cmake version 2.8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction cmake-modules - Reference of available CMake modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description The "cmake" executable is the CMake command-line interface. It may be used to configure projects in scripts. Project configuration settings may be specified on the command line with the -D option. The -i option will cause cmake to interactively prompt for such settings. CMake is a cross-platform build system generator. Projects specify their build process with platform-independent CMake listfiles included in each directory of a source tree with the name CMakeLists.txt. Users build a project by using CMake to generate a build system for a native tool on their platform. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standard CMake Modules The following modules are provided with CMake. They can be used with INCLUDE(ModuleName). CMake Modules - Modules coming with CMake, the Cross-Platform Makefile Generator. This is the documentation for the modules and scripts coming with CMake. Using these modules you can check the computer system for installed software packages, features of the compiler and the existance of headers to name just a few. AddFileDependencies ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES(source_file depend_files...) Adds the given files as dependencies to source_file BundleUtilities BundleUtilities.cmake A collection of CMake utility functions useful for dealing with .app bundles on the Mac and bundle-like directories on any OS. The following functions are provided by this script: get_bundle_main_executable get_dotapp_dir get_bundle_and_executable get_bundle_all_executables get_item_key clear_bundle_keys set_bundle_key_values get_bundle_keys copy_resolved_item_into_bundle fixup_bundle_item fixup_bundle copy_and_fixup_bundle verify_bundle_prerequisites verify_bundle_symlinks verify_app Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses function, break and PARENT_SCOPE. Also depends on GetPrerequisites.cmake. CMakeBackwardCompatibilityCXX define a bunch of backwards compatibility variables CMAKE_ANSI_CXXFLAGS - flag for ansi c++ CMAKE_HAS_ANSI_STRING_STREAM - has INCLUDE(TestForANSIStreamHeaders) INCLUDE(CheckIncludeFileCXX) INCLUDE(TestForSTDNamespace) INCLUDE(TestForANSIForScope) CMakeDependentOption Macro to provide an option dependent on other options. This macro presents an option to the user only if a set of other conditions are true. When the option is not presented a default value is used, but any value set by the user is preserved for when the option is presented again. Example invocation: CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(USE_FOO "Use Foo" ON "USE_BAR;NOT USE_ZOT" OFF) If USE_BAR is true and USE_ZOT is false, this provides an option called USE_FOO that defaults to ON. Otherwise, it sets USE_FOO to OFF. If the status of USE_BAR or USE_ZOT ever changes, any value for the USE_FOO option is saved so that when the option is re-enabled it retains its old value. CMakeDetermineVSServicePack Includes a public function for assisting users in trying to determine the Visual Studio service pack in use. Sets the passed in variable to one of the following values or an empty string if unknown. vc80 vc80sp1 vc90 vc90sp1 Usage: =========================== if(MSVC) include(CMakeDetermineVSServicePack) DetermineVSServicePack( my_service_pack ) if( my_service_pack ) message(STATUS "Detected: ${my_service_pack}") endif() endif() =========================== CMakeFindFrameworks helper module to find OSX frameworks CMakeForceCompiler This module defines macros intended for use by cross-compiling toolchain files when CMake is not able to automatically detect the compiler identification. Macro CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER has the following signature: CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER( ) It sets CMAKE_C_COMPILER to the given compiler and the cmake internal variable CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID to the given compiler-id. It also bypasses the check for working compiler and basic compiler information tests. Macro CMAKE_FORCE_CXX_COMPILER has the following signature: CMAKE_FORCE_CXX_COMPILER( ) It sets CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to the given compiler and the cmake internal variable CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID to the given compiler-id. It also bypasses the check for working compiler and basic compiler information tests. So a simple toolchain file could look like this: INCLUDE (CMakeForceCompiler) SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic) CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER (chc12 MetrowerksHicross) CMAKE_FORCE_CXX_COMPILER (chc12 MetrowerksHicross) CMakePrintSystemInformation print system information This file can be used for diagnostic purposes just include it in a project to see various internal CMake variables. CMakeVerifyManifest CMakeVerifyManifest.cmake This script is used to verify that embeded manifests and side by side manifests for a project match. To run this script, cd to a directory and run the script with cmake -P. On the command line you can pass in versions that are OK even if not found in the .manifest files. For example, cmake -Dallow_versions=8.0.50608.0 -PCmakeVerifyManifest.cmake could be used to allow an embeded manifest of 8.0.50608.0 to be used in a project even if that version was not found in the .manifest file. CPack Build binary and source package installers The CPack module generates binary and source installers in a variety of formats using the cpack program. Inclusion of the CPack module adds two new targets to the resulting makefiles, package and package_source, which build the binary and source installers, respectively. The generated binary installers contain everything installed via CMake's INSTALL command (and the deprecated INSTALL_FILES, INSTALL_PROGRAMS, and INSTALL_TARGETS commands). For certain kinds of binary installers (including the graphical installers on Mac OS X and Windows), CPack generates installers that allow users to select individual application components to install. The contents of each of the components are identified by the COMPONENT argument of CMake's INSTALL command. These components can be annotated with user-friendly names and descriptions, inter-component dependencies, etc., and grouped in various ways to customize the resulting installer. See the cpack_add_* commands, described below, for more information about component-specific installations. Before including the CPack module, there are a variety of variables that can be set to customize the resulting installers. The most commonly-used variables are: CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME - The name of the package (or application). If not specified, defaults to the project name. CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR - The name of the package vendor (e.g., "Kitware"). CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR - Package major Version CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR - Package minor Version CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH - Package patch Version CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE - A text file used to describe the project. Used, for example, the introduction screen of a CPack-generated Windows installer to describe the project. CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY - Short description of the project (only a few words). CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME - The name of the package file to generate, not including the extension. For example, cmake-2.6.1-Linux-i686. CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY - Installation directory on the target system, e.g., "CMake 2.5". CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE - License file for the project, which will typically be displayed to the user (often with an explicit "Accept" button, for graphical installers) prior to installation. CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_README - ReadMe file for the project, which typically describes in some detail CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_WELCOME - Welcome file for the project, which welcomes users to this installer. Typically used in the graphical installers on Windows and Mac OS X. CPACK_MONOLITHIC_INSTALL - Disables the component-based installation mechanism, so that all components are always installed. CPACK_GENERATOR - List of CPack generators to use. If not specified, CPack will create a set of options (e.g., CPACK_BINARY_NSIS) allowing the user to enable/disable individual generators. CPACK_OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE - The name of the CPack configuration file for binary installers that will be generated by the CPack module. Defaults to CPackConfig.cmake. CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES - Lists each of the executables along with a text label, to be used to create Start Menu shortcuts on Windows. For example, setting this to the list ccmake;CMake will create a shortcut named "CMake" that will execute the installed executable ccmake. CPACK_STRIP_FILES - List of files to be stripped. Starting with CMake 2.6.0 CPACK_STRIP_FILES will be a boolean variable which enables stripping of all files (a list of files evaluates to TRUE in CMake, so this change is compatible). The following CPack variables are specific to source packages, and will not affect binary packages: CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME - The name of the source package, e.g., cmake-2.6.1 CPACK_SOURCE_STRIP_FILES - List of files in the source tree that will be stripped. Starting with CMake 2.6.0 CPACK_SOURCE_STRIP_FILES will be a boolean variable which enables stripping of all files (a list of files evaluates to TRUE in CMake, so this change is compatible). CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR - List of generators used for the source packages. As with CPACK_GENERATOR, if this is not specified then CPack will create a set of options (e.g., CPACK_SOURCE_ZIP) allowing users to select which packages will be generated. CPACK_SOURCE_OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE - The name of the CPack configuration file for source installers that will be generated by the CPack module. Defaults to CPackSourceConfig.cmake. CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES - Pattern of files in the source tree that won't be packaged when building a source package. This is a list of patterns, e.g., /CVS/;/\\.svn/;\\.swp$;\\.#;/#;.*~;cscope.* The following variables are specific to the graphical installers built on Windows using the Nullsoft Installation System. CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY - Registry key used when installing this project. CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON - The icon file (.ico) for the generated install program. CPACK_NSIS_MUI_UNIICON - The icon file (.ico) for the generated uninstall program. CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON - A branding image that will be displayed inside the installer. CPACK_NSIS_EXTRA_INSTALL_COMMANDS - Extra NSIS commands that will be added to the install Section. CPACK_NSIS_EXTRA_UNINSTALL_COMMANDS - Extra NSIS commands that will be added to the uninstall Section. CPACK_NSIS_COMPRESSOR - The arguments that will be passed to the NSIS SetCompressor command. CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH - If this is set to "ON", then an extra page will appear in the installer that will allow the user to choose whether the program directory should be added to the system PATH variable. CPACK_NSIS_DISPLAY_NAME - The display name string that appears in the Windows Add/Remove Program control panel CPACK_NSIS_PACKAGE_NAME - The title displayed at the top of the installer. CPACK_NSIS_INSTALLED_ICON_NAME - A path to the executable that contains the installer icon. CPACK_NSIS_HELP_LINK - URL to a web site providing assistance in installing your application. CPACK_NSIS_URL_INFO_ABOUT - URL to a web site providing more information about your application. CPACK_NSIS_CONTACT - Contact information for questions and comments about the installation process. CPACK_NSIS_CREATE_ICONS_EXTRA - Additional NSIS commands for creating start menu shortcuts. CPACK_NSIS_DELETE_ICONS_EXTRA -Additional NSIS commands to uninstall start menu shortcuts. The following variable is specific to installers build on Mac OS X using PackageMaker: CPACK_OSX_PACKAGE_VERSION - The version of Mac OS X that the resulting PackageMaker archive should be compatible with. Different versions of Mac OS X support different features. For example, CPack can only build component-based installers for Mac OS X 10.4 or newer, and can only build installers that download component son-the-fly for Mac OS X 10.5 or newer. If left blank, this value will be set to the minimum version of Mac OS X that supports the requested features. Set this variable to some value (e.g., 10.4) only if you want to guarantee that your installer will work on that version of Mac OS X, and don't mind missing extra features available in the installer shipping with later versions of Mac OS X. The following variables are for advanced uses of CPack: CPACK_CMAKE_GENERATOR - What CMake generator should be used if the project is CMake project. Defaults to the value of CMAKE_GENERATOR; few users will want to change this setting. CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS - List of four values that specify what project to install. The four values are: Build directory, Project Name, Project Component, Directory. If omitted, CPack will build an installer that installers everything. CPACK_SYSTEM_NAME - System name, defaults to the value of ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}. CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION - Package full version, used internally. By default, this is built from CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR, CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR, and CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH. CPACK_TOPLEVEL_TAG - Directory for the installed files. CPACK_INSTALL_COMMANDS - Extra commands to install components. CPACK_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES - Extra directories to install. Component-specific installation allows users to select specific sets of components to install during the install process. Installation components are identified by the COMPONENT argument of CMake's INSTALL commands, and should be further described by the following CPack commands: cpack_add_component - Describes a CPack installation component named by the COMPONENT argument to a CMake INSTALL command. cpack_add_component(compname [DISPLAY_NAME name] [DESCRIPTION description] [HIDDEN | REQUIRED | DISABLED ] [GROUP group] [DEPENDS comp1 comp2 ... ] [INSTALL_TYPES type1 type2 ... ] [DOWNLOADED] [ARCHIVE_FILE filename]) The cmake_add_component command describes an installation component, which the user can opt to install or remove as part of the graphical installation process. compname is the name of the component, as provided to the COMPONENT argument of one or more CMake INSTALL commands. DISPLAY_NAME is the displayed name of the component, used in graphical installers to display the component name. This value can be any string. DESCRIPTION is an extended description of the component, used in graphical installers to give the user additional information about the component. Descriptions can span multiple lines using "\n" as the line separator. Typically, these descriptions should be no more than a few lines long. HIDDEN indicates that this component will be hidden in the graphical installer, so that the user cannot directly change whether it is installed or not. REQUIRED indicates that this component is required, and therefore will always be installed. It will be visible in the graphical installer, but it cannot be unselected. (Typically, required components are shown greyed out). DISABLED indicates that this component should be disabled (unselected) by default. The user is free to select this component for installation, unless it is also HIDDEN. DEPENDS lists the components on which this component depends. If this component is selected, then each of the components listed must also be selected. The dependency information is encoded within the installer itself, so that users cannot install inconsitent sets of components. GROUP names the component group of which this component is a part. If not provided, the component will be a standalone component, not part of any component group. Component groups are described with the cpack_add_component_group command, detailed below. INSTALL_TYPES lists the installation types of which this component is a part. When one of these installations types is selected, this component will automatically be selected. Installation types are described with the cpack_add_install_type command, detailed below. DOWNLOADED indicates that this component should be downloaded on-the-fly by the installer, rather than packaged in with the installer itself. For more information, see the cpack_configure_downloads command. ARCHIVE_FILE provides a name for the archive file created by CPack to be used for downloaded components. If not supplied, CPack will create a file with some name based on CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME and the name of the component. See cpack_configure_downloads for more information. cpack_add_component_group - Describes a group of related CPack installation components. cpack_add_component_group(groupname [DISPLAY_NAME name] [DESCRIPTION description] [PARENT_GROUP parent] [EXPANDED] [BOLD_TITLE]) The cpack_add_component_group describes a group of installation components, which will be placed together within the listing of options. Typically, component groups allow the user to select/deselect all of the components within a single group via a single group-level option. Use component groups to reduce the complexity of installers with many options. groupname is an arbitrary name used to identify the group in the GROUP argument of the cpack_add_component command, which is used to place a component in a group. The name of the group must not conflict with the name of any component. DISPLAY_NAME is the displayed name of the component group, used in graphical installers to display the component group name. This value can be any string. DESCRIPTION is an extended description of the component group, used in graphical installers to give the user additional information about the components within that group. Descriptions can span multiple lines using "\n" as the line separator. Typically, these descriptions should be no more than a few lines long. PARENT_GROUP, if supplied, names the parent group of this group. Parent groups are used to establish a hierarchy of groups, providing an arbitrary hierarchy of groups. EXPANDED indicates that, by default, the group should show up as "expanded", so that the user immediately sees all of the components within the group. Otherwise, the group will initially show up as a single entry. BOLD_TITLE indicates that the group title should appear in bold, to call the user's attention to the group. cpack_add_install_type - Add a new installation type containing a set of predefined component selections to the graphical installer. cpack_add_install_type(typename [DISPLAY_NAME name]) The cpack_add_install_type command identifies a set of preselected components that represents a common use case for an application. For example, a "Developer" install type might include an application along with its header and library files, while an "End user" install type might just include the application's executable. Each component identifies itself with one or more install types via the INSTALL_TYPES argument to cpack_add_component. DISPLAY_NAME is the displayed name of the install type, which will typically show up in a drop-down box within a graphical installer. This value can be any string. cpack_configure_downloads - Configure CPack to download selected components on-the-fly as part of the installation process. cpack_configure_downloads(site [UPLOAD_DIRECTORY dirname] [ALL] [ADD_REMOVE|NO_ADD_REMOVE]) The cpack_configure_downloads command configures installation-time downloads of selected components. For each downloadable component, CPack will create an archive containing the contents of that component, which should be uploaded to the given site. When the user selects that component for installation, the installer will download and extract the component in place. This feature is useful for creating small installers that only download the requested components, saving bandwidth. Additionally, the installers are small enough that they will be installed as part of the normal installation process, and the "Change" button in Windows Add/Remove Programs control panel will allow one to add or remove parts of the application after the original installation. On Windows, the downloaded-components functionality requires the ZipDLL plug-in for NSIS, available at: On Mac OS X, installers that download components on-the-fly can only be built and installed on system using Mac OS X 10.5 or later. The site argument is a URL where the archives for downloadable components will reside, e.g., All of the archives produced by CPack should be uploaded to that location. UPLOAD_DIRECTORY is the local directory where CPack will create the various archives for each of the components. The contents of this directory should be uploaded to a location accessible by the URL given in the site argument. If omitted, CPack will use the directory CPackUploads inside the CMake binary directory to store the generated archives. The ALL flag indicates that all components be downloaded. Otherwise, only those components explicitly marked as DOWNLOADED or that have a specified ARCHIVE_FILE will be downloaded. Additionally, the ALL option implies ADD_REMOVE (unless NO_ADD_REMOVE is specified). ADD_REMOVE indicates that CPack should install a copy of the installer that can be called from Windows' Add/Remove Programs dialog (via the "Modify" button) to change the set of installed components. NO_ADD_REMOVE turns off this behavior. This option is ignored on Mac OS X. CPackDeb The builtin (binary) CPack Deb generator (Unix only) CPackDeb may be used to create Deb package using CPack. CPackDeb is a CPack generator thus it uses the CPACK_XXX variables used by CPack : However CPackRPM has specific features which are controlled by the specifics CPACK_RPM_XXX variables.You'll find a detailed usage on the wiki: However as a handy reminder here comes the list of specific variables: CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_NAME Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME (lower case) The debian package summary CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_VERSION Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION The debian package version CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE) Mandatory : YES Default : Output of dpkg --print-architecture or i386 The debian package architecture CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS Mandatory : NO Default : - May be used to set deb dependencies. CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_MAINTAINER Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT The debian package maintainer CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY The debian package description CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SECTION Mandatory : YES Default : 'devel' The debian package section CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_PRIORITY Mandatory : YES Default : 'optional' The debian package priority CPackRPM The builtin (binary) CPack RPM generator (Unix only) CPackRPM may be used to create RPM package using CPack. CPackRPM is a CPack generator thus it uses the CPACK_XXX variables used by CPack : However CPackRPM has specific features which are controlled by the specifics CPACK_RPM_XXX variables.You'll find a detailed usage on the wiki: However as a handy reminder here comes the list of specific variables: CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_SUMMARY Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION The RPM package summary CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_NAME Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME The RPM package name CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION The RPM package version CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE Mandatory : NO Default : - The RPM package architecture. This may be set to "noarch" if you know you are building a noarch package. CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE Mandatory : YES Default : 1 The RPM package release. This is the numbering of the RPM package itself, i.e. the version of the packaging and not the version of the content (see CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION). One may change the default value if the previous packaging was buggy and/or you want to put here a fancy Linux distro specific numbering. CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_LICENSE Mandatory : YES Default : "unknown" The RPM package license policy. CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_GROUP Mandatory : YES Default : "unknown" The RPM package group. CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_VENDOR Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR if set or"unknown" The RPM package group. CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION Mandatory : YES Default : CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE if set or "no package description available" CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_REQUIRES Mandatory : NO Default : - May be used to set RPM dependencies. CPACK_RPM_SPEC_INSTALL_POST Mandatory : NO Default : - May be used to set an RPM post-install command inside the spec file. For example setting it to "/bin/true" may be used to prevent rpmbuild to strip binaries. CPACK_RPM_SPEC_MORE_DEFINE Mandatory : NO Default : - May be used to add any %define lines to the generated spec file. CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG Mandatory : NO Default : - May be set when invoking cpack in order to trace debug informations during CPack RPM run. For example you may launch CPack like this cpack -D CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG=1 -G RPM CTest Configure a project for testing with CTest/CDash This file configures a project to use the CTest/CDash/Dart testing/dashboard process. This module should be included in the CMakeLists.txt file at the top of a project. Typical usage: INCLUDE(CTest) IF(BUILD_TESTING) # ... testing related CMake code ... ENDIF(BUILD_TESTING) The BUILD_TESTING option is created by the CTest module to determine whether testing support should be enabled. The default is ON. CTestScriptMode This file is read by ctest in script mode (-S) CheckCCompilerFlag Check whether the C compiler supports a given flag. CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG( ) - the compiler flag - variable to store the result This internally calls the check_c_source_compiles macro. See help for CheckCSourceCompiles for a listing of variables that can modify the build. CheckCSourceCompiles Check if the given C source code compiles. CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES( [FAIL_REGEX ]) - source code to try to compile - variable to store whether the source code compiled - fail if test output matches this regex The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckCSourceRuns Check if the given C source code compiles and runs. CHECK_C_SOURCE_RUNS( ) - source code to try to compile - variable to store the result (1 for success, empty for failure) The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckCXXCompilerFlag Check whether the CXX compiler supports a given flag. CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( ) - the compiler flag - variable to store the result This internally calls the check_cxx_source_compiles macro. See help for CheckCXXSourceCompiles for a listing of variables that can modify the build. CheckCXXSourceCompiles Check if the given C++ source code compiles. CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES( [FAIL_REGEX ]) - source code to try to compile - variable to store whether the source code compiled - fail if test output matches this regex The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckCXXSourceRuns Check if the given C++ source code compiles and runs. CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_RUNS( ) - source code to try to compile - variable to store the result (1 for success, empty for failure) The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckFortranFunctionExists macro which checks if the Fortran function exists CHECK_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_EXISTS(FUNCTION VARIABLE) FUNCTION - the name of the Fortran function VARIABLE - variable to store the result The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckFunctionExists macro which checks if the function exists CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(FUNCTION VARIABLE) FUNCTION - the name of the function VARIABLE - variable to store the result The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckIncludeFile macro which checks the include file exists. CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(INCLUDE VARIABLE) INCLUDE - name of include file VARIABLE - variable to return result an optional third argument is the CFlags to add to the compile line or you can use CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CheckIncludeFileCXX Check if the include file exists. CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX(INCLUDE VARIABLE) INCLUDE - name of include file VARIABLE - variable to return result An optional third argument is the CFlags to add to the compile line or you can use CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS. The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CheckIncludeFiles Check if the files can be included CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(INCLUDE VARIABLE) INCLUDE - list of files to include VARIABLE - variable to return result The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CheckLibraryExists Check if the function exists. CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS (LIBRARY FUNCTION LOCATION VARIABLE) LIBRARY - the name of the library you are looking for FUNCTION - the name of the function LOCATION - location where the library should be found VARIABLE - variable to store the result The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckStructHasMember Check if the given struct or class has the specified member variable CHECK_STRUCT_HAS_MEMBER (STRUCT MEMBER HEADER VARIABLE) STRUCT - the name of the struct or class you are interested in MEMBER - the member which existence you want to check HEADER - the header(s) where the prototype should be declared VARIABLE - variable to store the result The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories Example: CHECK_STRUCT_HAS_MEMBER("struct timeval" tv_sec sys/select.h HAVE_TIMEVAL_TV_SEC) CheckSymbolExists Check if the symbol exists in include files CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(SYMBOL FILES VARIABLE) SYMBOL - symbol FILES - include files to check VARIABLE - variable to return result The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckTypeSize Check sizeof a type CHECK_TYPE_SIZE(TYPE VARIABLE [BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY]) Check if the type exists and determine size of type. if the type exists, the size will be stored to the variable. This also calls check_include_file for sys/types.h stdint.h and stddef.h, setting HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H, HAVE_STDINT_H, and HAVE_STDDEF_H. This is because many types are stored in these include files. VARIABLE - variable to store size if the type exists. HAVE_${VARIABLE} - does the variable exists or not BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY - The third argument is optional and if it is set to the string BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY this macro will not check for any header files. The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link CheckVariableExists Check if the variable exists. CHECK_VARIABLE_EXISTS(VAR VARIABLE) VAR - the name of the variable VARIABLE - variable to store the result This macro is only for C variables. The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify the way the check is run: CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link Dart Configure a project for testing with CTest or old Dart Tcl Client This file is the backwards-compatibility version of the CTest module. It supports using the old Dart 1 Tcl client for driving dashboard submissions as well as testing with CTest. This module should be included in the CMakeLists.txt file at the top of a project. Typical usage: INCLUDE(Dart) IF(BUILD_TESTING) # ... testing related CMake code ... ENDIF(BUILD_TESTING) The BUILD_TESTING option is created by the Dart module to determine whether testing support should be enabled. The default is ON. Documentation DocumentationVTK.cmake This file provides support for the VTK documentation framework. It relies on several tools (Doxygen, Perl, etc). ExternalProject Create custom targets to build projects in external trees The 'ExternalProject_Add' function creates a custom target to drive download, update/patch, configure, build, install and test steps of an external project: ExternalProject_Add( # Name for custom target [DEPENDS projects...] # Targets on which the project depends [PREFIX dir] # Root dir for entire project [LIST_SEPARATOR sep] # Sep to be replaced by ; in cmd lines [TMP_DIR dir] # Directory to store temporary files [STAMP_DIR dir] # Directory to store step timestamps #--Download step-------------- [DOWNLOAD_DIR dir] # Directory to store downloaded files [DOWNLOAD_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to download source tree [CVS_REPOSITORY cvsroot] # CVSROOT of CVS repository [CVS_MODULE mod] # Module to checkout from CVS repo [CVS_TAG tag] # Tag to checkout from CVS repo [SVN_REPOSITORY url] # URL of Subversion repo [SVN_REVISION rev] # Revision to checkout from Subversion repo [URL /.../src.tgz] # Full path or URL of source #--Update/Patch step---------- [UPDATE_COMMAND cmd...] # Source work-tree update command [PATCH_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to patch downloaded source #--Configure step------------- [SOURCE_DIR dir] # Source dir to be used for build [CONFIGURE_COMMAND cmd...] # Build tree configuration command [CMAKE_COMMAND /.../cmake] # Specify alternative cmake executable [CMAKE_GENERATOR gen] # Specify generator for native build [CMAKE_ARGS args...] # Arguments to CMake command line #--Build step----------------- [BINARY_DIR dir] # Specify build dir location [BUILD_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to drive the native build [BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1] # Use source dir for build dir #--Install step--------------- [INSTALL_DIR dir] # Installation prefix [INSTALL_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to drive install after build #--Test step--------------- [TEST_BEFORE_INSTALL 1] # Add test step executed before install step [TEST_AFTER_INSTALL 1] # Add test step executed after install step [TEST_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to drive test ) The *_DIR options specify directories for the project, with default directories computed as follows. If the PREFIX option is given to ExternalProject_Add() or the EP_PREFIX directory property is set, then an external project is built and installed under the specified prefix: TMP_DIR = /tmp STAMP_DIR = /src/-stamp DOWNLOAD_DIR = /src SOURCE_DIR = /src/ BINARY_DIR = /src/-build INSTALL_DIR = Otherwise, if the EP_BASE directory property is set then components of an external project are stored under the specified base: TMP_DIR = /tmp/ STAMP_DIR = /Stamp/ DOWNLOAD_DIR = /Download/ SOURCE_DIR = /Source/ BINARY_DIR = /Build/ INSTALL_DIR = /Install/ If no PREFIX, EP_PREFIX, or EP_BASE is specified then the default is to set PREFIX to "-prefix". Relative paths are interpreted with respect to the build directory corresponding to the source directory in which ExternalProject_Add is invoked. If SOURCE_DIR is explicitly set to an existing directory the project will be built from it. Otherwise a download step must be specified using one of the DOWNLOAD_COMMAND, CVS_*, SVN_*, or URL options. The URL option may refer locally to a directory or source tarball, or refer to a remote tarball (e.g. http://.../src.tgz). The 'ExternalProject_Add_Step' function adds a custom step to an external project: ExternalProject_Add_Step( # Names of project and custom step [COMMAND cmd...] # Command line invoked by this step [COMMENT "text..."] # Text printed when step executes [DEPENDEES steps...] # Steps on which this step depends [DEPENDERS steps...] # Steps that depend on this step [DEPENDS files...] # Files on which this step depends [ALWAYS 1] # No stamp file, step always runs [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] # Working directory for command ) The command line, comment, and working directory of every standard and custom step is processed to replace tokens , , , and with corresponding property values. The 'ExternalProject_Get_Property' function retrieves external project target properties: ExternalProject_Get_Property( [prop1 [prop2 [...]]]) It stores property values in variables of the same name. Property names correspond to the keyword argument names of 'ExternalProject_Add'. FeatureSummary Macros for generating a summary of enabled/disabled features PRINT_ENABLED_FEATURES() Print a summary of all enabled features. By default all successfull FIND_PACKAGE() calls will appear here, except the ones which used the QUIET keyword. Additional features can be added by appending an entry to the global ENABLED_FEATURES property. If SET_FEATURE_INFO() is used for that feature, the output will be much more informative. PRINT_DISABLED_FEATURES() Same as PRINT_ENABLED_FEATURES(), but for disabled features. It can be extended the same way by adding to the global property DISABLED_FEATURES. SET_FEATURE_INFO(NAME DESCRIPTION [URL [COMMENT] ] ) Use this macro to set up information about the named feature, which will then be displayed by PRINT_ENABLED/DISABLED_FEATURES(). Example: SET_FEATURE_INFO(LibXml2 "XML processing library." "") FindALSA Find alsa Find the alsa libraries (asound) This module defines the following variables: ALSA_FOUND - True if ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR & ALSA_LIBRARY are found ALSA_LIBRARIES - Set when ALSA_LIBRARY is found ALSA_INCLUDE_DIRS - Set when ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR is found ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR - where to find asoundlib.h, etc. ALSA_LIBRARY - the asound library FindASPELL Try to find ASPELL Once done this will define ASPELL_FOUND - system has ASPELL ASPELL_INCLUDE_DIR - the ASPELL include directory ASPELL_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use ASPELL ASPELL_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using ASPELL FindAVIFile Locate AVIFILE library and include paths AVIFILE ( a set of libraries for i386 machines to use various AVI codecs. Support is limited beyond Linux. Windows provides native AVI support, and so doesn't need this library. This module defines AVIFILE_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find avifile.h , etc. AVIFILE_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against AVIFILE_DEFINITIONS, definitions to use when compiling AVIFILE_FOUND, If false, don't try to use AVIFILE FindBISON Find bison executable and provides macros to generate custom build rules The module defines the following variables: BISON_EXECUTABLE - path to the bison program BISON_VERSION - version of bison BISON_FOUND - true if the program was found If bison is found, the module defines the macros: BISON_TARGET( [VERBOSE ] [COMPILE_FLAGS ]) which will create a custom rule to generate a parser. is the path to a yacc file. is the name of the source file generated by bison. A header file is also be generated, and contains the token list. If COMPILE_FLAGS option is specified, the next parameter is added in the bison command line. if VERBOSE option is specified, is created and contains verbose descriptions of the grammar and parser. The macro defines a set of variables: BISON_${Name}_DEFINED - true is the macro ran successfully BISON_${Name}_INPUT - The input source file, an alias for BISON_${Name}_OUTPUT_SOURCE - The source file generated by bison BISON_${Name}_OUTPUT_HEADER - The header file generated by bison BISON_${Name}_OUTPUTS - The sources files generated by bison BISON_${Name}_COMPILE_FLAGS - Options used in the bison command line ==================================================================== Example: find_package(BISON) BISON_TARGET(MyParser parser.y ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/parser.cpp) add_executable(Foo main.cpp ${BISON_MyParser_OUTPUTS}) ==================================================================== FindBLAS Find BLAS library This module finds an installed fortran library that implements the BLAS linear-algebra interface (see The list of libraries searched for is taken from the autoconf macro file, acx_blas.m4 (distributed at This module sets the following variables: BLAS_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the BLAS interface is found BLAS_LINKER_FLAGS - uncached list of required linker flags (excluding -l and -L). BLAS_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name) to link against to use BLAS BLAS95_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name) to link against to use BLAS95 interface BLAS95_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the BLAS f95 interface is found BLA_STATIC if set on this determines what kind of linkage we do (static) BLA_VENDOR if set checks only the specified vendor, if not set checks all the possibilities BLA_F95 if set on tries to find the f95 interfaces for BLAS/LAPACK ######### ## List of vendors (BLA_VENDOR) valid in this module # ATLAS, PhiPACK,CXML,DXML,SunPerf,SCSL,SGIMATH,IBMESSL,Intel10_32 (intel mkl v10 32 bit),Intel10_64lp (intel mkl v10 64 bit,lp thread model, lp64 model), # Intel( older versions of mkl 32 and 64 bit), ACML,Apple, NAS, Generic C/CXX should be enabled to use Intel mkl FindBZip2 Try to find BZip2 Once done this will define BZIP2_FOUND - system has BZip2 BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR - the BZip2 include directory BZIP2_LIBRARIES - Link these to use BZip2 BZIP2_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using BZip2 BZIP2_NEED_PREFIX - this is set if the functions are prefixed with BZ2_ FindBoost Try to find Boost include dirs and libraries Usage of this module as follows: NOTE: Take note of the Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS variable below. Due to Boost naming conventions and limitations in CMake this find module is NOT future safe with respect to Boost version numbers, and may break. == Using Header-Only libraries from within Boost: == find_package( Boost 1.36.0 ) if(Boost_FOUND) include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(foo endif() == Using actual libraries from within Boost: == set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED ON) find_package( Boost 1.36.0 COMPONENTS date_time filesystem system ... ) if(Boost_FOUND) include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(foo target_link_libraries(foo ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) endif() The components list needs to contain actual names of boost libraries only, such as "date_time" for "libboost_date_time". If you're using parts of Boost that contain header files only (e.g. foreach) you do not need to specify COMPONENTS. You should provide a minimum version number that should be used. If you provide this version number and specify the REQUIRED attribute, this module will fail if it can't find the specified or a later version. If you specify a version number this is automatically put into the considered list of version numbers and thus doesn't need to be specified in the Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS variable (see below). NOTE for Visual Studio Users: Automatic linking is used on MSVC & Borland compilers by default when #including things in Boost. It's important to note that setting Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS to OFF is NOT enough to get you dynamic linking, should you need this feature. Automatic linking typically uses static libraries with a few exceptions (Boost.Python is one). Please see the section below near Boost_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC_DEFINITIONS for more details. Adding a TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES() as shown in the example above appears to cause VS to link dynamically if Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS gets set to OFF. It is suggested you avoid automatic linking since it will make your application less portable. =========== The mess that is Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS (sorry?) ============ OK, so the Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS variable can be used to specify a list of boost version numbers that should be taken into account when searching for Boost. Unfortunately boost puts the version number into the actual filename for the libraries, so this variable will certainly be needed in the future when new Boost versions are released. Currently this module searches for the following version numbers: 1.33, 1.33.0, 1.33.1, 1.34, 1.34.0, 1.34.1, 1.35, 1.35.0, 1.35.1, 1.36, 1.36.0, 1.36.1, 1.37, 1.37.0, 1.38, 1.38.0, 1.39, 1.39.0, 1.40, 1.40.0 NOTE: If you add a new major 1.x version in Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS you should add both 1.x and 1.x.0 as shown above. Official Boost include directories omit the 3rd version number from include paths if it is 0 although not all binary Boost releases do so. SET(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.78" "1.78.0" "1.79" "1.79.0") ===================================== ============= ======================== Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need to be set before calling find_package: Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED Can be set to OFF to use the non-multithreaded boost libraries. If not specified, defaults to ON. Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS Can be set to ON to force the use of the static boost libraries. Defaults to OFF. Other Variables used by this module which you may want to set. Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS A list of version numbers to use for searching the boost include directory. Please see the documentation above regarding this annoying, but necessary variable :( Boost_DEBUG Set this to TRUE to enable debugging output of FindBoost.cmake if you are having problems. Please enable this before filing any bug reports. Boost_DETAILED_FAILURE_MSG FindBoost doesn't output detailed information about why it failed or how to fix the problem unless this is set to TRUE or the REQUIRED keyword is specified in find_package(). [Since CMake 2.8.0] Boost_COMPILER Set this to the compiler suffix used by Boost (e.g. "-gcc43") if FindBoost has problems finding the proper Boost installation These last three variables are available also as environment variables: BOOST_ROOT or BOOSTROOT The preferred installation prefix for searching for Boost. Set this if the module has problems finding the proper Boost installation. BOOST_INCLUDEDIR Set this to the include directory of Boost, if the module has problems finding the proper Boost installation BOOST_LIBRARYDIR Set this to the lib directory of Boost, if the module has problems finding the proper Boost installation Variables defined by this module: Boost_FOUND System has Boost, this means the include dir was found, as well as all the libraries specified in the COMPONENTS list. Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS Boost include directories: not cached Boost_INCLUDE_DIR This is almost the same as above, but this one is cached and may be modified by advanced users Boost_LIBRARIES Link to these to use the Boost libraries that you specified: not cached Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS The path to where the Boost library files are. Boost_VERSION The version number of the boost libraries that have been found, same as in version.hpp from Boost Boost_LIB_VERSION The version number in filename form as it's appended to the library filenames Boost_MAJOR_VERSION major version number of boost Boost_MINOR_VERSION minor version number of boost Boost_SUBMINOR_VERSION subminor version number of boost Boost_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC_DEFINITIONS [WIN32 Only] You can call add_definitions(${Boost_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC_DEFINITIONS}) to have diagnostic information about Boost's automatic linking outputted during compilation time. For each component you specify in find_package(), the following (UPPER-CASE) variables are set. You can use these variables if you would like to pick and choose components for your targets instead of just using Boost_LIBRARIES. Boost_${COMPONENT}_FOUND True IF the Boost library "component" was found. Boost_${COMPONENT}_LIBRARY Contains the libraries for the specified Boost "component" (includes debug and optimized keywords when needed). FindBullet Try to find the Bullet physics engine This module defines the following variables BULLET_FOUND - Was bullet found BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS - the Bullet include directories BULLET_LIBRARIES - Link to this, by default it includes all bullet components (Dynamics, Collision, LinearMath, & SoftBody) This module accepts the following variables BULLET_ROOT - Can be set to bullet install path or Windows build path FindCABLE Find CABLE This module finds if CABLE is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. This code sets the following variables: CABLE the path to the cable executable CABLE_TCL_LIBRARY the path to the Tcl wrapper library CABLE_INCLUDE_DIR the path to the include directory To build Tcl wrappers, you should add shared library and link it to ${CABLE_TCL_LIBRARY}. You should also add ${CABLE_INCLUDE_DIR} as an include directory. FindCUDA Tools for building CUDA C files: libraries and build dependencies. This script locates the NVIDIA CUDA C tools. It should work on linux, windows, and mac and should be reasonably up to date with CUDA C releases. This script makes use of the standard find_package arguments of , REQUIRED and QUIET. CUDA_FOUND will report if an acceptable version of CUDA was found. The script will prompt the user to specify CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR if the prefix cannot be determined by the location of nvcc in the system path and REQUIRED is specified to find_package(). To use a different installed version of the toolkit set the environment variable CUDA_BIN_PATH before running cmake (e.g. CUDA_BIN_PATH=/usr/local/cuda1.0 instead of the default /usr/local/cuda) or set CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR after configuring. If you change the value of CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR, various components that depend on the path will be relocated. It might be necessary to set CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR manually on certain platforms, or to use a cuda runtime not installed in the default location. In newer versions of the toolkit the cuda library is included with the graphics driver- be sure that the driver version matches what is needed by the cuda runtime version. The following variables affect the behavior of the macros in the script (in alphebetical order). Note that any of these flags can be changed multiple times in the same directory before calling CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE, CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY, CUDA_COMPILE, CUDA_COMPILE_PTX or CUDA_WRAP_SRCS. CUDA_64_BIT_DEVICE_CODE (Default matches host bit size) -- Set to ON to compile for 64 bit device code, OFF for 32 bit device code. Note that making this different from the host code when generating object or C files from CUDA code just won't work, because size_t gets defined by nvcc in the generated source. If you compile to PTX and then load the file yourself, you can mix bit sizes between device and host. CUDA_ATTACH_VS_BUILD_RULE_TO_CUDA_FILE (Default ON) -- Set to ON if you want the custom build rule to be attached to the source file in Visual Studio. Turn OFF if you add the same cuda file to multiple targets. This allows the user to build the target from the CUDA file; however, bad things can happen if the CUDA source file is added to multiple targets. When performing parallel builds it is possible for the custom build command to be run more than once and in parallel causing cryptic build errors. VS runs the rules for every source file in the target, and a source can have only one rule no matter how many projects it is added to. When the rule is run from multiple targets race conditions can occur on the generated file. Eventually everything will get built, but if the user is unaware of this behavior, there may be confusion. It would be nice if this script could detect the reuse of source files across multiple targets and turn the option off for the user, but no good solution could be found. CUDA_BUILD_CUBIN (Default OFF) -- Set to ON to enable and extra compilation pass with the -cubin option in Device mode. The output is parsed and register, shared memory usage is printed during build. CUDA_BUILD_EMULATION (Default OFF for device mode) -- Set to ON for Emulation mode. -D_DEVICEEMU is defined for CUDA C files when CUDA_BUILD_EMULATION is TRUE. CUDA_GENERATED_OUTPUT_DIR (Default CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR) -- Set to the path you wish to have the generated files placed. If it is blank output files will be placed in CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR. Intermediate files will always be placed in CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR/CMakeFiles. CUDA_HOST_COMPILATION_CPP (Default ON) -- Set to OFF for C compilation of host code. CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_ -- Additional NVCC command line arguments. NOTE: multiple arguments must be semi-colon delimited (e.g. --compiler-options;-Wall) CUDA_PROPAGATE_HOST_FLAGS (Default ON) -- Set to ON to propagate CMAKE_{C,CXX}_FLAGS and their configuration dependent counterparts (e.g. CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG) automatically to the host compiler through nvcc's -Xcompiler flag. This helps make the generated host code match the rest of the system better. Sometimes certain flags give nvcc problems, and this will help you turn the flag propagation off. This does not affect the flags supplied directly to nvcc via CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS or through the OPTION flags specified through CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY, CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE, or CUDA_WRAP_SRCS. Flags used for shared library compilation are not affected by this flag. CUDA_VERBOSE_BUILD (Default OFF) -- Set to ON to see all the commands used when building the CUDA file. When using a Makefile generator the value defaults to VERBOSE (run make VERBOSE=1 to see output), although setting CUDA_VERBOSE_BUILD to ON will always print the output. The script creates the following macros (in alphebetical order): CUDA_ADD_CUFFT_TO_TARGET( cuda_target ) -- Adds the cufft library to the target (can be any target). Handles whether you are in emulation mode or not. CUDA_ADD_CUBLAS_TO_TARGET( cuda_target ) -- Adds the cublas library to the target (can be any target). Handles whether you are in emulation mode or not. CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE( cuda_target file0 file1 ... [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] [OPTIONS ...] ) -- Creates an executable "cuda_target" which is made up of the files specified. All of the non CUDA C files are compiled using the standard build rules specified by CMAKE and the cuda files are compiled to object files using nvcc and the host compiler. In addition CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS is added automatically to include_directories(). Standard CMake target calls can be used on the target after calling this macro (e.g. set_target_properties and target_link_libraries). CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY( cuda_target file0 file1 ... [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] [OPTIONS ...] ) -- Same as CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE except that a library is created. CUDA_BUILD_CLEAN_TARGET() -- Creates a convience target that deletes all the dependency files generated. You should make clean after running this target to ensure the dependency files get regenerated. CUDA_COMPILE( generated_files file0 file1 ... [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE] [OPTIONS ...] ) -- Returns a list of generated files from the input source files to be used with ADD_LIBRARY or ADD_EXECUTABLE. CUDA_COMPILE_PTX( generated_files file0 file1 ... [OPTIONS ...] ) -- Returns a list of PTX files generated from the input source files. CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( path0 path1 ... ) -- Sets the directories that should be passed to nvcc (e.g. nvcc -Ipath0 -Ipath1 ... ). These paths usually contain other .cu files. CUDA_WRAP_SRCS ( cuda_target format generated_files file0 file1 ... [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE] [OPTIONS ...] ) -- This is where all the magic happens. CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE, CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY, CUDA_COMPILE, and CUDA_COMPILE_PTX all call this function under the hood. Given the list of files (file0 file1 ... fileN) this macro generates custom commands that generate either PTX or linkable objects (use "PTX" or "OBJ" for the format argument to switch). Files that don't end with .cu or have the HEADER_FILE_ONLY property are ignored. The arguments passed in after OPTIONS are extra command line options to give to nvcc. You can also specify per configuration options by specifying the name of the configuration followed by the options. General options must preceed configuration specific options. Not all configurations need to be specified, only the ones provided will be used. OPTIONS -DFLAG=2 "-DFLAG_OTHER=space in flag" DEBUG -g RELEASE --use_fast_math RELWITHDEBINFO --use_fast_math;-g MINSIZEREL --use_fast_math For certain configurations (namely VS generating object files with CUDA_ATTACH_VS_BUILD_RULE_TO_CUDA_FILE set to ON), no generated file will be produced for the given cuda file. This is because when you add the cuda file to Visual Studio it knows that this file produces an object file and will link in the resulting object file automatically. This script will also generate a separate cmake script that is used at build time to invoke nvcc. This is for serveral reasons. 1. nvcc can return negative numbers as return values which confuses Visual Studio into thinking that the command succeeded. The script now checks the error codes and produces errors when there was a problem. 2. nvcc has been known to not delete incomplete results when it encounters problems. This confuses build systems into thinking the target was generated when in fact an unusable file exists. The script now deletes the output files if there was an error. 3. By putting all the options that affect the build into a file and then make the build rule dependent on the file, the output files will be regenerated when the options change. This script also looks at optional arguments STATIC, SHARED, or MODULE to determine when to target the object compilation for a shared library. BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is ignored in CUDA_WRAP_SRCS, but it is respected in CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY. On some systems special flags are added for building objects intended for shared libraries. A preprocessor macro, _EXPORTS is defined when a shared library compilation is detected. Flags passed into add_definitions with -D or /D are passed along to nvcc. The script defines the following variables: CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR -- The major version of cuda as reported by nvcc. CUDA_VERSION_MINOR -- The minor version. CUDA_VERSION CUDA_VERSION_STRING -- CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR.CUDA_VERSION_MINOR CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR -- Path to the CUDA Toolkit (defined if not set). CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR -- Path to the CUDA SDK. Use this to find files in the SDK. This script will not directly support finding specific libraries or headers, as that isn't supported by NVIDIA. If you want to change libraries when the path changes see the FindCUDA.cmake script for an example of how to clear these variables. There are also examples of how to use the CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR to locate headers or libraries, if you so choose (at your own risk). CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS -- Include directory for cuda headers. Added automatically for CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE and CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY. CUDA_LIBRARIES -- Cuda RT library. CUDA_CUFFT_LIBRARIES -- Device or emulation library for the Cuda FFT implementation (alternative to: CUDA_ADD_CUFFT_TO_TARGET macro) CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES -- Device or emulation library for the Cuda BLAS implementation (alterative to: CUDA_ADD_CUBLAS_TO_TARGET macro). James Bigler, NVIDIA Corp ( - jbigler) Abe Stephens, SCI Institute -- Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah This code is licensed under the MIT License. See the FindCUDA.cmake script for the text of the license. FindCURL Find curl Find the native CURL headers and libraries. CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find curl/curl.h, etc. CURL_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using curl. CURL_FOUND - True if curl found. FindCVS The module defines the following variables: CVS_EXECUTABLE - path to cvs command line client CVS_FOUND - true if the command line client was found Example usage: find_package(CVS) if(CVS_FOUND) message("CVS found: ${CVS_EXECUTABLE}") endif(CVS_FOUND) FindCoin3D Find Coin3D (Open Inventor) Coin3D is an implementation of the Open Inventor API. It provides data structures and algorithms for 3D visualization This module defines the following variables COIN3D_FOUND - system has Coin3D - Open Inventor COIN3D_INCLUDE_DIRS - where the Inventor include directory can be found COIN3D_LIBRARIES - Link to this to use Coin3D FindCups Try to find the Cups printing system Once done this will define CUPS_FOUND - system has Cups CUPS_INCLUDE_DIR - the Cups include directory CUPS_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed to use Cups Set CUPS_REQUIRE_IPP_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE to TRUE if you need a version which features this function (i.e. at least 1.1.19) FindCurses Find the curses include file and library CURSES_FOUND - system has Curses CURSES_INCLUDE_DIR - the Curses include directory CURSES_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use Curses CURSES_HAVE_CURSES_H - true if curses.h is available CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_H - true if ncurses.h is available CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_NCURSES_H - true if ncurses/ncurses.h is available CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H - true if ncurses/curses.h is available CURSES_LIBRARY - set for backwards compatibility with 2.4 CMake Set CURSES_NEED_NCURSES to TRUE before the FIND_PACKAGE() command if NCurses functionality is required. FindCxxTest Find CxxTest Find the CxxTest suite and declare a helper macro for creating unit tests and integrating them with CTest. For more details on CxxTest see INPUT Variables CXXTEST_USE_PYTHON If true, the CXXTEST_ADD_TEST macro will use the Python test generator instead of Perl. OUTPUT Variables CXXTEST_FOUND True if the CxxTest framework was found CXXTEST_INCLUDE_DIR Where to find the CxxTest include directory CXXTEST_PERL_TESTGEN_EXECUTABLE The perl-based test generator. CXXTEST_PYTHON_TESTGEN_EXECUTABLE The python-based test generator. MACROS for optional use by CMake users: CXXTEST_ADD_TEST( ) Creates a CxxTest runner and adds it to the CTest testing suite Parameters: test_name The name of the test gen_source_file The generated source filename to be generated by CxxTest input_files_to_testgen The list of header files containing the CxxTest::TestSuite's to be included in this runner #============== Example Usage: find_package(CxxTest) if(CXXTEST_FOUND) include_directories(${CXXTEST_INCLUDE_DIR}) enable_testing() CXXTEST_ADD_TEST(unittest_foo ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/foo_test.h) target_link_libraries(unittest_foo foo) # as needed endif() This will (if CxxTest is found): 1. Invoke the testgen executable to autogenerate in the binary tree from "foo_test.h" in the current source directory. 2. Create an executable and test called unittest_foo. #============= Example foo_test.h: #include class MyTestSuite : public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: void testAddition( void ) { TS_ASSERT( 1 + 1 > 1 ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 + 1, 2 ); } }; FindCygwin this module looks for Cygwin FindDCMTK find DCMTK libraries FindDart Find DART This module looks for the dart testing software and sets DART_ROOT to point to where it found it. FindDevIL This module locates the developer's image library. This module sets: IL_LIBRARIES the name of the IL library. These include the full path to the core DevIL library. This one has to be linked into the application. ILU_LIBRARIES the name of the ILU library. Again, the full path. This library is for filters and effects, not actual loading. It doesn't have to be linked if the functionality it provides is not used. ILUT_LIBRARIES the name of the ILUT library. Full path. This part of the library interfaces with OpenGL. It is not strictly needed in applications. IL_INCLUDE_DIR where to find the il.h, ilu.h and ilut.h files. IL_FOUND this is set to TRUE if all the above variables were set. This will be set to false if ILU or ILUT are not found, even if they are not needed. In most systems, if one library is found all the others are as well. That's the way the DevIL developers release it. FindDoxygen This module looks for Doxygen and the path to Graphviz's dot Doxygen is a documentation generation tool. Please see This module accepts the following optional variables: DOXYGEN_SKIP_DOT = If true this module will skip trying to find Dot (an optional component often used by Doxygen) This modules defines the following variables: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE = The path to the doxygen command. DOXYGEN_FOUND = Was Doxygen found or not? DOXYGEN_DOT_EXECUTABLE = The path to the dot program used by doxygen. DOXYGEN_DOT_FOUND = Was Dot found or not? DOXYGEN_DOT_PATH = The path to dot not including the executable FindEXPAT Find expat Find the native EXPAT headers and libraries. EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find expat.h, etc. EXPAT_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using expat. EXPAT_FOUND - True if expat found. FindFLEX Find flex executable and provides a macro to generate custom build rules The module defines the following variables: FLEX_FOUND - true is flex executable is found FLEX_EXECUTABLE - the path to the flex executable FLEX_VERSION - the version of flex FLEX_LIBRARIES - The flex libraries If flex is found on the system, the module provides the macro: FLEX_TARGET(Name FlexInput FlexOutput [COMPILE_FLAGS ]) which creates a custom command to generate the file from the file. If COMPILE_FLAGS option is specified, the next parameter is added to the flex command line. Name is an alias used to get details of this custom command. Indeed the macro defines the following variables: FLEX_${Name}_DEFINED - true is the macro ran successfully FLEX_${Name}_OUTPUTS - the source file generated by the custom rule, an alias for FlexOutput FLEX_${Name}_INPUT - the flex source file, an alias for ${FlexInput} Flex scanners oftenly use tokens defined by Bison: the code generated by Flex depends of the header generated by Bison. This module also defines a macro: ADD_FLEX_BISON_DEPENDENCY(FlexTarget BisonTarget) which adds the required dependency between a scanner and a parser where and are the first parameters of respectively FLEX_TARGET and BISON_TARGET macros. ==================================================================== Example: find_package(BISON) find_package(FLEX) BISON_TARGET(MyParser parser.y ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/parser.cpp FLEX_TARGET(MyScanner lexer.l ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BIANRY_DIR}/lexer.cpp) ADD_FLEX_BISON_DEPENDENCY(MyScanner MyParser) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) add_executable(Foo ${BISON_MyParser_OUTPUTS} ${FLEX_MyScanner_OUTPUTS} ) ==================================================================== FindFLTK Find the native FLTK includes and library By default FindFLTK.cmake will search for all of the FLTK components and add them to the FLTK_LIBRARIES variable. You can limit the components which get placed in FLTK_LIBRARIES by defining one or more of the following three options: FLTK_SKIP_OPENGL, set to true to disable searching for opengl and the FLTK GL library FLTK_SKIP_FORMS, set to true to disable searching for fltk_forms FLTK_SKIP_IMAGES, set to true to disable searching for fltk_images FLTK_SKIP_FLUID, set to true if the fluid binary need not be present at build time The following variables will be defined: FLTK_FOUND, True if all components not skipped were found FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find include files FLTK_LIBRARIES, list of fltk libraries you should link against FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE, where to find the Fluid tool FLTK_WRAP_UI, This enables the FLTK_WRAP_UI command The following cache variables are assigned but should not be used. See the FLTK_LIBRARIES variable instead. FLTK_BASE_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk.lib FLTK_GL_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk_gl.lib FLTK_FORMS_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk_forms.lib FLTK_IMAGES_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk_images.lib FindFLTK2 Find the native FLTK2 includes and library The following settings are defined FLTK2_FLUID_EXECUTABLE, where to find the Fluid tool FLTK2_WRAP_UI, This enables the FLTK2_WRAP_UI command FLTK2_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find include files FLTK2_LIBRARIES, list of fltk2 libraries FLTK2_FOUND, Don't use FLTK2 if false. The following settings should not be used in general. FLTK2_BASE_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk2.lib FLTK2_GL_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk2_gl.lib FLTK2_IMAGES_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk2_images.lib FindFreetype Locate FreeType library This module defines FREETYPE_LIBRARIES, the library to link against FREETYPE_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to FREETYPE FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS, where to find headers. This is the concatenation of the paths: FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2 $FREETYPE_DIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$FREETYPE_DIR used in building FREETYPE. FindGCCXML Find the GCC-XML front-end executable. FindGDAL Locate gdal This module accepts the following environment variables: GDAL_DIR or GDAL_ROOT - Specify the location of GDAL This module defines the following CMake variables: GDAL_FOUND - True if libgdal is found GDAL_LIBRARY - A variable pointing to the GDAL library GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers FindGIF This module defines GIF_LIBRARIES - libraries to link to in order to use GIF GIF_FOUND, if false, do not try to link GIF_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers $GIF_DIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$GIF_DIR FindGLUT try to find glut library and include files GLUT_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find GL/glut.h, etc. GLUT_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against GLUT_FOUND, If false, do not try to use GLUT. Also defined, but not for general use are: GLUT_glut_LIBRARY = the full path to the glut library. GLUT_Xmu_LIBRARY = the full path to the Xmu library. GLUT_Xi_LIBRARY = the full path to the Xi Library. FindGTK try to find GTK (and glib) and GTKGLArea GTK_INCLUDE_DIR - Directories to include to use GTK GTK_LIBRARIES - Files to link against to use GTK GTK_FOUND - GTK was found GTK_GL_FOUND - GTK's GL features were found FindGTK2 FindGTK2.cmake This module can find the GTK2 widget libraries and several of its other optional components like gtkmm, glade, and glademm. NOTE: If you intend to use version checking, CMake 2.6.2 or later is required. Specify one or more of the following components as you call this find module. See example below. gtk gtkmm glade glademm The following variables will be defined for your use GTK2_FOUND - Were all of your specified components found? GTK2_INCLUDE_DIRS - All include directories GTK2_LIBRARIES - All libraries GTK2_VERSION - The version of GTK2 found (x.y.z) GTK2_MAJOR_VERSION - The major version of GTK2 GTK2_MINOR_VERSION - The minor version of GTK2 GTK2_PATCH_VERSION - The patch version of GTK2 Optional variables you can define prior to calling this module: GTK2_DEBUG - Enables verbose debugging of the module GTK2_SKIP_MARK_AS_ADVANCED - Disable marking cache variables as advanced ================= Example Usage: Call find_package() once, here are some examples to pick from: Require GTK 2.6 or later find_package(GTK2 2.6 REQUIRED gtk) Require GTK 2.10 or later and Glade find_package(GTK2 2.10 REQUIRED gtk glade) Search for GTK/GTKMM 2.8 or later find_package(GTK2 2.8 COMPONENTS gtk gtkmm) if(GTK2_FOUND) include_directories(${GTK2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(mygui target_link_libraries(mygui ${GTK2_LIBRARIES}) endif() FindGTest -------------------- Locate the Google C++ Testing Framework. Defines the following variables: GTEST_FOUND - Found the Google Testing framework GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS - Include directories Also defines the library variables below as normal variables. These contain debug/optimized keywords when a debugging library is found. GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES - Both libgtest & libgtest-main GTEST_LIBRARIES - libgtest GTEST_MAIN_LIBRARIES - libgtest-main Accepts the following variables as input: GTEST_ROOT - (as CMake or env. variable) The root directory of the gtest install prefix GTEST_MSVC_SEARCH - If on MSVC, enables searching the build tree of GTest if set to MD or MT (defaults: MD) Example Usage: enable_testing(true) find_package(GTest REQUIRED) include_directories(${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(foo target_link_libraries(foo ${GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES}) add_test(AllTestsInFoo foo) If you would like each Google test to show up in CTest as a test you may use the following macro. NOTE: It WILL slow down your tests, so be warned. GTEST_ADD_TESTS(executable extra_args ARGN) executable = The path to the test executable extra_args = Pass a list of extra arguments to be passed to executable enclosed in quotes (or "" for none) ARGN = A list of source files to search for tests & test fixtures. Example: set(FooTestArgs --foo 1 --bar 2) add_executable(FooTest GTEST_ADD_TESTS(FooTest "${FooTestArgs}" FindGettext Find GNU gettext tools This module looks for the GNU gettext tools. This module defines the following values: GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the msgmerge tool. GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the msgfmt tool. GETTEXT_FOUND: True if gettext has been found. Additionally it provides the following macros: GETTEXT_CREATE_TRANSLATIONS ( outputFile [ALL] file1 ... fileN ) This will create a target "translations" which will convert the given input po files into the binary output mo file. If the ALL option is used, the translations will also be created when building the default target. FindGnuTLS Try to find the GNU Transport Layer Security library (gnutls) Once done this will define GNUTLS_FOUND - System has gnutls GNUTLS_INCLUDE_DIR - The gnutls include directory GNUTLS_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use gnutls GNUTLS_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using gnutls FindGnuplot this module looks for gnuplot Once done this will define GNUPLOT_FOUND - system has Gnuplot GNUPLOT_EXECUTABLE - the Gnuplot executable FindHDF5 Find HDF5, a library for reading and writing self describing array data. This module invokes the HDF5 wrapper compiler that should be installed alongside HDF5. Depending upon the HDF5 Configuration, the wrapper compiler is called either h5cc or h5pcc. If this succeeds, the module will then call the compiler with the -show argument to see what flags are used when compiling an HDF5 client application. The module will optionally accept the COMPONENTS argument. If no COMPONENTS are specified, then the find module will default to finding only the HDF5 C library. If one or more COMPONENTS are specified, the module will attempt to find the language bindings for the specified components. Currently, the only valid components are C and CXX. The module does not yet support finding the Fortran bindings. If the COMPONENTS argument is not given, the module will attempt to find only the C bindings. On UNIX systems, this module will read the variable HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES to determine whether or not to prefer a static link to a dynamic link for HDF5 and all of it's dependencies. To use this feature, make sure that the HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES variable is set before the call to find_package. To provide the module with a hint about where to find your HDF5 installation, you can set the environment variable HDF5_ROOT. The Find module will then look in this path when searching for HDF5 executables, paths, and libraries. In addition to finding the includes and libraries required to compile an HDF5 client application, this module also makes an effort to find tools that come with the HDF5 distribution that may be useful for regression testing. This module will define the following variables: HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR - Location of the hdf5 includes HDF5_DEFINITIONS - Required compiler definitions for HDF5 HDF5_C_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 C bindings. HDF5_CXX_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 C++ bindings HDF5_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for all requested bindings HDF5_FOUND - true if HDF5 was found on the system HDF5_LIBRARY_DIRS - the full set of library directories HDF5_IS_PARALLEL - Whether or not HDF5 was found with parallel IO support HDF5_C_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 C wrapper compiler HDF5_CXX_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 C++ wrapper compiler HDF5_DIFF_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 dataset comparison tool FindHSPELL Try to find HSPELL Once done this will define HSPELL_FOUND - system has HSPELL HSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR - the HSPELL include directory HSPELL_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use HSPELL HSPELL_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using HSPELL FindHTMLHelp This module looks for Microsoft HTML Help Compiler It defines: HTML_HELP_COMPILER : full path to the Compiler (hhc.exe) HTML_HELP_INCLUDE_PATH : include path to the API (htmlhelp.h) HTML_HELP_LIBRARY : full path to the library (htmlhelp.lib) FindITK Find an ITK installation or build tree. FindImageMagick Find the ImageMagick binary suite. This module will search for a set of ImageMagick tools specified as components in the FIND_PACKAGE call. Typical components include, but are not limited to (future versions of ImageMagick might have additional components not listed here): animate compare composite conjure convert display identify import mogrify montage stream If no component is specified in the FIND_PACKAGE call, then it only searches for the ImageMagick executable directory. This code defines the following variables: ImageMagick_FOUND - TRUE if all components are found. ImageMagick_EXECUTABLE_DIR - Full path to executables directory. ImageMagick__FOUND - TRUE if is found. ImageMagick__EXECUTABLE - Full path to executable. There are also components for the following ImageMagick APIs: Magick++ MagickWand MagickCore For these components the following variables are set: ImageMagick_FOUND - TRUE if all components are found. ImageMagick_INCLUDE_DIRS - Full paths to all include dirs. ImageMagick_LIBRARIES - Full paths to all libraries. ImageMagick__FOUND - TRUE if is found. ImageMagick__INCLUDE_DIRS - Full path to include dirs. ImageMagick__LIBRARIES - Full path to libraries. Example Usages: FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick) FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS convert) FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS convert mogrify display) FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS Magick++) FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS Magick++ convert) Note that the standard FIND_PACKAGE features are supported (i.e., QUIET, REQUIRED, etc.). FindJNI Find JNI java libraries. This module finds if Java is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS = the include dirs to use JNI_LIBRARIES = the libraries to use JAVA_AWT_LIBRARY = the path to the jawt library JAVA_JVM_LIBRARY = the path to the jvm library JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH = the include path to jni.h JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 = the include path to jni_md.h JAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH = the include path to jawt.h FindJPEG Find JPEG Find the native JPEG includes and library This module defines JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find jpeglib.h, etc. JPEG_LIBRARIES, the libraries needed to use JPEG. JPEG_FOUND, If false, do not try to use JPEG. also defined, but not for general use are JPEG_LIBRARY, where to find the JPEG library. FindJasper Try to find the Jasper JPEG2000 library Once done this will define JASPER_FOUND - system has Jasper JASPER_INCLUDE_DIR - the Jasper include directory JASPER_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use Jasper FindJava Find Java This module finds if Java is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. This code sets the following variables: JAVA_RUNTIME = the full path to the Java runtime JAVA_COMPILE = the full path to the Java compiler JAVA_ARCHIVE = the full path to the Java archiver FindKDE3 Find the KDE3 include and library dirs, KDE preprocessors and define a some macros This module defines the following variables: KDE3_DEFINITIONS - compiler definitions required for compiling KDE software KDE3_INCLUDE_DIR - the KDE include directory KDE3_INCLUDE_DIRS - the KDE and the Qt include directory, for use with INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES() KDE3_LIB_DIR - the directory where the KDE libraries are installed, for use with LINK_DIRECTORIES() QT_AND_KDECORE_LIBS - this contains both the Qt and the kdecore library KDE3_DCOPIDL_EXECUTABLE - the dcopidl executable KDE3_DCOPIDL2CPP_EXECUTABLE - the dcopidl2cpp executable KDE3_KCFGC_EXECUTABLE - the kconfig_compiler executable KDE3_FOUND - set to TRUE if all of the above has been found The following user adjustable options are provided: KDE3_BUILD_TESTS - enable this to build KDE testcases It also adds the following macros (from KDE3Macros.cmake) SRCS_VAR is always the variable which contains the list of source files for your application or library. KDE3_AUTOMOC(file1 ... fileN) Call this if you want to have automatic moc file handling. This means if you include "foo.moc" in the source file foo.cpp a moc file for the header foo.h will be created automatically. You can set the property SKIP_AUTOMAKE using SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES() to exclude some files in the list from being processed. KDE3_ADD_MOC_FILES(SRCS_VAR file1 ... fileN ) If you don't use the KDE3_AUTOMOC() macro, for the files listed here moc files will be created (named "foo.moc.cpp") KDE3_ADD_DCOP_SKELS(SRCS_VAR header1.h ... headerN.h ) Use this to generate DCOP skeletions from the listed headers. KDE3_ADD_DCOP_STUBS(SRCS_VAR header1.h ... headerN.h ) Use this to generate DCOP stubs from the listed headers. KDE3_ADD_UI_FILES(SRCS_VAR file1.ui ... fileN.ui ) Use this to add the Qt designer ui files to your application/library. KDE3_ADD_KCFG_FILES(SRCS_VAR file1.kcfgc ... fileN.kcfgc ) Use this to add KDE kconfig compiler files to your application/library. KDE3_INSTALL_LIBTOOL_FILE(target) This will create and install a simple libtool file for the given target. KDE3_ADD_EXECUTABLE(name file1 ... fileN ) Currently identical to ADD_EXECUTABLE(), may provide some advanced features in the future. KDE3_ADD_KPART(name [WITH_PREFIX] file1 ... fileN ) Create a KDE plugin (KPart, kioslave, etc.) from the given source files. If WITH_PREFIX is given, the resulting plugin will have the prefix "lib", otherwise it won't. It creates and installs an appropriate libtool la-file. KDE3_ADD_KDEINIT_EXECUTABLE(name file1 ... fileN ) Create a KDE application in the form of a module loadable via kdeinit. A library named kdeinit_ will be created and a small executable which links to it. The option KDE3_ENABLE_FINAL to enable all-in-one compilation is no longer supported. Author: Alexander Neundorf FindKDE4 Find KDE4 and provide all necessary variables and macros to compile software for it. It looks for KDE 4 in the following directories in the given order: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX KDEDIRS /opt/kde4 Please look in FindKDE4Internal.cmake and KDE4Macros.cmake for more information. They are installed with the KDE 4 libraries in $KDEDIRS/share/apps/cmake/modules/. Author: Alexander Neundorf FindLAPACK Find LAPACK library This module finds an installed fortran library that implements the LAPACK linear-algebra interface (see The approach follows that taken for the autoconf macro file, acx_lapack.m4 (distributed at This module sets the following variables: LAPACK_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the LAPACK interface is found LAPACK_LINKER_FLAGS - uncached list of required linker flags (excluding -l and -L). LAPACK_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name) to link against to use LAPACK LAPACK95_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name) to link against to use LAPACK95 LAPACK95_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the LAPACK f95 interface is found BLA_STATIC if set on this determines what kind of linkage we do (static) BLA_VENDOR if set checks only the specified vendor, if not set checks all the possibilities BLA_F95 if set on tries to find the f95 interfaces for BLAS/LAPACK ## List of vendors (BLA_VENDOR) valid in this module # Intel(mkl), ACML,Apple, NAS, Generic FindLATEX Find Latex This module finds if Latex is installed and determines where the executables are. This code sets the following variables: LATEX_COMPILER: path to the LaTeX compiler PDFLATEX_COMPILER: path to the PdfLaTeX compiler BIBTEX_COMPILER: path to the BibTeX compiler MAKEINDEX_COMPILER: path to the MakeIndex compiler DVIPS_CONVERTER: path to the DVIPS converter PS2PDF_CONVERTER: path to the PS2PDF converter LATEX2HTML_CONVERTER: path to the LaTeX2Html converter FindLibXml2 Try to find LibXml2 Once done this will define LIBXML2_FOUND - System has LibXml2 LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR - The LibXml2 include directory LIBXML2_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use LibXml2 LIBXML2_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using LibXml2 LIBXML2_XMLLINT_EXECUTABLE - The XML checking tool xmllint coming with LibXml2 FindLibXslt Try to find LibXslt Once done this will define LIBXSLT_FOUND - system has LibXslt LIBXSLT_INCLUDE_DIR - the LibXslt include directory LIBXSLT_LIBRARIES - Link these to LibXslt LIBXSLT_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using LibXslt FindLua50 Locate Lua library This module defines LUA50_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to Lua LUA_LIBRARIES, both lua and lualib LUA_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find lua.h and lualib.h (and probably lauxlib.h) Note that the expected include convention is #include "lua.h" and not #include This is because, the lua location is not standardized and may exist in locations other than lua/ FindLua51 Locate Lua library This module defines LUA51_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to Lua LUA_LIBRARIES LUA_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find lua.h Note that the expected include convention is #include "lua.h" and not #include This is because, the lua location is not standardized and may exist in locations other than lua/ FindMFC Find MFC on Windows Find the native MFC - i.e. decide if an application can link to the MFC libraries. MFC_FOUND - Was MFC support found You don't need to include anything or link anything to use it. FindMPEG Find the native MPEG includes and library This module defines MPEG_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find MPEG.h, etc. MPEG_LIBRARIES, the libraries required to use MPEG. MPEG_FOUND, If false, do not try to use MPEG. also defined, but not for general use are MPEG_mpeg2_LIBRARY, where to find the MPEG library. MPEG_vo_LIBRARY, where to find the vo library. FindMPEG2 Find the native MPEG2 includes and library This module defines MPEG2_INCLUDE_DIR, path to mpeg2dec/mpeg2.h, etc. MPEG2_LIBRARIES, the libraries required to use MPEG2. MPEG2_FOUND, If false, do not try to use MPEG2. also defined, but not for general use are MPEG2_mpeg2_LIBRARY, where to find the MPEG2 library. MPEG2_vo_LIBRARY, where to find the vo library. FindMPI Message Passing Interface (MPI) module. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a library used to write high-performance parallel applications that use message passing, and is typically deployed on a cluster. MPI is a standard interface (defined by the MPI forum) for which many implementations are available. All of these implementations have somewhat different compilation approaches (different include paths, libraries to link against, etc.), and this module tries to smooth out those differences. This module will set the following variables: MPI_FOUND TRUE if we have found MPI MPI_COMPILE_FLAGS Compilation flags for MPI programs MPI_INCLUDE_PATH Include path(s) for MPI header MPI_LINK_FLAGS Linking flags for MPI programs MPI_LIBRARY First MPI library to link against (cached) MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY Extra MPI libraries to link against (cached) MPI_LIBRARIES All libraries to link MPI programs against MPIEXEC Executable for running MPI programs MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG Flag to pass to MPIEXEC before giving it the number of processors to run on MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS Flags to pass to MPIEXEC directly before the executable to run. MPIEXEC_POSTFLAGS Flags to pass to MPIEXEC after all other flags. This module will attempt to auto-detect these settings, first by looking for a MPI compiler, which many MPI implementations provide as a pass-through to the native compiler to simplify the compilation of MPI programs. The MPI compiler is stored in the cache variable MPI_COMPILER, and will attempt to look for commonly-named drivers mpic++, mpicxx, mpiCC, or mpicc. If the compiler driver is found and recognized, it will be used to set all of the module variables. To skip this auto-detection, set MPI_LIBRARY and MPI_INCLUDE_PATH in the CMake cache. If no compiler driver is found or the compiler driver is not recognized, this module will then search for common include paths and library names to try to detect MPI. If CMake initially finds a different MPI than was intended, and you want to use the MPI compiler auto-detection for a different MPI implementation, set MPI_COMPILER to the MPI compiler driver you want to use (e.g., mpicxx) and then set MPI_LIBRARY to the string MPI_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND. When you re-configure, auto-detection of MPI will run again with the newly-specified MPI_COMPILER. When using MPIEXEC to execute MPI applications, you should typically use all of the MPIEXEC flags as follows: ${MPIEXEC} ${MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG} PROCS ${MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS} EXECUTABLE ${MPIEXEC_POSTFLAGS} ARGS where PROCS is the number of processors on which to execute the program, EXECUTABLE is the MPI program, and ARGS are the arguments to pass to the MPI program. FindMatlab this module looks for Matlab Defines: MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIR: include path for mex.h, engine.h MATLAB_LIBRARIES: required libraries: libmex, etc MATLAB_MEX_LIBRARY: path to libmex.lib MATLAB_MX_LIBRARY: path to libmx.lib MATLAB_ENG_LIBRARY: path to libeng.lib FindMotif Try to find Motif (or lesstif) Once done this will define: MOTIF_FOUND - system has MOTIF MOTIF_INCLUDE_DIR - include paths to use Motif MOTIF_LIBRARIES - Link these to use Motif FindOpenAL Locate OpenAL This module defines OPENAL_LIBRARY OPENAL_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to OpenAL OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers $OPENALDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OPENALDIR used in building OpenAL. Created by Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake module. FindOpenGL Try to find OpenGL Once done this will define OPENGL_FOUND - system has OpenGL OPENGL_XMESA_FOUND - system has XMESA OPENGL_GLU_FOUND - system has GLU OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR - the GL include directory OPENGL_LIBRARIES - Link these to use OpenGL and GLU If you want to use just GL you can use these values OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY - Path to OpenGL Library OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY - Path to GLU Library On OSX default to using the framework version of opengl People will have to change the cache values of OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY and OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY to use OpenGL with X11 on OSX FindOpenMP Finds OpenMP support This module can be used to detect OpenMP support in a compiler. If the compiler supports OpenMP, the flags required to compile with openmp support are set. The following variables are set: OpenMP_C_FLAGS - flags to add to the C compiler for OpenMP support OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS - flags to add to the CXX compiler for OpenMP support OPENMP_FOUND - true if openmp is detected Supported compilers can be found at FindOpenSSL Try to find the OpenSSL encryption library Once done this will define OPENSSL_FOUND - system has the OpenSSL library OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR - the OpenSSL include directory OPENSSL_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use OpenSSL FindOpenSceneGraph Find OpenSceneGraph This module searches for the OpenSceneGraph core "osg" library as well as OpenThreads, and whatever additional COMPONENTS (nodekits) that you specify. See NOTE: To use this module effectively you must either require CMake >= 2.6.3 with cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.3) or download and place FindOpenThreads.cmake, Findosg_functions.cmake, Findosg.cmake, and Find.cmake files into your CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. ================================== This module accepts the following variables (note mixed case) OpenSceneGraph_DEBUG - Enable debugging output OpenSceneGraph_MARK_AS_ADVANCED - Mark cache variables as advanced automatically The following environment variables are also respected for finding the OSG and it's various components. CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH can also be used for this (see find_library() CMake documentation). _DIR (where MODULE is of the form "OSGVOLUME" and there is a FindosgVolume.cmake file) OSG_DIR OSGDIR OSG_ROOT This module defines the following output variables: OPENSCENEGRAPH_FOUND - Was the OSG and all of the specified components found? OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION - The version of the OSG which was found OPENSCENEGRAPH_INCLUDE_DIRS - Where to find the headers OPENSCENEGRAPH_LIBRARIES - The OSG libraries ================================== Example Usage: find_package(OpenSceneGraph 2.0.0 REQUIRED osgDB osgUtil) # libOpenThreads & libosg automatically searched include_directories(${OPENSCENEGRAPH_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(foo target_link_libraries(foo ${OPENSCENEGRAPH_LIBRARIES}) FindOpenThreads OpenThreads is a C++ based threading library. Its largest userbase seems to OpenSceneGraph so you might notice I accept OSGDIR as an environment path. I consider this part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. Locate OpenThreads This module defines OPENTHREADS_LIBRARY OPENTHREADS_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to OpenThreads OPENTHREADS_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers $OPENTHREADS_DIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OPENTHREADS_DIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindPHP4 Find PHP4 This module finds if PHP4 is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: PHP4_INCLUDE_PATH = path to where php.h can be found PHP4_EXECUTABLE = full path to the php4 binary FindPNG Find the native PNG includes and library This module defines PNG_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find png.h, etc. PNG_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against to use PNG. PNG_DEFINITIONS - You should add_definitons(${PNG_DEFINITIONS}) before compiling code that includes png library files. PNG_FOUND, If false, do not try to use PNG. also defined, but not for general use are PNG_LIBRARY, where to find the PNG library. None of the above will be defined unles zlib can be found. PNG depends on Zlib FindPackageHandleStandardArgs FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(NAME (DEFAULT_MSG|"Custom failure message") VAR1 ... ) This macro is intended to be used in FindXXX.cmake modules files. It handles the REQUIRED and QUIET argument to FIND_PACKAGE() and it also sets the _FOUND variable. The package is found if all variables listed are TRUE. Example: FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(LibXml2 DEFAULT_MSG LIBXML2_LIBRARIES LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR) LibXml2 is considered to be found, if both LIBXML2_LIBRARIES and LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR are valid. Then also LIBXML2_FOUND is set to TRUE. If it is not found and REQUIRED was used, it fails with FATAL_ERROR, independent whether QUIET was used or not. If it is found, the location is reported using the VAR1 argument, so here a message "Found LibXml2: /usr/lib/" will be printed out. If the second argument is DEFAULT_MSG, the message in the failure case will be "Could NOT find LibXml2", if you don't like this message you can specify your own custom failure message there. FindPackageMessage FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE( "message for user" "find result details") This macro is intended to be used in FindXXX.cmake modules files. It will print a message once for each unique find result. This is useful for telling the user where a package was found. The first argument specifies the name (XXX) of the package. The second argument specifies the message to display. The third argument lists details about the find result so that if they change the message will be displayed again. The macro also obeys the QUIET argument to the find_package command. Example: IF(X11_FOUND) FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE(X11 "Found X11: ${X11_X11_LIB}" "[${X11_X11_LIB}][${X11_INCLUDE_DIR}]") ELSE(X11_FOUND) ... ENDIF(X11_FOUND) FindPerl Find perl this module looks for Perl PERL_EXECUTABLE - the full path to perl PERL_FOUND - If false, don't attempt to use perl. FindPerlLibs Find Perl libraries This module finds if PERL is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: PERLLIBS_FOUND = True if perl.h & libperl were found PERL_INCLUDE_PATH = path to where perl.h is found PERL_LIBRARY = path to libperl PERL_EXECUTABLE = full path to the perl binary The following variables are also available if needed (introduced after CMake 2.6.4) PERL_SITESEARCH = path to the sitesearch install dir PERL_SITELIB = path to the sitelib install directory PERL_VENDORARCH = path to the vendor arch install directory PERL_VENDORLIB = path to the vendor lib install directory PERL_ARCHLIB = path to the arch lib install directory PERL_PRIVLIB = path to the priv lib install directory PERL_EXTRA_C_FLAGS = Compilation flags used to build perl FindPhysFS Locate PhysFS library This module defines PHYSFS_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against PHYSFS_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to PHYSFS PHYSFS_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find physfs.h $PHYSFSDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$PHYSFSDIR used in building PHYSFS. Created by Eric Wing. FindPike Find Pike This module finds if PIKE is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: PIKE_INCLUDE_PATH = path to where program.h is found PIKE_EXECUTABLE = full path to the pike binary FindPkgConfig a pkg-config module for CMake Usage: pkg_check_modules( [REQUIRED] []*) checks for all the given modules pkg_search_module( [REQUIRED] []*) checks for given modules and uses the first working one When the 'REQUIRED' argument was set, macros will fail with an error when module(s) could not be found It sets the following variables: PKG_CONFIG_FOUND ... true if pkg-config works on the system PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE ... pathname of the pkg-config program _FOUND ... set to 1 if module(s) exist For the following variables two sets of values exist; first one is the common one and has the given PREFIX. The second set contains flags which are given out when pkgconfig was called with the '--static' option. _LIBRARIES ... only the libraries (w/o the '-l') _LIBRARY_DIRS ... the paths of the libraries (w/o the '-L') _LDFLAGS ... all required linker flags _LDFLAGS_OTHER ... all other linker flags _INCLUDE_DIRS ... the '-I' preprocessor flags (w/o the '-I') _CFLAGS ... all required cflags _CFLAGS_OTHER ... the other compiler flags = for common case = _STATIC for static linking There are some special variables whose prefix depends on the count of given modules. When there is only one module, stays unchanged. When there are multiple modules, the prefix will be changed to _: _VERSION ... version of the module _PREFIX ... prefix-directory of the module _INCLUDEDIR ... include-dir of the module _LIBDIR ... lib-dir of the module = when |MODULES| == 1, else = _ A parameter can have the following formats: {MODNAME} ... matches any version {MODNAME}>={VERSION} ... at least version is required {MODNAME}={VERSION} ... exactly version is required {MODNAME}<={VERSION} ... modules must not be newer than Examples pkg_check_modules (GLIB2 glib-2.0) pkg_check_modules (GLIB2 glib-2.0>=2.10) requires at least version 2.10 of glib2 and defines e.g. GLIB2_VERSION=2.10.3 pkg_check_modules (FOO glib-2.0>=2.10 gtk+-2.0) requires both glib2 and gtk2, and defines e.g. FOO_glib-2.0_VERSION=2.10.3 FOO_gtk+-2.0_VERSION=2.8.20 pkg_check_modules (XRENDER REQUIRED xrender) defines e.g.: XRENDER_LIBRARIES=Xrender;X11 XRENDER_STATIC_LIBRARIES=Xrender;X11;pthread;Xau;Xdmcp pkg_search_module (BAR libxml-2.0 libxml2 libxml>=2) FindProducer Though Producer isn't directly part of OpenSceneGraph, its primary user is OSG so I consider this part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. You'll notice that I accept OSGDIR as an environment path. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL (and OpenThreads?) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate Producer This module defines PRODUCER_LIBRARY PRODUCER_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to Producer PRODUCER_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers $PRODUCER_DIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$PRODUCER_DIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindProtobuf Locate and configure the Google Protocol Buffers library. Defines the following variables: PROTOBUF_FOUND - Found the Google Protocol Buffers library PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIRS - Include directories for Google Protocol Buffers PROTOBUF_LIBRARIES - The protobuf library The following cache variables are also defined: PROTOBUF_LIBRARY - The protobuf library PROTOBUF_PROTOC_LIBRARY - The protoc library PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR - The include directory for protocol buffers PROTOBUF_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE - The protoc compiler ==================================================================== Example: find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED) include_directories(${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP(PROTO_SRCS PROTO_HDRS foo.proto) add_executable(bar ${PROTO_SRCS} ${PROTO_HDRS}) target_link_libraries(bar ${PROTOBUF_LIBRARY}) NOTE: You may need to link against pthreads, depending on the platform. ==================================================================== PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP (public function) SRCS = Variable to define with autogenerated source files HDRS = Variable to define with autogenerated header files ARGN = proto files ==================================================================== FindPythonInterp Find python interpreter This module finds if Python interpreter is installed and determines where the executables are. This code sets the following variables: PYTHONINTERP_FOUND - Was the Python executable found PYTHON_EXECUTABLE - path to the Python interpreter FindPythonLibs Find python libraries This module finds if Python is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: PYTHONLIBS_FOUND - have the Python libs been found PYTHON_LIBRARIES - path to the python library PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH - path to where Python.h is found (deprecated) PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS - path to where Python.h is found PYTHON_DEBUG_LIBRARIES - path to the debug library FindQt Searches for all installed versions of QT. This should only be used if your project can work with multiple versions of QT. If not, you should just directly use FindQt4 or FindQt3. If multiple versions of QT are found on the machine, then The user must set the option DESIRED_QT_VERSION to the version they want to use. If only one version of qt is found on the machine, then the DESIRED_QT_VERSION is set to that version and the matching FindQt3 or FindQt4 module is included. Once the user sets DESIRED_QT_VERSION, then the FindQt3 or FindQt4 module is included. QT_REQUIRED if this is set to TRUE then if CMake can not find QT4 or QT3 an error is raised and a message is sent to the user. DESIRED_QT_VERSION OPTION is created QT4_INSTALLED is set to TRUE if qt4 is found. QT3_INSTALLED is set to TRUE if qt3 is found. FindQt3 Locate Qt include paths and libraries This module defines: QT_INCLUDE_DIR - where to find qt.h, etc. QT_LIBRARIES - the libraries to link against to use Qt. QT_DEFINITIONS - definitions to use when compiling code that uses Qt. QT_FOUND - If false, don't try to use Qt. If you need the multithreaded version of Qt, set QT_MT_REQUIRED to TRUE Also defined, but not for general use are: QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE, where to find the moc tool. QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE, where to find the uic tool. QT_QT_LIBRARY, where to find the Qt library. QT_QTMAIN_LIBRARY, where to find the qtmain library. This is only required by Qt3 on Windows. FindQt4 Find QT 4 This module can be used to find Qt4. The most important issue is that the Qt4 qmake is available via the system path. This qmake is then used to detect basically everything else. This module defines a number of key variables and macros. The variable QT_USE_FILE is set which is the path to a CMake file that can be included to compile Qt 4 applications and libraries. It sets up the compilation environment for include directories, preprocessor defines and populates a QT_LIBRARIES variable. Typical usage could be something like: find_package(Qt4 4.4.3 COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui QtXml REQUIRED ) include(${QT_USE_FILE}) add_executable(myexe main.cpp) target_link_libraries(myexe ${QT_LIBRARIES}) The minimum required version can be specified using the standard find_package()-syntax (see example above). For compatibility with older versions of FindQt4.cmake it is also possible to set the variable QT_MIN_VERSION to the minimum required version of Qt4 before the find_package(Qt4) command. If both are used, the version used in the find_package() command overrides the one from QT_MIN_VERSION. When using the components argument, QT_USE_QT* variables are automatically set for the QT_USE_FILE to pick up. If one wishes to manually set them, the available ones to set include: QT_DONT_USE_QTCORE QT_DONT_USE_QTGUI QT_USE_QT3SUPPORT QT_USE_QTASSISTANT QT_USE_QAXCONTAINER QT_USE_QAXSERVER QT_USE_QTDESIGNER QT_USE_QTMOTIF QT_USE_QTMAIN QT_USE_QTNETWORK QT_USE_QTNSPLUGIN QT_USE_QTOPENGL QT_USE_QTSQL QT_USE_QTXML QT_USE_QTSVG QT_USE_QTTEST QT_USE_QTUITOOLS QT_USE_QTDBUS QT_USE_QTSCRIPT QT_USE_QTASSISTANTCLIENT QT_USE_QTHELP QT_USE_QTWEBKIT QT_USE_QTXMLPATTERNS QT_USE_PHONON QT_USE_QTSCRIPTTOOLS There are also some files that need processing by some Qt tools such as moc and uic. Listed below are macros that may be used to process those files. macro QT4_WRAP_CPP(outfiles inputfile ... OPTIONS ...) create moc code from a list of files containing Qt class with the Q_OBJECT declaration. Per-direcotry preprocessor definitions are also added. Options may be given to moc, such as those found when executing "moc -help". macro QT4_WRAP_UI(outfiles inputfile ... OPTIONS ...) create code from a list of Qt designer ui files. Options may be given to uic, such as those found when executing "uic -help" macro QT4_ADD_RESOURCES(outfiles inputfile ... OPTIONS ...) create code from a list of Qt resource files. Options may be given to rcc, such as those found when executing "rcc -help" macro QT4_GENERATE_MOC(inputfile outputfile ) creates a rule to run moc on infile and create outfile. Use this if for some reason QT4_WRAP_CPP() isn't appropriate, e.g. because you need a custom filename for the moc file or something similar. macro QT4_AUTOMOC(sourcefile1 sourcefile2 ... ) This macro is still experimental. It can be used to have moc automatically handled. So if you have the files foo.h and foo.cpp, and in foo.h a a class uses the Q_OBJECT macro, moc has to run on it. If you don't want to use QT4_WRAP_CPP() (which is reliable and mature), you can insert #include "foo.moc" in foo.cpp and then give foo.cpp as argument to QT4_AUTOMOC(). This will the scan all listed files at cmake-time for such included moc files and if it finds them cause a rule to be generated to run moc at build time on the accompanying header file foo.h. If a source file has the SKIP_AUTOMOC property set it will be ignored by this macro. macro QT4_ADD_DBUS_INTERFACE(outfiles interface basename) create a the interface header and implementation files with the given basename from the given interface xml file and add it to the list of sources macro QT4_ADD_DBUS_INTERFACES(outfiles inputfile ... ) create the interface header and implementation files for all listed interface xml files the name will be automatically determined from the name of the xml file macro QT4_ADD_DBUS_ADAPTOR(outfiles xmlfile parentheader parentclassname [basename] [classname]) create a dbus adaptor (header and implementation file) from the xml file describing the interface, and add it to the list of sources. The adaptor forwards the calls to a parent class, defined in parentheader and named parentclassname. The name of the generated files will be adaptor.{cpp,h} where basename defaults to the basename of the xml file. If is provided, then it will be used as the classname of the adaptor itself. macro QT4_GENERATE_DBUS_INTERFACE( header [interfacename] OPTIONS ...) generate the xml interface file from the given header. If the optional argument interfacename is omitted, the name of the interface file is constructed from the basename of the header with the suffix .xml appended. Options may be given to qdbuscpp2xml, such as those found when executing "qdbuscpp2xml --help" macro QT4_CREATE_TRANSLATION( qm_files directories ... sources ... ts_files ... OPTIONS ...) out: qm_files in: directories sources ts_files options: flags to pass to lupdate, such as -extensions to specify extensions for a directory scan. generates commands to create .ts (vie lupdate) and .qm (via lrelease) - files from directories and/or sources. The ts files are created and/or updated in the source tree (unless given with full paths). The qm files are generated in the build tree. Updating the translations can be done by adding the qm_files to the source list of your library/executable, so they are always updated, or by adding a custom target to control when they get updated/generated. macro QT4_ADD_TRANSLATION( qm_files ts_files ... ) out: qm_files in: ts_files generates commands to create .qm from .ts - files. The generated filenames can be found in qm_files. The ts_files must exists and are not updated in any way. Below is a detailed list of variables that FindQt4.cmake sets. QT_FOUND If false, don't try to use Qt. QT4_FOUND If false, don't try to use Qt 4. QT_VERSION_MAJOR The major version of Qt found. QT_VERSION_MINOR The minor version of Qt found. QT_VERSION_PATCH The patch version of Qt found. QT_EDITION Set to the edition of Qt (i.e. DesktopLight) QT_EDITION_DESKTOPLIGHT True if QT_EDITION == DesktopLight QT_QTCORE_FOUND True if QtCore was found. QT_QTGUI_FOUND True if QtGui was found. QT_QT3SUPPORT_FOUND True if Qt3Support was found. QT_QTASSISTANT_FOUND True if QtAssistant was found. QT_QAXCONTAINER_FOUND True if QAxContainer was found (Windows only). QT_QAXSERVER_FOUND True if QAxServer was found (Windows only). QT_QTDBUS_FOUND True if QtDBus was found. QT_QTDESIGNER_FOUND True if QtDesigner was found. QT_QTDESIGNERCOMPONENTS True if QtDesignerComponents was found. QT_QTMOTIF_FOUND True if QtMotif was found. QT_QTNETWORK_FOUND True if QtNetwork was found. QT_QTNSPLUGIN_FOUND True if QtNsPlugin was found. QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND True if QtOpenGL was found. QT_QTSQL_FOUND True if QtSql was found. QT_QTXML_FOUND True if QtXml was found. QT_QTSVG_FOUND True if QtSvg was found. QT_QTSCRIPT_FOUND True if QtScript was found. QT_QTTEST_FOUND True if QtTest was found. QT_QTUITOOLS_FOUND True if QtUiTools was found. QT_QTASSISTANTCLIENT_FOUND True if QtAssistantClient was found. QT_QTHELP_FOUND True if QtHelp was found. QT_QTWEBKIT_FOUND True if QtWebKit was found. QT_QTXMLPATTERNS_FOUND True if QtXmlPatterns was found. QT_PHONON_FOUND True if phonon was found. QT_QTSCRIPTTOOLS_FOUND True if QtScriptTools was found. QT_MAC_USE_COCOA For Mac OS X, its whether Cocoa or Carbon is used. In general, this should not be used, but its useful when having platform specific code. QT_DEFINITIONS Definitions to use when compiling code that uses Qt. You do not need to use this if you include QT_USE_FILE. The QT_USE_FILE will also define QT_DEBUG and QT_NO_DEBUG to fit your current build type. Those are not contained in QT_DEFINITIONS. QT_INCLUDES List of paths to all include directories of Qt4 QT_INCLUDE_DIR and QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR are always in this variable even if NOTFOUND, all other INCLUDE_DIRS are only added if they are found. You do not need to use this if you include QT_USE_FILE. Include directories for the Qt modules are listed here. You do not need to use these variables if you include QT_USE_FILE. QT_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include" of Qt4 QT_QT3SUPPORT_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/Qt3Support" QT_QTASSISTANT_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtAssistant" QT_QTASSISTANTCLIENT_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtAssistant" QT_QAXCONTAINER_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/ActiveQt" (Windows only) QT_QAXSERVER_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/ActiveQt" (Windows only) QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtCore" QT_QTDESIGNER_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtDesigner" QT_QTDESIGNERCOMPONENTS_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtDesigner" QT_QTDBUS_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtDBus" QT_QTGUI_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtGui" QT_QTHELP_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtHelp" QT_QTMOTIF_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtMotif" QT_QTNETWORK_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtNetwork" QT_QTNSPLUGIN_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtNsPlugin" QT_QTOPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtOpenGL" QT_QTSCRIPT_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtScript" QT_QTSQL_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtSql" QT_QTSVG_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtSvg" QT_QTTEST_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtTest" QT_QTWEBKIT_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtWebKit" QT_QTXML_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtXml" QT_QTXMLPATTERNS_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtXmlPatterns" QT_PHONON_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/phonon" QT_QTSCRIPTTOOLS_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtScriptTools" QT_BINARY_DIR Path to "bin" of Qt4 QT_LIBRARY_DIR Path to "lib" of Qt4 QT_PLUGINS_DIR Path to "plugins" for Qt4 QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR Path to "translations" of Qt4 QT_DOC_DIR Path to "doc" of Qt4 QT_MKSPECS_DIR Path to "mkspecs" of Qt4 The Qt toolkit may contain both debug and release libraries. In that case, the following library variables will contain both. You do not need to use these variables if you include QT_USE_FILE, and use QT_LIBRARIES. QT_QT3SUPPORT_LIBRARY The Qt3Support library QT_QTASSISTANT_LIBRARY The QtAssistant library QT_QTASSISTANTCLIENT_LIBRARY The QtAssistantClient library QT_QAXCONTAINER_LIBRARY The QAxContainer library (Windows only) QT_QAXSERVER_LIBRARY The QAxServer library (Windows only) QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY The QtCore library QT_QTDBUS_LIBRARY The QtDBus library QT_QTDESIGNER_LIBRARY The QtDesigner library QT_QTDESIGNERCOMPONENTS_LIBRARY The QtDesignerComponents library QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY The QtGui library QT_QTHELP_LIBRARY The QtHelp library QT_QTMOTIF_LIBRARY The QtMotif library QT_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY The QtNetwork library QT_QTNSPLUGIN_LIBRARY The QtNsPLugin library QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY The QtOpenGL library QT_QTSCRIPT_LIBRARY The QtScript library QT_QTSQL_LIBRARY The QtSql library QT_QTSVG_LIBRARY The QtSvg library QT_QTTEST_LIBRARY The QtTest library QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY The QtUiTools library QT_QTWEBKIT_LIBRARY The QtWebKit library QT_QTXML_LIBRARY The QtXml library QT_QTXMLPATTERNS_LIBRARY The QtXmlPatterns library QT_QTMAIN_LIBRARY The qtmain library for Windows QT_PHONON_LIBRARY The phonon library QT_QTSCRIPTTOOLS_LIBRARY The QtScriptTools library also defined, but NOT for general use are QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE Where to find the moc tool. QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE Where to find the uic tool. QT_UIC3_EXECUTABLE Where to find the uic3 tool. QT_RCC_EXECUTABLE Where to find the rcc tool QT_DBUSCPP2XML_EXECUTABLE Where to find the qdbuscpp2xml tool. QT_DBUSXML2CPP_EXECUTABLE Where to find the qdbusxml2cpp tool. QT_LUPDATE_EXECUTABLE Where to find the lupdate tool. QT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE Where to find the lrelease tool. QT_QCOLLECTIONGENERATOR_EXECUTABLE Where to find the qcollectiongenerator tool. These are around for backwards compatibility they will be set QT_WRAP_CPP Set true if QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE is found QT_WRAP_UI Set true if QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE is found These variables do _NOT_ have any effect anymore (compared to FindQt.cmake) QT_MT_REQUIRED Qt4 is now always multithreaded These variables are set to "" Because Qt structure changed (They make no sense in Qt4) QT_QT_LIBRARY Qt-Library is now split FindQuickTime Locate QuickTime This module defines QUICKTIME_LIBRARY QUICKTIME_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to gdal QUICKTIME_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers $QUICKTIME_DIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$QUICKTIME_DIR Created by Eric Wing. FindRTI Try to find M&S HLA RTI libraries This module finds if any HLA RTI is installed and locates the standard RTI include files and libraries. RTI is a simulation infrastructure standardized by IEEE and SISO. It has a well defined C++ API that assures that simulation applications are independent on a particular RTI implementation. This code sets the following variables: RTI_INCLUDE_DIR = the directory where RTI includes file are found RTI_LIBRARIES = The libraries to link against to use RTI RTI_DEFINITIONS = -DRTI_USES_STD_FSTREAM RTI_FOUND = Set to FALSE if any HLA RTI was not found Report problems to FindRuby Find Ruby This module finds if Ruby is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 are supported. The minimum required version specified in the find_package() command is honored. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: RUBY_EXECUTABLE = full path to the ruby binary RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS = include dirs to be used when using the ruby library RUBY_LIBRARY = full path to the ruby library RUBY_VERSION = the version of ruby which was found, e.g. "1.8.7" RUBY_FOUND = set to true if ruby ws found successfully RUBY_INCLUDE_PATH = same as RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS, only provided for compatibility reasons, don't use it FindSDL Locate SDL library This module defines SDL_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against SDL_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SDL SDL_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find SDL.h This module responds to the the flag: SDL_BUILDING_LIBRARY If this is defined, then no SDL_main will be linked in because only applications need main(). Otherwise, it is assumed you are building an application and this module will attempt to locate and set the the proper link flags as part of the returned SDL_LIBRARY variable. Don't forget to include SDLmain.h and SDLmain.m your project for the OS X framework based version. (Other versions link to -lSDLmain which this module will try to find on your behalf.) Also for OS X, this module will automatically add the -framework Cocoa on your behalf. Additional Note: If you see an empty SDL_LIBRARY_TEMP in your configuration and no SDL_LIBRARY, it means CMake did not find your SDL library (SDL.dll,, SDL.framework, etc). Set SDL_LIBRARY_TEMP to point to your SDL library, and configure again. Similarly, if you see an empty SDLMAIN_LIBRARY, you should set this value as appropriate. These values are used to generate the final SDL_LIBRARY variable, but when these values are unset, SDL_LIBRARY does not get created. $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL. l.e.galup 9-20-02 Modified by Eric Wing. Added code to assist with automated building by using environmental variables and providing a more controlled/consistent search behavior. Added new modifications to recognize OS X frameworks and additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc). Also corrected the header search path to follow "proper" SDL guidelines. Added a search for SDLmain which is needed by some platforms. Added a search for threads which is needed by some platforms. Added needed compile switches for MinGW. On OSX, this will prefer the Framework version (if found) over others. People will have to manually change the cache values of SDL_LIBRARY to override this selection or set the CMake environment CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH to modify the search paths. Note that the header path has changed from SDL/SDL.h to just SDL.h This needed to change because "proper" SDL convention is #include "SDL.h", not . This is done for portability reasons because not all systems place things in SDL/ (see FreeBSD). FindSDL_image Locate SDL_image library This module defines SDLIMAGE_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against SDLIMAGE_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SDL SDLIMAGE_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find SDL/SDL.h $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL. Created by Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks and additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc). FindSDL_mixer Locate SDL_mixer library This module defines SDLMIXER_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against SDLMIXER_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SDL SDLMIXER_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find SDL/SDL.h $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL. Created by Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks and additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc). FindSDL_net Locate SDL_net library This module defines SDLNET_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against SDLNET_FOUND, if false, do not try to link against SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL. Created by Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks and additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc). FindSDL_sound Locates the SDL_sound library FindSDL_ttf Locate SDL_ttf library This module defines SDLTTF_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against SDLTTF_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SDL SDLTTF_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find SDL/SDL.h $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL. Created by Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks and additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc). FindSWIG Find SWIG This module finds an installed SWIG. It sets the following variables: SWIG_FOUND - set to true if SWIG is found SWIG_DIR - the directory where swig is installed SWIG_EXECUTABLE - the path to the swig executable SWIG_VERSION - the version number of the swig executable All informations are collected from the SWIG_EXECUTABLE so the version to be found can be changed from the command line by means of setting SWIG_EXECUTABLE FindSelfPackers Find upx This module looks for some executable packers (i.e. softwares that compress executables or shared libs into on-the-fly self-extracting executables or shared libs. Examples: UPX: FindSquish -- Typical Use This module can be used to find Squish (currently support is aimed at version 3). SQUISH_FOUND If false, don't try to use Squish SQUISH_VERSION_MAJOR The major version of Squish found SQUISH_VERSION_MINOR The minor version of Squish found SQUISH_VERSION_PATCH The patch version of Squish found SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR The Squish installation directory (containing bin, lib, etc) SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE The squishserver executable SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE The squishrunner executable SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_FOUND Was the install directory found? SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE_FOUND Was the server executable found? SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_FOUND Was the client executable found? macro SQUISH_ADD_TEST(testName applicationUnderTest testSuite testCase) ENABLE_TESTING() FIND_PACKAGE(Squish) IF (SQUISH_FOUND) SQUISH_ADD_TEST(myTestName myApplication testSuiteName testCaseName) ENDIF (SQUISH_FOUND) FindSubversion Extract information from a subversion working copy The module defines the following variables: Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE - path to svn command line client Subversion_VERSION_SVN - version of svn command line client Subversion_FOUND - true if the command line client was found If the command line client executable is found the macro Subversion_WC_INFO( ) is defined to extract information of a subversion working copy at a given location. The macro defines the following variables: _WC_URL - url of the repository (at ) _WC_ROOT - root url of the repository _WC_REVISION - current revision _WC_LAST_CHANGED_AUTHOR - author of last commit _WC_LAST_CHANGED_DATE - date of last commit _WC_LAST_CHANGED_REV - revision of last commit _WC_LAST_CHANGED_LOG - last log of base revision _WC_INFO - output of command `svn info ' Example usage: FIND_PACKAGE(Subversion) IF(Subversion_FOUND) Subversion_WC_INFO(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} Project) MESSAGE("Current revision is ${Project_WC_REVISION}") Subversion_WC_LOG(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} Project) MESSAGE("Last changed log is ${Project_LAST_CHANGED_LOG}") ENDIF(Subversion_FOUND) FindTCL TK_INTERNAL_PATH was removed. This module finds if Tcl is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: TCL_FOUND = Tcl was found TK_FOUND = Tk was found TCLTK_FOUND = Tcl and Tk were found TCL_LIBRARY = path to Tcl library (tcl tcl80) TCL_INCLUDE_PATH = path to where tcl.h can be found TCL_TCLSH = path to tclsh binary (tcl tcl80) TK_LIBRARY = path to Tk library (tk tk80 etc) TK_INCLUDE_PATH = path to where tk.h can be found TK_WISH = full path to the wish executable In an effort to remove some clutter and clear up some issues for people who are not necessarily Tcl/Tk gurus/developpers, some variables were moved or removed. Changes compared to CMake 2.4 are: => they were only useful for people writing Tcl/Tk extensions. => these libs are not packaged by default with Tcl/Tk distributions. Even when Tcl/Tk is built from source, several flavors of debug libs are created and there is no real reason to pick a single one specifically (say, amongst tcl84g, tcl84gs, or tcl84sgx). Let's leave that choice to the user by allowing him to assign TCL_LIBRARY to any Tcl library, debug or not. => this ended up being only a Win32 variable, and there is a lot of confusion regarding the location of this file in an installed Tcl/Tk tree anyway (see 8.5 for example). If you need the internal path at this point it is safer you ask directly where the *source* tree is and dig from there. FindTIFF Find TIFF library Find the native TIFF includes and library This module defines TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find tiff.h, etc. TIFF_LIBRARIES, libraries to link against to use TIFF. TIFF_FOUND, If false, do not try to use TIFF. also defined, but not for general use are TIFF_LIBRARY, where to find the TIFF library. FindTclStub TCL_STUB_LIBRARY_DEBUG and TK_STUB_LIBRARY_DEBUG were removed. This module finds Tcl stub libraries. It first finds Tcl include files and libraries by calling FindTCL.cmake. How to Use the Tcl Stubs Library: Using Stub Libraries: This code sets the following variables: TCL_STUB_LIBRARY = path to Tcl stub library TK_STUB_LIBRARY = path to Tk stub library TTK_STUB_LIBRARY = path to ttk stub library In an effort to remove some clutter and clear up some issues for people who are not necessarily Tcl/Tk gurus/developpers, some variables were moved or removed. Changes compared to CMake 2.4 are: => these libs are not packaged by default with Tcl/Tk distributions. Even when Tcl/Tk is built from source, several flavors of debug libs are created and there is no real reason to pick a single one specifically (say, amongst tclstub84g, tclstub84gs, or tclstub84sgx). Let's leave that choice to the user by allowing him to assign TCL_STUB_LIBRARY to any Tcl library, debug or not. FindTclsh Find tclsh This module finds if TCL is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: TCLSH_FOUND = TRUE if tclsh has been found TCL_TCLSH = the path to the tclsh executable In cygwin, look for the cygwin version first. Don't look for it later to avoid finding the cygwin version on a Win32 build. FindThreads This module determines the thread library of the system. The following variables are set CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT - the thread library CMAKE_USE_SPROC_INIT - are we using sproc? CMAKE_USE_WIN32_THREADS_INIT - using WIN32 threads? CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT - are we using pthreads CMAKE_HP_PTHREADS_INIT - are we using hp pthreads FindUnixCommands Find unix commands from cygwin This module looks for some usual Unix commands. FindVTK Find a VTK installation or build tree. The following variables are set if VTK is found. If VTK is not found, VTK_FOUND is set to false. VTK_FOUND - Set to true when VTK is found. VTK_USE_FILE - CMake file to use VTK. VTK_MAJOR_VERSION - The VTK major version number. VTK_MINOR_VERSION - The VTK minor version number (odd non-release). VTK_BUILD_VERSION - The VTK patch level (meaningless for odd minor). VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS - Include directories for VTK VTK_LIBRARY_DIRS - Link directories for VTK libraries VTK_KITS - List of VTK kits, in CAPS (COMMON,IO,) etc. VTK_LANGUAGES - List of wrapped languages, in CAPS (TCL, PYHTON,) etc. The following cache entries must be set by the user to locate VTK: VTK_DIR - The directory containing VTKConfig.cmake. This is either the root of the build tree, or the lib/vtk directory. This is the only cache entry. The following variables are set for backward compatibility and should not be used in new code: USE_VTK_FILE - The full path to the UseVTK.cmake file. This is provided for backward compatibility. Use VTK_USE_FILE instead. FindWget Find wget This module looks for wget. This module defines the following values: WGET_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the wget tool. WGET_FOUND: True if wget has been found. FindWish Find wish installation This module finds if TCL is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This code sets the following variables: TK_WISH = the path to the wish executable if UNIX is defined, then it will look for the cygwin version first FindX11 Find X11 installation Try to find X11 on UNIX systems. The following values are defined X11_FOUND - True if X11 is available X11_INCLUDE_DIR - include directories to use X11 X11_LIBRARIES - link against these to use X11 and also the following more fine grained variables: Include paths: X11_ICE_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_ICE_LIB, X11_ICE_FOUND X11_Xaccessrules_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xaccess_FOUND X11_Xaccessstr_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xaccess_FOUND X11_Xau_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xau_LIB, X11_Xau_FOUND X11_Xcomposite_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xcomposite_LIB, X11_Xcomposite_FOUND X11_Xcursor_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xcursor_LIB, X11_Xcursor_FOUND X11_Xdamage_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xdamage_LIB, X11_Xdamage_FOUND X11_Xdmcp_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xdmcp_LIB, X11_Xdmcp_FOUND X11_Xext_LIB, X11_Xext_FOUND X11_dpms_INCLUDE_PATH, (in X11_Xext_LIB), X11_dpms_FOUND X11_XShm_INCLUDE_PATH, (in X11_Xext_LIB), X11_XShm_FOUND X11_Xshape_INCLUDE_PATH, (in X11_Xext_LIB), X11_Xshape_FOUND X11_xf86misc_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xxf86misc_LIB, X11_xf86misc_FOUND X11_xf86vmode_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_xf86vmode_FOUND X11_Xfixes_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xfixes_LIB, X11_Xfixes_FOUND X11_Xft_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xft_LIB, X11_Xft_FOUND X11_Xinerama_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xinerama_LIB, X11_Xinerama_FOUND X11_Xinput_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xinput_LIB, X11_Xinput_FOUND X11_Xkb_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xkb_FOUND X11_Xkblib_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xkb_FOUND X11_Xpm_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xpm_LIB, X11_Xpm_FOUND X11_XTest_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_XTest_LIB, X11_XTest_FOUND X11_Xrandr_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xrandr_LIB, X11_Xrandr_FOUND X11_Xrender_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xrender_LIB, X11_Xrender_FOUND X11_Xscreensaver_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xscreensaver_LIB, X11_Xscreensaver_FOUND X11_Xt_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xt_LIB, X11_Xt_FOUND X11_Xutil_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xutil_FOUND X11_Xv_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xv_LIB, X11_Xv_FOUND FindXMLRPC Find xmlrpc Find the native XMLRPC headers and libraries. XMLRPC_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find xmlrpc.h, etc. XMLRPC_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using xmlrpc. XMLRPC_FOUND - True if xmlrpc found. XMLRPC modules may be specified as components for this find module. Modules may be listed by running "xmlrpc-c-config". Modules include: c++ C++ wrapper code libwww-client libwww-based client cgi-server CGI-based server abyss-server ABYSS-based server Typical usage: FIND_PACKAGE(XMLRPC REQUIRED libwww-client) FindZLIB Find zlib Find the native ZLIB includes and library ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find zlib.h, etc. ZLIB_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using zlib. ZLIB_FOUND - True if zlib found. Findosg NOTE: It is highly recommended that you use the new FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake introduced in CMake 2.6.3 and not use this Find module directly. This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osg This module defines OSG_FOUND - Was the Osg found? OSG_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSG_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for the OSG (use this) OSG_LIBRARY - The OSG library OSG_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The OSG debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgAnimation This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgAnimation This module defines OSGANIMATION_FOUND - Was osgAnimation found? OSGANIMATION_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGANIMATION_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for the OSG (use this) OSGANIMATION_LIBRARY - The OSG library OSGANIMATION_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The OSG debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgDB This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgDB This module defines OSGDB_FOUND - Was osgDB found? OSGDB_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGDB_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for the osgDB (use this) OSGDB_LIBRARY - The osgDB library OSGDB_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgDB debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgFX This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgFX This module defines OSGFX_FOUND - Was osgFX found? OSGFX_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGFX_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for the osgFX (use this) OSGFX_LIBRARY - The osgFX library OSGFX_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgFX debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgGA This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgGA This module defines OSGGA_FOUND - Was osgGA found? OSGGA_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGGA_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for the osgGA (use this) OSGGA_LIBRARY - The osgGA library OSGGA_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgGA debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgIntrospection This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgINTROSPECTION This module defines OSGINTROSPECTION_FOUND - Was osgIntrospection found? OSGINTROSPECTION_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGINTROSPECTION_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgIntrospection (use this) OSGINTROSPECTION_LIBRARY - The osgIntrospection library OSGINTROSPECTION_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgIntrospection debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgManipulator This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgManipulator This module defines OSGMANIPULATOR_FOUND - Was osgManipulator found? OSGMANIPULATOR_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGMANIPULATOR_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgManipulator (use this) OSGMANIPULATOR_LIBRARY - The osgManipulator library OSGMANIPULATOR_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgManipulator debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgParticle This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgParticle This module defines OSGPARTICLE_FOUND - Was osgParticle found? OSGPARTICLE_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGPARTICLE_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgParticle (use this) OSGPARTICLE_LIBRARY - The osgParticle library OSGPARTICLE_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgParticle debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgProducer This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgProducer This module defines OSGPRODUCER_FOUND - Was osgProducer found? OSGPRODUCER_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGPRODUCER_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgProducer (use this) OSGPRODUCER_LIBRARY - The osgProducer library OSGPRODUCER_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgProducer debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgShadow This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgShadow This module defines OSGSHADOW_FOUND - Was osgShadow found? OSGSHADOW_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGSHADOW_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgShadow (use this) OSGSHADOW_LIBRARY - The osgShadow library OSGSHADOW_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgShadow debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgSim This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgSim This module defines OSGSIM_FOUND - Was osgSim found? OSGSIM_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGSIM_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgSim (use this) OSGSIM_LIBRARY - The osgSim library OSGSIM_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgSim debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgTerrain This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgTerrain This module defines OSGTERRAIN_FOUND - Was osgTerrain found? OSGTERRAIN_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGTERRAIN_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgTerrain (use this) OSGTERRAIN_LIBRARY - The osgTerrain library OSGTERRAIN_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgTerrain debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgText This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgText This module defines OSGTEXT_FOUND - Was osgText found? OSGTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGTEXT_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgText (use this) OSGTEXT_LIBRARY - The osgText library OSGTEXT_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgText debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgUtil This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgUtil This module defines OSGUTIL_FOUND - Was osgUtil found? OSGUTIL_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGUTIL_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgUtil (use this) OSGUTIL_LIBRARY - The osgUtil library OSGUTIL_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgUtil debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgViewer This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgViewer This module defines OSGVIEWER_FOUND - Was osgViewer found? OSGVIEWER_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGVIEWER_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgViewer (use this) OSGVIEWER_LIBRARY - The osgViewer library OSGVIEWER_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgViewer debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgVolume This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgVolume This module defines OSGVOLUME_FOUND - Was osgVolume found? OSGVOLUME_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGVOLUME_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgVolume (use this) OSGVOLUME_LIBRARY - The osgVolume library OSGVOLUME_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgVolume debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. Created by Eric Wing. FindosgWidget This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. Locate osgWidget This module defines OSGWIDGET_FOUND - Was osgWidget found? OSGWIDGET_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGWIDGET_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgWidget (use this) OSGWIDGET_LIBRARY - The osgWidget library OSGWIDGET_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgWidget debug library $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg. FindosgWidget.cmake tweaked from Findosg* suite as created by Eric Wing. Findosg_functions This CMake file contains two macros to assist with searching for OSG libraries and nodekits. FindwxWidgets Find a wxWidgets (a.k.a., wxWindows) installation. This module finds if wxWidgets is installed and selects a default configuration to use. wxWidgets is a modular library. To specify the modules that you will use, you need to name them as components to the package: FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets COMPONENTS base core ...) There are two search branches: a windows style and a unix style. For windows, the following variables are searched for and set to defaults in case of multiple choices. Change them if the defaults are not desired (i.e., these are the only variables you should change to select a configuration): wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR - Base wxWidgets directory (e.g., C:/wxWidgets-2.6.3). wxWidgets_LIB_DIR - Path to wxWidgets libraries (e.g., C:/wxWidgets-2.6.3/lib/vc_lib). wxWidgets_CONFIGURATION - Configuration to use (e.g., msw, mswd, mswu, mswunivud, etc.) For unix style it uses the wx-config utility. You can select between debug/release, unicode/ansi, universal/non-universal, and static/shared in the QtDialog or ccmake interfaces by turning ON/OFF the following variables: wxWidgets_USE_DEBUG wxWidgets_USE_UNICODE wxWidgets_USE_UNIVERSAL wxWidgets_USE_STATIC The following are set after the configuration is done for both windows and unix style: wxWidgets_FOUND - Set to TRUE if wxWidgets was found. wxWidgets_INCLUDE_DIRS - Include directories for WIN32 i.e., where to find "wx/wx.h" and "wx/setup.h"; possibly empty for unices. wxWidgets_LIBRARIES - Path to the wxWidgets libraries. wxWidgets_LIBRARY_DIRS - compile time link dirs, useful for rpath on UNIX. Typically an empty string in WIN32 environment. wxWidgets_DEFINITIONS - Contains defines required to compile/link against WX, e.g. WXUSINGDLL wxWidgets_DEFINITIONS_DEBUG- Contains defines required to compile/link against WX debug builds, e.g. __WXDEBUG__ wxWidgets_CXX_FLAGS - Include dirs and compiler flags for unices, empty on WIN32. Essentially "`wx-config --cxxflags`". wxWidgets_USE_FILE - Convenience include file. Sample usage: FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets COMPONENTS base core gl net) IF(wxWidgets_FOUND) INCLUDE(${wxWidgets_USE_FILE}) # and for each of your dependant executable/library targets: TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES}) ENDIF(wxWidgets_FOUND) If wxWidgets is required (i.e., not an optional part): FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets REQUIRED base core gl net) INCLUDE(${wxWidgets_USE_FILE}) # and for each of your dependant executable/library targets: TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES}) FindwxWindows Find wxWindows (wxWidgets) installation This module finds if wxWindows/wxWidgets is installed and determines where the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. Please note this file is DEPRECATED and replaced by FindwxWidgets.cmake. This code sets the following variables: WXWINDOWS_FOUND = system has WxWindows WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES = path to the wxWindows libraries on Unix/Linux with additional linker flags from "wx-config --libs" CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS = Compiler flags for wxWindows, essentially "`wx-config --cxxflags`" on Linux WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR = where to find "wx/wx.h" and "wx/setup.h" WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES = link directories, useful for rpath on Unix WXWINDOWS_DEFINITIONS = extra defines OPTIONS If you need OpenGL support please SET(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL 1) in your CMakeLists.txt *before* you include this file. HAVE_ISYSTEM - true required to replace -I by -isystem on g++ For convenience include Use_wxWindows.cmake in your project's CMakeLists.txt using INCLUDE(Use_wxWindows). USAGE SET(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL 1) FIND_PACKAGE(wxWindows) NOTES wxWidgets 2.6.x is supported for monolithic builds e.g. compiled in wx/build/msw dir as: nmake -f BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 MONOLITHIC=1 DEPRECATED CMAKE_WX_CAN_COMPILE WXWINDOWS_LIBRARY CMAKE_WX_CXX_FLAGS WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_PATH AUTHOR Jan Woetzel (07/2003-01/2006) FortranCInterface Fortran/C Interface Detection This module automatically detects the API by which C and Fortran languages interact. Variables indicate if the mangling is found: FortranCInterface_GLOBAL_FOUND = Global subroutines and functions FortranCInterface_MODULE_FOUND = Module subroutines and functions (declared by "MODULE PROCEDURE") A function is provided to generate a C header file containing macros to mangle symbol names: FortranCInterface_HEADER( [MACRO_NAMESPACE ] [SYMBOL_NAMESPACE ] [SYMBOLS [:] ...]) It generates in definitions of the following macros: #define FortranCInterface_GLOBAL (name,NAME) ... #define FortranCInterface_GLOBAL_(name,NAME) ... #define FortranCInterface_MODULE (mod,name, MOD,NAME) ... #define FortranCInterface_MODULE_(mod,name, MOD,NAME) ... These macros mangle four categories of Fortran symbols, respectively: - Global symbols without '_': call mysub() - Global symbols with '_' : call my_sub() - Module symbols without '_': use mymod; call mysub() - Module symbols with '_' : use mymod; call my_sub() If mangling for a category is not known, its macro is left undefined. All macros require raw names in both lower case and upper case. The MACRO_NAMESPACE option replaces the default "FortranCInterface_" prefix with a given namespace "". The SYMBOLS option lists symbols to mangle automatically with C preprocessor definitions: ==> #define ... : ==> #define _ ... If the mangling for some symbol is not known then no preprocessor definition is created, and a warning is displayed. The SYMBOL_NAMESPACE option prefixes all preprocessor definitions generated by the SYMBOLS option with a given namespace "". Example usage: include(FortranCInterface) FortranCInterface_HEADER(FC.h MACRO_NAMESPACE "FC_") This creates a "FC.h" header that defines mangling macros FC_GLOBAL(), FC_GLOBAL_(), FC_MODULE(), and FC_MODULE_(). Example usage: include(FortranCInterface) FortranCInterface_HEADER(FCMangle.h MACRO_NAMESPACE "FC_" SYMBOL_NAMESPACE "FC_" SYMBOLS mysub mymod:my_sub) This creates a "FC.h" header that defines the same FC_*() mangling macros as the previous example plus preprocessor symbols FC_mysub and FC_mymod_my_sub. Another function is provided to verify that the Fortran and C/C++ compilers work together: FortranCInterface_VERIFY([CXX] [QUIET]) It tests whether a simple test executable using Fortran and C (and C++ when the CXX option is given) compiles and links successfully. The result is stored in the cache entry FortranCInterface_VERIFIED_C (or FortranCInterface_VERIFIED_CXX if CXX is given) as a boolean. If the check fails and QUIET is not given the function terminates with a FATAL_ERROR message describing the problem. The purpose of this check is to stop a build early for incompatible compiler combinations. FortranCInterface is aware of possible GLOBAL and MODULE manglings for many Fortran compilers, but it also provides an interface to specify new possible manglings. Set the variables FortranCInterface_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS FortranCInterface_MODULE_SYMBOLS before including FortranCInterface to specify manglings of the symbols "MySub", "My_Sub", "MyModule:MySub", and "My_Module:My_Sub". For example, the code: set(FortranCInterface_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS mysub_ my_sub__ MYSUB_) # ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ set(FortranCInterface_MODULE_SYMBOLS __mymodule_MOD_mysub __my_module_MOD_my_sub) # ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ include(FortranCInterface) tells FortranCInterface to try given GLOBAL and MODULE manglings. (The carets point at raw symbol names for clarity in this example but are not needed.) GetPrerequisites GetPrerequisites.cmake This script provides functions to list the .dll, .dylib or .so files that an executable or shared library file depends on. (Its prerequisites.) It uses various tools to obtain the list of required shared library files: dumpbin (Windows) ldd (Linux/Unix) otool (Mac OSX) The following functions are provided by this script: gp_append_unique is_file_executable gp_item_default_embedded_path (projects can override with gp_item_default_embedded_path_override) gp_resolve_item (projects can override with gp_resolve_item_override) gp_resolved_file_type gp_file_type get_prerequisites list_prerequisites list_prerequisites_by_glob Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses function, break, return and PARENT_SCOPE. InstallRequiredSystemLibraries By including this file, all files in the CMAKE_INSTALL_DEBUG_LIBRARIES, will be installed with INSTALL_PROGRAMS into /bin for WIN32 and /lib for non-win32. If CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RULES is set to TRUE before including this file, then the INSTALL command is not called. The use can use the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS to use a custom install command and install them into any directory they want. If it is the MSVC compiler, then the microsoft run time libraries will be found add automatically added to the CMAKE_INSTALL_DEBUG_LIBRARIES, and installed. If CMAKE_INSTALL_DEBUG_LIBRARIES is set and it is the MSVC compiler, then the debug libraries are installed when available. If CMAKE_INSTALL_MFC_LIBRARIES is set then the MFC run time libraries are installed as well as the CRT run time libraries. MacroAddFileDependencies MACRO_ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES(<_file> depend_files...) Using the macro MACRO_ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES() is discouraged. There are usually better ways to specifiy the correct dependencies. MACRO_ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES(<_file> depend_files...) is just a convenience wrapper around the OBJECT_DEPENDS source file property. You can just use SET_PROPERTY(SOURCE APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS depend_files) instead. SelectLibraryConfigurations select_library_configurations( basename ) This macro takes a library base name as an argument, and will choose good values for basename_LIBRARY, basename_LIBRARIES, basename_LIBRARY_DEBUG, and basename_LIBRARY_RELEASE depending on what has been found and set. If only basename_LIBRARY_RELEASE is defined, basename_LIBRARY, basename_LIBRARY_DEBUG, and basename_LIBRARY_RELEASE will be set to the release value. If only basename_LIBRARY_DEBUG is defined, then basename_LIBRARY, basename_LIBRARY_DEBUG and basename_LIBRARY_RELEASE will take the debug value. If the generator supports configuration types, then basename_LIBRARY and basename_LIBRARIES will be set with debug and optimized flags specifying the library to be used for the given configuration. If no build type has been set or the generator in use does not support configuration types, then basename_LIBRARY and basename_LIBRARIES will take only the release values. SquishTestScript This script launches a GUI test using Squish. You should not call the script directly; instead, you should access it via the SQUISH_ADD_TEST macro that is defined in FindSquish.cmake. This script starts the Squish server, launches the test on the client, and finally stops the squish server. If any of these steps fail (including if the tests do not pass) then a fatal error is raised. TestBigEndian Define macro to determine endian type Check if the system is big endian or little endian TEST_BIG_ENDIAN(VARIABLE) VARIABLE - variable to store the result to TestCXXAcceptsFlag Test CXX compiler for a flag Check if the CXX compiler accepts a flag Macro CHECK_CXX_ACCEPTS_FLAG(FLAGS VARIABLE) - checks if the function exists FLAGS - the flags to try VARIABLE - variable to store the result TestForANSIForScope Check for ANSI for scope support Check if the compiler restricts the scope of variables declared in a for-init-statement to the loop body. CMAKE_NO_ANSI_FOR_SCOPE - holds result TestForANSIStreamHeaders Test for compiler support of ANSI stream headers iostream, etc. check if the compiler supports the standard ANSI iostream header (without the .h) CMAKE_NO_ANSI_STREAM_HEADERS - defined by the results TestForSSTREAM Test for compiler support of ANSI sstream header check if the compiler supports the standard ANSI sstream header CMAKE_NO_ANSI_STRING_STREAM - defined by the results TestForSTDNamespace Test for std:: namespace support check if the compiler supports std:: on stl classes CMAKE_NO_STD_NAMESPACE - defined by the results UseEcos This module defines variables and macros required to build eCos application. This file contains the following macros: ECOS_ADD_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES() - add the eCos include dirs ECOS_ADD_EXECUTABLE(name source1 ... sourceN ) - create an eCos executable ECOS_ADJUST_DIRECTORY(VAR source1 ... sourceN ) - adjusts the path of the source files and puts the result into VAR Macros for selecting the toolchain: ECOS_USE_ARM_ELF_TOOLS() - enable the ARM ELF toolchain for the directory where it is called ECOS_USE_I386_ELF_TOOLS() - enable the i386 ELF toolchain for the directory where it is called ECOS_USE_PPC_EABI_TOOLS() - enable the PowerPC toolchain for the directory where it is called It contains the following variables: ECOS_DEFINITIONS ECOSCONFIG_EXECUTABLE ECOS_CONFIG_FILE - defaults to ecos.ecc, if your eCos configuration file has a different name, adjust this variable for internal use only: ECOS_ADD_TARGET_LIB UsePkgConfig obsolete pkg-config module for CMake Defines the following macros: PKGCONFIG(package includedir libdir linkflags cflags) Calling PKGCONFIG will fill the desired information into the 4 given arguments, e.g. PKGCONFIG(libart-2.0 LIBART_INCLUDE_DIR LIBART_LINK_DIR LIBART_LINK_FLAGS LIBART_CFLAGS) if pkg-config was NOT found or the specified software package doesn't exist, the variable will be empty when the function returns, otherwise they will contain the respective information UseQt4 Use Module for QT4 Sets up C and C++ to use Qt 4. It is assumed that FindQt.cmake has already been loaded. See FindQt.cmake for information on how to load Qt 4 into your CMake project. UseSWIG SWIG module for CMake Defines the following macros: SWIG_ADD_MODULE(name language [ files ]) - Define swig module with given name and specified language SWIG_LINK_LIBRARIES(name [ libraries ]) - Link libraries to swig module All other macros are for internal use only. To get the actual name of the swig module, use: ${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME}. Set Source files properties such as CPLUSPLUS and SWIG_FLAGS to specify special behavior of SWIG. Also global CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS can be used to add special flags to all swig calls. Another special variable is CMAKE_SWIG_OUTDIR, it allows one to specify where to write all the swig generated module (swig -outdir option) The name-specific variable SWIG_MODULE__EXTRA_DEPS may be used to specify extra dependencies for the generated modules. If the source file generated by swig need some special flag you can use SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES( ${swig_generated_file_fullname} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-bla") Use_wxWindows --------------------------------------------------- This convenience include finds if wxWindows is installed and set the appropriate libs, incdirs, flags etc. author Jan Woetzel (07/2003) USAGE: just include Use_wxWindows.cmake in your projects CMakeLists.txt INCLUDE( ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/Use_wxWindows.cmake) if you are sure you need GL then SET(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL 1) *before* you include this file. UsewxWidgets Convenience include for using wxWidgets library Finds if wxWidgets is installed and set the appropriate libs, incdirs, flags etc. INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, LINK_DIRECTORIES and ADD_DEFINITIONS are called. USAGE SET( wxWidgets_USE_LIBS gl xml xrc ) # optionally: more than wx std libs FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets REQUIRED) INCLUDE( ${xWidgets_USE_FILE} ) ... add your targets here, e.g. ADD_EXECUTABLE/ ADD_LIBRARY ... TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIERS( ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES}) DEPRECATED LINK_LIBRARIES is not called in favor of adding dependencies per target. AUTHOR Jan Woetzel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the names of Kitware, Inc., the Insight Software Consortium, nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See Also .B ccmake(1), cpack(1), ctest(1), cmakecommands(1), cmakecompat(1), cmakemodules(1), cmakeprops(1), cmakevars(1) The following resources are available to get help using CMake: Home Page The primary starting point for learning about CMake. Frequently Asked Questions A Wiki is provided containing answers to frequently asked questions. Online Documentation Links to available documentation may be found on this web page. Mailing List For help and discussion about using cmake, a mailing list is provided at The list is member-post-only but one may sign up on the CMake web page. Please first read the full documentation at before posting questions to the list. Summary of helpful links: Home: Docs: Mail: FAQ: