocal /\<SpellLocal\>/
syn match CSTSpellRare /\<SpellRare\>/
syn match CSTTodo /\<Todo\>/
" The default highlighting.
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_CST_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_CST_syn_inits = 1
CSTHiLink CSTSpecialKey SpecialKey
CSTHiLink CSTNonText NonText
CSTHiLink CSTDirectory Directory
CSTHiLink CSTErrorMsg ErrorMsg
CSTHiLink CSTIncSearch IncSearch
CSTHiLink CSTSearch Search
CSTHiLink CSTMoreMsg MoreMsg
CSTHiLink CSTModeMsg ModeMsg
CSTHiLink CSTLineNr LineNr
CSTHiLink CSTQuestion Question
CSTHiLink CSTStatusLineNC StatusLineNC
CSTHiLink CSTStatusLine StatusLine
CSTHiLink CSTVertSplit VertSplit
CSTHiLink CSTTitle Title
CSTHiLink CSTVisualNOS VisualNOS
CSTHiLink CSTVisual Visual
CSTHiLink CSTWarningMsg WarningMsg
CSTHiLink CSTWildMenu WildMenu
CSTHiLink CSTFolded Folded
CSTHiLink CSTFoldColumn FoldColumn
CSTHiLink CSTSignColumn SignColumn
CSTHiLink CSTDiffAdd DiffAdd
CSTHiLink CSTDiffChange DiffChange
CSTHiLink CSTDiffDelete DiffDelete
CSTHiLink CSTDiffText DiffText
CSTHiLink CSTCursor Cursor
CSTHiLink CSTComment Comment
CSTHiLink CSTConstant Constant
CSTHiLink CSTString String
CSTHiLink CSTCharacter Character
CSTHiLink CSTNumber Number
CSTHiLink CSTBoolean Boolean
CSTHiLink CSTFloat Float
CSTHiLink CSTIdentifier Identifier
CSTHiLink CSTFunction Function
CSTHiLink CSTStatement Statement
CSTHiLink CSTConditional Conditional
CSTHiLink CSTRepeat Repeat
CSTHiLink CSTLabel Label
CSTHiLink CSTOperator Operator
CSTHiLink CSTKeyword Keyword
CSTHiLink CSTException Exception
CSTHiLink CSTPreProc PreProc
CSTHiLink CSTInclude Include
CSTHiLink CSTDefine Define
CSTHiLink CSTMacro Macro
CSTHiLink CSTPreCondit PreCondit
CSTHiLink CSTType Type
CSTHiLink CSTStorageClass StorageClass
CSTHiLink CSTStructure Structure
CSTHiLink CSTTypedef Typedef
CSTHiLink CSTSpecial Special
CSTHiLink CSTSpecialChar SpecialChar
CSTHiLink CSTTag Tag
CSTHiLink CSTDelimiter Delimiter
CSTHiLink CSTSpecialComment SpecialComment
CSTHiLink CSTDebug Debug
CSTHiLink CSTUnderlined Underlined
CSTHiLink CSTIgnore Ignore
CSTHiLink CSTError Error
CSTHiLink CSTSpellBad SpellBad
CSTHiLink CSTSpellCap SpellCap
CSTHiLink CSTSpellLocal SpellLocal
CSTHiLink CSTSpellRare SpellRare
CSTHiLink CSTTodo Todo
delcommand CSTHiLink
let b:current_syntax = "cst"
if main_syntax == 'cst'
unlet main_syntax
" vim: set filetype=cst:
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" changing order of following 4 lines breaks highlighting TODO - why?
syntax include @octoberPHP syntax/php.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax include @octoberConfig syntax/dosini.vim
runtime! syntax/jinja.vim
syntax region octoberConfig start=@\%^\([a-zA-z]\+[a-zA-Z0-9]\+\s*=\s*\("\|'\)\)\|\[\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]\+\s*\]@ end=+^==$+me=e-2 contains=@octoberConfig
syntax region octoberPHP start=+^==$+ms=s+2 end=+^==$+me=e-2 contains=@octoberPHP
" FIXME - why these no work!
" syntax match octobercmsSectionDelimiter "^==$"
" highlight link octobercmsSectionDelimiter Comment
let b:current_syntax = "octobercms"
@ -1,493 +1,3 @@
" ●
if &shell =~# 'fish$'
set shell=bash
" #plugins {{{
if has('nvim')
if empty(glob('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim'))"{{{
silent !curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC
call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle')
source ~/.config/vim/config/plugins.nvim.vim
if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))"{{{
silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/bundle')
source ~/.config/vim/config/plugins.vim
source ~/.config/vim/config/plugins.shared.vim
call plug#end()
runtime macros/matchit.vim
" #functions {{{
function! SetColor(name, fg, bg, fg_l, bg_l, style) abort"{{{
if &background ==? 'dark'
if a:fg ==? 'normal'
let l:guifg = ' guifg=' . g:d_normal_fg
let l:ctermfg = 'ctermfg=black'
" let l:termfg = 'termfg=black'
elseif a:fg ==? 'none'
let l:guifg = ' guifg=' . g:d_normal_bg
let l:ctermfg = ' ctermfg=white'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=white'
elseif a:fg ==? ''
let l:guifg = ''
let l:ctermfg = ''
" let l:termfg = ''
let l:guifg = ' guifg=' . a:fg
let l:ctermfg = ' ctermfg=black'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=black'
if a:bg ==? 'none'
let l:guibg = ' guibg=NONE'
let l:ctermbg = ' ctermbg=none'
" let l:termbg = ' termbg=none'
elseif a:bg ==? ''
let l:guibg = ''
let l:ctermbg = ''
" let l:termbg = ''
let l:guibg = ' guibg=' . a:bg
let l:ctermbg = ' ctermbg=black'
else " light background
if a:fg_l ==? 'normal'
let l:guifg = ' guifg=' . g:l_normal_fg
let l:ctermfg = ' ctermfg=black'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=black'
elseif a:fg_l ==? 'none'
let l:guifg = ' guifg=' . g:l_normal_bg
let l:ctermfg = ' ctermfg=white'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=white'
elseif a:fg_l ==? ''
let l:guifg = ''
let l:ctermfg = ''
let l:termfg = ''
let l:guifg = ' guifg=' . a:fg_l
let l:ctermfg = ' ctermfg=black'
" let l:termfg = ' termfg=black'
if a:bg_l ==? 'none'
let l:guibg = ' guibg=NONE'
let l:ctermbg = ' ctermbg=none'
" let l:termbg = ' termbg=none'
elseif a:bg_l ==? ''
let l:guibg = ''
let l:ctermbg = ''
" let l:termbg = ''
let l:guibg = ' guibg=' . a:bg_l
let l:ctermbg = ' ctermbg=white'
" let l:termbg = ' termbg=white'
if a:style ==? ''
let l:style = ' term=none cterm=none gui=NONE'
let l:style = ' term=' . a:style . ' cterm=' . a:style . ' gui=' . a:style
let l:histring = 'hi! ' . a:name . l:guifg . l:guibg . l:style
let l:histring .= l:ctermfg . l:ctermbg
" let l:histring .= l:termfg . l:termbg
execute 'hi clear ' . a:name
execute l:histring
function! GetStatusFrag(condition, colorname, conditionprefix, text) abort "{{{
" TODO better name
let l:frag='%#' . a:colorname . '#'
let l:frag.=a:conditionprefix
let l:frag.='%{(' . a:condition . ")?'" . a:text . "':''}"
return l:frag
function! MyFoldText() "{{{
if !exists('g:foldtext_column')
let g:foldtext_column = 80 " column to right align foldtext with
if !exists('b:foldtext_column')
let b:foldtext_column = g:foldtext_column " column to right align foldtext with
if !exists('g:foldtext_maxcolumn')
let g:foldtext_maxcolumn = 120
let l:linecount = v:foldend - v:foldstart
" don't display foldmarker braces
" put one of the braces in brackets so vim doesn't treat
" it as an actual fold marker
let l:line = substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '"\?{\({\){', '', '')
" don't display vim comment quotation marks
" TODO other comment markers
let l:line = substitute(l:line, "\^\"\\s\\?", '', '')
" let l:postfix = l:linecount . ' ' . substitute(v:folddashes, '-', '•', 'g')
let l:postfix = l:linecount . ' ' . substitute(v:folddashes, '-', '↓', 'g')
while strchars(l:postfix) < 7
let l:postfix = ' ' . l:postfix
" let l:postfix = ' ↓ ' . l:postfix
let l:len_line = len(l:line)
let l:len_postfix = strchars(l:postfix)
if l:len_line + l:len_postfix <= b:foldtext_column
let l:padding = ' '[l:len_line + l:len_postfix + 0:b:foldtext_column - 1]
let l:foldtext = l:line . l:padding . l:postfix
let l:sniptext = ' ⋯'
let l:foldtext = l:line[:b:foldtext_column - 1 - strchars(l:sniptext) - l:len_postfix] . l:sniptext . l:postfix
return l:foldtext
function! IndentFoldTextColumn(amount) abort "{{{
if !exists('g:foldtext_column')
" column to right align foldtext with
let g:foldtext_column = 80
if !exists('b:foldtext_column')
" column to right align foldtext with
let b:foldtext_column = g:foldtext_column
if a:amount == 0
let b:foldtext_column = g:foldtext_column
let l:newcolumn = b:foldtext_column + a:amount
if l:newcolumn < 20
let l:newcolumn = 20
elseif l:newcolumn > g:foldtext_maxcolumn
let l:newcolumn = g:foldtext_maxcolumn
let b:foldtext_column = l:newcolumn
nnoremap <space>z, :<C-U>call IndentFoldTextColumn(-5 * (v:count == 0 ? 1 : v:count))<CR>
nnoremap <space>z. :<C-U>call IndentFoldTextColumn(5 * (v:count == 0 ? 1 : v:count))<CR>
nnoremap <space>z= :call IndentFoldTextColumn(0)<CR>
function! <SID>SynStack()"{{{
if !exists('*synstack')
echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")') '-> ' . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1)), 'name' )
nmap <space>pp :call <SID>SynStack()<CR>
function! s:Get_env() abort "{{{
" devdocs DD
if has('win64') || has('win32') || has('win16')
return 'WINDOWS'
return toupper(substitute(system('uname'), '\n', '', ''))
" What command to use on what system
let s:cmds = {'DARWIN': 'open', 'LINUX': 'qutebrowser', 'WINDOWS': 'start'}
" Build the URL stub
let s:stub = s:cmds[<SID>Get_env()] . " '"
command! -nargs=* DD silent! call system(len(split(<q-args>, ' ')) == 0 ?
\ s:stub . &ft . ' ' . expand('<cword>') . "'" : len(split(<q-args>, ' ')) == 1 ?
\ s:stub . &ft . ' ' . <q-args> . "'" : s:stub . <q-args> . "'")
if has('nvim')
if !exists('*RangerExplorer') "{{{
function RangerExplorer() abort
exec 'silent Ranger'
nnoremap <space>ra :call RangerExplorer()<CR>
if !exists('*RangerExplorer')
function RangerExplorer() abort
exec 'silent !ranger --choosefile=/tmp/vim_ranger_current_file ' . expand('%:p:h')
if filereadable('/tmp/vim_ranger_current_file')
exec 'edit ' . system('cat /tmp/vim_ranger_current_file')
call system('rm /tmp/vim_ranger_current_file')
nnoremap <space>ra :call RangerExplorer()<CR>
function! WinEnterColorColumn() abort"{{{
if &buftype != ''
setlocal colorcolumn=0
elseif exists('b:colorcolumn_restore')
execute 'setlocal colorcolumn=' . b:colorcolumn_restore
function! WinLeaveColorColumn() abort"{{{
let b:colorcolumn_restore = &colorcolumn
setlocal colorcolumn=0
function! GetLinterStatus(key) abort "{{{
let l:statuscount = 0
if exists('b:ale_linted')
let l:linter = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l:linter = GetDiagnosticCountsFromSigns(bufnr(''))
if has_key(l:linter, a:key)
let l:statuscount = l:linter[a:key]
return l:statuscount
function! s:RunShellCommand(cmdline) abort"{{{
" Shell command
let l:expanded_cmdline = a:cmdline
for l:part in split(a:cmdline, ' ')
if l:part[0] =~ '\v[%#<]'
let l:expanded_part = fnameescape(expand(l:part))
let l:expanded_cmdline = substitute(l:expanded_cmdline, l:part, l:expanded_part, '')
if g:shell_scratch_buffer_nr > -1
let l:win_nr = bufwinnr(g:shell_scratch_buffer_nr)
if l:win_nr < 0
execute 'bdelete' g:shell_scratch_buffer_nr
top new
let g:shell_scratch_buffer_nr = bufnr('%')
execute l:win_nr. ' wincmd w'
setlocal modifiable
%delete _
top new
let g:shell_scratch_buffer_nr = bufnr('%')
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap
nnoremap <buffer> q :bdelete<CR>
augroup ResetShellBufferNr
autocmd! * <buffer>
autocmd BufUnload <buffer> let g:shell_scratch_buffer_nr = -1
augroup END
" call setline(1, 'You entered: ' . a:cmdline)
" call setline(2, 'Expanded Form: ' .l:expanded_cmdline)
" call setline(3,substitute(getline(2),'.','=','g'))
execute '$read !'. l:expanded_cmdline
setlocal nomodifiable
if !exists('b:shell_line_count')
let b:shell_line_count = line('$')
if b:shell_line_count > 25
let b:shell_line_count = 20
execute 'resize' b:shell_line_count + 1
wincmd p
command! -complete=shellcmd -nargs=+ Shell call s:RunShellCommand(<q-args>)
let g:shell_scratch_buffer_nr = -1
function! GetDiagnosticCountsFromSigns(buffer) abort "{{{
let l:error = 0
let l:warn = 0
let l:info = 0
let l:hint = 0
redir => l:result
silent exec 'sign place buffer=' . a:buffer
redir end
let l:lines = split(l:result, '\n')
for l:line in l:lines
if l:line =~? 'Error'
let l:error += 1
if l:line =~? 'Warning'
let l:warn += 1
if l:line =~? 'Info'
let l:info += 1
if l:line =~? 'Hint'
let l:hint += 1
return {'error': l:error, 'warning': l:warn, 'info': l:info, 'hint': l:hint}
function! SaveAndExecute(ex_command) abort "{{{
" ex_command: command to run to execute file
" SOURCE [reusable window]:
" save and reload current file
silent execute 'update | edit'
" get file path of current file
let s:current_buffer_file_path = expand('%')
let s:output_buffer_name = 'Output'
let s:output_buffer_filetype = 'output'
" reuse existing buffer window if it exists otherwise create a new one
if !exists('c:buf_nr') || !bufexists(s:buf_nr) || bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) == -1
silent execute 'top new ' . s:output_buffer_name
let s:buf_nr = bufnr('%')
elseif bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) != bufwinnr('%')
silent execute bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) . 'wincmd w'
silent execute 'setlocal filetype=' . s:output_buffer_filetype
setlocal bufhidden=delete
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal nobuflisted
setlocal winfixheight
setlocal cursorline " make it easy to distinguish
setlocal nonumber
setlocal norelativenumber
setlocal showbreak=""
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :bdelete!<CR>'.zz
" clear the buffer
setlocal noreadonly
" setlocal modifiable
%delete _
" add the console output
silent execute '.!'. a:ex_command . ' ' . shellescape(s:current_buffer_file_path, 1)
" resize window to content length
" Note: This is annoying because if you print a lot of lines then your code buffer is forced to a height of one line every time you run this function.
" However without this line the buffer starts off as a default size and if you resize the buffer then it keeps that custom size after repeated runs of this function.
" But if you close the output buffer then it returns to using the default size when its recreated
"execute 'resize' . line('$')
" make the buffer non modifiable
setlocal readonly
" setlocal nomodifiable
function! JsIncludeExpr(file)"{{{
" substitute(substitute(v:fname,'^[\\~@]\/','./',''),'^[\\~@]','./node_modules/','')
return substitute(substitute(a:file,'^[\\~@]\/','./',''),'^[\\~@]','./node_modules/','')
function! Redir(cmd) "{{{
for win in range(1, winnr('$'))
if getwinvar(win, 'scratch')
execute win . 'windo close'
if a:cmd =~ '^!'
let output = system(matchstr(a:cmd, '^!\zs.*'))
redir => output
execute a:cmd
redir END
let w:scratch = 1
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile
call setline(1, split(output, "\n"))
command! -nargs=1 -complete=command Redir silent call Redir(<q-args>)
" Usage:
" :Redir hi ............. show the full output of command ':hi' in a scratch window
" :Redir !ls -al ........ show the full output of command ':!ls -al' in a scratch window
function! OpenNetrw() abort "{{{
setl rnu nu
function! CloseNetrw(keep_buffer) abort "{{{
if a:keep_buffer == 1
let l:current_buffer = bufnr("%")
if bufexists(l:current_buffer) > 0
execute "buffer" l:current_buffer
"}}} end #functions
" TrimWhitespace{{{
" TrimWhitespace{{{
command! -range=% TrimWhitespace let b:wv = winsaveview() |
command! -range=% TrimWhitespace let b:wv = winsaveview() |
@ -503,25 +13,7 @@ command! ScratchVertical vnew | setlocal buftype=nofile | setlocal bufhidden=hid
scriptencoding utf-8
scriptencoding utf-8
syntax on
syntax on
set fillchars=stl:\ ,stlnc:\ ,vert:┃
set fillchars=stl:\ ,stlnc:\ ,vert:\|,fold:\
set guioptions-=mTrLb
set guioptions+=c
if exists('+termguicolors')
let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
set termguicolors
colorscheme monotonous-dark
set updatetime=100
set timeoutlen=500
set lazyredraw
" the ;/home/ray tells vim to stop searching at /home/ray
set tags+=./.tags,.tags,./tags-py,.tags-py;/home/ray/
" persisitent undo file
" persisitent undo file
set undofile
set undofile
@ -543,12 +35,12 @@ if executable('ag')
set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor\ --ignore\ node_modules
set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor\ --ignore\ node_modules
colorscheme peachpuff
set hidden
set hidden
set number relativenumber
set hlsearch
set hlsearch
" set completeopt=menuone,preview
set completeopt=menuone
set completeopt=menuone
set nospell
set nospell
@ -556,6 +48,8 @@ set spelllang=en_gb
set diffopt+=vertical
set diffopt+=vertical
set rnu nu
set tabstop=8
set tabstop=8
set softtabstop=2
set softtabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set shiftwidth=2
@ -563,29 +57,20 @@ set shiftround
set expandtab
set expandtab
set autoindent
set autoindent
set textwidth=180
set textwidth=120
set formatoptions=cq
set formatoptions=cq
set wrapmargin=0
set wrapmargin=0
set cursorline
set nocursorline
set foldcolumn=2
if has('patch-7-4-2201')
set signcolumn=yes
set colorcolumn=80,120
set iskeyword+=-
set iskeyword+=-
set scrolloff=10
set showcmd
set showcmd
set incsearch
set incsearch
set laststatus=2
set laststatus=2
set shortmess=aoOT
set shortmess=aoOT
set cmdheight=3
set foldmethod=indent
set foldmethod=indent
set foldnestmax=3
set showmode
set showmode
@ -602,15 +87,13 @@ set conceallevel=0
" #mappings {{{
" #mappings {{{
let g:mapleader = ' '
let g:mapleader = ' '
" search and replace {{{
" #syntax
nnoremap <space>rr :%s/\<<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>\>//g<left><left>
nnoremap <silent> <cr>s :syntax on<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <cr>S :syntax off<cr>
" miscallaneous {{{
" miscallaneous {{{
nnoremap <cr>l :colorscheme monotonous-light<cr>
nnoremap <cr>d :colorscheme monotonous-dark<cr>
nnoremap 0 ^
nnoremap 0 ^
nnoremap <silent><space>cs :let @/=""<cr>
nnoremap <silent><space>cs :let @/=""<cr>
nnoremap : :setlocal norelativenumber<CR>:
nnoremap <space>: :setlocal number<CR>:
nnoremap <silent> <space>rc :so $MYVIMRC<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>rc :so $MYVIMRC<CR>
nnoremap <silent><expr> <space>nh (&hls && v:hlsearch ? ':nohls' : ':set hls')."\n"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <space>nh (&hls && v:hlsearch ? ':nohls' : ':set hls')."\n"
nnoremap <silent> <space>sl :set invlist<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <space>sl :set invlist<CR>
@ -631,7 +114,8 @@ nnoremap <silent> <space>ry diw"0P
" quick grep of visual selection
" quick grep of visual selection
vnoremap <space>gr y:grep! -R <C-r>" .
vnoremap <space>gr y:grep! -R <C-r>" .
" open quickfix window of TODOs
" open quickfix window of TODOs
nnoremap <space>td :grep! -R 'TODO' .<CR>:botright cwindow<CR>:echo len(getqflist()) 'TODOs'<CR>
" FIXME i want fixme!!!
nnoremap <space>td :grep -RE '(TODO\\|FIXME)' .<CR>:botright cwindow<CR>:echo len(getqflist()) 'TODOs'<CR>
" devdocs mapping
" devdocs mapping
nnoremap <space>dd :DD<CR>
nnoremap <space>dd :DD<CR>
" write and delete current buffer
" write and delete current buffer
@ -646,7 +130,7 @@ if has('terminal')
" windows{{{
" windows{{{
nnoremap <space><space> :resize<CR>:vertical resize<CR>
nnoremap <space>ww :resize<CR>:vertical resize<CR>
" }}}
" }}}
" git mappings {{{
" git mappings {{{
@ -707,126 +191,7 @@ onoremap u t_
onoremap U f_
onoremap U f_
" #abbreviations {{{
" spelling"{{{
iabbrev adn and
iabbrev waht what
iabbrev tehn then
iabbrev functin function
iabbrev positin position
" css{{{
iabbrev pabs; position: absolute;
iabbrev pfix; position: fixed;
iabbrev prel; position: relative;
iabbrev fdr; flex-direction: row;
iabbrev fdc; flex-direction: column;
iabbrev jcc; justify-content: center;
iabbrev aic; align-items: center;
iabbrev t0; top: 0;
iabbrev b0; bottom: 0;
iabbrev l0; left: 0;
iabbrev r0; right: 0;
iabbrev ct'' content-type: '';
" #autocommands {{{
" persistent folds {{{
augroup AutoSaveFolds
" autocmd BufWinLeave ?* mkview
autocmd BufWrite ?* mkview
" autocmd BufWinEnter ?* silent loadview
autocmd BufRead ?* silent! loadview
augroup END
" }}}
" Show trailing whitepace and spaces before a tab: {{{
augroup whitespaceerrors
autocmd Syntax * syn match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/ containedin=ALL
augroup END
" }}}
" automatically reload if color scheme file written {{{
" augroup coloreload
" autocmd!
" autocmd BufWritePost customred256.vim so $MYVIMRC
" augroup end
" }}}
" line numbering {{{
augroup linenumbering
autocmd InsertEnter * :set norelativenumber
autocmd InsertLeave * :set number relativenumber
autocmd WinEnter * :set number relativenumber
autocmd WinLeave * set norelativenumber
if exists('##CmdlineEnter')
autocmd CmdlineEnter * :redraw | :set norelativenumber
autocmd CmdlineLeave * :set number relativenumber
augroup END
" }}}
" auto_window_settings {{{
augroup auto_window_settings
autocmd WinEnter * call WinEnterColorColumn()
autocmd WinEnter * set cursorline | set cursorcolumn
" autocmd WinLeave * setlocal colorcolumn=0
autocmd WinLeave * call WinLeaveColorColumn()
autocmd WinLeave * set nocursorline | set nocursorcolumn
augroup END
" }}}
" Automatically reload .vimrc if changed {{{
augroup myvimrc
autocmd BufWritePost .vimrc,_vimrc,vimrc,.gvimrc,_gvimrc,gvimrc so $MYVIMRC | if has('gui_running') | so $MYGVIMRC | endif
augroup END
" }}}
" Open qfix after grepping {{{
" augroup qfixopen
" autocmd!
" autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *grep* botright cwindow
" augroup END
" }}}
" Open quickfix window{{{
augroup QuickFixAutoload
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested botright cwindow
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost l* nested botright lwindow
augroup END
" }}}
" #statusline {{{
set statusline=\
set statusline+=[%n]\ \
set statusline+=%p\ of\ %L
set statusline+=%=
set statusline+=%y\
set statusline+=%r\ %m\ %F
set statusline+=\
runtime vimrc-overrides
if has('nvim')
" TODO - try 'coc-tsserver'
call coc#add_extension( 'coc-vetur', 'coc-python', 'coc-phpls', 'coc-json', 'coc-css', 'coc-prettier', 'coc-eslint', 'coc-vimlsp')
" vim: set foldmethod=marker:
" vim: set foldmethod=marker:
Reference in New Issue