Simplify comment labeling in image.php
The image template is the only one to label "comments and trackbacks are open" "comments are closed but trackbacks are open" etc. ad nauseam. Few people are using those options any more, and it's a lot of clutter on a template that (if anything) should be simpler and cleaner than all the rest - we should delete all that and match the comment presentation to the way it's done in page.php and single.php
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,16 +65,6 @@ get_header();
<footer class="entry-meta">
if ( comments_open() && pings_open() ) : // Comments and trackbacks open
printf( __( '<a class="comment-link" href="#respond" title="Post a comment">Post a comment</a> or leave a trackback: <a class="trackback-link" href="%s" title="Trackback URL for your post" rel="trackback">Trackback URL</a>.', '_s' ), esc_url( get_trackback_url() ) );
elseif ( ! comments_open() && pings_open() ) : // Only trackbacks open
printf( __( 'Comments are closed, but you can leave a trackback: <a class="trackback-link" href="%s" title="Trackback URL for your post" rel="trackback">Trackback URL</a>.', '_s' ), esc_url( get_trackback_url() ) );
elseif ( comments_open() && ! pings_open() ) : // Only comments open
_e( 'Trackbacks are closed, but you can <a class="comment-link" href="#respond" title="Post a comment">post a comment</a>.', '_s' );
elseif ( ! comments_open() && ! pings_open() ) : // Comments and trackbacks closed
_e( 'Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.', '_s' );
edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', '_s' ), ' <span class="edit-link">', '</span>' );
</footer><!-- .entry-meta -->
@ -91,4 +81,4 @@ get_header();
</main><!-- #main -->
</div><!-- #primary -->
<?php get_footer(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Reference in New Issue