#ifndef IPRIMARYSCREENRECEIVER_H #define IPRIMARYSCREENRECEIVER_H #include "IInterface.h" #include "KeyTypes.h" #include "MouseTypes.h" class IPrimaryScreenReceiver : public IInterface { public: // notify of serious error. this implies that the server should // shutdown. virtual void onError() = 0; // call to notify of events. onMouseMovePrimary() returns // true iff the mouse enters a jump zone and jumps. virtual void onKeyDown(KeyID, KeyModifierMask) = 0; virtual void onKeyUp(KeyID, KeyModifierMask) = 0; virtual void onKeyRepeat(KeyID, KeyModifierMask, SInt32 count) = 0; virtual void onMouseDown(ButtonID) = 0; virtual void onMouseUp(ButtonID) = 0; virtual bool onMouseMovePrimary(SInt32 x, SInt32 y) = 0; virtual void onMouseMoveSecondary(SInt32 dx, SInt32 dy) = 0; virtual void onMouseWheel(SInt32 delta) = 0; virtual void onScreenSaver(bool activated) = 0; }; #endif