@echo off REM defaults - override them by creating a winbuild_env.bat file set B_BUILD_TYPE=Debug set B_QT_ROOT=C:\Qt\5.6.3\msvc2015_64 set B_BONJOUR=C:\Program Files\Bonjour SDK REM needed by cmake to set bonjour include dir set BONJOUR_SDK_HOME=%B_BONJOUR% set savedir=%cd% cd /d %~dp0 if exist winbuild_env.bat call winbuild_env.bat rmdir /q /s build mkdir build if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto failed cd build cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%B_BUILD_TYPE% -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="%B_QT_ROOT%" -D DNSSD_LIB="%B_BONJOUR%\Lib\x64\dnssd.lib" .. if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto failed echo @msbuild barrier.sln /p:Platform="x64" /p:Configuration=%B_BUILD_TYPE% /m > make.bat call make.bat if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto failed if exist bin\Debug ( copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Cored.dll bin\Debug\ > NUL copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Guid.dll bin\Debug\ > NUL copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Networkd.dll bin\Debug\ > NUL copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Widgetsd.dll bin\Debug\ > NUL copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Cored.dll bin\Debug\ > NUL copy ..\ext\openssl\windows\x64\bin\* bin\Debug\ > NUL copy ..\res\openssl\barrier.conf bin\Debug\ > NUL ) else if exist bin\Release ( copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Core.dll bin\Release\ > NUL copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Gui.dll bin\Release\ > NUL copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Network.dll bin\Release\ > NUL copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Widgets.dll bin\Release\ > NUL copy %B_QT_ROOT%\bin\Qt5Core.dll bin\Release\ > NUL copy ..\ext\openssl\windows\x64\bin\* bin\Release\ > NUL copy ..\res\openssl\barrier.conf bin\Release\ > NUL ) else ( echo Remember to copy supporting binaries and confiuration files! ) echo Build completed successfully goto done :failed echo Build failed :done cd /d %savedir% set BONJOUR_SDK_HOME= set B_BUILD_TYPE= set B_QT_ROOT= set B_BONJOUR= set savedir=