#! /usr/bin/env python # hm.py: 'Help Me', is a simple wrapper for `cmake` and `hg`. # # This script was created for the Synergy+ project. # http://code.google.com/p/synergy-plus # # The idea behind this is to simplify the usage of CMake, # while still making cmake independant of this script. In # other words, you don't need to use this script. # # If you don't wish to run this script, simply run: # cmake . # make # This will create an in-source UNIX Makefile. import sys, os, ConfigParser, subprocess, shutil if sys.platform == 'win32': import _winreg project = 'synergy-plus' setup_version = 3 website_url = 'http://code.google.com/p/synergy-plus' this_cmd = 'hm' cmake_cmd = 'cmake' make_cmd = 'make' xcodebuild_cmd = 'xcodebuild' source_dir = '..' # Source, relative to build. cmake_dir = 'cmake' bin_dir = 'bin' build_dir = 'build' # Obsolete # Valid commands. commands = [ 'about', 'setup', 'configure', 'build', 'clean', 'update', 'install', 'package', 'dist', 'open', 'destroy', 'usage', 'revision', 'help', '--help', '-h', '/?' ] win32_generators = { '1' : 'Visual Studio 9 2008', '2' : 'Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64', '3' : 'Visual Studio 8 2005', '4' : 'Visual Studio 8 2005 Win64', '5' : 'Visual Studio 7', '6' : 'Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003', '7' : 'Visual Studio 6', '8' : 'CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles', '9' : 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles', '10': 'Eclipse CDT4 - MinGW Makefiles', '11': 'Eclipse CDT4 - NMake Makefiles', '12': 'Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles', '13': 'MinGW Makefiles', '14': 'NMake Makefiles', '15': 'Unix Makefiles', '16': 'Borland Makefiles', '17': 'MSYS Makefiles', '18': 'Watcom WMake', } unix_generators = { '1' : 'Unix Makefiles', '2' : 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles', '3' : 'Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles', '4' : 'KDevelop3', '5' : 'KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles', } darwin_generators = { '1' : 'Xcode', '2' : 'Unix Makefiles', '3' : 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles', '4' : 'Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles', '5' : 'KDevelop3', '6' : 'KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles', } sln_filename = '%s.sln' % project xcodeproj_filename = '%s.xcodeproj' % project config_filename = '%s.cfg' % this_cmd config_filepath = '%s/%s' % (bin_dir, config_filename) sln_filepath = '%s\%s' % (bin_dir, sln_filename) xcodeproj_filepath= '%s/%s' % (bin_dir, xcodeproj_filename) # try_chdir(...) and restore_chdir() will use this prevdir = '' def usage(): cmd = sys.argv[0] print ('Usage: %s [command]\n' '\n' 'Replace [command] with one of:\n' ' about Show information about this script\n' ' setup Runs the initial setup for this script\n' ' configure Runs cmake (generates project files)\n' ' open Attempts to open the generated project file\n' ' build Builds using the platform build chain\n' ' clean Cleans using the platform build chain\n' ' destroy Destroy all temporary files (bin and build)\n' ' update Updates the source code from repository\n' ' revision Display the current source code revision\n' ' package Create a distribution package (e.g. tar.gz)\n' ' install Installs the program\n' ' usage Shows the help screen\n' '\n' 'Alias commands:\n' ' conf configure\n' ' up update\n' ' dist package\n' ' rev revision\n' '\n' 'Example: %s configure' ) % (this_cmd, this_cmd) def configure(): err = configure_internal() if err == 0: print ('Configure complete!\n\n' 'Open project now: %s open\n' 'Command line build: %s build' ) % (this_cmd, this_cmd) return True else: return False def configure_internal(): ensure_setup_latest() generator = get_generator() if generator != '': cmake_args = '%s -G "%s"' % (source_dir, generator) else: cmake_args = source_dir cmake_cmd_string = '%s %s' % (cmake_cmd, cmake_args) print "Configuring with CMake (%s)..." % cmake_cmd_string # Run from build dir so we have an out-of-source build. try_chdir(bin_dir) err = os.system(cmake_cmd_string) restore_chdir() if err != 0: print 'CMake encountered error:', err else: set_conf_run() return err; def build(mode): ensure_setup_latest() if not has_conf_run(): if configure_internal() != 0: return False generator = get_generator() if generator == "Unix Makefiles": print 'Building with GNU Make...' try_chdir(bin_dir) err = os.system(make_cmd) restore_chdir() if err == 0: return True else: print 'GNU Make failed:', err return False elif generator.startswith('Visual Studio 8') or generator.startswith('Visual Studio 9'): ret = run_vcbuild(generator, mode) if ret == 0: return True else: print 'VCBuild failed:', ret return False elif generator == 'Xcode': print 'Building with Xcode...' try_chdir(bin_dir) err = os.system(xcodebuild_cmd) restore_chdir() if err == 0: return True else: print 'Xcode failed:', err return False else: print 'Not supported with generator:',generator return False def clean(mode): generator = get_generator() if generator == "Unix Makefiles": print 'Cleaning with GNU Make...' try_chdir(bin_dir) err = os.system(make_cmd + ' clean') restore_chdir() if err == 0: return True else: print 'GNU Make failed: %s' % err return False elif generator.startswith('Visual Studio 8') or generator.startswith('Visual Studio 9'): ret = run_vcbuild(generator, mode, '/clean') if ret == 0: return True else: print 'VCBuild failed:', ret return False elif generator == 'Xcode': print 'Cleaning with Xcode...' try_chdir(bin_dir) err = os.system(xcodebuild_cmd + ' clean') restore_chdir() if err == 0: return True else: print 'XCode failed:', err return False else: print 'clean: Not supported on platform:',sys.platform return False def open_project(): generator = get_generator() if generator.startswith('Visual Studio'): open_project_internal(sln_filepath) return True elif generator.startswith('Xcode'): open_project_internal(xcodeproj_filepath, 'open') return True else: print 'Not supported with generator:',generator return False def update(): print "Running Mercurial pull and update..." os.system('hg pull') os.system('hg update') def revision(): os.system('hg identify') def destroy(): msg = "Are you sure you want to remove the ./bin/ directory? [y/N]" print msg, yn = raw_input() if yn in ['y', 'Y']: try: shutil.rmtree(bin_dir) except: print "Warning: Could not remove ./bin/ directory." def package(type): # Package is supported by default. package_unsupported = False if type == '': package_usage() elif type == 'src-tgz': if sys.platform in ['linux2', 'darwin']: package_src() else: package_unsupported = True elif type == 'src-zip': if sys.platform == 'win32': package_src() else: package_unsupported = True elif type == 'rpm': if sys.platform == 'linux2': package_rpm() else: package_unsupported = True elif type == 'deb': if sys.platform == 'linux2': package_deb() else: package_unsupported = True elif type == 'win': if sys.platform == 'win32': package_win() else: package_unsupported = True elif type == 'mac': if sys.platform == 'darwin': package_mac() else: package_unsupported = True else: print 'Not yet implemented: package %s' % package_type if package_unsupported: print ('Package type, %s is not ' 'supported for platform, %s') % (type, sys.platform) def package_src(): # Enter the temp build dir, to preserve source tree. try_chdir(bin_dir) os.system('make package_source') restore_chdir() def package_rpm(): try_chdir(bin_dir) os.system('cpack -G RPM') restore_chdir() def package_deb(): try_chdir(bin_dir) os.system('cpack -G DEB') restore_chdir() def package_win(): try_chdir(bin_dir) os.system('cpack -G NSIS') restore_chdir() def package_mac(): try_chdir(bin_dir) os.system('cpack -G PackageMaker') restore_chdir() def package_usage(): print ('Usage: %s package [package-type]\n' '\n' 'Replace [package-type] with one of:\n' ' src-tgz Create a .tar.gz source distribution\n' ' src-zip Create a .zip source distribution\n' ' rpm Create a .rpm package (Red Hat)\n' ' deb Create a .deb paclage (Debian)\n' ' win Create a .exe installer (Windows)\n' ' mac Create a .dmg package (Mac OS X)\n' '\n' 'Example: %s package src-tgz') % (this_cmd, this_cmd) def about(): print ('Help Me script, from the Synergy+ project.\n' '%s\n' '\n' 'For help, run: %s help') % (website_url, this_cmd) # # Important! # # From here on, it's just internal stuff, no need to # change anything here unless adding new commands, or # editing the way the script works. # def main(argv): if sys.version_info < (2, 4): print "Python version must be at least: 2.4" sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(build_dir): # Make sure the user knows the build dir is obsolete. os.rename(build_dir, build_dir + '-obsolete') completions = [] arg_1 = '' if len(argv) > 1: arg_1 = argv[1] completions = complete_command(arg_1) arg_2 = '' if len(argv) > 2: arg_2 = argv[2] if len(completions) > 0: if len(completions) == 1: cmd = completions[0] if cmd != arg_1: print 'From `%s`, assuming command `%s`.' % (arg_1, cmd) if cmd in ['about', 'info']: about() elif cmd in ['configure', 'conf']: configure() elif cmd in ['build']: build(arg_2) elif cmd in ['open']: open_project() elif cmd in ['clean']: clean(arg_2) elif cmd in ['update', 'up']: update() elif cmd in ['rev', 'revision']: revision() elif cmd in ['package', 'dist']: package(arg_2) elif cmd in ['usage', 'help', '--help', '-h', '/?']: usage() elif cmd in ['destroy']: destroy() elif cmd in ['setup']: setup() else: print 'Command not yet implemented:',cmd else: print ('Command `%s` too ambiguous, ' 'could mean any of: %s' ) % (arg_1, ', '.join(completions)) else: if len(argv) == 1: print 'No command specified, showing usage.\n' else: print 'Command not recognised: %s\n' % arg_1 usage() def try_chdir(dir): # Ensure temp build dir exists. if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) global prevdir prevdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # It will exist by this point, so it's safe to chdir. os.chdir(dir) def restore_chdir(): global prevdir os.chdir(prevdir) def open_project_internal(project_filename, application = ''): if not os.path.exists(project_filename): print 'Project file (%s) not found, run hm conf first.' % project_filename return False else: path = project_filename if application != '': path = application + ' ' + path os.system(path) return True def setup(): print "Running setup..." if sys.platform == 'win32': generator = setup_generator_get(win32_generators) elif sys.platform in ['linux2', 'sunos5', 'freebsd7']: generator = setup_generator_get(unix_generators) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': generator = setup_generator_get(darwin_generators) else: raise Exception('Unsupported platform: ' + sys.platform) # Create build dir, since config file resides there. if not os.path.exists(bin_dir): os.mkdir(bin_dir) if os.path.exists(config_filepath): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(config_filepath) else: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if not config.has_section('hm'): config.add_section('hm') if not config.has_section('cmake'): config.add_section('cmake') config.set('hm', 'setup_version', setup_version) config.set('cmake', 'generator', generator) write_config(config) cmakecache_filename = '%s/CMakeCache.txt' % bin_dir if os.path.exists(cmakecache_filename): print "Removing %s, since generator changed." % cmakecache_filename os.remove(cmakecache_filename) print "\nSetup complete." def write_config(config): configfile = open(config_filepath, 'wb') config.write(configfile) def get_generator(): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read(config_filepath) return config.get('cmake', 'generator') def has_setup_version(version): if os.path.exists(config_filepath): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read(config_filepath) try: return config.getint('hm', 'setup_version') >= version except: return False else: return False def has_conf_run(): if has_setup_version(2): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read(config_filepath) try: return config.getboolean('hm', 'has_conf_run') except: return False else: return False def set_conf_run(): if has_setup_version(3): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read(config_filepath) config.set('hm', 'has_conf_run', True) write_config(config) else: raise Exception("User does not have correct setup version.") def setup_generator_get(generators): generator_options = '' generators_sorted = sorted(generators.iteritems(), key=lambda t: int(t[0])) for id, generator in generators_sorted: generator_options += '\n ' + id + ': ' + generator print ('\nChoose a CMake generator:%s' ) % generator_options return setup_generator_prompt(generators) def setup_generator_prompt(generators): prompt = 'Enter a number:' print prompt, generator_id = raw_input() if generator_id in generators: print 'Selected generator:', generators[generator_id] else: print 'Invalid number, try again.' setup_generator_prompt(generators) return generators[generator_id] def complete_command(arg): possible_completions = [] for command in commands: if command.startswith(arg): possible_completions.append(command) return possible_completions def get_vcvarsall(generator): # This is the *only* valid way of detecting VC8/9 (may work for others also) # Remark: "VC7" key does not change between VC8/9 # [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7] # "9.0"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\" value = None type = None key_name = r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7' key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_name) if generator.startswith('Visual Studio 8'): value,type = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, '8.0') elif generator.startswith('Visual Studio 9'): value,type = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, '9.0') else: raise Exception('Cannot determin vcvarsall.bat location for: ' + generator) path = value + 'vcvarsall.bat' if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception("'%s' not found.") return path def run_vcbuild(generator, mode, args=''): import platform # os_bits should be loaded with '32bit' or '64bit' (os_bits, other) = platform.architecture() # Now we choose the parameters bases on OS 32/64 and our target 32/64 # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x4d2c09s%28VS.80%29.aspx # valid options are only: ia64 amd64 x86_amd64 x86_ia64 # but calling vcvarsall.bat does not garantee that it will work # ret code from vcvarsall.bat is always 0 so the only way of knowing that I worked is by analysing the text output # ms bugg: install VS9, FeaturePack, VS9SP1 and you'll obtain a vcvarsall.bat that fails. if generator.find('Win64') != -1: # target = 64bit if os_bits == '32bit': vcvars_platform = 'x86_amd64' # 32bit OS building 64bit app else: vcvars_platform = 'amd64' # 64bit OS building 64bit app config_platform = 'x64' else: # target = 32bit vcvars_platform = 'x86' # 32/64bit OS building 32bit app config_platform = 'Win32' if mode == 'release': config = 'Release|' + config_platform else: config = 'Debug|' + config_platform cmd = ('@echo off\n' 'call "%s" %s \n' 'vcbuild /nologo %s "%s" "%s"' ) % (get_vcvarsall(generator), vcvars_platform, args, sln_filepath, config) print cmd # Generate a batch file, since we can't use environment variables directly. temp_bat = bin_dir + r'\vcbuild.bat' file = open(temp_bat, 'w') file.write(cmd) file.close() return os.system(temp_bat) def ensure_setup_latest(): if not has_setup_version(setup_version): setup() # Start the program. main(sys.argv)