Bug #4227 - Helper tool crashes when service checks elevation state
Bug #4091 - Zeroconf on server advertises bogus IP address
Bug #4249 - Drag file causes client crash on Mac (10.10)
Enhancement #4196 - Optional Bonjour requirement for Windows
Enhancement #4235 - Automatic Bonjour download and install
Enhancement #4218 - Auto-config available servers combo box
Enhancement #4230 - More user friendly dialog when client is detected
Enhancement #4240 - Minimize auto config message box usage
Enhancement #4247 - Firewall exception for GUI (needed for Bonjour)
Enhancement #4242 - Consistent naming for auto config feature

Bug #4002 - Carbon loop not ready within 5 sec
Bug #4191 - Accessibility helper tool crashes
Bug #4149 - Mac 10.9.5 or 10.10 gatekeeper blocks Synergy
Bug #4139 - Exception thrown when ProcessIdToSessionId() fails
Bug #4055 - Shift keys are not sent to clients (Win 8.1 server)
Bug #4021 - Copy & paste not working for EFL applications
Bug #3749 - Linux Chrome hover doesn't work
Bug #4128 - Daemon logging not written with "log to file"
Enhancement #4122 - Enable drag and drop by default
Enhancement #4158 - Build for Mac OS X 10.10
Enhancement #4130 - Auto elevate for Windows UAC and screen lock
Enhancement #4126 - 64-bit support for OS X
Enhancement #4141 - DMRM message support for μSynergy
Enhancement #4124 - More robust argument parsing

Feature #65 - Auto config feature using Zeroconf/Bonjour

Bug #3307 - Configuration file paths containing spaces don't work
Bug #3404 - Log path needs to be in quotes on windows
Bug #3996 - Installer fails when Windows Firewall is disabled

Bug #4060 - Key stuck down on Windows server
Bug #4061 - Windows server repeats modifier keys

Bug #3980 - Shell extension DLL causes explorer.exe to crash
Task #4049 - Correct code style in OSXKeyState compilation unit
Task #4050 - Fix subversion issue tracker URL
Task #4053 - Improve deb package quality
Task #4054 - Improve rpm package quality

Bug #2836 - Unable to begin screen name or alias with numbers
Bug #3796 - Some files being unintentionally dragged (including explorer.exe)
Bug #3886 - Alias is allowed to match screen name
Bug #3919 - RPM install fails on Fedora 20, failed dependencies: libcurl
Bug #3921 - Error: synwinxt.dll outdated (upgrading from 1.4.15 to 1.4.16)
Bug #3927 - Mavericks accessibility exception not working (when upgrading from 1.4.15 to 1.4.16)
Bug #3933 - Plus signs in the email address cause premium login to fail
Bug #3939 - Compile fails on ARM (Raspberry Pi) because of cryptopp/Crypto++ lib
Bug #3947 - Conflicts when using yum localinstall on Fedora 20
Bug #3959 - Premium title doesn't always show on first login
Bug #3968 - GUI auto-hides on initial first install (with no config)
Task #3936 - Change installer to WiX for improved file upgrade process
Task #3950 - Poll modifier after key down on Mac OS X and log results
Task #3951 - Clear filename stored in synwinxt on mouse up
Task #3952 - Make Premium wizard page cleaner
Task #3953 - Inherit XArch and XBase from std::exception
Task #3954 - Make "lock to screen" log message go to NOTE level instead of DEBUG
Task #3960 - Split CMSWindowsHookLibraryLoader into hook and shellex loaders
Task #3961 - Remove Windows 95 support
Task #3963 - Disable failing Linux unit/integ tests on Fedora 20 32-bit (valgrind SIGILL)
Task #3964 - Make Premium login error more verbose
Task #3969 - Merge String.cpp and StringUtil.cpp

Bug #3338 - Alt tab not working with Windows 8
Bug #3642 - Failed to start server on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks, assistive devices problem
Bug #3785 - Synwinxt.dll error opening file for writing during install of 1.4.15
Bug #3787 - Wont automatically load after login on OS X
Bug #3788 - Configuration wizard: Premium login fails when behind a proxy
Bug #3796 - Some files being unintentionally dragged (including explorer.exe)
Bug #3799 - Synergy Client on Fedora crashes on drag/drop operations
Bug #3818 - Client freezes on Mac OS 10.6.8
Bug #3874 - Premium GUI login is case sensitive for email
Bug #3911 - Drag and drop error on OS X 10.9 Mavericks

Bug #3765 - Synergy Service - Error 87: The parameter is incorrect.
Bug #3781 - Option not supported on Linux: --enable-drag-drop (server not starting)

Bug #3287 - Mac does not wake up
Bug #3758 - Unstable service (synergyd)
Bug #3759 - Exploit: C:\Program.exe (if it exists) is run by service (elevated)
Bug #3760 - Encryption broken (GCM, CTR and OFB)
Bug #3761 - Start button is visible when Synergy is running
Bug #3762 - Apply button is disabled for Mac and Linux
Feature #46 - Drag and drop between computers (Windows and Mac)

Version not released, unstable.

Bug #3565 - Encryption fails when typing fast (Invalid message from client)
Bug #3606 - GUI is elevated after setup
Bug #3572 - Mac caps lock causes disconnect

Feature #12 - Encryption
Feature #421 - Portable version
Bug #2855 - Mouse cursor remains hidden on Mac client (intermittently/randomly)
Bug #3281 - server start on OS X defaults to 'interactive'
Bug #3310 - P&ort in settings screen

Bug #2799 - Right shift broken (Windows server, Mac OS X client)
Bug #3302 - GUI does not show/hide when tray icon is double clicked (Windows)
Bug #3303 - Mac OS X IPC integ test fails intermittently
Feature #2974 - Gesture Support for Magic Mouse/Trackpad
Feature #3172 - Button to stop Synergy when in service mode
Feature #3241 - Option to elevate synergyc/s when in service mode
Feature #3242 - Show a list of available IP addresses and screen name on the main screen
Feature #3296 - 64-bit Windows installer should display helpful message on 32-bit Windows
Feature #3300 - Make service mode default mode (now that we have elevate option)
Feature #3301 - Add process mode option to settings (remove startup wizard page)
Feature #3306 - Gatekeeper compatibility on Mac OS X 10.8

Bug #3159 - In service mode, server doesn't start unless GUI is running
Bug #3214 - Client sometimes can't connect if GUI is closed
Bug #56 - Mac OS X server not sending keystrokes to client
Bug #3161 - First time GUI appears, service doesn't send logging
Bug #3164 - In service mode, you need to add a firewall exception
Bug #3166 - Service shutdown stalls when GUI is closed
Bug #3216 - Fatal error if plugins folder doesn't exist
Bug #3221 - ERROR: could not connect to service, error: 2
Feature #3192 - Add support for JOYINFOEX structure to poll game device info
Feature #3202 - Plugin support (sending for primary screen events on Windows only)
Feature #3155 - Cross-platform TCP IPC between GUI and service
Task #3177 - Fix Mac buildslave to build multiple versions
Task #3193 - Add Micro Synergy to repository
Task #3275 - Change hostname label to "IP address or hostname"
Task #3276 - Installation recovery mechanism for synrgyhk.dll

Bug #143: Cursor on Mac OS X goes to center when inactive
Bug #146: Screen Resize causes problems with moving off right-hand side of screen
Bug #3058: Modifier keys not working on Mac OS X server
Bug #3139: Double click too strict (click, move, click should not count)
Bug #3195: Service install can fail first time
Bug #3196: Wizard buttons not visible
Bug #3197: GUI doesn't take focus after install
Bug #3202: Hook DLL (synrgyhk.dll) is not released
Feature #3143: Setup wizard for first time users
Feature #3145: Check for updates
Feature #3174: Startup mode wizard page
Feature #3184: New service for process management

Bug #3132: GUI hides before successful connection
Bug #3133: Can't un-hide GUI on Mac
Feature #3054: Hide synergy[cs] dock icon (Mac OS X)
Feature #3135: Integrate log into main window
Task #3134: Move hotkey warnings to DEBUG

Bug #155: Build error on FreeBSD (missing sentinel in function call)
Bug #571: Synergy SegFaults with "Unknown Quartz Event type: 0x1d"
Bug #617: xrandr rotation on client confines cursor in wrong area
Bug #642: `synergyc --help` segfaults on sparc64 architecture
Bug #652: Stack overflow in getIDForKey
Bug #1071: Can't copy from the Firefox address bar on Linux
Bug #1662: Copying text from remote computer crashes java programs.
Bug #1731: YouTube can cause server to freeze randomly
Bug #2752: Use SAS for ctrl+alt+del on win7
Bug #2763: Double-click broken on Mac OS
Bug #2817: Keypad Subtract has wrong keycode on OS X
Bug #2958: GNOME 3 mouse problem (gnome-shell)
Bug #2962: Clipboard not working on mac client
Bug #3063: Segfault in copy buffer
Bug #3066: Server segfault on clipboard paste
Bug #3089: Comma and Period translated wrong when using the NEO2-layout
Bug #3092: Wrong screen rotation detected
Bug #3105: There doesn't seem to be a system tray available. Quitting
Bug #3116: Memory Leak due to the XInput2 patches
Bug #3117: Dual monitors not detected properly anymore
Feature #3073: Re-introduce auto-start GUI (Windows)
Feature #3076: Re-introduce auto-start backend
Feature #3077: Re-introduce hidden on start
Feature #3091: Add option to remap altgr modifier
Feature #3119: Mac OS X secondary screen
Task #2905: Unit tests: Clipboard classes
Task #3072: Downgrade Linux build machines
Task #3090: CXWindowsKeyState integ test args wrong