/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #if !defined(_MT) # error multithreading compile option is required #endif #include "CArchMultithreadWindows.h" #include "CArch.h" #include "XArch.h" #include <process.h> // // note -- implementation of condition variable taken from: // http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/win32-cv-1.html // titled "Strategies for Implementing POSIX Condition Variables // on Win32." it also provides an implementation that doesn't // suffer from the incorrectness problem described in our // corresponding header but it is slower, still unfair, and // can cause busy waiting. // // // CArchThreadImpl // class CArchThreadImpl { public: CArchThreadImpl(); ~CArchThreadImpl(); public: int m_refCount; HANDLE m_thread; DWORD m_id; IArchMultithread::ThreadFunc m_func; void* m_userData; HANDLE m_cancel; bool m_cancelling; HANDLE m_exit; void* m_result; }; CArchThreadImpl::CArchThreadImpl() : m_refCount(1), m_thread(NULL), m_id(0), m_func(NULL), m_userData(NULL), m_cancelling(false), m_result(NULL) { m_exit = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); m_cancel = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); } CArchThreadImpl::~CArchThreadImpl() { CloseHandle(m_exit); CloseHandle(m_cancel); } // // CArchMultithreadWindows // CArchMultithreadWindows* CArchMultithreadWindows::s_instance = NULL; CArchMultithreadWindows::CArchMultithreadWindows() { assert(s_instance == NULL); s_instance = this; // create mutex for thread list m_threadMutex = newMutex(); // create thread for calling (main) thread and add it to our // list. no need to lock the mutex since we're the only thread. CArchThreadImpl* mainThread = new CArchThreadImpl; mainThread->m_thread = NULL; mainThread->m_id = GetCurrentThreadId(); insert(mainThread); } CArchMultithreadWindows::~CArchMultithreadWindows() { s_instance = NULL; // clean up thread list for (CThreadList::iterator index = m_threadList.begin(); index != m_threadList.end(); ++index) { delete *index; } // done with mutex delete m_threadMutex; } HANDLE CArchMultithreadWindows::getCancelEventForCurrentThread() { lockMutex(m_threadMutex); CArchThreadImpl* thread = findNoRef(GetCurrentThreadId()); unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); return thread->m_cancel; } CArchMultithreadWindows* CArchMultithreadWindows::getInstance() { return s_instance; } CArchCond CArchMultithreadWindows::newCondVar() { CArchCondImpl* cond = new CArchCondImpl; cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kSignal] = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kBroadcast] = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); cond->m_waitCountMutex = newMutex(); cond->m_waitCount = 0; return cond; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::closeCondVar(CArchCond cond) { CloseHandle(cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kSignal]); CloseHandle(cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kBroadcast]); closeMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); delete cond; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::signalCondVar(CArchCond cond) { // is anybody waiting? lockMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); const bool hasWaiter = (cond->m_waitCount > 0); unlockMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); // wake one thread if anybody is waiting if (hasWaiter) { SetEvent(cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kSignal]); } } void CArchMultithreadWindows::broadcastCondVar(CArchCond cond) { // is anybody waiting? lockMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); const bool hasWaiter = (cond->m_waitCount > 0); unlockMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); // wake all threads if anybody is waiting if (hasWaiter) { SetEvent(cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kBroadcast]); } } bool CArchMultithreadWindows::waitCondVar(CArchCond cond, CArchMutex mutex, double timeout) { // prepare to wait const DWORD winTimeout = (timeout < 0.0) ? INFINITE : static_cast<DWORD>(1000.0 * timeout); // make a list of the condition variable events and the cancel event // for the current thread. HANDLE handles[3]; handles[0] = cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kSignal]; handles[1] = cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kBroadcast]; handles[2] = getCancelEventForCurrentThread(); // update waiter count lockMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); ++cond->m_waitCount; unlockMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); // release mutex. this should be atomic with the wait so that it's // impossible for another thread to signal us between the unlock and // the wait, which would lead to a lost signal on broadcasts. // however, we're using a manual reset event for broadcasts which // stays set until we reset it, so we don't lose the broadcast. unlockMutex(mutex); // wait for a signal or broadcast DWORD result = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, handles, FALSE, winTimeout); // cancel takes priority if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2 && WaitForSingleObject(handles[2], 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { result = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2; } // update the waiter count and check if we're the last waiter lockMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); --cond->m_waitCount; const bool last = (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 && cond->m_waitCount == 0); unlockMutex(cond->m_waitCountMutex); // reset the broadcast event if we're the last waiter if (last) { ResetEvent(cond->m_events[CArchCondImpl::kBroadcast]); } // reacquire the mutex lockMutex(mutex); // cancel thread if necessary if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2) { ARCH->testCancelThread(); } // return success or failure return (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0 || result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1); } CArchMutex CArchMultithreadWindows::newMutex() { CArchMutexImpl* mutex = new CArchMutexImpl; InitializeCriticalSection(&mutex->m_mutex); return mutex; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::closeMutex(CArchMutex mutex) { DeleteCriticalSection(&mutex->m_mutex); delete mutex; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::lockMutex(CArchMutex mutex) { EnterCriticalSection(&mutex->m_mutex); } void CArchMultithreadWindows::unlockMutex(CArchMutex mutex) { LeaveCriticalSection(&mutex->m_mutex); } CArchThread CArchMultithreadWindows::newThread(ThreadFunc func, void* data) { lockMutex(m_threadMutex); // create thread impl for new thread CArchThreadImpl* thread = new CArchThreadImpl; thread->m_func = func; thread->m_userData = data; // create thread unsigned int id; thread->m_thread = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, threadFunc, (void*)thread, 0, &id)); thread->m_id = static_cast<DWORD>(id); // check if thread was started if (thread->m_thread == 0) { // failed to start thread so clean up delete thread; thread = NULL; } else { // add thread to list insert(thread); // increment ref count to account for the thread itself refThread(thread); } // note that the child thread will wait until we release this mutex unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); return thread; } CArchThread CArchMultithreadWindows::newCurrentThread() { lockMutex(m_threadMutex); CArchThreadImpl* thread = find(GetCurrentThreadId()); unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); assert(thread != NULL); return thread; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::closeThread(CArchThread thread) { assert(thread != NULL); // decrement ref count and clean up thread if no more references if (--thread->m_refCount == 0) { // close the handle (main thread has a NULL handle) if (thread->m_thread != NULL) { CloseHandle(thread->m_thread); } // remove thread from list lockMutex(m_threadMutex); assert(findNoRefOrCreate(thread->m_id) == thread); erase(thread); unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); // done with thread delete thread; } } CArchThread CArchMultithreadWindows::copyThread(CArchThread thread) { refThread(thread); return thread; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::cancelThread(CArchThread thread) { assert(thread != NULL); // set cancel flag SetEvent(thread->m_cancel); } void CArchMultithreadWindows::setPriorityOfThread(CArchThread thread, int n) { struct CPriorityInfo { public: DWORD m_class; int m_level; }; static const CPriorityInfo s_pClass[] = { { IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE }, { IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST }, { IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL }, { IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL }, { IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL }, { IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST }, { NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST }, { NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL }, { NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL }, { NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL }, { NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST }, { HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST }, { HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL }, { HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL }, { HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL }, { HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST }, { REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE }, { REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST }, { REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL }, { REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL }, { REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL }, { REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST }, { REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL} }; #if defined(_DEBUG) // don't use really high priorities when debugging static const size_t s_pMax = 13; #else static const size_t s_pMax = sizeof(s_pClass) / sizeof(s_pClass[0]) - 1; #endif static const size_t s_pBase = 8; // index of normal priority assert(thread != NULL); size_t index; if (s_pBase < n) { // lowest priority index = 0; } else { index = s_pBase - n; if (index > s_pMax) { // highest priority index = s_pMax; } } SetPriorityClass(thread->m_thread, s_pClass[index].m_class); SetThreadPriority(thread->m_thread, s_pClass[index].m_level); } void CArchMultithreadWindows::testCancelThread() { // find current thread lockMutex(m_threadMutex); CArchThreadImpl* thread = findNoRef(GetCurrentThreadId()); unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); // test cancel on thread testCancelThreadImpl(thread); } bool CArchMultithreadWindows::wait(CArchThread target, double timeout) { assert(target != NULL); lockMutex(m_threadMutex); // find current thread CArchThreadImpl* self = findNoRef(GetCurrentThreadId()); // ignore wait if trying to wait on ourself if (target == self) { unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); return false; } // ref the target so it can't go away while we're watching it refThread(target); unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); // convert timeout DWORD t; if (timeout < 0.0) { t = INFINITE; } else { t = (DWORD)(1000.0 * timeout); } // wait for this thread to be cancelled or for the target thread to // terminate. HANDLE handles[2]; handles[0] = target->m_exit; handles[1] = self->m_cancel; DWORD result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, FALSE, t); // cancel takes priority if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 && WaitForSingleObject(handles[1], 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { result = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1; } // release target closeThread(target); // handle result switch (result) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: // target thread terminated return true; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // this thread was cancelled. does not return. testCancelThreadImpl(self); default: // timeout or error return false; } } IArchMultithread::EWaitResult CArchMultithreadWindows::waitForEvent(CArchThread target, double timeout) { // find current thread. ref the target so it can't go away while // we're watching it. lockMutex(m_threadMutex); CArchThreadImpl* self = findNoRef(GetCurrentThreadId()); assert(self != NULL); if (target != NULL) { refThread(target); } unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); // see if we've been cancelled before checking if any events // are pending. DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(self->m_cancel, 0); if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (target != NULL) { closeThread(target); } testCancelThreadImpl(self); } // check if messages are available first. if we don't do this then // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() will block even if the queue isn't // empty if the messages in the queue were there before the last // call to GetMessage()/PeekMessage(). if (HIWORD(GetQueueStatus(QS_ALLINPUT)) != 0) { return kEvent; } // convert timeout DWORD t; if (timeout < 0.0) { t = INFINITE; } else { t = (DWORD)(1000.0 * timeout); } // wait for this thread to be cancelled or for the target thread to // terminate. DWORD n = (target == NULL || target == self) ? 1 : 2; HANDLE handles[2]; handles[0] = self->m_cancel; handles[1] = (n == 2) ? target->m_exit : NULL; result = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(n, handles, FALSE, t, QS_ALLINPUT); // cancel takes priority if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0 && WaitForSingleObject(handles[0], 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { result = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0; } // release target if (target != NULL) { closeThread(target); } // handle result switch (result) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: // this thread was cancelled. does not return. testCancelThreadImpl(self); case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // target thread terminated if (n == 2) { return kExit; } // fall through case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: // message is available return kEvent; default: // timeout or error return kTimeout; } } /* bool CArchMultithreadWindows::waitForEvent(double timeout) { // check if messages are available first. if we don't do this then // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() will block even if the queue isn't // empty if the messages in the queue were there before the last // call to GetMessage()/PeekMessage(). if (HIWORD(GetQueueStatus(QS_ALLINPUT)) != 0) { return true; } // find current thread lockMutex(m_threadMutex); CArchThreadImpl* self = findNoRef(GetCurrentThreadId()); unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); assert(self != NULL); // convert timeout DWORD t; if (timeout < 0.0) { t = INFINITE; } else { t = (DWORD)(1000.0 * timeout); } // wait for this thread to be cancelled or for a message HANDLE handles[1]; handles[0] = self->m_cancel; DWORD result = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, handles, FALSE, t, QS_ALLINPUT); // handle result switch (result) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // message is available return true; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: // this thread was cancelled. does not return. testCancelThreadImpl(self); default: // timeout or error return false; } } */ bool CArchMultithreadWindows::isSameThread(CArchThread thread1, CArchThread thread2) { return (thread1 == thread2); } bool CArchMultithreadWindows::isExitedThread(CArchThread thread) { // poll exit event return (WaitForSingleObject(thread->m_exit, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); } void* CArchMultithreadWindows::getResultOfThread(CArchThread thread) { lockMutex(m_threadMutex); void* result = thread->m_result; unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); return result; } IArchMultithread::ThreadID CArchMultithreadWindows::getIDOfThread(CArchThread thread) { return static_cast<ThreadID>(thread->m_id); } CArchThreadImpl* CArchMultithreadWindows::find(DWORD id) { CArchThreadImpl* impl = findNoRef(id); if (impl != NULL) { refThread(impl); } return impl; } CArchThreadImpl* CArchMultithreadWindows::findNoRef(DWORD id) { CArchThreadImpl* impl = findNoRefOrCreate(id); if (impl == NULL) { // create thread for calling thread which isn't in our list and // add it to the list. this won't normally happen but it can if // the system calls us under a new thread, like it does when we // run as a service. impl = new CArchThreadImpl; impl->m_thread = NULL; impl->m_id = GetCurrentThreadId(); insert(impl); } return impl; } CArchThreadImpl* CArchMultithreadWindows::findNoRefOrCreate(DWORD id) { // linear search for (CThreadList::const_iterator index = m_threadList.begin(); index != m_threadList.end(); ++index) { if ((*index)->m_id == id) { return *index; } } return NULL; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::insert(CArchThreadImpl* thread) { assert(thread != NULL); // thread shouldn't already be on the list assert(findNoRefOrCreate(thread->m_id) == NULL); // append to list m_threadList.push_back(thread); } void CArchMultithreadWindows::erase(CArchThreadImpl* thread) { for (CThreadList::iterator index = m_threadList.begin(); index != m_threadList.end(); ++index) { if (*index == thread) { m_threadList.erase(index); break; } } } void CArchMultithreadWindows::refThread(CArchThreadImpl* thread) { assert(thread != NULL); assert(findNoRefOrCreate(thread->m_id) != NULL); ++thread->m_refCount; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::testCancelThreadImpl(CArchThreadImpl* thread) { assert(thread != NULL); // poll cancel event. return if not set. const DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(thread->m_cancel, 0); if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { return; } // update cancel state lockMutex(m_threadMutex); bool cancel = !thread->m_cancelling; thread->m_cancelling = true; ResetEvent(thread->m_cancel); unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); // unwind thread's stack if cancelling if (cancel) { throw XThreadCancel(); } } unsigned int __stdcall CArchMultithreadWindows::threadFunc(void* vrep) { // get the thread CArchThreadImpl* thread = reinterpret_cast<CArchThreadImpl*>(vrep); // run thread s_instance->doThreadFunc(thread); // terminate the thread return 0; } void CArchMultithreadWindows::doThreadFunc(CArchThread thread) { // default priority is slightly below normal setPriorityOfThread(thread, 1); // wait for parent to initialize this object lockMutex(m_threadMutex); unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); void* result = NULL; try { // go result = (*thread->m_func)(thread->m_userData); } catch (XThreadCancel&) { // client called cancel() } catch (...) { // note -- don't catch (...) to avoid masking bugs SetEvent(thread->m_exit); closeThread(thread); throw; } // thread has exited lockMutex(m_threadMutex); thread->m_result = result; unlockMutex(m_threadMutex); SetEvent(thread->m_exit); // done with thread closeThread(thread); }