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* _s Theme Options
* @package _s
* @since _s 1.0
* Register the form setting for our _s_options array.
* This function is attached to the admin_init action hook.
* This call to register_setting() registers a validation callback, _s_theme_options_validate(),
* which is used when the option is saved, to ensure that our option values are properly
* formatted, and safe.
* @since _s 1.0
function _s_theme_options_init() {
'_s_options', // Options group, see settings_fields() call in _s_theme_options_render_page()
'_s_theme_options', // Database option, see _s_get_theme_options()
'_s_theme_options_validate' // The sanitization callback, see _s_theme_options_validate()
// Register our settings field group
'general', // Unique identifier for the settings section
'', // Section title (we don't want one)
'__return_false', // Section callback (we don't want anything)
'theme_options' // Menu slug, used to uniquely identify the page; see _s_theme_options_add_page()
// Register our individual settings fields
'sample_checkbox', // Unique identifier for the field for this section
__( 'Sample Checkbox', '_s' ), // Setting field label
'_s_settings_field_sample_checkbox', // Function that renders the settings field
'theme_options', // Menu slug, used to uniquely identify the page; see _s_theme_options_add_page()
'general' // Settings section. Same as the first argument in the add_settings_section() above
add_settings_field( 'sample_text_input', __( 'Sample Text Input', '_s' ), '_s_settings_field_sample_text_input', 'theme_options', 'general' );
add_settings_field( 'sample_select_options', __( 'Sample Select Options', '_s' ), '_s_settings_field_sample_select_options', 'theme_options', 'general' );
add_settings_field( 'sample_radio_buttons', __( 'Sample Radio Buttons', '_s' ), '_s_settings_field_sample_radio_buttons', 'theme_options', 'general' );
add_settings_field( 'sample_textarea', __( 'Sample Textarea', '_s' ), '_s_settings_field_sample_textarea', 'theme_options', 'general' );
add_action( 'admin_init', '_s_theme_options_init' );
* Change the capability required to save the '_s_options' options group.
* @see _s_theme_options_init() First parameter to register_setting() is the name of the options group.
* @see _s_theme_options_add_page() The edit_theme_options capability is used for viewing the page.
* @param string $capability The capability used for the page, which is manage_options by default.
* @return string The capability to actually use.
function _s_option_page_capability( $capability ) {
return 'edit_theme_options';
add_filter( 'option_page_capability__s_options', '_s_option_page_capability' );
* Add our theme options page to the admin menu.
* This function is attached to the admin_menu action hook.
* @since _s 1.0
function _s_theme_options_add_page() {
$theme_page = add_theme_page(
__( 'Theme Options', '_s' ), // Name of page
__( 'Theme Options', '_s' ), // Label in menu
'edit_theme_options', // Capability required
'theme_options', // Menu slug, used to uniquely identify the page
'_s_theme_options_render_page' // Function that renders the options page
add_action( 'admin_menu', '_s_theme_options_add_page' );
* Returns an array of sample select options registered for _s.
* @since _s 1.0
function _s_sample_select_options() {
$sample_select_options = array(
'0' => array(
'value' => '0',
'label' => __( 'Zero', '_s' )
'1' => array(
'value' => '1',
'label' => __( 'One', '_s' )
'2' => array(
'value' => '2',
'label' => __( 'Two', '_s' )
'3' => array(
'value' => '3',
'label' => __( 'Three', '_s' )
'4' => array(
'value' => '4',
'label' => __( 'Four', '_s' )
'5' => array(
'value' => '3',
'label' => __( 'Five', '_s' )
return apply_filters( '_s_sample_select_options', $sample_select_options );
* Returns an array of sample radio options registered for _s.
* @since _s 1.0
function _s_sample_radio_buttons() {
$sample_radio_buttons = array(
'yes' => array(
'value' => 'yes',
'label' => __( 'Yes', '_s' )
'no' => array(
'value' => 'no',
'label' => __( 'No', '_s' )
'maybe' => array(
'value' => 'maybe',
'label' => __( 'Maybe', '_s' )
return apply_filters( '_s_sample_radio_buttons', $sample_radio_buttons );
* Returns the options array for _s.
* @since _s 1.0
function _s_get_theme_options() {
$saved = (array) get_option( '_s_theme_options' );
$defaults = array(
'sample_checkbox' => 'off',
'sample_text_input' => '',
'sample_select_options' => '',
'sample_radio_buttons' => '',
'sample_textarea' => '',
$defaults = apply_filters( '_s_default_theme_options', $defaults );
$options = wp_parse_args( $saved, $defaults );
$options = array_intersect_key( $options, $defaults );
return $options;
* Renders the sample checkbox setting field.
function _s_settings_field_sample_checkbox() {
$options = _s_get_theme_options();
<label for"sample-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="_s_theme_options[sample_checkbox]" id="sample-checkbox" <?php checked( 'on', $options['sample_checkbox'] ); ?> />
<?php _e( 'A sample checkbox.', '_s' ); ?>
* Renders the sample text input setting field.
function _s_settings_field_sample_text_input() {
$options = _s_get_theme_options();
<input type="text" name="_s_theme_options[sample_text_input]" id="sample-text-input" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['sample_text_input'] ); ?>" />
<label class="description" for="sample-text-input"><?php _e( 'Sample text input', '_s' ); ?></label>
* Renders the sample select options setting field.
function _s_settings_field_sample_select_options() {
$options = _s_get_theme_options();
<select name="_s_theme_options[sample_select_options]" id="sample-select-options">
$selected = $options['sample_select_options'];
$p = '';
$r = '';
foreach ( _s_sample_select_options() as $option ) {
$label = $option['label'];
if ( $selected == $option['value'] ) // Make default first in list
$p = "\n\t<option style=\"padding-right: 10px;\" selected='selected' value='" . esc_attr( $option['value'] ) . "'>$label</option>";
$r .= "\n\t<option style=\"padding-right: 10px;\" value='" . esc_attr( $option['value'] ) . "'>$label</option>";
echo $p . $r;
<label class="description" for="sample_theme_options[selectinput]"><?php _e( 'Sample select input', '_s' ); ?></label>
* Renders the radio options setting field.
* @since _s 1.0
function _s_settings_field_sample_radio_buttons() {
$options = _s_get_theme_options();
foreach ( _s_sample_radio_buttons() as $button ) {
<div class="layout">
<label class="description">
<input type="radio" name="_s_theme_options[sample_radio_buttons]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $button['value'] ); ?>" <?php checked( $options['sample_radio_buttons'], $button['value'] ); ?> />
<?php echo $button['label']; ?>
* Renders the sample textarea setting field.
function _s_settings_field_sample_textarea() {
$options = _s_get_theme_options();
<textarea class="large-text" type="text" name="_s_theme_options[sample_textarea]" id="sample-textarea" cols="50" rows="10" /><?php echo esc_textarea( $options['sample_textarea'] ); ?></textarea>
<label class="description" for="sample-textarea"><?php _e( 'Sample textarea', '_s' ); ?></label>
* Renders the Theme Options administration screen.
* @since _s 1.0
function _s_theme_options_render_page() {
<div class="wrap">
<?php screen_icon(); ?>
<?php $theme_name = function_exists( 'wp_get_theme' ) ? wp_get_theme() : get_current_theme(); ?>
<h2><?php printf( __( '%s Theme Options', '_s' ), $theme_name ); ?></h2>
<?php settings_errors(); ?>
<form method="post" action="options.php">
settings_fields( '_s_options' );
do_settings_sections( 'theme_options' );
* Sanitize and validate form input. Accepts an array, return a sanitized array.
* @see _s_theme_options_init()
* @todo set up Reset Options action
* @param array $input Unknown values.
* @return array Sanitized theme options ready to be stored in the database.
* @since _s 1.0
function _s_theme_options_validate( $input ) {
$output = array();
// Checkboxes will only be present if checked.
if ( isset( $input['sample_checkbox'] ) )
$output['sample_checkbox'] = 'on';
// The sample text input must be safe text with no HTML tags
if ( isset( $input['sample_text_input'] ) && ! empty( $input['sample_text_input'] ) )
$output['sample_text_input'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $input['sample_text_input'] );
// The sample select option must actually be in the array of select options
if ( isset( $input['sample_select_options'] ) && array_key_exists( $input['sample_select_options'], _s_sample_select_options() ) )
$output['sample_select_options'] = $input['sample_select_options'];
// The sample radio button value must be in our array of radio button values
if ( isset( $input['sample_radio_buttons'] ) && array_key_exists( $input['sample_radio_buttons'], _s_sample_radio_buttons() ) )
$output['sample_radio_buttons'] = $input['sample_radio_buttons'];
// The sample textarea must be safe text with the allowed tags for posts
if ( isset( $input['sample_textarea'] ) && ! empty( $input['sample_textarea'] ) )
$output['sample_textarea'] = wp_filter_post_kses( $input['sample_textarea'] );
return apply_filters( '_s_theme_options_validate', $output, $input );