/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2012 Bolton Software Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "platform/MSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.h" // // CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter // CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter::CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter() { // do nothing } CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter::~CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter() { // do nothing } IClipboard::EFormat CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter::getFormat() const { return IClipboard::kText; } HANDLE CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter::fromIClipboard(const CString& data) const { // convert linefeeds and then convert to desired encoding CString text = doFromIClipboard(convertLinefeedToWin32(data)); UInt32 size = (UInt32)text.size(); // copy to memory handle HGLOBAL gData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, size); if (gData != NULL) { // get a pointer to the allocated memory char* dst = (char*)GlobalLock(gData); if (dst != NULL) { memcpy(dst, text.data(), size); GlobalUnlock(gData); } else { GlobalFree(gData); gData = NULL; } } return gData; } CString CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter::toIClipboard(HANDLE data) const { // get datator const char* src = (const char*)GlobalLock(data); UInt32 srcSize = (UInt32)GlobalSize(data); if (src == NULL || srcSize <= 1) { return CString(); } // convert text CString text = doToIClipboard(CString(src, srcSize)); // release handle GlobalUnlock(data); // convert newlines return convertLinefeedToUnix(text); } CString CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter::convertLinefeedToWin32( const CString& src) const { // note -- we assume src is a valid UTF-8 string // count newlines in string UInt32 numNewlines = 0; UInt32 n = (UInt32)src.size(); for (const char* scan = src.c_str(); n > 0; ++scan, --n) { if (*scan == '\n') { ++numNewlines; } } if (numNewlines == 0) { return src; } // allocate new string CString dst; dst.reserve(src.size() + numNewlines); // copy string, converting newlines n = (UInt32)src.size(); for (const char* scan = src.c_str(); n > 0; ++scan, --n) { if (scan[0] == '\n') { dst += '\r'; } dst += scan[0]; } return dst; } CString CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter::convertLinefeedToUnix( const CString& src) const { // count newlines in string UInt32 numNewlines = 0; UInt32 n = (UInt32)src.size(); for (const char* scan = src.c_str(); n > 0; ++scan, --n) { if (scan[0] == '\r' && scan[1] == '\n') { ++numNewlines; } } if (numNewlines == 0) { return src; } // allocate new string CString dst; dst.reserve(src.size()); // copy string, converting newlines n = (UInt32)src.size(); for (const char* scan = src.c_str(); n > 0; ++scan, --n) { if (scan[0] != '\r' || scan[1] != '\n') { dst += scan[0]; } } return dst; }