/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "CArchDaemonWindows.h" #include "CArch.h" #include "CArchMiscWindows.h" #include "XArchWindows.h" #include "stdvector.h" // // CArchDaemonWindows // CArchDaemonWindows* CArchDaemonWindows::s_daemon = NULL; CArchDaemonWindows::CArchDaemonWindows() { m_quitMessage = RegisterWindowMessage("SynergyDaemonExit"); } CArchDaemonWindows::~CArchDaemonWindows() { // do nothing } int CArchDaemonWindows::runDaemon(RunFunc runFunc) { assert(s_daemon != NULL); return s_daemon->doRunDaemon(runFunc); } void CArchDaemonWindows::daemonRunning(bool running) { // if s_daemon is NULL we assume we're running on the windows // 95 family and we just ignore this call so the caller doesn't // have to go through the trouble of not calling it on the // windows 95 family. if (s_daemon != NULL) { s_daemon->doDaemonRunning(running); } } UINT CArchDaemonWindows::getDaemonQuitMessage() { if (s_daemon != NULL) { return s_daemon->doGetDaemonQuitMessage(); } else { return 0; } } void CArchDaemonWindows::daemonFailed(int result) { // if s_daemon is NULL we assume we're running on the windows // 95 family and we just ignore this call so the caller doesn't // have to go through the trouble of not calling it on the // windows 95 family. if (s_daemon != NULL) { throw XArchDaemonRunFailed(result); } } void CArchDaemonWindows::installDaemon(const char* name, const char* description, const char* pathname, const char* commandLine, const char* dependencies, bool allUsers) { // if not for all users then use the user's autostart registry. // key. if windows 95 family then use windows 95 services key. if (!allUsers || CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) { // open registry HKEY key = (allUsers && CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) ? open95ServicesKey() : openUserStartupKey(); if (key == NULL) { // can't open key throw XArchDaemonInstallFailed(new XArchEvalWindows); } // construct entry std::string value; value += "\""; value += pathname; value += "\" "; value += commandLine; // install entry CArchMiscWindows::setValue(key, name, value); // clean up CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); } // windows NT family services else { // open service manager SC_HANDLE mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_WRITE); if (mgr == NULL) { // can't open service manager throw XArchDaemonInstallFailed(new XArchEvalWindows); } // create the service SC_HANDLE service = CreateService(mgr, name, name, 0, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS | SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, pathname, NULL, NULL, dependencies, NULL, NULL); if (service == NULL) { // can't create service // FIXME -- handle ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS DWORD err = GetLastError(); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); throw XArchDaemonInstallFailed(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } // done with service and manager CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); // open the registry key for this service HKEY key = openNTServicesKey(); key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, name); if (key == NULL) { // can't open key DWORD err = GetLastError(); try { uninstallDaemon(name, allUsers); } catch (...) { // ignore } throw XArchDaemonInstallFailed(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } // set the description CArchMiscWindows::setValue(key, _T("Description"), description); // set command line key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, _T("Parameters")); if (key == NULL) { // can't open key DWORD err = GetLastError(); CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); try { uninstallDaemon(name, allUsers); } catch (...) { // ignore } throw XArchDaemonInstallFailed(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } CArchMiscWindows::setValue(key, _T("CommandLine"), commandLine); // done with registry CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); } } void CArchDaemonWindows::uninstallDaemon(const char* name, bool allUsers) { // if not for all users then use the user's autostart registry. // key. if windows 95 family then use windows 95 services key. if (!allUsers || CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) { // open registry HKEY key = (allUsers && CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) ? open95ServicesKey() : openUserStartupKey(); if (key == NULL) { // can't open key. daemon is probably not installed. throw XArchDaemonUninstallNotInstalled(new XArchEvalWindows); } // remove entry CArchMiscWindows::deleteValue(key, name); // clean up CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); } // windows NT family services else { // remove parameters for this service. ignore failures. HKEY key = openNTServicesKey(); key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, name); if (key != NULL) { CArchMiscWindows::deleteKey(key, _T("Parameters")); CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); } // open service manager SC_HANDLE mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_WRITE); if (mgr == NULL) { // can't open service manager throw XArchDaemonUninstallFailed(new XArchEvalWindows); } // open the service. oddly, you must open a service to delete it. SC_HANDLE service = OpenService(mgr, name, DELETE); if (service == NULL) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); if (err != ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { throw XArchDaemonUninstallFailed(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } throw XArchDaemonUninstallNotInstalled(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } // delete the service const bool okay = (DeleteService(service) == 0); const DWORD err = GetLastError(); // clean up CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); // handle failure. ignore error if service isn't installed anymore. if (!okay && isDaemonInstalled(name, allUsers)) { if (err != ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE) { throw XArchDaemonUninstallFailed(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } throw XArchDaemonUninstallNotInstalled(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } } } int CArchDaemonWindows::daemonize(const char* name, DaemonFunc func) { assert(name != NULL); assert(func != NULL); // windows 95 family services if (CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) { typedef DWORD (WINAPI *RegisterServiceProcessT)(DWORD, DWORD); // mark this process as a service so it's not killed when the // user logs off. HINSTANCE kernel = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); if (kernel == NULL) { throw XArchDaemonFailed(new XArchEvalWindows); } RegisterServiceProcessT RegisterServiceProcess = reinterpret_cast<RegisterServiceProcessT>( GetProcAddress(kernel, "RegisterServiceProcess")); if (RegisterServiceProcess == NULL) { // missing RegisterServiceProcess function DWORD err = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary(kernel); throw XArchDaemonFailed(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } if (RegisterServiceProcess(0, 1) == 0) { // RegisterServiceProcess failed DWORD err = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary(kernel); throw XArchDaemonFailed(new XArchEvalWindows(err)); } FreeLibrary(kernel); // now simply call the daemon function return func(1, &name); } // windows NT family services else { // save daemon function m_daemonFunc = func; // construct the service entry SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY entry[2]; entry[0].lpServiceName = const_cast<char*>(name); entry[0].lpServiceProc = &CArchDaemonWindows::serviceMainEntry; entry[1].lpServiceName = NULL; entry[1].lpServiceProc = NULL; // hook us up to the service control manager. this won't return // (if successful) until the processes have terminated. s_daemon = this; if (StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(entry) == 0) { // StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed s_daemon = NULL; throw XArchDaemonFailed(new XArchEvalWindows); } s_daemon = NULL; return m_daemonResult; } } bool CArchDaemonWindows::canInstallDaemon(const char* name, bool allUsers) { // if not for all users then use the user's autostart registry. // key. if windows 95 family then use windows 95 services key. if (!allUsers || CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) { // check if we can open the registry key HKEY key = (allUsers && CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) ? open95ServicesKey() : openUserStartupKey(); CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); return (key != NULL); } // windows NT family services else { // check if we can open service manager for write SC_HANDLE mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_WRITE); if (mgr == NULL) { return false; } CloseServiceHandle(mgr); // check if we can open the registry key for this service HKEY key = openNTServicesKey(); key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, name); key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, _T("Parameters")); CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); return (key != NULL); } } bool CArchDaemonWindows::isDaemonInstalled(const char* name, bool allUsers) { // if not for all users then use the user's autostart registry. // key. if windows 95 family then use windows 95 services key. if (!allUsers || CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) { // check if we can open the registry key HKEY key = (allUsers && CArchMiscWindows::isWindows95Family()) ? open95ServicesKey() : openUserStartupKey(); if (key == NULL) { return false; } // check for entry const bool installed = !CArchMiscWindows::readValueString(key, name).empty(); // clean up CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); return installed; } // windows NT family services else { // check parameters for this service HKEY key = openNTServicesKey(); key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, name); key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, _T("Parameters")); if (key != NULL) { const bool installed = !CArchMiscWindows::readValueString(key, _T("CommandLine")).empty(); CArchMiscWindows::closeKey(key); if (!installed) { return false; } } // open service manager SC_HANDLE mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ); if (mgr == NULL) { return false; } // open the service SC_HANDLE service = OpenService(mgr, name, GENERIC_READ); // clean up if (service != NULL) { CloseServiceHandle(service); } CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return (service != NULL); } } HKEY CArchDaemonWindows::openNTServicesKey() { static const char* s_keyNames[] = { _T("SYSTEM"), _T("CurrentControlSet"), _T("Services"), NULL }; return CArchMiscWindows::openKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_keyNames); } HKEY CArchDaemonWindows::open95ServicesKey() { static const char* s_keyNames[] = { _T("Software"), _T("Microsoft"), _T("Windows"), _T("CurrentVersion"), _T("RunServices"), NULL }; return CArchMiscWindows::openKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_keyNames); } HKEY CArchDaemonWindows::openUserStartupKey() { static const char* s_keyNames[] = { _T("Software"), _T("Microsoft"), _T("Windows"), _T("CurrentVersion"), _T("Run"), NULL }; return CArchMiscWindows::openKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, s_keyNames); } bool CArchDaemonWindows::isRunState(DWORD state) { switch (state) { case SERVICE_START_PENDING: case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: case SERVICE_RUNNING: return true; default: return false; } } int CArchDaemonWindows::doRunDaemon(RunFunc run) { // should only be called from DaemonFunc assert(m_serviceMutex != NULL); assert(run != NULL); // create message queue for this thread MSG dummy; PeekMessage(&dummy, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE); int result = 0; ARCH->lockMutex(m_serviceMutex); m_daemonThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); while (m_serviceState != SERVICE_STOPPED) { // wait until we're told to start while (!isRunState(m_serviceState) && m_serviceState != SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) { ARCH->waitCondVar(m_serviceCondVar, m_serviceMutex, -1.0); } // run unless told to stop if (m_serviceState != SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) { ARCH->unlockMutex(m_serviceMutex); try { result = run(); } catch (...) { ARCH->lockMutex(m_serviceMutex); setStatusError(0); m_serviceState = SERVICE_STOPPED; setStatus(m_serviceState); ARCH->broadcastCondVar(m_serviceCondVar); ARCH->unlockMutex(m_serviceMutex); throw; } ARCH->lockMutex(m_serviceMutex); } // notify of new state if (m_serviceState == SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING) { m_serviceState = SERVICE_PAUSED; } else { m_serviceState = SERVICE_STOPPED; } setStatus(m_serviceState); ARCH->broadcastCondVar(m_serviceCondVar); } ARCH->unlockMutex(m_serviceMutex); return result; } void CArchDaemonWindows::doDaemonRunning(bool running) { ARCH->lockMutex(m_serviceMutex); if (running) { m_serviceState = SERVICE_RUNNING; setStatus(m_serviceState); ARCH->broadcastCondVar(m_serviceCondVar); } ARCH->unlockMutex(m_serviceMutex); } UINT CArchDaemonWindows::doGetDaemonQuitMessage() { return m_quitMessage; } void CArchDaemonWindows::setStatus(DWORD state) { setStatus(state, 0, 0); } void CArchDaemonWindows::setStatus(DWORD state, DWORD step, DWORD waitHint) { assert(s_daemon != NULL); SERVICE_STATUS status; status.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS | SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS; status.dwCurrentState = state; status.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; status.dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; status.dwCheckPoint = step; status.dwWaitHint = waitHint; SetServiceStatus(s_daemon->m_statusHandle, &status); } void CArchDaemonWindows::setStatusError(DWORD error) { assert(s_daemon != NULL); SERVICE_STATUS status; status.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS | SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS; status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; status.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; status.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = error; status.dwCheckPoint = 0; status.dwWaitHint = 0; SetServiceStatus(s_daemon->m_statusHandle, &status); } void CArchDaemonWindows::serviceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR* argvIn) { typedef std::vector<LPCTSTR> ArgList; typedef std::vector<std::string> Arguments; const char** argv = const_cast<const char**>(argvIn); // create synchronization objects m_serviceMutex = ARCH->newMutex(); m_serviceCondVar = ARCH->newCondVar(); // register our service handler function m_statusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(argv[0], &CArchDaemonWindows::serviceHandlerEntry); if (m_statusHandle == 0) { // cannot start as service m_daemonResult = -1; ARCH->closeCondVar(m_serviceCondVar); ARCH->closeMutex(m_serviceMutex); return; } // tell service control manager that we're starting m_serviceState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; setStatus(m_serviceState, 0, 10000); // if no arguments supplied then try getting them from the registry. // the first argument doesn't count because it's the service name. Arguments args; ArgList myArgv; if (argc <= 1) { // read command line std::string commandLine; HKEY key = openNTServicesKey(); key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, argvIn[0]); key = CArchMiscWindows::openKey(key, _T("Parameters")); if (key != NULL) { commandLine = CArchMiscWindows::readValueString(key, _T("CommandLine")); } // if the command line isn't empty then parse and use it if (!commandLine.empty()) { // parse, honoring double quoted substrings std::string::size_type i = commandLine.find_first_not_of(" \t"); while (i != std::string::npos && i != commandLine.size()) { // find end of string std::string::size_type e; if (commandLine[i] == '\"') { // quoted. find closing quote. ++i; e = commandLine.find("\"", i); // whitespace must follow closing quote if (e == std::string::npos || (e + 1 != commandLine.size() && commandLine[e + 1] != ' ' && commandLine[e + 1] != '\t')) { args.clear(); break; } // extract args.push_back(commandLine.substr(i, e - i)); i = e + 1; } else { // unquoted. find next whitespace. e = commandLine.find_first_of(" \t", i); if (e == std::string::npos) { e = commandLine.size(); } // extract args.push_back(commandLine.substr(i, e - i)); i = e + 1; } // next argument i = commandLine.find_first_not_of(" \t", i); } // service name goes first myArgv.push_back(argv[0]); // get pointers for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { myArgv.push_back(args[i].c_str()); } // adjust argc/argv argc = myArgv.size(); argv = &myArgv[0]; } } try { // invoke daemon function m_daemonResult = m_daemonFunc(static_cast<int>(argc), argv); } catch (XArchDaemonRunFailed& e) { setStatusError(e.m_result); m_daemonResult = -1; } catch (...) { setStatusError(1); m_daemonResult = -1; } // clean up ARCH->closeCondVar(m_serviceCondVar); ARCH->closeMutex(m_serviceMutex); } void WINAPI CArchDaemonWindows::serviceMainEntry(DWORD argc, LPTSTR* argv) { s_daemon->serviceMain(argc, argv); } void CArchDaemonWindows::serviceHandler(DWORD ctrl) { assert(m_serviceMutex != NULL); assert(m_serviceCondVar != NULL); ARCH->lockMutex(m_serviceMutex); // ignore request if service is already stopped if (s_daemon == NULL || m_serviceState == SERVICE_STOPPED) { if (s_daemon != NULL) { setStatus(m_serviceState); } ARCH->unlockMutex(m_serviceMutex); return; } switch (ctrl) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: m_serviceState = SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING; setStatus(m_serviceState, 0, 5000); PostThreadMessage(m_daemonThreadID, m_quitMessage, 0, 0); while (isRunState(m_serviceState)) { ARCH->waitCondVar(m_serviceCondVar, m_serviceMutex, -1.0); } break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: // FIXME -- maybe should flush quit messages from queue m_serviceState = SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING; setStatus(m_serviceState, 0, 5000); ARCH->broadcastCondVar(m_serviceCondVar); break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: m_serviceState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; setStatus(m_serviceState, 0, 5000); PostThreadMessage(m_daemonThreadID, m_quitMessage, 0, 0); ARCH->broadcastCondVar(m_serviceCondVar); while (isRunState(m_serviceState)) { ARCH->waitCondVar(m_serviceCondVar, m_serviceMutex, -1.0); } break; default: // unknown service command // fall through case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: setStatus(m_serviceState); break; } ARCH->unlockMutex(m_serviceMutex); } void WINAPI CArchDaemonWindows::serviceHandlerEntry(DWORD ctrl) { s_daemon->serviceHandler(ctrl); }