/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "CClientProxy1_0.h" #include "CProtocolUtil.h" #include "XSynergy.h" #include "IStream.h" #include "CLog.h" #include "IEventQueue.h" #include "TMethodEventJob.h" #include <cstring> // // CClientProxy1_0 // CClientProxy1_0::CClientProxy1_0(const CString& name, IStream* stream) : CClientProxy(name, stream), m_heartbeatAlarm(kHeartRate * kHeartBeatsUntilDeath), m_heartbeatTimer(NULL), m_parser(&CClientProxy1_0::parseHandshakeMessage) { // install event handlers EVENTQUEUE->adoptHandler(IStream::getInputReadyEvent(), stream->getEventTarget(), new TMethodEventJob<CClientProxy1_0>(this, &CClientProxy1_0::handleData, NULL)); EVENTQUEUE->adoptHandler(IStream::getOutputErrorEvent(), stream->getEventTarget(), new TMethodEventJob<CClientProxy1_0>(this, &CClientProxy1_0::handleWriteError, NULL)); EVENTQUEUE->adoptHandler(IStream::getInputShutdownEvent(), stream->getEventTarget(), new TMethodEventJob<CClientProxy1_0>(this, &CClientProxy1_0::handleDisconnect, NULL)); EVENTQUEUE->adoptHandler(IStream::getOutputShutdownEvent(), stream->getEventTarget(), new TMethodEventJob<CClientProxy1_0>(this, &CClientProxy1_0::handleWriteError, NULL)); EVENTQUEUE->adoptHandler(CEvent::kTimer, this, new TMethodEventJob<CClientProxy1_0>(this, &CClientProxy1_0::handleFlatline, NULL)); LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "querying client \"%s\" info", getName().c_str())); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgQInfo); } CClientProxy1_0::~CClientProxy1_0() { removeHandlers(); } void CClientProxy1_0::disconnect() { removeHandlers(); getStream()->close(); EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getDisconnectedEvent(), getEventTarget())); } void CClientProxy1_0::removeHandlers() { // uninstall event handlers EVENTQUEUE->removeHandler(IStream::getInputReadyEvent(), getStream()->getEventTarget()); EVENTQUEUE->removeHandler(IStream::getOutputErrorEvent(), getStream()->getEventTarget()); EVENTQUEUE->removeHandler(IStream::getInputShutdownEvent(), getStream()->getEventTarget()); EVENTQUEUE->removeHandler(IStream::getOutputShutdownEvent(), getStream()->getEventTarget()); EVENTQUEUE->removeHandler(CEvent::kTimer, this); // remove timer removeHeartbeatTimer(); } void CClientProxy1_0::addHeartbeatTimer() { if (m_heartbeatAlarm > 0.0) { m_heartbeatTimer = EVENTQUEUE->newOneShotTimer(m_heartbeatAlarm, this); } } void CClientProxy1_0::removeHeartbeatTimer() { if (m_heartbeatTimer != NULL) { EVENTQUEUE->deleteTimer(m_heartbeatTimer); m_heartbeatTimer = NULL; } } void CClientProxy1_0::handleData(const CEvent&, void*) { // handle messages until there are no more. first read message code. UInt8 code[4]; UInt32 n = getStream()->read(code, 4); while (n != 0) { // verify we got an entire code if (n != 4) { LOG((CLOG_ERR "incomplete message from \"%s\": %d bytes", getName().c_str(), n)); disconnect(); return; } // parse message LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "msg from \"%s\": %c%c%c%c", getName().c_str(), code[0], code[1], code[2], code[3])); if (!(this->*m_parser)(code)) { LOG((CLOG_ERR "invalid message from client \"%s\"", getName().c_str())); disconnect(); return; } // next message n = getStream()->read(code, 4); } // restart heartbeat timer removeHeartbeatTimer(); addHeartbeatTimer(); } bool CClientProxy1_0::parseHandshakeMessage(const UInt8* code) { if (memcmp(code, kMsgCNoop, 4) == 0) { // discard no-ops LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "no-op from", getName().c_str())); return true; } else if (memcmp(code, kMsgDInfo, 4) == 0) { // future messages get parsed by parseMessage m_parser = &CClientProxy1_0::parseMessage; if (recvInfo()) { EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getReadyEvent(), getEventTarget())); return true; } } return false; } bool CClientProxy1_0::parseMessage(const UInt8* code) { if (memcmp(code, kMsgDInfo, 4) == 0) { if (recvInfo()) { EVENTQUEUE->addEvent( CEvent(getShapeChangedEvent(), getEventTarget())); return true; } return false; } else if (memcmp(code, kMsgCNoop, 4) == 0) { // discard no-ops LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "no-op from", getName().c_str())); return true; } else if (memcmp(code, kMsgCClipboard, 4) == 0) { return recvGrabClipboard(); } else if (memcmp(code, kMsgDClipboard, 4) == 0) { return recvClipboard(); } return false; } void CClientProxy1_0::handleDisconnect(const CEvent&, void*) { LOG((CLOG_NOTE "client \"%s\" has disconnected", getName().c_str())); disconnect(); } void CClientProxy1_0::handleWriteError(const CEvent&, void*) { LOG((CLOG_WARN "error writing to client \"%s\"", getName().c_str())); disconnect(); } void CClientProxy1_0::handleFlatline(const CEvent&, void*) { // didn't get a heartbeat fast enough. assume client is dead. LOG((CLOG_NOTE "client \"%s\" is dead", getName().c_str())); disconnect(); } bool CClientProxy1_0::getClipboard(ClipboardID id, IClipboard* clipboard) const { CClipboard::copy(clipboard, &m_clipboard[id].m_clipboard); return true; } void CClientProxy1_0::getShape(SInt32& x, SInt32& y, SInt32& w, SInt32& h) const { x = m_info.m_x; y = m_info.m_y; w = m_info.m_w; h = m_info.m_h; } void CClientProxy1_0::getCursorPos(SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const { // note -- this returns the cursor pos from when we last got client info x = m_info.m_mx; y = m_info.m_my; } void CClientProxy1_0::enter(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs, UInt32 seqNum, KeyModifierMask mask, bool) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send enter to \"%s\", %d,%d %d %04x", getName().c_str(), xAbs, yAbs, seqNum, mask)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgCEnter, xAbs, yAbs, seqNum, mask); } bool CClientProxy1_0::leave() { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send leave to \"%s\"", getName().c_str())); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgCLeave); // we can never prevent the user from leaving return true; } void CClientProxy1_0::setClipboard(ClipboardID id, const IClipboard* clipboard) { // ignore if this clipboard is already clean if (m_clipboard[id].m_dirty) { // this clipboard is now clean m_clipboard[id].m_dirty = false; CClipboard::copy(&m_clipboard[id].m_clipboard, clipboard); CString data = m_clipboard[id].m_clipboard.marshall(); LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "send clipboard %d to \"%s\" size=%d", id, getName().c_str(), data.size())); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDClipboard, id, 0, &data); } } void CClientProxy1_0::grabClipboard(ClipboardID id) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "send grab clipboard %d to \"%s\"", id, getName().c_str())); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgCClipboard, id, 0); // this clipboard is now dirty m_clipboard[id].m_dirty = true; } void CClientProxy1_0::setClipboardDirty(ClipboardID id, bool dirty) { m_clipboard[id].m_dirty = dirty; } void CClientProxy1_0::keyDown(KeyID key, KeyModifierMask mask, KeyButton) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send key down to \"%s\" id=%d, mask=0x%04x", getName().c_str(), key, mask)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDKeyDown1_0, key, mask); } void CClientProxy1_0::keyRepeat(KeyID key, KeyModifierMask mask, SInt32 count, KeyButton) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send key repeat to \"%s\" id=%d, mask=0x%04x, count=%d", getName().c_str(), key, mask, count)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDKeyRepeat1_0, key, mask, count); } void CClientProxy1_0::keyUp(KeyID key, KeyModifierMask mask, KeyButton) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send key up to \"%s\" id=%d, mask=0x%04x", getName().c_str(), key, mask)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDKeyUp1_0, key, mask); } void CClientProxy1_0::mouseDown(ButtonID button) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send mouse down to \"%s\" id=%d", getName().c_str(), button)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDMouseDown, button); } void CClientProxy1_0::mouseUp(ButtonID button) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send mouse up to \"%s\" id=%d", getName().c_str(), button)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDMouseUp, button); } void CClientProxy1_0::mouseMove(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "send mouse move to \"%s\" %d,%d", getName().c_str(), xAbs, yAbs)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDMouseMove, xAbs, yAbs); } void CClientProxy1_0::mouseRelativeMove(SInt32, SInt32) { // ignore -- not supported in protocol 1.0 } void CClientProxy1_0::mouseWheel(SInt32 delta) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "send mouse wheel to \"%s\" %+d", getName().c_str(), delta)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDMouseWheel, delta); } void CClientProxy1_0::screensaver(bool on) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send screen saver to \"%s\" on=%d", getName().c_str(), on ? 1 : 0)); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgCScreenSaver, on ? 1 : 0); } void CClientProxy1_0::resetOptions() { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send reset options to \"%s\"", getName().c_str())); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgCResetOptions); // reset heart rate and death m_heartbeatAlarm = kHeartRate * kHeartBeatsUntilDeath; removeHeartbeatTimer(); addHeartbeatTimer(); } void CClientProxy1_0::setOptions(const COptionsList& options) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send set options to \"%s\" size=%d", getName().c_str(), options.size())); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgDSetOptions, &options); // check options for (UInt32 i = 0, n = options.size(); i < n; i += 2) { if (options[i] == kOptionHeartbeat) { double rate = 1.0e-3 * static_cast<double>(options[i + 1]); if (rate <= 0.0) { rate = -1.0; } m_heartbeatAlarm = rate * kHeartBeatsUntilDeath; removeHeartbeatTimer(); addHeartbeatTimer(); } } } bool CClientProxy1_0::recvInfo() { // parse the message SInt16 x, y, w, h, dummy1, mx, my; if (!CProtocolUtil::readf(getStream(), kMsgDInfo + 4, &x, &y, &w, &h, &dummy1, &mx, &my)) { return false; } LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "received client \"%s\" info shape=%d,%d %dx%d", getName().c_str(), x, y, w, h)); // validate if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { return false; } // save m_info.m_x = x; m_info.m_y = y; m_info.m_w = w; m_info.m_h = h; m_info.m_mx = mx; m_info.m_my = my; // acknowledge receipt LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "send info ack to \"%s\"", getName().c_str())); CProtocolUtil::writef(getStream(), kMsgCInfoAck); return true; } bool CClientProxy1_0::recvClipboard() { // parse message ClipboardID id; UInt32 seqNum; CString data; if (!CProtocolUtil::readf(getStream(), kMsgDClipboard + 4, &id, &seqNum, &data)) { return false; } LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "received client \"%s\" clipboard %d seqnum=%d, size=%d", getName().c_str(), id, seqNum, data.size())); // validate if (id >= kClipboardEnd) { return false; } // save clipboard m_clipboard[id].m_clipboard.unmarshall(data, 0); m_clipboard[id].m_sequenceNumber = seqNum; // notify CClipboardInfo* info = new CClipboardInfo; info->m_id = id; info->m_sequenceNumber = seqNum; EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getClipboardChangedEvent(), getEventTarget(), info)); return true; } bool CClientProxy1_0::recvGrabClipboard() { // parse message ClipboardID id; UInt32 seqNum; if (!CProtocolUtil::readf(getStream(), kMsgCClipboard + 4, &id, &seqNum)) { return false; } LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "received client \"%s\" grabbed clipboard %d seqnum=%d", getName().c_str(), id, seqNum)); // validate if (id >= kClipboardEnd) { return false; } // notify CClipboardInfo* info = new CClipboardInfo; info->m_id = id; info->m_sequenceNumber = seqNum; EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getClipboardGrabbedEvent(), getEventTarget(), info)); return true; } // // CClientProxy1_0::CClientClipboard // CClientProxy1_0::CClientClipboard::CClientClipboard() : m_clipboard(), m_sequenceNumber(0), m_dirty(true) { // do nothing }