Rebuilt files

This commit is contained in:
Paul Graffam 2016-10-07 14:56:00 -04:00
parent 6474293117
commit f78d23b52f
7 changed files with 331 additions and 321 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
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View File

@ -1,73 +1,86 @@
.rs-base{ .alarm {
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padding: 10px; 0 0 1px #ffffff,
background-color: #222; 0 0 1px #ffffff,
font-size: 10px; 0 0 2px #ffffff,
line-height: 1.2em; 0 0 2px #ffffff,
width: 350px; 0 0 3px #ffffff,
font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', tahoma, sans-serif; 0 0 3px #ffffff,
left: 0; 0 0 4px #ffffff,
top: 0; 0 0 4px #ffffff;
overflow: hidden;
} }
.rs-base h1{ .rs-base {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 10000;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 10px;
width: 350px;
background-color: #222222;
font-size: 10px;
font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', tahoma, sans-serif;
line-height: 1.2em;
.rs-base h1 {
margin: 0; margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-size: 1.4em;
color: #fff;
margin-bottom: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 0;
color: #ffffff;
font-size: 1.4em;
cursor: pointer; cursor: pointer;
} }
.rs-base{ .rs-base {
margin-bottom: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;
} }
.rs-base{ .rs-base {
display: none; display: none;
} }
.rs-base{ .rs-base {
position: relative; position: relative;
margin-bottom: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;
} }
.rs-base p{ .rs-base p {
width: 120px;
text-align: right;
margin: 0; margin: 0;
padding: 0; padding: 0;
width: 120px;
text-align: right;
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.rs-base{ .rs-base {
position: absolute; position: absolute;
line-height: 1em; line-height: 1em;
} }
.rs-base{ .rs-base {
position: relative; position: relative;
margin: 2px 0; margin: 2px 0;
height: 1em; height: 1em;
} }
.rs-base{ .rs-base {
position: absolute; position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0; top: 0;
left: 0;
} }
.rs-base{ .rs-base {
position: absolute; position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 90px; left: 90px;
width: 30px; width: 30px;
height: 1em; height: 1em;
top: 0;
text-align: right; text-align: right;
} }
.rs-base{ .rs-base {
position: absolute; position: absolute;
right: 0; right: 0;
} }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
window.glStats = function () {
var _rS = null;
var _totalDrawArraysCalls = 0,
_totalDrawElementsCalls = 0,
_totalUseProgramCalls = 0,
_totalFaces = 0,
_totalVertices = 0,
_totalPoints = 0,
_totalBindTexures = 0;
function _h ( f, c ) {
return function () {
c.apply( this, arguments );
f.apply( this, arguments );
WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawArrays = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawArrays, function () {
if ( arguments[ 0 ] == this.POINTS ) _totalPoints += arguments[ 2 ];
else _totalVertices += arguments[ 2 ];
} );
WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawElements = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawElements, function () {
_totalFaces += arguments[ 1 ] / 3;
_totalVertices += arguments[ 1 ];
} );
WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.useProgram = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.useProgram, function () {
} );
WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.bindTexture = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.bindTexture, function () {
} );
var _values = {
allcalls: {
over: 3000,
caption: 'Calls (hook)'
drawelements: {
caption: 'drawElements (hook)'
drawarrays: {
caption: 'drawArrays (hook)'
var _groups = [ {
caption: 'WebGL',
values: [ 'allcalls', 'drawelements', 'drawarrays', 'useprogram', 'bindtexture', 'glfaces', 'glvertices', 'glpoints' ]
} ];
var _fractions = [ {
base: 'allcalls',
steps: [ 'drawelements', 'drawarrays' ]
} ];
function _update () {
_rS( 'allcalls' ).set( _totalDrawArraysCalls + _totalDrawElementsCalls );
_rS( 'drawElements' ).set( _totalDrawElementsCalls );
_rS( 'drawArrays' ).set( _totalDrawArraysCalls );
_rS( 'bindTexture' ).set( _totalBindTexures );
_rS( 'useProgram' ).set( _totalUseProgramCalls );
_rS( 'glfaces' ).set( _totalFaces );
_rS( 'glvertices' ).set( _totalVertices );
_rS( 'glpoints' ).set( _totalPoints );
function _start () {
_totalDrawArraysCalls = 0;
_totalDrawElementsCalls = 0;
_totalUseProgramCalls = 0;
_totalFaces = 0;
_totalVertices = 0;
_totalPoints = 0;
_totalBindTexures = 0;
function _end () {}
function _attach ( r ) {
_rS = r;
return {
update: _update,
start: _start,
end: _end,
attach: _attach,
values: _values,
groups: _groups,
fractions: _fractions
window.threeStats = function ( renderer ) {
var _rS = null;
var _values = {
'': {
caption: 'Geometries'
'': {
caption: 'Textures'
'': {
caption: 'Programs'
'': {
caption: 'Calls'
'': {
caption: 'Faces',
over: 1000
'': {
caption: 'Points'
'': {
caption: 'Vertices'
var _groups = [ {
caption: 'Three.js - Memory',
values: [ '', '', '' ]
}, {
caption: 'Three.js - Render',
values: [ '', '', '', '' ]
} ];
var _fractions = [];
function _update () {
_rS( '' ).set( );
//_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
function _start () {}
function _end () {}
function _attach ( r ) {
_rS = r;
return {
update: _update,
start: _start,
end: _end,
attach: _attach,
values: _values,
groups: _groups,
fractions: _fractions
* From
window.BrowserStats = function () {
var _rS = null;
var _usedJSHeapSize = 0,
_totalJSHeapSize = 0;
var memory = {
usedJSHeapSize: 0,
totalJSHeapSize: 0
if ( window.performance && performance.memory )
memory = performance.memory;
if ( memory.totalJSHeapSize === 0 ) {
console.warn( 'totalJSHeapSize === 0... performance.memory is only available in Chrome .' );
var _values = {
memory: {
caption: 'Used Memory',
average: true,
avgMs: 1000,
over: 22
total: {
caption: 'Total Memory'
var _groups = [ {
caption: 'Browser',
values: [ 'memory', 'total' ]
} ];
var _fractions = [ {
base: 'total',
steps: [ 'memory' ]
} ];
var log1024 = Math.log( 1024 );
function _size ( v ) {
var precision = 100; //Math.pow(10, 2);
var i = Math.floor( Math.log( v ) / log1024 );
if( v === 0 ) i = 1;
return Math.round( v * precision / Math.pow( 1024, i ) ) / precision; // + ' ' + sizes[i];
function _update () {
_usedJSHeapSize = _size( memory.usedJSHeapSize );
_totalJSHeapSize = _size( memory.totalJSHeapSize );
_rS( 'memory' ).set( _usedJSHeapSize );
_rS( 'total' ).set( _totalJSHeapSize );
function _start () {
_usedJSHeapSize = 0;
function _end () {}
function _attach ( r ) {
_rS = r;
return {
update: _update,
start: _start,
end: _end,
attach: _attach,
values: _values,
groups: _groups,
fractions: _fractions
if (typeof module === 'object') {
module.exports = {
glStats: window.glStats,
threeStats: window.threeStats,
BrowserStats: window.BrowserStats

View File

@ -451,269 +451,3 @@ window.rStats = function rStats ( settings ) {
if (typeof module === 'object') { if (typeof module === 'object') {
module.exports = window.rStats; module.exports = window.rStats;
} }
window.glStats = function () {
var _rS = null;
var _totalDrawArraysCalls = 0,
_totalDrawElementsCalls = 0,
_totalUseProgramCalls = 0,
_totalFaces = 0,
_totalVertices = 0,
_totalPoints = 0,
_totalBindTexures = 0;
function _h ( f, c ) {
return function () {
c.apply( this, arguments );
f.apply( this, arguments );
WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawArrays = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawArrays, function () {
if ( arguments[ 0 ] == this.POINTS ) _totalPoints += arguments[ 2 ];
else _totalVertices += arguments[ 2 ];
} );
WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawElements = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.drawElements, function () {
_totalFaces += arguments[ 1 ] / 3;
_totalVertices += arguments[ 1 ];
} );
WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.useProgram = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.useProgram, function () {
} );
WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.bindTexture = _h( WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.bindTexture, function () {
} );
var _values = {
allcalls: {
over: 3000,
caption: 'Calls (hook)'
drawelements: {
caption: 'drawElements (hook)'
drawarrays: {
caption: 'drawArrays (hook)'
var _groups = [ {
caption: 'WebGL',
values: [ 'allcalls', 'drawelements', 'drawarrays', 'useprogram', 'bindtexture', 'glfaces', 'glvertices', 'glpoints' ]
} ];
var _fractions = [ {
base: 'allcalls',
steps: [ 'drawelements', 'drawarrays' ]
} ];
function _update () {
_rS( 'allcalls' ).set( _totalDrawArraysCalls + _totalDrawElementsCalls );
_rS( 'drawElements' ).set( _totalDrawElementsCalls );
_rS( 'drawArrays' ).set( _totalDrawArraysCalls );
_rS( 'bindTexture' ).set( _totalBindTexures );
_rS( 'useProgram' ).set( _totalUseProgramCalls );
_rS( 'glfaces' ).set( _totalFaces );
_rS( 'glvertices' ).set( _totalVertices );
_rS( 'glpoints' ).set( _totalPoints );
function _start () {
_totalDrawArraysCalls = 0;
_totalDrawElementsCalls = 0;
_totalUseProgramCalls = 0;
_totalFaces = 0;
_totalVertices = 0;
_totalPoints = 0;
_totalBindTexures = 0;
function _end () {}
function _attach ( r ) {
_rS = r;
return {
update: _update,
start: _start,
end: _end,
attach: _attach,
values: _values,
groups: _groups,
fractions: _fractions
window.threeStats = function ( renderer ) {
var _rS = null;
var _values = {
'': {
caption: 'Geometries'
'': {
caption: 'Textures'
'': {
caption: 'Programs'
'': {
caption: 'Calls'
'': {
caption: 'Faces',
over: 1000
'': {
caption: 'Points'
'': {
caption: 'Vertices'
var _groups = [ {
caption: 'Three.js - Memory',
values: [ '', '', '' ]
}, {
caption: 'Three.js - Render',
values: [ '', '', '', '' ]
} ];
var _fractions = [];
function _update () {
_rS( '' ).set( );
//_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
_rS( '' ).set( );
function _start () {}
function _end () {}
function _attach ( r ) {
_rS = r;
return {
update: _update,
start: _start,
end: _end,
attach: _attach,
values: _values,
groups: _groups,
fractions: _fractions
* From
window.BrowserStats = function () {
var _rS = null;
var _usedJSHeapSize = 0,
_totalJSHeapSize = 0;
var memory = {
usedJSHeapSize: 0,
totalJSHeapSize: 0
if ( window.performance && performance.memory )
memory = performance.memory;
if ( memory.totalJSHeapSize === 0 ) {
console.warn( 'totalJSHeapSize === 0... performance.memory is only available in Chrome .' );
var _values = {
memory: {
caption: 'Used Memory',
average: true,
avgMs: 1000,
over: 22
total: {
caption: 'Total Memory'
var _groups = [ {
caption: 'Browser',
values: [ 'memory', 'total' ]
} ];
var _fractions = [ {
base: 'total',
steps: [ 'memory' ]
} ];
var log1024 = Math.log( 1024 );
function _size ( v ) {
var precision = 100; //Math.pow(10, 2);
var i = Math.floor( Math.log( v ) / log1024 );
if( v === 0 ) i = 1;
return Math.round( v * precision / Math.pow( 1024, i ) ) / precision; // + ' ' + sizes[i];
function _update () {
_usedJSHeapSize = _size( memory.usedJSHeapSize );
_totalJSHeapSize = _size( memory.totalJSHeapSize );
_rS( 'memory' ).set( _usedJSHeapSize );
_rS( 'total' ).set( _totalJSHeapSize );
function _start () {
_usedJSHeapSize = 0;
function _end () {}
function _attach ( r ) {
_rS = r;
return {
update: _update,
start: _start,
end: _end,
attach: _attach,
values: _values,
groups: _groups,
fractions: _fractions
if (typeof module === 'object') {
module.exports = {
glStats: window.glStats,
threeStats: window.threeStats,
BrowserStats: window.BrowserStats

View File

@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Three.js Webpack ES6 Boilerplate</title> <title>Three.js Webpack ES6 Boilerplate</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/css/app.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./assets/css/app.css">
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
<div class="content"> <section id="appContainer" class="main">
<div id="appContainer" class="main"> <div id="loading">Loading...</div>
</div> </section>
<script src="/assets/js/rStats.js"></script> <script src="./assets/js/rStats.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/dat.gui.min.js"></script> <script src="./assets/js/rStats.extras.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/app.js"></script> <script src="./assets/js/dat.gui.min.js"></script>
<script src="./assets/js/app.js"></script>
</body> </body>
</html> </html>