# Barrier Client service barrierc-@BARRIER_VERSION@ # # This file is part of Barrier. # # This is a systemd template service for the barrierc client service. Instances # are started using @. For example: # # Starting: # systemctl start barrierc@myserver # or: # systemctl start barrierc@myserver:24800 # # Enabling: # systemctl enable barrierc@myserver # # SSL Fingerprints are stored in /var/lib/barrier@ for each client # instance. [Unit] Description=Barrier Client connected to %I (Open-source KVM software) Documentation=man:barrierc(1) man:barriers(1) Documentation=https://github.com/debauchee/barrier/wiki # Require network before starting barrierc After=network-online.target Wants=network-online.target # Don't run client if server is running Conflicts=barriers.service [Service] Type=simple # Log level may be FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTE, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG1, DEBUG2 Environment=LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Default display is :0 Environment=DISPLAY=:0 # Store fingerprints in instance specific directories Environment=XDG_DATA_HOME=/var/lib/barrier/barrier@%i # TrustedServers.txt Directory Environment=FP_DIR=/var/lib/barrier/barrier@%i/barrier/SSL/Fingerprints # Ensure the Fingerprints directory exists ExecStartPre=+/usr/bin/mkdir -p "${FP_DIR}" # This uses openssl commands and grep to get the server's key and # store it in the TrustedServers.txt file. OpenSSL is a requirement # for barrier on Linux so these commands should exist. This will only # work if using the default 24800 port (since the port number must be # specified for openssl) ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sh -c "[ -f "${FP_DIR}/TrustedServers.txt" ] ||\ openssl s_client -connect %i:24800 2>/dev/null |\ openssl x509 -noout -sha1 -fingerprint |\ grep -oE '([A-Z0-9]{2}:?){20}' > ${FP_DIR}/TrustedServers.txt" # Main executable ExecStart=@SYSTEMD_EXEC_PATH_PREFIX@barrierc --enable-crypto --display ${DISPLAY} --debug ${LOG_LEVEL} --no-daemon %i # Restart on fail Restart=always [Install] # Install to graphical target WantedBy=graphical.target