" key #mappings{{{ nnoremap rc :so $MYVIMRC " Focus on current fold, close the rest nnoremap zz zMzvzt " replace current word with last yanked/deleted text nnoremap rr "_diwP " replace current word with last yanked text nnoremap ry diw"0P inoremap jk nnoremap A :call CheckLineEnding() nnoremap co :!clear; nnoremap gs :!clear; echo 'git status'; git status nnoremap gd :!clear; echo 'git diff'; git diff nnoremap ga :!clear; git add %; git status nnoremap gA :!clear; git add .; git status nnoremap gc :!clear; git commit -m '' nnoremap gg :!clear; git add %; git commit -m '' nnoremap gp :!clear; echo 'git push'; git push nnoremap gl :!clear; git log " netrw nnoremap ex :Ex nnoremap ee :e . nnoremap eq :Rex " better window navigaton nnoremap h nnoremap l nnoremap k nnoremap j nnoremap j :resize -5 nnoremap k :resize +5 nnoremap l :vertical resize +5 nnoremap h :vertical resize -5 nnoremap = = "location list and quickfix mappings nnoremap lo :botright lwindow nnoremap lp :lprevzv nnoremap ln :lnextzv nnoremap lc :lclose nnoremap lh :lhistory nnoremap lhp :lolder nnoremap lhn :lnewer nnoremap qo :botright cwindow nnoremap qp :cprevzv nnoremap qn :cnextzv nnoremap qc :cclose nnoremap qh :chistory nnoremap qhp :colder nnoremap qhn :cnewer nnoremap nh :noh " quick grep of visual selection vnoremap gr y:grep! -R " . " open quickfix window of TODOs nnoremap td :grep! -R '// *TODO' .:botright cwindow:echo len(getqflist()) 'TODOs' " brace/quotes completion inoremap {{ {} inoremap { {}O inoremap {; {};O inoremap }} {{}} inoremap (( () inoremap (; (); inoremap [[ [] inoremap [ []O inoremap "" "" inoremap "; ""; inoremap '' '' inoremap '; ''; inoremap ;; ; nnoremap nn :set invrelativenumber nnoremap hl :nohlsearch " devdocs mapping nnoremap dd :DD "}}} " #abbreviations{{{ iabbrev adn and iabbrev waht what iabbrev tehn then "}}} " vim: foldmethod=marker