863 lines
37 KiB
863 lines
37 KiB
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (https://github.com/romainl)
# Canonical URL: https://gist.github.com/romainl/5cd2f4ec222805f49eca
# Step 1: information
# Make sure the name of your colorscheme is unique and attractive.
# The description should fit in a single line with no linefeed.
# 'background' can be "light" or "dark".
information = {
author: "studiovx",
email: "studiovx@studiovx.co.uk",
name: "monotonous-dark",
description: "",
background: "dark",
webpage: ""
# Step 2: colors
# black = [ give each color a distinctive name
# "#000000", hexadecimal color for GVim/MacVim and "true colors" terminals
# 0, integer between 0 and 255 for terminals supporting 256 colors
# "black" color name for less capable color terminals, can be "darkred", "red",
# "darkgreen", "green", "darkyellow", "yellow", "darkblue", "blue",
# "darkmagenta", "magenta", "black", "darkgrey", "grey", "white"
# ]
# If your colors are defined correctly, the resulting colorscheme is guaranteed
# to work in GVim (Windows/Linux), MacVim, and any properly set up terminal emulator.
darkred1 = ["#373030", 237, "darkred"]
darkred2 = ["#6b5d5d", 52, "darkred"]
darkred3 = ["#866b6b", 52, "darkred"]
red1 = ["#967978", 52, "darkred"]
red2 = ["#a78685", 88, "darkred"]
red3 = ["#b79392", 88, "red"]
lightred1 = ["#c4a6a5", 88, "red"]
lightred2 = ["#cab0af", 124, "red"]
lightred3 = ["#d1bab9", 124, "red"]
graygreen0 = ["#303730", 237, "black"]
green1 = ["#6b866c", 22, "darkgreen"]
green2 = ["#7a9678", 22, "darkgreen"]
green3 = ["#85a786", 28, "darkgreen"]
green4 = ["#95b792", 28, "green"]
green5 = ["#a5c4a5", 28, "green"]
green6 = ["#b1caaf", 34, "green"]
green7 = ["#b9d1bb", 34, "green"]
grayblue0 = ["#303237", 237, "black"]
blue1 = ["#5c6191", 17, "darkblue"]
blue2 = ["#6a6f9b", 18, "darkblue"]
blue3 = ["#7378b4", 19, "darkblue"]
blue4 = ["#7e84c6", 19, "blue"]
blue5 = ["#898fcb", 20, "blue"]
blue6 = ["#959ad0", 20, "blue"]
blue7 = ["#a1a5d5", 21, "blue"]
grayindigo0 = ["#323037", 237, "black"]
indigo1 = ["#6c6b86", 17, "darkblue"]
indigo2 = ["#787896", 18, "darkblue"]
indigo3 = ["#8685a7", 19, "darkblue"]
indigo4 = ["#9292b7", 19, "blue"]
indigo5 = ["#a6a5c4", 20, "blue"]
indigo6 = ["#b0afca", 20, "blue"]
indigo7 = ["#beb9d1", 21, "blue"]
# TODO 256 and term colours
magenta1= ["#625166", 164, "magenta"]
magenta2= ["#725f77", 164, "magenta"]
magenta3= ["#826c89", 164, "magenta"]
magenta4= ["#927a9a", 164, "magenta"]
magenta5= ["#a287aa", 164, "magenta"]
magenta6= ["#b294bb", 164, "magenta"]
magenta7= ["#b99dc1", 164, "magenta"]
grayyellow0 = ["#373730", 237, "black"]
yellow1 = ["#90905c", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow2 = ["#a2a268", 22, "darkyellow"]
yellow3 = ["#b4b473", 28, "darkyellow"]
yellow4 = ["#c3c67e", 28, "yellow"]
yellow5 = ["#c6c689", 28, "yellow"]
yellow6 = ["#d0d095", 34, "yellow"]
yellow7 = ["#d5d5a1", 34, "yellow"]
bg_cursorline = ["#1B1C1D", 232, "gray"]
bg_colorcolumn = bg_cursorline
bg_cursorcolumn = ["#1F1F1F", 232, "gray"]
bg = ["#202122", 234, "black"]
bg_cursorline_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
fg_comment = ["#5d5d5d", 240, "gray"]
fg_weak2 = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
fg = ["#767070", 243, "gray"]
fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
fg_error = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
fg_spellcap = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
fg_spellrare = ["#797532", 247, "darkyellow"]
fg_spelllocal = fg_spellrare
bg_whitespace_error = ["#6a2e2e", 196, "red"]
fg_todo = ["#ff4500", 196, "red"]
color_primary_weak1 = darkred1
color_primary_weak2 = darkred2
color_primary_weak3 = darkred3
color_primary1 = red1
color_primary2 = red2
color_primary3 = red3
color_primary_strong1 = lightred1
color_primary_strong2 = lightred2
color_primary_strong3 = lightred3
color_secondary_weak = green5
color_secondary = green6
color_secondary_strong = green7
color_tertiary_weak = blue3
color_tertiary = blue4
color_tertiary_strong = blue7
ui_bg = ["#3f3f3f", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak1 = ["#494646", 238, "gray"]
ui_fg_weak2 = ["#5d5959", 240, "gray"]
ui_fg = ["#716c6c", 243, "gray"]
ui_fg_strong1 = ["#857f7f", 244, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong2 = ["#9a9393", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_strong3 = ["#aeadad", 250, "white"]
ui_fg_strong4 = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_bg = ["#eee4e4", 255, "white"]
ui_cursor_fg = ["#131313", 0, "black"]
ui_linenr = fg_weak1
ui_cursorlinenr = fg_weak2
ui_search = ["#49535a", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_incsearch = ["#93adc2", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visual_bg = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_visualnos_bg = ["#463838", 52, "darkred"]
menu_bg = ["#333535", 237, "black"]
menu_fg = ui_fg_strong1
menu_sel = ui_fg_strong3
diff_delete_bg = ["#322929", 52, "darkred"]
diff_add_bg = ["#293229", 22, "darkgreen"]
diff_change_bg = ["#2D2E34", 17, "darkblue"]
diff_change_fg = ["#656a7c", 21, "white"]
ui_sign_add = ["#496349", 34, "green"]
ui_sign_change = ["#596171", 19, "blue"]
ui_sign_delete = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_sign_changedelete = ["#5c4a5a", 126, "magenta"]
ui_statusbar_mod = ["#655757", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_mod_active = ["#916c6c", 124, "red"]
ui_statusbar_input = ["#384046", 17, "darkblue"]
ui_fileinfo = fg_comment
ui_fg_errormsg = ["#c74444", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_warningmsg = ["#a67038", 166, "yellow"]
ui_fg_question = ["#797532", 247, "darkgray"]
ui_fg_warning_weak = ["#7b6a6a", 88, "darkred"]
ui_fg_warning = ["#725454", 124, "red"]
ui_fg_warning_strong = ["#916c6c", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_error = ["#7D3636", 196, "red"]
ui_fg_linter_dash = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_dash_active = fg_comment
ui_fg_linter_error = ui_fg
ui_fg_linter_error_active = ui_fg_errormsg
ui_fg_linter_warning = ui_fg_weak2
ui_fg_linter_warning_active = ui_fg_warningmsg
ui_fg_linter_info = fg_weak1
ui_fg_linter_info_active = ui_fg_question
# terminal_ansi_colors = [ '#1f2121', fg_comment[0], fg_weak2[0], fg[0], fg_strong1[0], fg_strong2[0], fg_strong3[0], fg_strong4[0], bg_cursorline[0], color_primary_weak3[0], color_primary1[0], color_primary2[0], color_primary3[0], color_primary_strong1[0], color_primary_strong2[0], color_primary_strong3[0] ]
terminal_ansi_colors = [ '#1f2121', fg_comment[0], fg_weak2[0], fg[0], fg_strong1[0], fg_strong2[0], fg_strong3[0], fg_strong4[0], ui_bg[0], yellow1[0], yellow2[0], yellow3[0], yellow4[0], yellow5[0], yellow6[0], yellow7[0] ]
# Step 3: highlights
highlights = [
[ "Normal", bg, fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Special", "NONE", color_primary_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "NonText", "NONE", color_primary_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Tag", color_primary_weak1, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Identifier", "NONE", color_primary3, "NONE" ],
[ "Function", "NONE", color_primary_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Type", "NONE", color_primary1, "NONE" ],
[ "StorageClass", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "bold" ],
[ "Structure", "StorageClass"],
[ "TypeDef", "StorageClass"],
[ "Constant", "NONE", fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "String", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "Character", "String" ],
[ "Number", "String" ],
[ "Boolean", "String" ],
[ "Float", "String" ],
[ "Folded", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Statement", "NONE", fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conditional", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "Repeat", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "Label", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Operator", "NONE", fg_comment, "NONE" ],
[ "Keyword", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "Exception", "NONE", color_primary_weak2, "bold" ],
[ "PreProc", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "Include", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "Comment", "NONE", fg_comment, "bold,italic" ],
[ "SpecialComment", "NONE", fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "Todo", "NONE", fg_todo, "bold,italic" ],
[ "Ignore", "NONE", bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Conceal", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Error", "NONE", fg_error, "bold" ],
[ "Underlined", "NONE", "NONE", "underline" ],
[ "StatusLine", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "StatusLineNC", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLine", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLineFill", ui_bg, ui_bg, "italic" ],
[ "TabLineSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic" ],
[ "VertSplit", bg, ui_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "FoldColumn", bg, fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "ColorColumn", bg_colorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "SignColumn", bg, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLine", bg_cursorline, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Title", "NONE", fg_strong4, "bold,italic" ],
[ "LineNr", bg, ui_linenr, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLineNr", bg, ui_cursorlinenr, "bold" ],
# [ "helpLeadBlank", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
# [ "helpNormal", "NONE", grayfg, "NONE" ],
[ "Pmenu", menu_bg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSbar", menu_bg, menu_bg, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSel", menu_bg, menu_sel, "bold" ],
[ "PmenuThumb", menu_fg, menu_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "SpecialKey", "NONE", color_primary_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "DiffAdd", diff_add_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffChange", diff_change_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffDelete", diff_delete_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffText", diff_change_bg, diff_change_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "IncSearch", ui_incsearch, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Search", ui_search, ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "Visual", ui_visual_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "VisualNOS", ui_visualnos_bg, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "Directory", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "NONE" ],
[ "MatchParen", "NONE", fg_strong4, "underline" ],
[ "SpellBad", "NONE", fg_error, "NONE", fg_error ],
[ "SpellCap", "NONE", fg_spellcap, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellLocal", "NONE", fg_spelllocal, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "SpellRare", "NONE", fg_spellrare, "NONE", fg_spellcap ],
[ "WildMenu", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "ErrorMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_errormsg, "italic" ],
[ "ModeMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "MoreMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "italic" ],
[ "Question", "NONE", ui_fg_question, "italic" ],
[ "WarningMsg", "NONE", ui_fg_warningmsg, "italic" ],
[ "Cursor", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CursorColumn", bg_cursorcolumn, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "EndOfBuffer", bg, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Noise", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE"],
# tabline, statusline
[ "TabLineNum", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "TabLineNumSel", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineNoise", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineNoiseActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNr", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineBufferNrActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLinePercent", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLinePercentActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineLinecount", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineLinecountActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDivActive", ui_fg, ui_fg, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivInput", ui_statusbar_input, ui_statusbar_input, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivMod", ui_statusbar_mod, ui_statusbar_mod, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineDivModActive", ui_statusbar_mod_active, ui_statusbar_mod_active, "NONE"],
[ "StatusLineFileInfo", "NONE", ui_fileinfo, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFile", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong3, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDir", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDirActive", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExt", ui_bg, ui_fg, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineExtActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDot", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineDotActive", ui_bg, ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnly", ui_bg, ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineFileReadOnlyActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarning", ui_bg, ui_fg_strong1, "italic"],
[ "StatusLineWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "italic"],
[ "LinterDash", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash, "NONE"],
[ "LinterDashActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_dash_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterError", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterErrorStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error, "NONE"],
[ "LinterErrorStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_error_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarning", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "bold"],
[ "LinterWarningStyle", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning, "NONE"],
[ "LinterWarningStyleActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_warning_active, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfo", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info, "NONE"],
[ "LinterInfoActive", "NONE", ui_fg_linter_info_active, "NONE"],
[ "GitGutterDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_delete, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChange", "NONE", ui_sign_change, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterAdd", "NONE", ui_sign_add, "bold"],
[ "GitGutterChangeDelete", "NONE", ui_sign_changedelete, "bold"],
[ "QuickScopePrimary", "IncSearch" ],
[ "QuickScopeSecondary", "Pmenu" ],
# css, scss
[ "cssIdentifier", "NONE", color_secondary, "bold" ],
[ "cssClass", "NONE", color_secondary_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "cssFunction", "NONE", fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "cssProp", "NONE", fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssVariable", "NONE", color_secondary_strong, "bold" ],
[ "cssAttr", "String"],
[ "cssIdentifierAttr", "Noise" ],
[ "cssClassAttr", "cssIdentifierAttr" ],
[ "cssAttrNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "atKeyword", "PreProc" ],
[ "cssIdentifier", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "cssClassName", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssClassNameDot", "cssClass" ],
[ "cssTagName", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "cssPseudoClassId", "cssClassName" ],
[ "cssKeyFrameSelector", "Label" ],
[ "cssFunctionName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "cssBraces", "Noise" ],
[ "cssUnitDecorators", "NONE", fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "scssSelector", "cssClass" ],
[ "scssSelectorName", "scssSelector" ],
[ "scssSelectorChar", "cssIdentifier" ],
[ "scssFunctionName", "cssFunctionName" ],
[ "scssMixin", "keyword" ],
[ "scssMixinName", "cssFunction" ],
[ "scssampersand", "scssSelectorName" ],
[ "scssAtRoot", "atKeyword" ],
[ "vue_scss", "cssIdentifier" ],
["htmlTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary_weak, "NONE"],
["htmlSpecialTagName", "NONE", color_tertiary, "bold"],
["htmlLink", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic,underline"],
[ "htmlNormal", "Normal" ],
[ "htmlTitle", "Title" ],
[ "htmlH1", "htmlTitle" ],
[ "htmlTag", "Noise" ],
[ "htmlEndTag", "htmlTag" ],
[ "htmlArg", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlPreStmt", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlPreProc", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreAttr", "String" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrName", "PreProc" ],
[ "htmlPreProcAttrError", "Error" ],
[ "htmlSpecial", "Special" ],
[ "htmlSpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "htmlString", "String" ],
[ "htmlStatement", "Statement" ],
[ "htmlComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCommentPart", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlCommentError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlTagError", "htmlError" ],
[ "htmlEvent", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlError", "Error" ],
[ "javaScript", "Special" ],
[ "javaScriptExpression", "javaScript" ],
[ "htmlCssStyleComment", "Comment" ],
[ "htmlCssDefinition", "Special" ],
[ "htmlImgArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlSrcValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlSrcsetValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
[ "htmlAltValue", "String" ],
[ "htmlDataArg", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "htmlDataValue", "Constant" ],
[ "htmlHrefArg", "htmlArg" ],
[ "htmlHrefValue", "htmlSrcValue" ],
# vue
[ "vueSpecial", "NONE", indigo7, "bold" ],
[ "vueTagSpecial", "NONE", indigo5, "bold" ],
[ "vueTagComponentName", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueDynamicComponent", "NONE", indigo1, "bold" ],
# [ "vueTag", "NONE", indigo3, "bold" ],
[ "vueSlotName", "Constant" ],
[ "vueComponentName", "vueTagComponentName" ],
[ "vueTransitionComponent", "vueDynamicComponent" ],
[ "vueTransitionName", "vueSlotName" ],
[ "vueTransitionMode", "String" ],
[ "vueDirective", "Identifier" ],
[ "vueEvent", "Function" ],
[ "vueConditional", "vueSpecial" ],
[ "vueFor", "vueConditional" ],
[ "vueRef", "vueSpecial" ],
[ "vueSlot", "Noise" ],
[ "vueDirectiveValue", "Type" ],
[ "vueEventValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueConditionalValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueForValue", "vueConditionalValue" ],
[ "vueRefValue", "Constant" ],
[ "vueSlotValue", "vueSlotName" ],
[ "vueObjectKey", "cssClass" ],
[ "vueObjectValue", "vueDirectiveValue" ],
[ "vueDirectiveClass", "Noise" ],
[ "vueMustache", "Type" ],
# javascript
[ "jsFunctionKey", "Function" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "NONE", red2, "bold" ],
[ "jsFuncCall", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "jsVariableDef", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsGlobalObjects", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "jsGlobalNodeObjects", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsExceptions", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsBuiltins", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsStorageClass", "Include" ],
[ "jsObjectKey", "NONE", red3, "NONE"],
[ "jsObjectProp", "Type" ],
[ "jsObjectValue", "NONE", color_primary_weak3, "NONE" ],
[ "jsModuleKeyword", "Type" ],
[ "jsOperatorKeyword", "Label" ],
[ "jsThis", "jsGlobalObjects" ],
[ "jsArrowFunction", "Function" ],
# python
[ "pythonBuiltin", "Type" ],
[ "pythonBuiltinObj", "Special" ],
[ "pythonDottedName", "Identifier" ],
[ "pythonBrackets", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonQuotes", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonDot", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonNoise", "Noise" ],
[ "pythonExtraOperator", "Operator" ],
[ "pythonDocString", "SpecialComment" ],
[ "pythonSelf", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold" ],
[ "JinjaVarBlock", "Noise" ],
[ "JinjaTagBlock", "JinjaVarBlock" ],
[ "jinjaSpecial", "NONE", magenta7, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaRaw", "NONE", magenta1, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaStatement", "NONE", magenta2, "NONE"],
[ "jinjaFilter", "NONE", magenta6, "bold"],
[ "jinjaBlockName", "NONE", magenta6, "bold"],
[ "jinjaVariable", "NONE", magenta3, "bold"],
[ "jinjaString", "String"],
[ "jinjaNumber", "Number"],
[ "jinjaOperator", "Noise"],
[ "jinjaComment", "Comment"],
# sql
[ "sqlOperator", "Operator" ],
# vim
[ "vimFoldMarker", "NONE", fg_weak1, "NONE"],
[ "vimMap", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAbb", "vimMap" ],
[ "VimCommand", "Statement" ],
[ "VimOption", "String" ],
[ "vimFunction", "Function" ],
[ "vimFuncKey", "Special" ],
[ "vimHighlight", "Noise" ],
[ "vimAuGroupKey", "Noise" ],
[ "vimGroupName", "Special" ],
[ "vimAutoCmd", "Noise" ],
[ "vimSynMtchGrp", "Type" ],
[ "vimSynContains", "Type" ],
[ "vimSynRegOpt", "Type" ],
[ "vimHiTerm", "Include" ],
[ "vimHiAttrib", "Number" ],
[ "VimIsCommand", "Type" ],
[ "vimNotation", "StorageClass" ],
[ "vimMapLhs", "Special" ],
[ "vimMapRhs", "Label" ],
[ "vimNotFunc", "Conditional" ],
[ "vimSep", "Noise" ],
[ "vimParenSep", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimContinue", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimBracket", "vimSep" ],
[ "vimOperParen", "Normal" ],
[ "vimUserFunc", "Identifier" ],
[ "vimFoldMarker", "Noise" ],
# yaml
["yamlKeyValueDelimiter", "Noise" ],
["yamlFowIndicator", "Noise" ],
# config highlighting
[ "confComment", "Comment" ],
# markdown
["markdownDelimiter", "NONE", fg_weak1, "bold"],
["markdownHeadingDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownListMarker", "NONE", fg_strong3, "bold"],
["markdownCodeDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownCode", "Type"],
["markdownItalic", "NONE", fg_strong3, "italic"],
["markdownItalicDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownBold", "NONE", fg_strong2, "bold"],
["markdownBoldDelimiter", "markdownDelimiter"],
["markdownIdDeclaration", "Conditional"],
["markdownId", "markdownIdDeclaration"],
["markdownLinkText", "NONE", fg_strong2, "underline"],
# extra whitespace
[ "ExtraWhitespace", bg_whitespace_error ,"NONE", "NONE" ],
# php
[ "phpRegion", "Normal" ],
[ "phpComparison", "Operator" ],
[ "phpMethod", "Function" ],
[ "phpParent", "Normal" ],
[ "phpMemberSelector", "StorageClass" ],
[ "phpVarSelector", "StorageClass" ],
# quickfix
[ "QuickfixLine", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "qfLineNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "italic"],
[ "qfFilename", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "bold" ],
[ "qfSeparator", "Ignore" ],
[ "qfError", "ErrorMsg" ],
# json
[ "jsonKeyword", "Identifier" ],
[ "jsonValue", "String" ],
[ "jsonQuote", "Noise" ],
# octobercms
[ "octobercmsSectionDelimiter", "Noise" ],
# plugins
[ "CocErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "CocWarningSign", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "CocInfoSign", "Question" ],
[ "CocHintSign", "Question" ],
[ "CocHighlightText", "IncSearch" ],
[ "CocUnderline", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "LspErrorText", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "LspWarningText", "WarningMsg" ],
[ "LspInformationText", "Question" ],
[ "LspHintText", "Question" ],
[ "ALEErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "ALEErrorSign", "ErrorMsg" ],
[ "mkdCodeStart", "Comment" ],
[ "mkdListItem", "Conditional" ],
# ctrl-p highlighting
# :h ctrlp-customization
[ "CtrlPPrtBase", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPPrtText", ui_cursor_bg, ui_cursor_fg, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMatch", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode1", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold"],
[ "CtrlPMode2", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE"],
[ "CtrlPNoEntries", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferNr", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferInd", "NONE", ui_fg_strong4, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferPath", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHid", "NONE", ui_fg, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferHidMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_weak, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVis", "Normal" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferVisMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCur", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPBufferCurMod", "NONE", ui_fg_warning_strong, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPBufName", "NONE", ui_fg_strong2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPTagKind", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPqfLineCol", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "bold" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoT", "NONE", ui_fg_strong1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoBr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak1, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoNr", "NONE", ui_fg_weak2, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoSv", "NONE", ui_fg_warning, "NONE" ],
[ "CtrlPUndoPo", "NONE", ui_fg_strong3, "bold" ],
# netrw
[ "netrwTreeBar", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwClassify", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwExe", "Identifier" ],
[ "netrwDir", "String" ],
[ "netrwPlain", "Statement" ],
[ "netrwHelpCmd", "Type" ],
[ "netrwCmdNote", "function" ],
[ "netrwQuickHelp", "netrwCmdNote" ],
[ "netrwCmdSep", "Noise" ],
[ "netrwVersion", "StorageClass" ],
[ "netrwList", "String" ],
[ "netrwHidePat", "Identifier" ],
# i3config
[ "Variable", "Function" ],
# to be implemented
# "" #shell highlighting
# "{{{
# "hi! def link shConditional shLoop
# "hi! def link shFunctionTwo mIdentifierBright
# "hi! def link shFunction mIdentifier
# "hi! def link shFunctionKey mStatement
# "hi! def link shCaseEsac mValue
# "hi! def link shCaseBar mNoise
# "hi! def link shEcho mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link bashSpecialVariables mSpecial
# "hi! def link shCmdSubRegion mNoiseBright
# "hi! def link shCommandSub mSpecialDark
# "hi! def link shEscape mNoise
# "hi! def link shTestOpr mNoise
# "hi! def link shSnglCase mNoise
# hi! def link shDerefSimple Type
# hi! def link shDerefVar shDerefSimple
# hi! def link shDerefOp Conditional
# hi! def link shDerefPattern shDerefOp
# hi! def link shCommandSub Type
# hi! def link shOption StorageClass
# ""}}}
# "" vim-fugitive
# ""{{{
# "hi! def link gitCommitBranch mValueDarkItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscarded mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitComment mNoiseDark
# "hi! def link gitCommitOnBranch mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitWarning mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedType mNoise
# "hi! def link gitCommitSelectedFile mValueDarkerItalic
# "hi! def link gitCommitDiscardedFile mInterfaceWarning
# "hi! def link gitCommitUntrackedFile mStatementBright
# "hi! def link gitCommitNumber mInterfaceError
# "hi! def link gitCommitAhead gitCommitNumber
# "hi! def link gitCommitBehind gitCommitNumber
# ""}}}
# "" #tagbar highlighting
# "" TagbarHighlight defined in vimrc as it gets overridden
# "" by plugin when defined in here
# "" hi! def link TagbarFoldIcon InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelp InterfaceHelp
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpKey InterfaceHelpDark
# "" hi! def link TagbarHelpTitle InterfaceHelpBright
# "" hi! def link TagbarKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarNestedKind InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarScope InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarType InterfaceH1
# "" hi! def link TagbarSignature InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarPseudoID InterfaceNormal
# "" hi! def link TagbarHighlight InterfaceCurrent
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPublic InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessProtected InterfaceH2
# "" hi! def link TagbarAccessPrivate InterfaceH2
# "" hi! TagbarHighlight ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee ctermbg=240 guibg=#585858
# "" #vimwiki highlighting
# "" hi VimwikiLink ctermfg=252 guifg=#d0d0d0 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c
# "" hi! def link VimwikiHeaderChar CRNoiseDark
# "" hi VimwikiHeader1 ctermbg=242 guibg=#666666 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader2 ctermbg=238 guibg=#444444 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader3 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# "" hi VimwikiHeader4 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=251 guifg=#c6c6c6
# "" hi VimwikiHeader5 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=246 guifg=#949494
# "" hi VimwikiHeader6 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guibg=#303030 ctermfg=244 guifg=#808080
# "" hi VimwikiListTodo ctermbg=233 guibg=#121212 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee
# Step 4: generation
# From a separate shell:
# $ erb -T - bar.erb > bar.vim
# From Vim:
# :!erb -T - % > %:r.vim
# These online resources can help you design your colorscheme:
# * http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/15/Xterm_256color_chart.svg
# the xterm palette
# * http://whatcolor.herokuapp.com/
# play with hexadecimal colors right in the address bar (currently down)
# * http://color.hailpixel.com/
# similar concept, fuzzier implementation
# * http://colourco.de/
# similar concept, fancier implementation
# * http://www.colr.org/
# extract a palette from an image
# * http://colores.manugarri.com/
# search for 'word', get images and color palettes
# * http://www.colourlovers.com/palettes
# user-created palettes
# * http://www.perbang.dk/color+scheme/
# a no-nonsense colorscheme generator
# * https://color.adobe.com/
# Adobe's fancy colorscheme generator
# * http://paletton.com/
# The classic 'Color Scheme Designer', rebranded
# * http://vrl.cs.brown.edu/color
# A very smart palette generator
# * https://cmcenroe.me/2018/04/03/colour-scheme.html
# "I Made My Own Colour Scheme and You Can Too!"
# A few general advices:
# * The Windows console is limited to the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors but it has
# a few of them interverted which makes numbers impractical. Use color names
# instead of numbers: :help cterm-colors
# * The Windows console (yeah…) doesn't do italics, underlines or bolded text;
# it is limited to normal and reverse. Keep that in mind if you want
# your colorscheme to be usable in as many environments as possible by as many
# people as possible.
# * All of the terminal emulators in use these days allow their users to
# change the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors. It is also possible on some platforms
# to change some or all of the 256 colors in the xterm palette. Don't take
# anything for granted.
# * When used against a light background, strong colors work better than muted
# ones. Light or dark doesn't really matters. Also, it is harder to discriminate
# between two similar colors on a light background.
# * Both strong and muted colors work well against a dark background. It is also
# easier to work with similar colors, but dark colors don't work at all.
# * Use as many text samples as possible. String-heavy languages may look completely
# different than keyword-heavy ones. This can have an impact on the usability
# of your colorscheme.
# * Most terminal emulators and terminal multiplexers currently in use on unix-like
# systems support 256 colors but they almost always default to a '$TERM' that tells
# Vim otherwise. Your users will need to make sure their terminal emulator/multiplexer
# is correctly set up if they want to enjoy the best possible experience.
# Many thanks to Barry Arthur (https://github.com/dahu) for the original idea.
# You don't need to edit anything beyond this line.
" <%= information[:name] %>.vim -- Vim color scheme.
" Author: <%= information[:author] %> (<%= information[:email] %>)
" Webpage: <%= information[:webpage] %>
" Description: <%= information[:description] %>
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "<%= information[:name] %>"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% elsif highlight.length == 4 -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %> guisp=<%= highlight[4].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[4] : highlight[4][0] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16
set t_Co=16
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%>
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %>
<% else -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][2] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][2] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = <%= terminal_ansi_colors %>
augroup cursorlinebg
au InsertEnter * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline_input[0] %> guifg=NONE
au InsertLeave * hi CursorLine ctermbg=<%= bg_cursorline[1] %> ctermfg=NONE cterm=NONE guibg=<%= bg_cursorline[0] %> guifg=NONE
augroup END