name: barrier-kvm # the Barrier Snappy for Linux / not tested on MAC yet base: core18 version: '2.2.0' # 03/2019 summary: Eliminate the barrier between your machines. description: | Barrier is KVM software forked from Symless's synergy 1.9 codebase. Synergy was a commercialized reimplementation of the original CosmoSynergy written by Chris Schoeneman. grade: stable # must be 'stable' to release into candidate/stable channels confinement: strict # use 'strict' once you have the right plugs and slots apps: barrier-kvm: command: desktop-launch barrier #first run might take longer plugs: gnome-3-26-1604: interface: content target: gnome-platform default-provider: gnome-3-26-1604:gnome-3-26-1604 plugs: [gnome-3-26-1604] plugs: [x11] parts: [qt5conf] parts: desktop: plugin: nil source: desktop-qt5: source: source-subdir: qt plugin: make make-parameters: ["FLAVOR=qt5"] build-packages: - build-essential - qtbase5-dev - dpkg-dev stage-packages: - libxkbcommon0 - ttf-ubuntu-font-family - dmz-cursor-theme - light-themes - adwaita-icon-theme - gnome-themes-standard - shared-mime-info - libqt5gui5 - libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 - libqt5svg5 # for loading icon themes which are svg - try: [appmenu-qt5] # not available on core18 - locales-all - xdg-user-dirs - fcitx-frontend-qt5 qt5: source: source-subdir: qt plugin: make make-parameters: ["FLAVOR=qt5"] build-packages: - qtbase5-dev - dpkg-dev stage-packages: - libxkbcommon0 - ttf-ubuntu-font-family - dmz-cursor-theme - light-themes - adwaita-icon-theme - gnome-themes-standard - shared-mime-info - libqt5gui5 - libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 - libqt5svg5 # for loading icon themes which are svg - try: [appmenu-qt5] # not available on core18 - locales-all barrier-kvm: source: plugin: cmake build-packages: - g++ - gcc - make - xorg-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev - libssl-dev - libx11-dev - libqt4-dev - qtbase5-dev - qt5-style-plugins - qt5ct stage-packages: - libxinerama-dev - libxinerama1 - libxrandr-dev - libxrandr2 - libxrender-dev - libxrender1 - libxtst-dev - qtdeclarative5-dev - libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev - libqt5gui5 - libavahi-common-dev - libqt5x11extras5 - libqt5svg5 - libqt5svg5-dev - qt5ct after: [desktop-qt5]