 * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Schoeneman, Nick Bolton, Sorin Sbarnea
 * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file.
 * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef CKEYMAP_H
#define CKEYMAP_H

#include "KeyTypes.h"
#include "CString.h"
#include "CStringUtil.h"
#include "stdmap.h"
#include "stdset.h"
#include "stdvector.h"

//! Key map
This class provides a keyboard mapping.
class CKeyMap {

	//! KeyID synthesis info
	This structure contains the information necessary to synthesize a
	keystroke that generates a KeyID (stored elsewhere).  \c m_sensitive
	lists the modifiers that the key is affected by and must therefore
	be in the correct state, which is listed in \c m_required.  If the
	key is mapped to a modifier, that modifier is in \c m_generates and
	is not in \c m_sensitive.
	struct KeyItem {
		KeyID			m_id;			//!< KeyID
		SInt32			m_group;		//!< Group for key
		KeyButton		m_button;		//!< Button to generate KeyID
		KeyModifierMask	m_required;		//!< Modifiers required for KeyID
		KeyModifierMask	m_sensitive;	//!< Modifiers key is sensitive to
		KeyModifierMask	m_generates;	//!< Modifiers key is mapped to
		bool			m_dead;			//!< \c true if this is a dead KeyID
		bool			m_lock;			//!< \c true if this locks a modifier
		UInt32			m_client;		//!< Client data

		bool			operator==(const KeyItem&) const;

	//! The KeyButtons needed to synthesize a KeyID
	An ordered list of \c KeyItems produces a particular KeyID.  If
	the KeyID can be synthesized directly then there is one entry in
	the list.  If dead keys are required then they're listed first.
	A list is the minimal set of keystrokes necessary to synthesize
	the KeyID, so it doesn't include no-ops.  A list does not include
	any modifier keys unless the KeyID is a modifier, in which case
	it has exactly one KeyItem for the modifier itself.
	typedef std::vector<KeyItem> KeyItemList;

	//! A keystroke
	class Keystroke {
		enum EType {
			kButton,					//!< Synthesize button
			kGroup						//!< Set new group

		Keystroke(KeyButton, bool press, bool repeat, UInt32 clientData);
		Keystroke(SInt32 group, bool absolute, bool restore);

		struct CButton {
			KeyButton	m_button;		//!< Button to synthesize
			bool		m_press;		//!< \c true iff press
			bool		m_repeat;		//!< \c true iff for an autorepeat
			UInt32		m_client;		//!< Client data
		struct CGroup {
			SInt32		m_group;		//!< Group/offset to change to/by
			bool		m_absolute;		//!< \c true iff change to, else by
			bool		m_restore;		//!< \c true iff for restoring state
		union CData {
			CButton		m_button;
			CGroup		m_group;

		EType			m_type;
		CData			m_data;

	//! A sequence of keystrokes
	typedef std::vector<Keystroke> Keystrokes;

	//! A mapping of a modifier to keys for that modifier
	typedef std::multimap<KeyModifierMask, KeyItem> ModifierToKeys;

	//! A set of buttons
	typedef std::map<KeyButton, const KeyItem*> ButtonToKeyMap;

	//! Callback type for \c foreachKey
	typedef void (*ForeachKeyCallback)(KeyID, SInt32 group,
							KeyItem&, void* userData);

	//! @name manipulators

	//! Swap with another \c CKeyMap
	virtual void		swap(CKeyMap&);

	//! Add a key entry
	Adds \p item to the entries for the item's id and group.  The
	\c m_dead member is set automatically.
	void				addKeyEntry(const KeyItem& item);

	//! Add an alias key entry
	If \p targetID with the modifiers given by \p targetRequired and
	\p targetSensitive is not available in group \p group then find an
	entry for \p sourceID with modifiers given by \p sourceRequired and
	\p sourceSensitive in any group with exactly one item and, if found,
	add a new item just like it except using id \p targetID.  This
	effectively makes the \p sourceID an alias for \p targetID (i.e. we
	can generate \p targetID using \p sourceID).
	void				addKeyAliasEntry(KeyID targetID, SInt32 group,
							KeyModifierMask targetRequired,
							KeyModifierMask targetSensitive,
							KeyID sourceID,
							KeyModifierMask sourceRequired,
							KeyModifierMask sourceSensitive);

	//! Add a key sequence entry
	Adds the sequence of keys \p keys (\p numKeys elements long) to
	synthesize key \p id in group \p group.  This looks up in the
	map each key in \p keys.  If all are found then each key is
	converted to the button for that key and the buttons are added
	as the entry for \p id.  If \p id is already in the map or at
	least one key in \p keys is not in the map then nothing is added
	and this returns \c false, otherwise it returns \c true.
	bool				addKeyCombinationEntry(KeyID id, SInt32 group,
							const KeyID* keys, UInt32 numKeys);

	//! Enable composition across groups
	If called then the keyboard map will allow switching between groups
	during key composition.  Not all systems allow that.
	void				allowGroupSwitchDuringCompose();

	//! Add a half-duplex button
	Records that button \p button is a half-duplex key.  This is called
	when translating the system's keyboard map.  It's independent of the
	half-duplex modifier calls.
	void				addHalfDuplexButton(KeyButton button);

	//! Remove all half-duplex modifiers
	Removes all half-duplex modifiers.  This is called to set user
	configurable half-duplex settings.
	void				clearHalfDuplexModifiers();

	//! Add a half-duplex modifier
	Records that modifier key \p key is half-duplex.  This is called to
	set user configurable half-duplex settings.
	virtual void		addHalfDuplexModifier(KeyID key);

	//! Finish adding entries
	Called after adding entries, this does some internal housekeeping.
	virtual void		finish();

	//! Iterate over all added keys items
	Calls \p cb for every key item.
	virtual void		foreachKey(ForeachKeyCallback cb, void* userData);

	//! @name accessors

	//! Map key press/repeat to keystrokes.
	Converts press/repeat of key \p id in group \p group with current
	modifiers as given in \p currentState and the desired modifiers in
	\p desiredMask into the keystrokes necessary to synthesize that key
	event in \p keys.  It returns the \c KeyItem of the key being
	pressed/repeated, or NULL if the key cannot be mapped.
	virtual const KeyItem*	mapKey(Keystrokes& keys, KeyID id, SInt32 group,
							ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers,
							KeyModifierMask& currentState,
							KeyModifierMask desiredMask,
							bool isAutoRepeat) const;

	//! Get number of groups
	Returns the number of keyboard groups (independent layouts) in the map.
	SInt32				getNumGroups() const;

	//! Compute a group number
	Returns the number of the group \p offset groups after group \p group.
	SInt32				getEffectiveGroup(SInt32 group, SInt32 offset) const;

	//! Find key entry compatible with modifiers
	Returns the \c KeyItemList for the first entry for \p id in group
	\p group that is compatible with the given modifiers, or NULL
	if there isn't one.  A button list is compatible with a modifiers
	if it is either insensitive to all modifiers in \p sensitive or
	it requires the modifiers to be in the state indicated by \p required
	for every modifier indicated by \p sensitive.
	const KeyItemList*	findCompatibleKey(KeyID id, SInt32 group,
							KeyModifierMask required,
							KeyModifierMask sensitive) const;

	//! Test if modifier is half-duplex
	Returns \c true iff modifier key \p key or button \p button is
	virtual bool		isHalfDuplex(KeyID key, KeyButton button) const;

	//! Test if modifiers indicate a command
	Returns \c true iff the modifiers in \p mask contain any command
	modifiers.  A command modifier is used for keyboard shortcuts and
	hotkeys,  Rather than trying to synthesize a character, a command
	is trying to synthesize a particular set of buttons.  So it's not
	important to match the shift or AltGr state to achieve a character
	but it is important to match the modifier state exactly.
	bool				isCommand(KeyModifierMask mask) const;

	// Get the modifiers that indicate a command
	Returns the modifiers that when combined with other keys indicate
	a command (e.g. shortcut or hotkey).
	KeyModifierMask		getCommandModifiers() const;

	//! Get buttons from modifier map
	Put all the keys in \p modifiers into \p keys.
	static void			collectButtons(const ModifierToKeys& modifiers,
							ButtonToKeyMap& keys);

	//! Set modifier key state
	Sets the modifier key state (\c m_generates and \c m_lock) in \p item
	based on the \c m_id in \p item.
	static void			initModifierKey(KeyItem& item);

	//! Test for a dead key
	Returns \c true if \p key is a dead key.
	static bool			isDeadKey(KeyID key);

	//! Get corresponding dead key
	Returns the dead key corresponding to \p key if one exists, otherwise
	return \c kKeyNone.  This returns \p key if it's already a dead key.
	static KeyID		getDeadKey(KeyID key);

	//! Get string for a key and modifier mask
	Converts a key and modifier mask into a string representing the
	static CString		formatKey(KeyID key, KeyModifierMask);

	//! Parse a string into a key
	Converts a string into a key.  Returns \c true on success and \c false
	if the string cannot be parsed.
	static bool			parseKey(const CString&, KeyID&);

	//! Parse a string into a modifier mask
	Converts a string into a modifier mask.  Returns \c true on success
	and \c false if the string cannot be parsed.  The modifiers plus any
	remaining leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from the input
	static bool			parseModifiers(CString&, KeyModifierMask&);


	//! Ways to synthesize a key
	enum EKeystroke {
		kKeystrokePress,		//!< Synthesize a press
		kKeystrokeRelease,		//!< Synthesize a release
		kKeystrokeRepeat,		//!< Synthesize an autorepeat
		kKeystrokeClick,		//!< Synthesize a press and release
		kKeystrokeModify,		//!< Synthesize pressing a modifier
		kKeystrokeUnmodify		//!< Synthesize releasing a modifier
	// A list of ways to synthesize a KeyID
	typedef std::vector<KeyItemList> KeyEntryList;

	// computes the number of groups
	SInt32				findNumGroups() const;

	// computes the map of modifiers to the keys that generate the modifiers
	void				setModifierKeys();

	// maps a command key.  a command key is a keyboard shortcut and we're
	// trying to synthesize a button press with an exact sets of modifiers,
	// not trying to synthesize a character.  so we just need to find the
	// right button and synthesize the requested modifiers without regard
	// to what character they would synthesize.  we disallow multikey
	// entries since they don't make sense as hotkeys.
	const KeyItem*		mapCommandKey(Keystrokes& keys,
							KeyID id, SInt32 group,
							ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers,
							KeyModifierMask& currentState,
							KeyModifierMask desiredMask,
							bool isAutoRepeat) const;

	// maps a character key.  a character key is trying to synthesize a
	// particular KeyID and isn't entirely concerned with the modifiers
	// used to do it.
	const KeyItem*		mapCharacterKey(Keystrokes& keys,
							KeyID id, SInt32 group,
							ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers,
							KeyModifierMask& currentState,
							KeyModifierMask desiredMask,
							bool isAutoRepeat) const;

	// maps a modifier key
	const KeyItem*		mapModifierKey(Keystrokes& keys,
							KeyID id, SInt32 group,
							ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers,
							KeyModifierMask& currentState,
							KeyModifierMask desiredMask,
							bool isAutoRepeat) const;

	// returns the index into \p entryList of the KeyItemList requiring
	// the fewest modifier changes between \p currentState and
	// \p desiredState.
	SInt32				findBestKey(const KeyEntryList& entryList,
							KeyModifierMask currentState,
							KeyModifierMask desiredState) const;

	// gets the \c KeyItem used to synthesize the modifier who's bit is
	// given by \p modifierBit in group \p group and does not synthesize
	// the key \p button.
	const KeyItem*		keyForModifier(KeyButton button, SInt32 group,
							SInt32 modifierBit) const;

	// fills \p keystrokes with the keys to synthesize the key in
	// \p keyItem taking the modifiers into account.  returns \c true
	// iff successful and sets \p currentState to the
	// resulting modifier state.
	bool				keysForKeyItem(const KeyItem& keyItem,
							SInt32& group,
							ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers,
							KeyModifierMask& currentState,
							KeyModifierMask desiredState,
							KeyModifierMask overrideModifiers,
							bool isAutoRepeat,
							Keystrokes& keystrokes) const;

	// fills \p keystrokes with the keys to synthesize the modifiers
	// in \p desiredModifiers from the active modifiers listed in
	// \p activeModifiers not including the key in \p keyItem.
	// returns \c true iff successful.
	bool				keysToRestoreModifiers(const KeyItem& keyItem,
							SInt32 group,
							ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers,
							KeyModifierMask& currentState,
							const ModifierToKeys& desiredModifiers,
							Keystrokes& keystrokes) const;

	// fills \p keystrokes and \p undo with the keys to change the
	// current modifier state in \p currentState to match the state in
	// \p requiredState for each modifier indicated in \p sensitiveMask.
	// returns \c true iff successful and sets \p currentState to the
	// resulting modifier state.
	bool				keysForModifierState(KeyButton button, SInt32 group,
							ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers,
							KeyModifierMask& currentState,
							KeyModifierMask requiredState,
							KeyModifierMask sensitiveMask,
							KeyModifierMask notRequiredMask,
							Keystrokes& keystrokes) const;

	// Adds keystrokes to synthesize key \p keyItem in mode \p type to
	// \p keystrokes and to undo the synthesis to \p undo.
	void				addKeystrokes(EKeystroke type,
							const KeyItem& keyItem,
							ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers,
							KeyModifierMask& currentState,
							Keystrokes& keystrokes) const;

	// Returns the number of modifiers indicated in \p state.
	static SInt32		getNumModifiers(KeyModifierMask state);

	// Initialize key name/id maps
	static void			initKeyNameMaps();

	// not implemented
	CKeyMap(const CKeyMap&);
	CKeyMap&			operator=(const CKeyMap&);

	// Ways to synthesize a KeyID over multiple keyboard groups
	typedef std::vector<KeyEntryList> KeyGroupTable;

	// Table of KeyID to ways to synthesize that KeyID
	typedef std::map<KeyID, KeyGroupTable> KeyIDMap;

	// List of KeyItems that generate a particular modifier
	typedef std::vector<const KeyItem*> ModifierKeyItemList;

	// Map a modifier to the KeyItems that synthesize that modifier
	typedef std::vector<ModifierKeyItemList> ModifierToKeyTable;

	// A set of keys
	typedef std::set<KeyID> KeySet;

	// A set of buttons
	typedef std::set<KeyButton> KeyButtonSet;

	// Key maps for parsing/formatting
	typedef std::map<CString, KeyID,
							CStringUtil::CaselessCmp> CNameToKeyMap;
	typedef std::map<CString, KeyModifierMask,
							CStringUtil::CaselessCmp> CNameToModifierMap;
	typedef std::map<KeyID, CString> CKeyToNameMap;
	typedef std::map<KeyModifierMask, CString> CModifierToNameMap;

	// KeyID info
	KeyIDMap			m_keyIDMap;
	SInt32				m_numGroups;
	ModifierToKeyTable	m_modifierKeys;

	// composition info
	bool				m_composeAcrossGroups;

	// half-duplex info
	KeyButtonSet		m_halfDuplex;			// half-duplex set by synergy
	KeySet				m_halfDuplexMods;		// half-duplex set by user

	// dummy KeyItem for changing modifiers
	KeyItem				m_modifierKeyItem;

	// parsing/formatting tables
	static CNameToKeyMap*		s_nameToKeyMap;
	static CNameToModifierMap*	s_nameToModifierMap;
	static CKeyToNameMap*		s_keyToNameMap;
	static CModifierToNameMap*	s_modifierToNameMap;
