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2012-06-10 16:50:54 +00:00
* synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility
* Copyright (C) 2012 Bolton Software Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Schoeneman
2012-06-10 16:50:54 +00:00
* This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "synergy/KeyState.h"
#include "common/stdmap.h"
#include "common/stdset.h"
#include "common/stdvector.h"
2012-06-10 16:50:54 +00:00
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5)
typedef TISInputSourceRef KeyLayout;
typedef KeyboardLayoutRef KeyLayout;
//! OS X key state
A key state for OS X.
class COSXKeyState : public CKeyState {
typedef std::vector<KeyID> CKeyIDs;
COSXKeyState(IEventQueue* events);
COSXKeyState(IEventQueue* events, CKeyMap& keyMap);
2012-06-10 16:50:54 +00:00
virtual ~COSXKeyState();
//! @name modifiers
//! Handle modifier key change
Determines which modifier keys have changed and updates the modifier
state and sends key events as appropriate.
void handleModifierKeys(void* target,
KeyModifierMask oldMask, KeyModifierMask newMask);
//! @name accessors
//! Convert OS X modifier mask to synergy mask
Returns the synergy modifier mask corresponding to the OS X modifier
mask in \p mask.
KeyModifierMask mapModifiersFromOSX(UInt32 mask) const;
//! Convert CG flags-style modifier mask to old-style Carbon
Still required in a few places for translation calls.
KeyModifierMask mapModifiersToCarbon(UInt32 mask) const;
//! Map key event to keys
Converts a key event into a sequence of KeyIDs and the shadow modifier
state to a modifier mask. The KeyIDs list, in order, the characters
generated by the key press/release. It returns the id of the button
that was pressed or released, or 0 if the button doesn't map to a known
KeyButton mapKeyFromEvent(CKeyIDs& ids,
KeyModifierMask* maskOut, CGEventRef event) const;
//! Map key and mask to native values
Calculates mac virtual key and mask for a key \p key and modifiers
\p mask. Returns \c true if the key can be mapped, \c false otherwise.
bool mapSynergyHotKeyToMac(KeyID key, KeyModifierMask mask,
UInt32& macVirtualKey,
UInt32& macModifierMask) const;
// IKeyState overrides
virtual bool fakeCtrlAltDel();
virtual KeyModifierMask
pollActiveModifiers() const;
virtual SInt32 pollActiveGroup() const;
virtual void pollPressedKeys(KeyButtonSet& pressedKeys) const;
void fixStickyKeys();
2012-06-10 16:50:54 +00:00
// CKeyState overrides
virtual void getKeyMap(CKeyMap& keyMap);
virtual void fakeKey(const Keystroke& keystroke);
class CKeyResource;
typedef std::vector<KeyLayout> GroupList;
// Add hard coded special keys to a CKeyMap.
void getKeyMapForSpecialKeys(
CKeyMap& keyMap, SInt32 group) const;
// Convert keyboard resource to a key map
bool getKeyMap(CKeyMap& keyMap,
SInt32 group, const CKeyResource& r) const;
// Get the available keyboard groups
bool getGroups(GroupList&) const;
// Change active keyboard group to group
void setGroup(SInt32 group);
// Check if the keyboard layout has changed and update keyboard state
// if so.
void checkKeyboardLayout();
// Send an event for the given modifier key
void handleModifierKey(void* target,
UInt32 virtualKey, KeyID id,
bool down, KeyModifierMask newMask);
// Checks if any in \p ids is a glyph key and if \p isCommand is false.
// If so it adds the AltGr modifier to \p mask. This allows OS X
// servers to use the option key both as AltGr and as a modifier. If
// option is acting as AltGr (i.e. it generates a glyph and there are
// no command modifiers active) then we don't send the super modifier
// to clients because they'd try to match it as a command modifier.
void adjustAltGrModifier(const CKeyIDs& ids,
KeyModifierMask* mask, bool isCommand) const;
// Maps an OS X virtual key id to a KeyButton. This simply remaps
// the ids so we don't use KeyButton 0.
static KeyButton mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(UInt32 keyCode);
// Maps a KeyButton to an OS X key code. This is the inverse of
// mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton.
static UInt32 mapKeyButtonToVirtualKey(KeyButton keyButton);
void init();
class CKeyResource : public IInterface {
virtual bool isValid() const = 0;
virtual UInt32 getNumModifierCombinations() const = 0;
virtual UInt32 getNumTables() const = 0;
virtual UInt32 getNumButtons() const = 0;
virtual UInt32 getTableForModifier(UInt32 mask) const = 0;
virtual KeyID getKey(UInt32 table, UInt32 button) const = 0;
// Convert a character in the current script to the equivalent KeyID
static KeyID getKeyID(UInt8);
// Convert a unicode character to the equivalent KeyID.
static KeyID unicharToKeyID(UniChar);
class CUCHRKeyResource : public CKeyResource {
CUCHRKeyResource(const void*, UInt32 keyboardType);
// CKeyResource overrides
virtual bool isValid() const;
virtual UInt32 getNumModifierCombinations() const;
virtual UInt32 getNumTables() const;
virtual UInt32 getNumButtons() const;
virtual UInt32 getTableForModifier(UInt32 mask) const;
virtual KeyID getKey(UInt32 table, UInt32 button) const;
typedef std::vector<KeyID> KeySequence;
bool getDeadKey(KeySequence& keys, UInt16 index) const;
bool getKeyRecord(KeySequence& keys,
UInt16 index, UInt16& state) const;
bool addSequence(KeySequence& keys, UCKeyCharSeq c) const;
const UCKeyboardLayout* m_resource;
const UCKeyModifiersToTableNum* m_m;
const UCKeyToCharTableIndex* m_cti;
const UCKeySequenceDataIndex* m_sdi;
const UCKeyStateRecordsIndex* m_sri;
const UCKeyStateTerminators* m_st;
UInt16 m_spaceOutput;
// OS X uses a physical key if 0 for the 'A' key. synergy reserves
// KeyButton 0 so we offset all OS X physical key ids by this much
// when used as a KeyButton and by minus this much to map a KeyButton
// to a physical button.
enum {
KeyButtonOffset = 1
typedef std::map<KeyLayout, SInt32> GroupMap;
typedef std::map<UInt32, KeyID> CVirtualKeyMap;
CVirtualKeyMap m_virtualKeyMap;
mutable UInt32 m_deadKeyState;
GroupList m_groups;
GroupMap m_groupMap;
bool m_shiftPressed;
bool m_controlPressed;
bool m_altPressed;
bool m_superPressed;
bool m_capsPressed;
2012-06-10 16:50:54 +00:00