- temporarily drop dragging file to desktop (specified by command line arg --filetransfer-des)
- on Mac side, fake an esc key while dragging off the screen does not seem to work
- Fixed line endings
- Integ test for file transfer
- Fixed crashed problem when log info is larger than 2048 bytes
- Fixed compile error caused by std exception (by Feng ye)
- Fixed include path on Mac and linux (by Feng ye)
- Unit test for sending file data from server to client.
- Removed singleton pattern from CSocketMultiplexer for easier unit testing.
- Incremented protocol version from 1.4 to 1.5 (new file chunk message).
- Storing pointer to CConfig instead of copying in CServer (so we can mock it).
- Created a common event queue for testing (timeout, quit event, etc).
- Fixed code style.
* added non-pod data support to events (event delete can now call dtors)
* improved cleanup of ipc message objects (because of non-pod event data support)
* moved the "message received" event up to ipc server and client (passed on from proxies)
implemented ipc "hello" message (to identify client type)
integ tests working for hello message, but use of ipc in main program has problem with events.