<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="synergy.css" media="screen" /> <title>Building and Installing Synergy</title> </head> <body class="main"> <h3>Prerequisites for building</h3> <p> To build synergy from the sources you'll need the following: <ul> <li>Windows <ul> <li>VC++ 6.0 or up </ul> <li>Unix <ul> <li>gcc 2.95 or up <li>X11R4 or up headers and libraries </ul> <li>Mac OS X <ul> <li>XCode; or gcc 2.95 or up <li>Carbon development headers and libraries </ul> </ul> </p> <h3>Configuring the build</h3> <p> This step is not necessary when using VC++ or XCode. </p> <p> To configure the build for your platform use the configure script: <pre> ./configure </pre> For a list of options to configure use: <pre> ./configure --help </pre> On Solaris you may need to use: <pre> <nobr>./configure --x-includes=/usr/openwin/include --x-libraries=/usr/openwin/lib</nobr> </pre> so synergy can find the X11 includes and libraries. </p> <h3>Building</h3> <ul> <li>Windows <p> Start VC++ and open <span class="code">synergy.dsw</span>. Set the active configuration (Build > Set Active Configuration) to <span class="code">All - Debug</span> or <span class="code">All - Release</span> then build. Binaries are built into <span class="code">./debug</span> or <span class="code">./build</span>. </p> <li>Unix or Mac OS X without XCode <p> Simply enter: <pre> make </pre> This will build the client and server and leave them in their respective source directories. </p> <li>Mac OS X with XCode <p> Start XCode and open the <span class="code">synery.xcode</span> project. Build the <span class="code">all</span> project using the <span class="code">Deployment</span> flavor. </p> </ul> <h3>Installing</h3> <ul> <li>Windows <p> You'll need <a href="http://nsis.sourceforge.net/">NSIS</a>, the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System. Build <span class="code">All - Release</span> then build <span class="code">Installer - Release</span>. This creates <span class="code">SynergyInstaller.exe</span> in the top level directory. Run this to install synergy. </p> <p> Alternatively, you can simply copy the following files from the <span class="code">debug</span> or <span class="code">build</span> directory to a directory you choose (perhaps under the <span class="code">Program Files</span> directory): <ul class="code"> <li>synergy.exe <li>synergyc.exe <li>synergys.exe <li>synrgyhk.dll </ul> </p> <li>Unix or Mac OS X without XCode <p> <pre> make install </pre> will install the client and server into <span class="code">/usr/local/bin</span> unless you specified a different directory when you ran configure. </p> <li>Mac OS X with XCode <p> Copy the following files from ./build to a convenient location: <ul class="code"> <li>synergyc <li>synergys </ul> </p> </body> </html>