/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2012 Bolton Software Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef CCLIENT_H #define CCLIENT_H #include "IClient.h" #include "IClipboard.h" #include "CNetworkAddress.h" #include "INode.h" class CEventQueueTimer; class CScreen; class CServerProxy; class IDataSocket; class ISocketFactory; namespace synergy { class IStream; } class IStreamFilterFactory; class IEventQueue; //! Synergy client /*! This class implements the top-level client algorithms for synergy. */ class CClient : public IClient, public INode { public: class CFailInfo { public: CFailInfo(const char* what) : m_retry(false), m_what(what) { } bool m_retry; CString m_what; }; protected: CClient(IEventQueue& eventQueue); public: /*! This client will attempt to connect to the server using \p name as its name and \p address as the server's address and \p factory to create the socket. \p screen is the local screen. */ CClient(IEventQueue& eventQueue, const CString& name, const CNetworkAddress& address, ISocketFactory* socketFactory, IStreamFilterFactory* streamFilterFactory, CScreen* screen); ~CClient(); //! @name manipulators //@{ //! Connect to server /*! Starts an attempt to connect to the server. This is ignored if the client is trying to connect or is already connected. */ void connect(); //! Disconnect /*! Disconnects from the server with an optional error message. */ void disconnect(const char* msg); //! Notify of handshake complete /*! Notifies the client that the connection handshake has completed. */ void handshakeComplete(); //@} //! @name accessors //@{ //! Test if connected /*! Returns true iff the client is successfully connected to the server. */ bool isConnected() const; //! Test if connecting /*! Returns true iff the client is currently attempting to connect to the server. */ bool isConnecting() const; //! Get address of server /*! Returns the address of the server the client is connected (or wants to connect) to. */ CNetworkAddress getServerAddress() const; //! Get connected event type /*! Returns the connected event type. This is sent when the client has successfully connected to the server. */ static CEvent::Type getConnectedEvent(); //! Get connection failed event type /*! Returns the connection failed event type. This is sent when the server fails for some reason. The event data is a CFailInfo*. */ static CEvent::Type getConnectionFailedEvent(); //! Get disconnected event type /*! Returns the disconnected event type. This is sent when the client has disconnected from the server (and only after having successfully connected). */ static CEvent::Type getDisconnectedEvent(); //@} // IScreen overrides virtual void* getEventTarget() const; virtual bool getClipboard(ClipboardID id, IClipboard*) const; virtual void getShape(SInt32& x, SInt32& y, SInt32& width, SInt32& height) const; virtual void getCursorPos(SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const; // IClient overrides virtual void enter(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs, UInt32 seqNum, KeyModifierMask mask, bool forScreensaver); virtual bool leave(); virtual void setClipboard(ClipboardID, const IClipboard*); virtual void grabClipboard(ClipboardID); virtual void setClipboardDirty(ClipboardID, bool); virtual void keyDown(KeyID, KeyModifierMask, KeyButton); virtual void keyRepeat(KeyID, KeyModifierMask, SInt32 count, KeyButton); virtual void keyUp(KeyID, KeyModifierMask, KeyButton); virtual void mouseDown(ButtonID); virtual void mouseUp(ButtonID); virtual void mouseMove(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs); virtual void mouseRelativeMove(SInt32 xRel, SInt32 yRel); virtual void mouseWheel(SInt32 xDelta, SInt32 yDelta); virtual void screensaver(bool activate); virtual void resetOptions(); virtual void setOptions(const COptionsList& options); virtual void gameDeviceButtons(GameDeviceID id, GameDeviceButton buttons); virtual void gameDeviceSticks(GameDeviceID id, SInt16 x1, SInt16 y1, SInt16 x2, SInt16 y2); virtual void gameDeviceTriggers(GameDeviceID id, UInt8 t1, UInt8 t2); virtual void gameDeviceTimingReq(); virtual CString getName() const; private: void sendClipboard(ClipboardID); void sendEvent(CEvent::Type, void*); void sendConnectionFailedEvent(const char* msg); void setupConnecting(); void setupConnection(); void setupScreen(); void setupTimer(); void cleanupConnecting(); void cleanupConnection(); void cleanupScreen(); void cleanupTimer(); void handleConnected(const CEvent&, void*); void handleConnectionFailed(const CEvent&, void*); void handleConnectTimeout(const CEvent&, void*); void handleOutputError(const CEvent&, void*); void handleDisconnected(const CEvent&, void*); void handleShapeChanged(const CEvent&, void*); void handleClipboardGrabbed(const CEvent&, void*); void handleHello(const CEvent&, void*); void handleSuspend(const CEvent& event, void*); void handleResume(const CEvent& event, void*); void handleGameDeviceTimingResp(const CEvent& event, void*); void handleGameDeviceFeedback(const CEvent& event, void*); private: CString m_name; CNetworkAddress m_serverAddress; ISocketFactory* m_socketFactory; IStreamFilterFactory* m_streamFilterFactory; CScreen* m_screen; synergy::IStream* m_stream; CEventQueueTimer* m_timer; CServerProxy* m_server; bool m_ready; bool m_active; bool m_suspended; bool m_connectOnResume; bool m_ownClipboard[kClipboardEnd]; bool m_sentClipboard[kClipboardEnd]; IClipboard::Time m_timeClipboard[kClipboardEnd]; CString m_dataClipboard[kClipboardEnd]; IEventQueue& m_eventQueue; static CEvent::Type s_connectedEvent; static CEvent::Type s_connectionFailedEvent; static CEvent::Type s_disconnectedEvent; protected: bool m_mock; }; #endif