/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2012 Bolton Software Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef CCONFIG_H #define CCONFIG_H #include "OptionTypes.h" #include "ProtocolTypes.h" #include "CNetworkAddress.h" #include "CStringUtil.h" #include "CInputFilter.h" #include "XBase.h" #include "stdmap.h" #include "stdset.h" #include "IPlatformScreen.h" #include class CConfig; class CConfigReadContext; namespace std { template <> struct iterator_traits { typedef CString value_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef CString* pointer; typedef CString& reference; }; }; //! Server configuration /*! This class holds server configuration information. That includes the names of screens and their aliases, the links between them, and network addresses. Note that case is preserved in screen names but is ignored when comparing names. Screen names and their aliases share a namespace and must be unique. */ class CConfig { public: typedef std::map CScreenOptions; typedef std::pair CInterval; class CCellEdge { public: CCellEdge(EDirection side, float position); CCellEdge(EDirection side, const CInterval&); CCellEdge(const CString& name, EDirection side, const CInterval&); ~CCellEdge(); CInterval getInterval() const; void setName(const CString& newName); CString getName() const; EDirection getSide() const; bool overlaps(const CCellEdge&) const; bool isInside(float x) const; // transform position to [0,1] float transform(float x) const; // transform [0,1] to position float inverseTransform(float x) const; // compares side and start of interval bool operator<(const CCellEdge&) const; // compares side and interval bool operator==(const CCellEdge&) const; bool operator!=(const CCellEdge&) const; private: void init(const CString& name, EDirection side, const CInterval&); private: CString m_name; EDirection m_side; CInterval m_interval; }; private: class CName { public: CName(CConfig*, const CString& name); bool operator==(const CString& name) const; private: CConfig* m_config; CString m_name; }; class CCell { private: typedef std::map CEdgeLinks; public: typedef CEdgeLinks::const_iterator const_iterator; bool add(const CCellEdge& src, const CCellEdge& dst); void remove(EDirection side); void remove(EDirection side, float position); void remove(const CName& destinationName); void rename(const CName& oldName, const CString& newName); bool hasEdge(const CCellEdge&) const; bool overlaps(const CCellEdge&) const; bool getLink(EDirection side, float position, const CCellEdge*& src, const CCellEdge*& dst) const; bool operator==(const CCell&) const; bool operator!=(const CCell&) const; const_iterator begin() const; const_iterator end() const; private: CEdgeLinks m_neighbors; public: CScreenOptions m_options; }; typedef std::map CCellMap; typedef std::map CNameMap; public: typedef CCell::const_iterator link_const_iterator; typedef CCellMap::const_iterator internal_const_iterator; typedef CNameMap::const_iterator all_const_iterator; class const_iterator : std::iterator_traits { public: explicit const_iterator() : m_i() { } explicit const_iterator(const internal_const_iterator& i) : m_i(i) { } const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator& i) { m_i = i.m_i; return *this; } CString operator*() { return m_i->first; } const CString* operator->() { return &(m_i->first); } const_iterator& operator++() { ++m_i; return *this; } const_iterator operator++(int) { return const_iterator(m_i++); } const_iterator& operator--() { --m_i; return *this; } const_iterator operator--(int) { return const_iterator(m_i--); } bool operator==(const const_iterator& i) const { return (m_i == i.m_i); } bool operator!=(const const_iterator& i) const { return (m_i != i.m_i); } private: internal_const_iterator m_i; }; CConfig(); virtual ~CConfig(); //! @name manipulators //@{ //! Add screen /*! Adds a screen, returning true iff successful. If a screen or alias with the given name exists then it fails. */ bool addScreen(const CString& name); //! Rename screen /*! Renames a screen. All references to the name are updated. Returns true iff successful. */ bool renameScreen(const CString& oldName, const CString& newName); //! Remove screen /*! Removes a screen. This also removes aliases for the screen and disconnects any connections to the screen. \c name may be an alias. */ void removeScreen(const CString& name); //! Remove all screens /*! Removes all screens, aliases, and connections. */ void removeAllScreens(); //! Add alias /*! Adds an alias for a screen name. An alias can be used any place the canonical screen name can (except addScreen()). Returns false if the alias name already exists or the canonical name is unknown, otherwise returns true. */ bool addAlias(const CString& canonical, const CString& alias); //! Remove alias /*! Removes an alias for a screen name. It returns false if the alias is unknown or a canonical name, otherwise returns true. */ bool removeAlias(const CString& alias); //! Remove aliases /*! Removes all aliases for a canonical screen name. It returns false if the canonical name is unknown, otherwise returns true. */ bool removeAliases(const CString& canonical); //! Remove all aliases /*! This removes all aliases but not the screens. */ void removeAllAliases(); //! Connect screens /*! Establishes a one-way connection between portions of opposite edges of two screens. Each portion is described by an interval defined by two numbers, the start and end of the interval half-open on the end. The numbers range from 0 to 1, inclusive, for the left/top to the right/bottom. The user will be able to jump from the \c srcStart to \c srcSend interval of \c srcSide of screen \c srcName to the opposite side of screen \c dstName in the interval \c dstStart and \c dstEnd when both screens are connected to the server and the user isn't locked to a screen. Returns false if \c srcName is unknown. \c srcStart must be less than or equal to \c srcEnd and \c dstStart must be less then or equal to \c dstEnd and all of \c srcStart, \c srcEnd, \c dstStart, or \c dstEnd must be inside the range [0,1]. */ bool connect(const CString& srcName, EDirection srcSide, float srcStart, float srcEnd, const CString& dstName, float dstStart, float dstEnd); //! Disconnect screens /*! Removes all connections created by connect() on side \c srcSide. Returns false if \c srcName is unknown. */ bool disconnect(const CString& srcName, EDirection srcSide); //! Disconnect screens /*! Removes the connections created by connect() on side \c srcSide covering position \c position. Returns false if \c srcName is unknown. */ bool disconnect(const CString& srcName, EDirection srcSide, float position); //! Set server address /*! Set the synergy listen addresses. There is no default address so this must be called to run a server using this configuration. */ void setSynergyAddress(const CNetworkAddress&); //! Add a screen option /*! Adds an option and its value to the named screen. Replaces the existing option's value if there is one. Returns true iff \c name is a known screen. */ bool addOption(const CString& name, OptionID option, OptionValue value); //! Remove a screen option /*! Removes an option and its value from the named screen. Does nothing if the option doesn't exist on the screen. Returns true iff \c name is a known screen. */ bool removeOption(const CString& name, OptionID option); //! Remove a screen options /*! Removes all options and values from the named screen. Returns true iff \c name is a known screen. */ bool removeOptions(const CString& name); //! Get the hot key input filter /*! Returns the hot key input filter. Clients can modify hotkeys using that object. */ CInputFilter* getInputFilter(); //@} //! @name accessors //@{ //! Test screen name validity /*! Returns true iff \c name is a valid screen name. */ bool isValidScreenName(const CString& name) const; //! Get beginning (canonical) screen name iterator const_iterator begin() const; //! Get ending (canonical) screen name iterator const_iterator end() const; //! Get beginning screen name iterator all_const_iterator beginAll() const; //! Get ending screen name iterator all_const_iterator endAll() const; //! Test for screen name /*! Returns true iff \c name names a screen. */ bool isScreen(const CString& name) const; //! Test for canonical screen name /*! Returns true iff \c name is the canonical name of a screen. */ bool isCanonicalName(const CString& name) const; //! Get canonical name /*! Returns the canonical name of a screen or the empty string if the name is unknown. Returns the canonical name if one is given. */ CString getCanonicalName(const CString& name) const; //! Get neighbor /*! Returns the canonical screen name of the neighbor in the given direction (set through connect()) at position \c position. Returns the empty string if there is no neighbor in that direction, otherwise saves the position on the neighbor in \c positionOut if it's not \c NULL. */ CString getNeighbor(const CString&, EDirection, float position, float* positionOut) const; //! Check for neighbor /*! Returns \c true if the screen has a neighbor anywhere along the edge given by the direction. */ bool hasNeighbor(const CString&, EDirection) const; //! Check for neighbor /*! Returns \c true if the screen has a neighbor in the given range along the edge given by the direction. */ bool hasNeighbor(const CString&, EDirection, float start, float end) const; //! Get beginning neighbor iterator link_const_iterator beginNeighbor(const CString&) const; //! Get ending neighbor iterator link_const_iterator endNeighbor(const CString&) const; //! Get the server address const CNetworkAddress& getSynergyAddress() const; //! Get the screen options /*! Returns all the added options for the named screen. Returns NULL if the screen is unknown and an empty collection if there are no options. */ const CScreenOptions* getOptions(const CString& name) const; //! Check for lock to screen action /*! Returns \c true if this configuration has a lock to screen action. This is for backwards compatible support of ScrollLock locking. */ bool hasLockToScreenAction() const; //! Compare configurations bool operator==(const CConfig&) const; //! Compare configurations bool operator!=(const CConfig&) const; //! Read configuration /*! Reads a configuration from a context. Throws XConfigRead on error and context is unchanged. */ void read(CConfigReadContext& context); //! Read configuration /*! Reads a configuration from a stream. Throws XConfigRead on error. */ friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, CConfig&); //! Write configuration /*! Writes a configuration to a stream. */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const CConfig&); //! Get direction name /*! Returns the name of a direction (for debugging). */ static const char* dirName(EDirection); //! Get interval as string /*! Returns an interval as a parseable string. */ static CString formatInterval(const CInterval&); //@} private: void readSection(CConfigReadContext&); void readSectionOptions(CConfigReadContext&); void readSectionScreens(CConfigReadContext&); void readSectionLinks(CConfigReadContext&); void readSectionAliases(CConfigReadContext&); CInputFilter::CCondition* parseCondition(CConfigReadContext&, const CString& condition, const std::vector& args); void parseAction(CConfigReadContext&, const CString& action, const std::vector& args, CInputFilter::CRule&, bool activate); void parseScreens(CConfigReadContext&, const CString&, std::set& screens) const; static const char* getOptionName(OptionID); static CString getOptionValue(OptionID, OptionValue); private: CCellMap m_map; CNameMap m_nameToCanonicalName; CNetworkAddress m_synergyAddress; CScreenOptions m_globalOptions; CInputFilter m_inputFilter; bool m_hasLockToScreenAction; }; //! Configuration read context /*! Maintains a context when reading a configuration from a stream. */ class CConfigReadContext { public: typedef std::vector ArgList; CConfigReadContext(std::istream&, SInt32 firstLine = 1); ~CConfigReadContext(); bool readLine(CString&); UInt32 getLineNumber() const; operator void*() const; bool operator!() const; OptionValue parseBoolean(const CString&) const; OptionValue parseInt(const CString&) const; OptionValue parseModifierKey(const CString&) const; OptionValue parseCorner(const CString&) const; OptionValue parseCorners(const CString&) const; CConfig::CInterval parseInterval(const ArgList& args) const; void parseNameWithArgs( const CString& type, const CString& line, const CString& delim, CString::size_type& index, CString& name, ArgList& args) const; IPlatformScreen::CKeyInfo* parseKeystroke(const CString& keystroke) const; IPlatformScreen::CKeyInfo* parseKeystroke(const CString& keystroke, const std::set& screens) const; IPlatformScreen::CButtonInfo* parseMouse(const CString& mouse) const; KeyModifierMask parseModifier(const CString& modifiers) const; private: // not implemented CConfigReadContext& operator=(const CConfigReadContext&); static CString concatArgs(const ArgList& args); private: std::istream& m_stream; SInt32 m_line; }; //! Configuration stream read exception /*! Thrown when a configuration stream cannot be parsed. */ class XConfigRead : public XBase { public: XConfigRead(const CConfigReadContext& context, const CString&); XConfigRead(const CConfigReadContext& context, const char* errorFmt, const CString& arg); ~XConfigRead(); protected: // XBase overrides virtual CString getWhat() const throw(); private: CString m_error; }; #endif