AboutDialogBase About Synergy <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">Synergy</span></p></body></html> Version: - Hostname: IP-Address: &Ok <p>The Synergy GUI is based on QSynergy by Volker Lanz<br/> <br/> Copyright © 2008 Volker Lanz (vl@fidra.de)<br/> Copyright © 2010 Chris Schoeneman, Nick Bolton, Sorin Sbarnea</p> ActionDialogBase Configure Action Choose the action to perform Press a hotkey Release a hotkey Press and release a hotkey only on these screens Switch to screen Switch in direction left right up down Lock cursor to screen toggle on off This action is performed when the hotkey is pressed the hotkey is released HotkeyDialogBase Hotkey Enter the specification for the hotkey: MainWindow &File &Edit &Window &Help <p>Version %1 is now available, <a href="%2">visit website</a>.</p> Program can not be started The executable<br><br>%1<br><br>could not be successfully started, although it does exist. Please check if you have sufficient permissions to run this program. Synergy client not found The executable for the synergy client does not exist. Hostname is empty Please fill in a hostname for the synergy client to connect to. Cannot write configuration file The temporary configuration file required to start synergy can not be written. Configuration filename invalid You have not filled in a valid configuration file for the synergy server. Do you want to browse for the configuration file now? Synergy server not found The executable for the synergy server does not exist. Synergy terminated with an error Synergy terminated unexpectedly with an exit code of %1.<br><br>Please see the log output for details. &Stop &Start &Beginnen &Apply Synergy is running. Synergy is starting. Synergy is not running. Browse for a synergys config file Save configuration as... Save failed Could not save configuration to file. MainWindowBase Synergy &Start &Beginnen &Server (share this computer's mouse and keyboard): Use existing configuration: &Configuration file: &Browse... Configure interactively: &Configure Server... &Client (use another computer's keyboard and mouse): &Name of the server: Ready Log &About Synergy... &Quit Quit Ctrl+Q Run Ctrl+S S&top Stop Ctrl+T S&how Status Ctrl+H &Minimize &Restore Save configuration &as... Save the interactively generated server configuration to a file. Ctrl+Alt+S Settings Edit settings Run Wizard NewScreenWidget Unnamed QObject Synergy Configurations (*.sgc);;All files (*.*) Synergy Configurations (*.conf);;All files (*.*) System tray is unavailable, quitting. ScreenSettingsDialog Screen name is empty The name for a screen can not be empty. Please fill in a name or cancel the dialog. ScreenSettingsDialogBase Screen Settings Screen &name: A&liases &Add &Remove &Modifier keys &Shift: Shift Ctrl Alt Meta Super None &Ctrl: Al&t: M&eta: S&uper: &Dead corners Top-left Top-right Bottom-left Bottom-right Corner Si&ze: &Fixes Fix CAPS LOCK key Fix NUM LOCK key Fix SCROLL LOCK key Fix XTest for Xinerama ScreenSetupModel <center>Screen: <b>%1</b></center><br>Double click to edit settings<br>Drag screen to the trashcan to remove it ServerConfigDialogBase Server Configuration Screens and links Drag a screen from the grid to the trashcan to remove it. Configure the layout of your synergy server configuration. Drag this button to the grid to add a new screen. Drag new screens to the grid or move existing ones around. Drag a screen to the trashcan to delete it. Double click on a screen to edit its settings. Hotkeys &Hotkeys &New &Edit &Remove A&ctions Ne&w E&dit Re&move Advanced server settings &Switch Switch &after waiting ms Switch on double &tap within &Options &Check clients every Use &relative mouse moves S&ynchronize screen savers Don't take &foreground window on Windows servers &Dead corners To&p-left Top-rig&ht &Bottom-left Bottom-ri&ght Cor&ner Size: SettingsDialog Save log file to... SettingsDialogBase Settings &Advanced Sc&reen name: P&ort: &Interface: Enable &gamepad support for Windows &Start &Beginnen &Start Synergy after logging in &Automatically start server/client &Hide when server/client starts Logging &Logging level: Log to file: Browse... Error Warning Note Info Debug Debug1 Debug2 SetupWizard Service (Windows only) Setup Synergy Please select an option. SetupWizardBase Setup Synergy Server or Client? &Server (new setup) This is the first computer you are configuring. Your keyboard and mouse are connected to this computer. This will allow you to move your mouse over to another computer's screen. There can only be one server in your setup. &Client (add to setup) You have already set up a server. This a computer you wish to control using the server's keyboard and mouse. There can be many clients in your setup. Startup Mode &Service Always run Synergy in the background automatically at startup. This allows you to use Synergy at the login prompt. If you experience problems while using this mode, you can run this wizard again and select the "Desktop" option. &Desktop Synergy will start when your desktop loads (after you login). This mode can help if you experience problems with the "Service" option. &None Do not start Synergy when your comptuer starts. VersionChecker Unknown