/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "CConfig.h" #include "ProtocolTypes.h" #include "CLog.h" #include "CStringUtil.h" #include "CArch.h" #include "Version.h" #include "stdvector.h" #include "resource.h" // these must come after the above because it includes windows.h #include "LaunchUtil.h" #include "CAutoStart.h" #define CONFIG_NAME "synergy.sgc" #define CLIENT_APP "synergyc.exe" #define SERVER_APP "synergys.exe" typedef std::vector CStringList; class CScreenInfo { public: CString m_screen; CStringList m_aliases; CConfig::CScreenOptions m_options; }; class CChildWaitInfo { public: HWND m_dialog; HANDLE m_child; DWORD m_childID; HANDLE m_ready; HANDLE m_stop; }; HINSTANCE s_instance = NULL; static const TCHAR* s_mainClass = TEXT("GoSynergy"); static const TCHAR* s_layoutClass = TEXT("SynergyLayout"); static const char* s_debugName[][2] = { { TEXT("Error"), "ERROR" }, { TEXT("Warning"), "WARNING" }, { TEXT("Note"), "NOTE" }, { TEXT("Info"), "INFO" }, { TEXT("Debug"), "DEBUG" }, { TEXT("Debug1"), "DEBUG1" }, { TEXT("Debug2"), "DEBUG2" } }; static const int s_defaultDebug = 3; // INFO // // program arguments // #define ARG CArgs::s_instance class CArgs { public: CArgs() { s_instance = this; } ~CArgs() { s_instance = NULL; } public: static CArgs* s_instance; CConfig m_config; CConfig m_oldConfig; CStringList m_screens; }; CArgs* CArgs::s_instance = NULL; static BOOL CALLBACK addDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static void tokenize(CStringList& tokens, const CString& src) { // find first non-whitespace CString::size_type x = src.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n"); if (x == CString::npos) { return; } // find next whitespace do { CString::size_type y = src.find_first_of(" \t\r\n", x); if (y == CString::npos) { y = src.size(); } tokens.push_back(src.substr(x, y - x)); x = src.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n", y); } while (x != CString::npos); } static bool isNameInList(const CStringList& names, const CString& name) { for (CStringList::const_iterator index = names.begin(); index != names.end(); ++index) { if (CStringUtil::CaselessCmp::equal(name, *index)) { return true; } } return false; } static bool isClientChecked(HWND hwnd) { HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_RADIO); return (SendMessage(child, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED); } static void enableSaveControls(HWND hwnd) { enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SAVE, ARG->m_config != ARG->m_oldConfig); } static void enableScreensControls(HWND hwnd) { // decide if edit and remove buttons should be enabled bool client = isClientChecked(hwnd); bool screenSelected = false; if (!client) { HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST); if (SendMessage(child, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) != LB_ERR) { screenSelected = true; } } // enable/disable controls enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LABEL, !client); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST, !client); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_ADD_BUTTON, !client); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_EDIT_BUTTON, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_REMOVE_BUTTON, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_LAYOUT_LABEL, !client); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_LEFT_COMBO, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RIGHT_COMBO, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_TOP_COMBO, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_BOTTOM_COMBO, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_LEFT_LABEL, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RIGHT_LABEL, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_TOP_LABEL, screenSelected); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_BOTTOM_LABEL, screenSelected); } static void enableMainWindowControls(HWND hwnd) { bool client = isClientChecked(hwnd); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_SERVER_NAME_LABEL, client); enableItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_SERVER_NAME_EDIT, client); enableScreensControls(hwnd); enableSaveControls(hwnd); } static void updateNeighbor(HWND hwnd, const CString& screen, EDirection direction) { // remove all neighbors from combo box SendMessage(hwnd, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); // add all screens to combo box if (!screen.empty()) { for (CConfig::const_iterator index = ARG->m_config.begin(); index != ARG->m_config.end(); ++index) { SendMessage(hwnd, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)index->c_str()); } } // add empty neighbor to combo box SendMessage(hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)TEXT("---")); // select neighbor in combo box LRESULT index = 0; if (!screen.empty()) { const CString& neighbor = ARG->m_config.getNeighbor(screen, direction); if (!neighbor.empty()) { index = SendMessage(hwnd, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)neighbor.c_str()); if (index == LB_ERR) { index = 0; } } } SendMessage(hwnd, CB_SETCURSEL, index, 0); } static void updateNeighbors(HWND hwnd) { // get selected screen name or empty string if no selection CString screen; HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST); LRESULT index = SendMessage(child, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (index != LB_ERR) { screen = ARG->m_screens[index]; } // set neighbor combo boxes child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_LEFT_COMBO); updateNeighbor(child, screen, kLeft); child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RIGHT_COMBO); updateNeighbor(child, screen, kRight); child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_TOP_COMBO); updateNeighbor(child, screen, kTop); child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_BOTTOM_COMBO); updateNeighbor(child, screen, kBottom); } static void addScreen(HWND hwnd) { // empty screen info CScreenInfo info; // run dialog if (DialogBoxParam(s_instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADD), hwnd, addDlgProc, (LPARAM)&info) != 0) { // get current number of screens UInt32 i = ARG->m_screens.size(); // add screen to list control HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST); CString item = CStringUtil::print("%d. %s", i + 1, info.m_screen.c_str()); SendMessage(child, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)item.c_str()); // add screen to screen list ARG->m_screens.push_back(info.m_screen); // add screen to config ARG->m_config.addScreen(info.m_screen); // add aliases to config for (CStringList::const_iterator index = info.m_aliases.begin(); index != info.m_aliases.end(); ++index) { ARG->m_config.addAlias(info.m_screen, *index); } // set options ARG->m_config.removeOptions(info.m_screen); for (CConfig::CScreenOptions::const_iterator index = info.m_options.begin(); index != info.m_options.end(); ++index) { ARG->m_config.addOption(info.m_screen, index->first, index->second); } // update neighbors updateNeighbors(hwnd); enableScreensControls(hwnd); enableSaveControls(hwnd); } } static void editScreen(HWND hwnd) { // get selected list item HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST); LRESULT index = SendMessage(child, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (index == LB_ERR) { // no selection return; } // fill in screen info CScreenInfo info; info.m_screen = ARG->m_screens[index]; for (CConfig::all_const_iterator index = ARG->m_config.beginAll(); index != ARG->m_config.endAll(); ++index) { if (CStringUtil::CaselessCmp::equal(index->second, info.m_screen) && !CStringUtil::CaselessCmp::equal(index->second, index->first)) { info.m_aliases.push_back(index->first); } } const CConfig::CScreenOptions* options = ARG->m_config.getOptions(info.m_screen); if (options != NULL) { info.m_options = *options; } // save current info CScreenInfo oldInfo = info; // run dialog if (DialogBoxParam(s_instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADD), hwnd, addDlgProc, (LPARAM)&info) != 0) { // replace screen ARG->m_screens[index] = info.m_screen; // remove old aliases for (CStringList::const_iterator index = oldInfo.m_aliases.begin(); index != oldInfo.m_aliases.end(); ++index) { ARG->m_config.removeAlias(*index); } // replace name ARG->m_config.renameScreen(oldInfo.m_screen, info.m_screen); // add new aliases for (CStringList::const_iterator index = info.m_aliases.begin(); index != info.m_aliases.end(); ++index) { ARG->m_config.addAlias(info.m_screen, *index); } // set options ARG->m_config.removeOptions(info.m_screen); for (CConfig::CScreenOptions::const_iterator index = info.m_options.begin(); index != info.m_options.end(); ++index) { ARG->m_config.addOption(info.m_screen, index->first, index->second); } // update list CString item = CStringUtil::print("%d. %s", index + 1, info.m_screen.c_str()); SendMessage(child, LB_DELETESTRING, index, 0); SendMessage(child, LB_INSERTSTRING, index, (LPARAM)item.c_str()); SendMessage(child, LB_SETCURSEL, index, 0); // update neighbors updateNeighbors(hwnd); enableSaveControls(hwnd); } } static void removeScreen(HWND hwnd) { // get selected list item HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST); LRESULT index = SendMessage(child, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (index == LB_ERR) { // no selection return; } // get screen name CString name = ARG->m_screens[index]; // remove screen from list control SendMessage(child, LB_DELETESTRING, index, 0); // remove screen from screen list ARG->m_screens.erase(&ARG->m_screens[index]); // remove screen from config (this also removes aliases) ARG->m_config.removeScreen(name); // update neighbors updateNeighbors(hwnd); enableScreensControls(hwnd); enableSaveControls(hwnd); } static void changeNeighbor(HWND hwnd, HWND combo, EDirection direction) { // get selected screen HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST); LRESULT index = SendMessage(child, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (index == LB_ERR) { // no selection return; } // get screen name CString screen = ARG->m_screens[index]; // get selected neighbor index = SendMessage(combo, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); // remove old connection ARG->m_config.disconnect(screen, direction); // add new connection if (index != LB_ERR && index != 0) { LRESULT size = SendMessage(combo, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, index, 0); char* neighbor = new char[size + 1]; SendMessage(combo, CB_GETLBTEXT, index, (LPARAM)neighbor); ARG->m_config.connect(screen, direction, CString(neighbor)); delete[] neighbor; } enableSaveControls(hwnd); } static bool execApp(const char* app, const CString& cmdLine, PROCESS_INFORMATION* procInfo) { // prepare startup info STARTUPINFO startup; startup.cb = sizeof(startup); startup.lpReserved = NULL; startup.lpDesktop = NULL; startup.lpTitle = NULL; startup.dwX = (DWORD)CW_USEDEFAULT; startup.dwY = (DWORD)CW_USEDEFAULT; startup.dwXSize = (DWORD)CW_USEDEFAULT; startup.dwYSize = (DWORD)CW_USEDEFAULT; startup.dwXCountChars = 0; startup.dwYCountChars = 0; startup.dwFillAttribute = 0; startup.dwFlags = STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK; startup.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT; startup.cbReserved2 = 0; startup.lpReserved2 = NULL; startup.hStdInput = NULL; startup.hStdOutput = NULL; startup.hStdError = NULL; // prepare path to app CString appPath = getAppPath(app); // put path to app in command line CString commandLine = "\""; commandLine += appPath; commandLine += "\" "; commandLine += cmdLine; // start child if (CreateProcess(NULL, (char*)commandLine.c_str(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &startup, procInfo) == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } static CString getCommandLine(HWND hwnd, bool testing) { // decide if client or server const bool isClient = isClientChecked(hwnd); // get and verify screen name HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_ADVANCED_NAME_EDIT); CString name = getWindowText(child); if (!ARG->m_config.isValidScreenName(name)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_INVALID_SCREEN_NAME).c_str(), name.c_str())); SetFocus(child); return CString(); } if (!isClient && !ARG->m_config.isScreen(name)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_UNKNOWN_SCREEN_NAME).c_str(), name.c_str())); SetFocus(child); return CString(); } // get and verify port child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_ADVANCED_PORT_EDIT); CString portString = getWindowText(child); UInt32 port = (UInt32)atoi(portString.c_str()); if (port < 1 || port > 65535) { CString defaultPortString = CStringUtil::print("%d", kDefaultPort); showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_INVALID_PORT).c_str(), portString.c_str(), defaultPortString.c_str())); SetFocus(child); return CString(); } // prepare command line CString cmdLine; if (testing) { // constant testing args cmdLine += " -z --no-restart --no-daemon"; // debug level testing arg child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_DEBUG); cmdLine += " --debug "; cmdLine += s_debugName[SendMessage(child, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)][1]; } cmdLine += " --name "; cmdLine += name; if (isClient) { // check server name child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_SERVER_NAME_EDIT); CString server = getWindowText(child); if (!ARG->m_config.isValidScreenName(server)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_INVALID_SERVER_NAME).c_str(), server.c_str())); SetFocus(child); return CString(); } // compare server name to local host. a common error // is to provide the client's name for the server. we // don't bother to check the addresses though that'd be // more accurate. if (CStringUtil::CaselessCmp::equal(ARCH->getHostName(), server)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_SERVER_IS_CLIENT).c_str(), server.c_str())); SetFocus(child); return CString(); } if (testing) { cmdLine += " --no-camp"; } cmdLine += " "; cmdLine += server; cmdLine += ":"; cmdLine += portString; } else { cmdLine += " --address :"; cmdLine += portString; } return cmdLine; } static HANDLE launchApp(HWND hwnd, bool testing, DWORD* threadID) { // decide if client or server const bool isClient = isClientChecked(hwnd); const char* app = isClient ? CLIENT_APP : SERVER_APP; // prepare command line CString cmdLine = getCommandLine(hwnd, testing); if (cmdLine.empty()) { return NULL; } // start child PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; if (!execApp(app, cmdLine, &procInfo)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_STARTUP_FAILED).c_str(), getErrorString(GetLastError()).c_str())); return NULL; } // don't need process handle CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess); // save thread ID if desired if (threadID != NULL) { *threadID = procInfo.dwThreadId; } // return thread handle return procInfo.hThread; } static BOOL CALLBACK waitDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // only one wait dialog at a time! static CChildWaitInfo* info = NULL; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // save info pointer info = reinterpret_cast(lParam); // save hwnd info->m_dialog = hwnd; // signal ready SetEvent(info->m_ready); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: case IDOK: // signal stop SetEvent(info->m_stop); // done EndDialog(hwnd, 0); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static DWORD WINAPI waitForChildThread(LPVOID vinfo) { CChildWaitInfo* info = reinterpret_cast(vinfo); // wait for ready WaitForSingleObject(info->m_ready, INFINITE); // wait for thread to complete or stop event HANDLE handles[2]; handles[0] = info->m_child; handles[1] = info->m_stop; DWORD n = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, FALSE, INFINITE); // if stop was raised then terminate child and wait for it if (n == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { PostThreadMessage(info->m_childID, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); WaitForSingleObject(info->m_child, INFINITE); } // otherwise post IDOK to dialog box else { PostMessage(info->m_dialog, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(IDOK, 0), 0); } return 0; } static void waitForChild(HWND hwnd, HANDLE thread, DWORD threadID) { // prepare info for child wait dialog and thread CChildWaitInfo info; info.m_dialog = NULL; info.m_child = thread; info.m_childID = threadID; info.m_ready = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); info.m_stop = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // create a thread to wait on the child thread and event DWORD id; HANDLE waiter = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &waitForChildThread, &info,0, &id); // do dialog that let's the user terminate the test DialogBoxParam(s_instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_WAIT), hwnd, waitDlgProc, (LPARAM)&info); // force the waiter thread to finish and wait for it SetEvent(info.m_ready); SetEvent(info.m_stop); WaitForSingleObject(waiter, INFINITE); // clean up CloseHandle(waiter); CloseHandle(info.m_ready); CloseHandle(info.m_stop); } static void initMainWindow(HWND hwnd) { // append version number to title CString titleFormat = getString(IDS_TITLE); setWindowText(hwnd, CStringUtil::format(titleFormat.c_str(), VERSION)); // load configuration bool configLoaded = loadConfig(ARG->m_config); ARG->m_oldConfig = ARG->m_config; enableSaveControls(hwnd); // choose client/server radio buttons HWND child; child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_RADIO); SendMessage(child, BM_SETCHECK, !configLoaded ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RADIO); SendMessage(child, BM_SETCHECK, configLoaded ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); // if config is loaded then initialize server controls if (configLoaded) { int i = 1; child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST); for (CConfig::const_iterator index = ARG->m_config.begin(); index != ARG->m_config.end(); ++i, ++index) { ARG->m_screens.push_back(*index); CString item = CStringUtil::print("%d. %s", i, index->c_str()); SendMessage(child, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)item.c_str()); } } // initialize other controls char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", kDefaultPort); child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_ADVANCED_PORT_EDIT); SendMessage(child, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); CString hostname = ARCH->getHostName(); child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_ADVANCED_NAME_EDIT); SendMessage(child, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)hostname.c_str()); child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_DEBUG); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(s_debugName) / sizeof(s_debugName[0]); ++i) { SendMessage(child, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)s_debugName[i][0]); } SendMessage(child, CB_SETCURSEL, s_defaultDebug, 0); // update neighbor combo boxes enableMainWindowControls(hwnd); updateNeighbors(hwnd); } static BOOL CALLBACK addDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // only one add dialog at a time! static CScreenInfo* info = NULL; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { info = (CScreenInfo*)lParam; // set title CString title; if (info->m_screen.empty()) { title = getString(IDS_ADD_SCREEN); } else { title = CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_EDIT_SCREEN).c_str(), info->m_screen.c_str()); } SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)title.c_str()); // fill in screen name HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_ADD_SCREEN_NAME_EDIT); SendMessage(child, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)info->m_screen.c_str()); // fill in aliases CString aliases; for (CStringList::const_iterator index = info->m_aliases.begin(); index != info->m_aliases.end(); ++index) { if (!aliases.empty()) { aliases += "\r\n"; } aliases += *index; } child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_ADD_ALIASES_EDIT); SendMessage(child, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)aliases.c_str()); // set options CConfig::CScreenOptions::const_iterator index; child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_ADD_HD_CAPS_CHECK); index = info->m_options.find(kOptionHalfDuplexCapsLock); if (index != info->m_options.end() && index->second != 0) { SendMessage(child, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); } else { SendMessage(child, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0); } child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_ADD_HD_NUM_CHECK); index = info->m_options.find(kOptionHalfDuplexNumLock); if (index != info->m_options.end() && index->second != 0) { SendMessage(child, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); } else { SendMessage(child, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0); } return TRUE; } case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: { CString newName; CStringList newAliases; // extract name and aliases HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_ADD_SCREEN_NAME_EDIT); newName = getWindowText(child); child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_ADD_ALIASES_EDIT); tokenize(newAliases, getWindowText(child)); // name must be valid if (!ARG->m_config.isValidScreenName(newName)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_INVALID_SCREEN_NAME).c_str(), newName.c_str())); return TRUE; } // aliases must be valid for (CStringList::const_iterator index = newAliases.begin(); index != newAliases.end(); ++index) { if (!ARG->m_config.isValidScreenName(*index)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_INVALID_SCREEN_NAME).c_str(), index->c_str())); return TRUE; } } // new name may not be in the new alias list if (isNameInList(newAliases, newName)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_SCREEN_NAME_IS_ALIAS).c_str(), newName.c_str())); return TRUE; } // name must not exist in config but allow same name. also // allow name if it exists in the old alias list but not the // new one. if (ARG->m_config.isScreen(newName) && !CStringUtil::CaselessCmp::equal(newName, info->m_screen) && !isNameInList(info->m_aliases, newName)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_DUPLICATE_SCREEN_NAME).c_str(), newName.c_str())); return TRUE; } // aliases must not exist in config but allow same aliases and // allow an alias to be the old name. for (CStringList::const_iterator index = newAliases.begin(); index != newAliases.end(); ++index) { if (ARG->m_config.isScreen(*index) && !CStringUtil::CaselessCmp::equal(*index, info->m_screen) && !isNameInList(info->m_aliases, *index)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_DUPLICATE_SCREEN_NAME).c_str(), index->c_str())); return TRUE; } } // save name data info->m_screen = newName; info->m_aliases = newAliases; // save options child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_ADD_HD_CAPS_CHECK); if (SendMessage(child, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED) { info->m_options[kOptionHalfDuplexCapsLock] = 1; } else { info->m_options.erase(kOptionHalfDuplexCapsLock); } child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_ADD_HD_NUM_CHECK); if (SendMessage(child, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED) { info->m_options[kOptionHalfDuplexNumLock] = 1; } else { info->m_options.erase(kOptionHalfDuplexNumLock); } // success EndDialog(hwnd, 1); info = NULL; return TRUE; } case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwnd, 0); info = NULL; return TRUE; } default: break; } return FALSE; } static LRESULT CALLBACK mainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: // test for unsaved data if (ARG->m_config != ARG->m_oldConfig) { if (!askVerify(hwnd, getString(IDS_UNSAVED_DATA_REALLY_QUIT))) { return 0; } } // quit PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; case IDOK: case IDC_MAIN_TEST: { // note if testing const bool testing = (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_MAIN_TEST); // save data if (ARG->m_config != ARG->m_oldConfig) { if (!saveConfig(ARG->m_config, false)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_SAVE_FAILED).c_str(), getErrorString(GetLastError()).c_str())); return 0; } ARG->m_oldConfig = ARG->m_config; enableSaveControls(hwnd); } // launch child app DWORD threadID; HANDLE thread = launchApp(hwnd, testing, &threadID); if (thread == NULL) { return 0; } // handle child program if (testing) { // wait for process to stop, allowing the user to kill it waitForChild(hwnd, thread, threadID); // clean up CloseHandle(thread); } else { // don't need thread handle CloseHandle(thread); // notify of success askOkay(hwnd, getString(IDS_STARTED_TITLE), getString(IDS_STARTED)); // quit PostQuitMessage(0); } return 0; } case IDC_MAIN_AUTOSTART: { // construct command line CString cmdLine = getCommandLine(hwnd, false); if (!cmdLine.empty()) { // run dialog CAutoStart autoStart(hwnd, isClientChecked(hwnd) ? NULL : &ARG->m_config, cmdLine); autoStart.doModal(); if (autoStart.wasUserConfigSaved()) { ARG->m_oldConfig = ARG->m_config; enableSaveControls(hwnd); } } return 0; } case IDC_MAIN_SAVE: if (!saveConfig(ARG->m_config, false)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_SAVE_FAILED).c_str(), getErrorString(GetLastError()).c_str())); } else { ARG->m_oldConfig = ARG->m_config; enableSaveControls(hwnd); } return 0; case IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_RADIO: case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RADIO: enableMainWindowControls(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_ADD_BUTTON: addScreen(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_EDIT_BUTTON: editScreen(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_REMOVE_BUTTON: removeScreen(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST: if (HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) { enableScreensControls(hwnd); updateNeighbors(hwnd); } else if (HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_DBLCLK) { editScreen(hwnd); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_LEFT_COMBO: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELENDOK) { changeNeighbor(hwnd, (HWND)lParam, kLeft); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RIGHT_COMBO: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELENDOK) { changeNeighbor(hwnd, (HWND)lParam, kRight); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_TOP_COMBO: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELENDOK) { changeNeighbor(hwnd, (HWND)lParam, kTop); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_BOTTOM_COMBO: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELENDOK) { changeNeighbor(hwnd, (HWND)lParam, kBottom); return 0; } break; } default: break; } return DefDlgProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int nCmdShow) { CArch arch; CLOG; CArgs args; s_instance = instance; // register main window (dialog) class WNDCLASSEX classInfo; classInfo.cbSize = sizeof(classInfo); classInfo.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; classInfo.lpfnWndProc = &mainWndProc; classInfo.cbClsExtra = 0; classInfo.cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA; classInfo.hInstance = instance; classInfo.hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SYNERGY), IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, LR_SHARED); classInfo.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); classInfo.hbrBackground = reinterpret_cast(COLOR_3DFACE + 1); classInfo.lpszMenuName = NULL; classInfo.lpszClassName = s_mainClass; classInfo.hIconSm = (HICON)LoadImage(instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SYNERGY), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_SHARED); RegisterClassEx(&classInfo); // create main window HWND m_mainWindow = CreateDialog(s_instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAIN), 0, NULL); // prep window initMainWindow(m_mainWindow); // show window ShowWindow(m_mainWindow, nCmdShow); // main loop MSG msg; bool done = false; do { switch (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { case -1: // error break; case 0: // quit done = true; break; default: if (!IsDialogMessage(m_mainWindow, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } break; } } while (!done); return msg.wParam; }