SettingsDialogBase 0 0 383 470 Settings &Advanced Sc&reen name: m_pLineEditScreenName true P&ort: m_pSpinBoxGamePoll &Interface: m_pLineEditInterface true true 0 0 65535 24800 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok Logging &Logging level: m_pComboLogLevel Log to file: false false Browse... Error Warning Note Info Debug Debug1 Debug2 &Game device support QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow &Mode: m_pLineEditInterface None Next Generation (XInput) - 32-bit only Legacy (JOYINFOEX) &Polling: m_pLineEditInterface Dynamic (align with client polling) true Static frequency: true 0 0 10 10000 10 60 &Startup &Start Synergy after logging in &Automatically start server/client &Hide when server/client starts m_pLineEditScreenName m_pLineEditInterface m_pCheckBoxAutoConnect m_pComboLogLevel m_pCheckBoxLogToFile m_pLineEditLogFilename m_pButtonBrowseLog buttonBox buttonBox accepted() SettingsDialogBase accept() 266 340 157 274 buttonBox rejected() SettingsDialogBase reject() 334 340 286 274