2002/09/14 21:31:35 crs lib/base/XBase.cpp lib/base/XBase.h removed std::exception from base class list of XBase. this is a workaround for gcc 3.2 until everything necessary has throw() specifiers. ---------- 2002/09/14 20:56:50 crs lib/server/CServer.cpp now logging bind failures as warnings. ---------- 2002/09/14 20:56:28 crs lib/base/XBase.cpp lib/base/XBase.h lib/io/XIO.cpp lib/io/XIO.h lib/net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp lib/net/CTCPSocket.cpp lib/net/XSocket.cpp lib/net/XSocket.h added better network error message support. ---------- 2002/09/14 12:07:02 crs lib/client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h lib/server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h lib/synergy/KeyTypes.h Rewrote handling of key press on X11 client; it should be much more robust now. Also added handling of Super modifier key and changed windows keys to map to Super instead of Meta, which is the default on my keyboard. ---------- 2002/09/14 12:05:06 crs cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h Added debug level combo box and version number to title bar of win32 launcher. ---------- 2002/09/14 12:03:43 crs cmd/synergyc/resource.h cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergyc/synergyc.rc cmd/synergys/resource.h cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp cmd/synergys/synergys.rc Fixed backend mode. Now reports log messages and, if any are serious, shows a message box before exiting. ---------- 2002/09/04 21:17:01 crs NEWS configure.in lib/base/Version.h Changed version number to 0.9.11. Added NEWS item. ---------- 2002/09/04 21:14:18 crs lib/client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp now looking up SendEvent() using GetProcAddress() so win95 systems can run the synergy client. ---------- 2002/09/04 20:17:54 crs lib/client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp fixed bug that caused the wrong keycode to be used for most, possibly all, keysyms. was reading past the end of an array of keysyms. ---------- 2002/09/02 17:36:25 crs configure.in lib/base/Version.h Changed version number to 0.9.10. ---------- 2002/09/02 17:30:04 crs BUGS INSTALL cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.cpp cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.h cmd/launcher/LaunchUtil.cpp cmd/launcher/LaunchUtil.h cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.dsp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h cmd/synergyc/resource.h cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergyc/synergyc.rc cmd/synergys/resource.h cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp lib/platform/CUnixPlatform.h lib/platform/CWin32Platform.cpp lib/platform/CWin32Platform.h lib/platform/IPlatform.h lib/server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp Fixed win32 config saving, keyboard mapping, and AltGr bugs. Made extensive changes to the launcher to provide more control over setting up auto-start and it now saves configuration to the user's documents directory if auto-starting at login and saves to the system directory if auto-starting at boot. Replaced MapVirtualKey() with table lookup to work around that function's lack of support for extended keyboard scan codes. Added first cut at support for AltGr. ---------- 2002/09/01 15:30:00 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/KeyTypes.h Added support for mode switch key to X11 screens. ---------- 2002/09/01 10:31:10 crs acinclude.m4 configure.in lib/base/stdsstream.h added more tests to autoconf. also now handling missing sstream header in gcc 2.95 by including sstream header backported from v3. ---------- 2002/09/01 09:28:54 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp lowered severity of some debug messages. ---------- 2002/08/18 17:45:59 crs configure.in lib/base/Version.h Changed version number to 0.9.9. ---------- 2002/08/18 17:40:10 crs lib/server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp fixed win32 deadlock. when a client disconnects the server will warp the mouse to the primary screen. entering the primary screen causes the primary screen's window to be hidden. the deadlock occurs because hiding the window seems to post a message then wait for it to be handled (or possibly it won't send a message while a posted message is being handled). thread A locks the mutex, warps the mouse, the hides the window. thread B begins processing the mouse warp then tries to lock the mutex. thread A is waiting on the event loop owned by B while B is waiting on the mutex owned by A. this fix simply hides the window asynchronously. however, there may be other ways to cause a similar deadlock that have not been found. ---------- 2002/08/18 17:35:10 crs lib/client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h lib/server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp fixed PrintScrn handling; it was being changed to keypad multiply. ---------- 2002/08/18 17:31:48 crs lib/client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h no longer sending fake events for unmapped logical buttons. ---------- 2002/08/11 22:43:07 crs BUGS INSTALL NEWS PORTING README cmd/Makefile.am cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/synergy/Makefile.am cmd/synergy/resource.h cmd/synergy/synergy.cpp cmd/synergy/synergy.dsp cmd/synergy/synergy.ico cmd/synergy/synergy.rc cmd/synergyc/Makefile.am cmd/synergyc/resource.h cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergyc/synergyc.dsp cmd/synergyc/synergyc.ico cmd/synergyc/synergyc.rc cmd/synergyd/Makefile.am cmd/synergyd/resource.h cmd/synergyd/synergy.ico cmd/synergyd/synergyd.cpp cmd/synergyd/synergyd.dsp cmd/synergyd/synergyd.rc cmd/synergys/Makefile.am cmd/synergys/resource.h cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp cmd/synergys/synergys.dsp cmd/synergys/synergys.ico cmd/synergys/synergys.rc configure.in dist/rpm/synergy.spec.in synergy.dsw Moved synergy client to cmd/synergyc and renamed it synergyc. Moved synergy server to cmd/synergys and renamed it synergys. Updated documentation to reflect that and the win32 launcher. ---------- 2002/08/11 11:50:49 crs Makefile.am TODO added TODO file and top-level rule to make zip file of distribution files. ---------- 2002/08/03 11:50:07 crs lib/mt/CCondVar.h removed pre-instantiation of templates in header file. ---------- 2002/08/03 11:49:36 crs all.dsp cmd/Makefile.am cmd/launcher/Makefile.am cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.dsp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h cmd/launcher/synergy.ico cmd/synergy/Makefile.am cmd/synergy/resource.h cmd/synergy/synergy.cpp cmd/synergy/synergy.dsp cmd/synergy/synergy.ico cmd/synergy/synergy.rc cmd/synergyd/Makefile.am cmd/synergyd/resource.h cmd/synergyd/synergy.ico cmd/synergyd/synergyd.cpp cmd/synergyd/synergyd.dsp cmd/synergyd/synergyd.rc configure.in lib/base/CString.cpp lib/base/Version.h lib/base/base.dsp lib/client/client.dsp lib/http/http.dsp lib/io/io.dsp lib/mt/mt.dsp lib/net/net.dsp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/makehook.dsp lib/platform/platform.dsp lib/platform/synrgyhk.dsp lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/server.dsp lib/synergy/libsynergy.dsp synergy.dsw added win32 launcher program. also changed VC++ dsp and dsw files to binary form so \r\n aren't converted. added icons to client and server apps on win32. ---------- 2002/08/02 17:57:54 crs Makefile.am configure.in dist/Makefile.am dist/rpm/Makefile.am dist/rpm/synergy.spec.in added build rule to create RPMs. ---------- 2002/08/02 17:53:23 crs AUTHORS BUGS FAQ HISTORY INSTALL NEWS PORTING README minor documentation updates. added HISTORY and PORTING. ---------- 2002/08/01 18:07:32 crs AUTHORS BUGS COPYING ChangeLog FAQ INSTALL NEWS README added files for release. ---------- 2002/08/01 11:45:21 crs configure.in lib/base/CStopwatch.cpp lib/mt/CCondVar.cpp lib/platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp minor automake fixes. ---------- 2002/07/31 17:40:36 crs Makefile.am added simple rule to build doxygen. ---------- 2002/07/31 17:40:21 crs lib/synergy/XSynergy.h fixed comment. ---------- 2002/07/31 17:35:43 crs Makefile.am removed two programs from files to clean. ---------- 2002/07/31 17:34:05 crs Makefile.am cmd/Makefile.am cmd/synergy/Makefile.am cmd/synergyd/Makefile.am lib/Makefile.am lib/base/Makefile.am lib/client/Makefile.am lib/http/Makefile.am lib/io/Makefile.am lib/mt/Makefile.am lib/net/Makefile.am lib/platform/Makefile.am lib/server/Makefile.am lib/synergy/Makefile.am fixes to get vpath builds working (necessary for `make distcheck'). ---------- 2002/07/31 16:57:26 crs Makefile.am cmd/Makefile.am cmd/synergy/Makefile.am cmd/synergy/synergy.cpp cmd/synergyd/Makefile.am cmd/synergyd/synergyd.cpp configure.in lib/Makefile.am lib/base/Makefile.am lib/base/Version.h lib/client/Makefile.am lib/http/Makefile.am lib/io/Makefile.am lib/mt/Makefile.am lib/net/Makefile.am lib/platform/Makefile.am lib/server/Makefile.am lib/synergy/Makefile.am lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.h lib/synergy/Version.h Moved version header to base and it now uses VERSION macro from config.h if available (which means version is now a string, not three integers). Changed version to 1.0.0 and protocol version to 1.0. And added MAINTAINERCLEANFILES to makefiles to remove generated files. ---------- 2002/07/31 16:27:06 crs Makefile.am cmd/synergy/Makefile.am cmd/synergyd/Makefile.am examples/synergy.linux.init examples/synergyd.linux.init lib/base/Makefile.am lib/client/Makefile.am lib/http/Makefile.am lib/io/Makefile.am lib/mt/Makefile.am lib/net/Makefile.am lib/platform/Makefile.am lib/server/Makefile.am lib/synergy/Makefile.am nodist/notes notes added EXTRA_* files to get `make dist' doing the right thing. ---------- 2002/07/31 16:24:45 crs notes checkpoint notes. ---------- 2002/07/31 13:56:59 crs lib/base/CLog.cpp removed now unnecssary #define. ---------- 2002/07/31 13:41:58 crs lib/http/http.dsp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.h lib/platform/IMSWindowsScreenEventHandler.h okay, now the files should no longer be executable. ---------- 2002/07/31 13:34:18 crs lib/http/http.dsp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.h lib/platform/IMSWindowsScreenEventHandler.h notes removed unintentional executable flag. ---------- 2002/07/31 13:29:33 crs notes checkpoint notes. ---------- 2002/07/31 13:18:27 crs README added comment about large motif clipboard items to README. ---------- 2002/07/31 13:10:15 crs README updated README. ---------- 2002/07/31 12:40:41 crs lib/platform/CSynergyHook.cpp lib/platform/synrgyhk.dsp now building hook dll for release without linking in standard C runtime. need C runtime for debug build for asserts. ---------- 2002/07/31 12:39:34 crs cmd/synergy/synergy.cpp cmd/synergyd/synergyd.cpp lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/client/CClient.h lib/client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy.h lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.h lib/server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/synergy/IClient.h lib/synergy/IScreen.h lib/synergy/XScreen.cpp lib/synergy/XScreen.h fixed problem with opening client and server. in some cases it would fail to open in such a way that it could never succeed but it'd never stop retrying. now terminating when open fails such that it'll never succeed. ---------- 2002/07/30 19:03:40 crs lib/client/client.dsp lib/io/io.dsp lib/net/net.dsp lib/server/server.dsp lib/synergy/libsynergy.dsp added new files to projects and added two project files that should've been adding in change 530. ---------- 2002/07/30 18:49:31 crs lib/client/CServerProxy.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.h made it so a negative kHeartRate disables heartbeats and set kHeartRate to -1. ---------- 2002/07/30 18:31:21 crs lib/mt/CThreadRep.cpp lib/mt/XThread.h moved exception definition to header file. ---------- 2002/07/30 18:31:00 crs cmd/synergy/synergy.cpp cmd/synergyd/synergyd.cpp lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/client/CClient.h lib/client/ISecondaryScreenFactory.h lib/client/Makefile.am lib/io/IStreamFilterFactory.h lib/io/Makefile.am lib/net/CTCPSocketFactory.cpp lib/net/CTCPSocketFactory.h lib/net/ISocketFactory.h lib/net/Makefile.am lib/server/CPrimaryClient.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/server/IPrimaryScreenFactory.h lib/server/Makefile.am lib/synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.cpp lib/synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.h lib/synergy/ISocketFactory.h lib/synergy/Makefile.am lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.h now using class factories to move some decisions from the libraries into the application. ---------- 2002/07/30 16:52:46 crs Makefile.am base/BasicTypes.h base/CFunctionJob.cpp base/CFunctionJob.h base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h base/CStopwatch.cpp base/CStopwatch.h base/CString.cpp base/CString.h base/CUnicode.cpp base/CUnicode.h base/IInterface.h base/IJob.h base/Makefile.am base/TMethodJob.h base/XBase.cpp base/XBase.h base/base.dsp base/common.h base/stdfstream.h base/stdistream.h base/stdlist.h base/stdmap.h base/stdostream.h base/stdpost.h base/stdpre.h base/stdset.h base/stdsstream.h base/stdvector.h client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CSecondaryScreen.h client/CServerProxy.cpp client/CServerProxy.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/Makefile.am client/client.cpp client/client.dsp client/client.rc client/resource.h cmd/Makefile.am cmd/synergy/Makefile.am cmd/synergy/resource.h cmd/synergy/synergy.cpp cmd/synergy/synergy.dsp cmd/synergy/synergy.rc cmd/synergyd/Makefile.am cmd/synergyd/resource.h cmd/synergyd/synergyd.cpp cmd/synergyd/synergyd.dsp cmd/synergyd/synergyd.rc configure.in http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.h http/Makefile.am http/XHTTP.cpp http/XHTTP.h http/http.dsp io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp io/CBufferedInputStream.h io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp io/CBufferedOutputStream.h io/CInputStreamFilter.cpp io/CInputStreamFilter.h io/COutputStreamFilter.cpp io/COutputStreamFilter.h io/CStreamBuffer.cpp io/CStreamBuffer.h io/IInputStream.h io/IOutputStream.h io/Makefile.am io/XIO.cpp io/XIO.h io/io.dsp lib/Makefile.am lib/base/BasicTypes.h lib/base/CFunctionJob.cpp lib/base/CFunctionJob.h lib/base/CLog.cpp lib/base/CLog.h lib/base/CStopwatch.cpp lib/base/CStopwatch.h lib/base/CString.cpp lib/base/CString.h lib/base/CUnicode.cpp lib/base/CUnicode.h lib/base/IInterface.h lib/base/IJob.h lib/base/Makefile.am lib/base/TMethodJob.h lib/base/XBase.cpp lib/base/XBase.h lib/base/base.dsp lib/base/common.h lib/base/stdfstream.h lib/base/stdistream.h lib/base/stdlist.h lib/base/stdmap.h lib/base/stdostream.h lib/base/stdpost.h lib/base/stdpre.h lib/base/stdset.h lib/base/stdsstream.h lib/base/stdvector.h lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/client/CClient.h lib/client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h lib/client/CSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/client/CSecondaryScreen.h lib/client/CServerProxy.cpp lib/client/CServerProxy.h lib/client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp lib/client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h lib/client/Makefile.am lib/http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp lib/http/CHTTPProtocol.h lib/http/Makefile.am lib/http/XHTTP.cpp lib/http/XHTTP.h lib/http/http.dsp lib/io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp lib/io/CBufferedInputStream.h lib/io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp lib/io/CBufferedOutputStream.h lib/io/CInputStreamFilter.cpp lib/io/CInputStreamFilter.h lib/io/COutputStreamFilter.cpp lib/io/COutputStreamFilter.h lib/io/CStreamBuffer.cpp lib/io/CStreamBuffer.h lib/io/IInputStream.h lib/io/IOutputStream.h lib/io/Makefile.am lib/io/XIO.cpp lib/io/XIO.h lib/io/io.dsp lib/mt/CCondVar.cpp lib/mt/CCondVar.h lib/mt/CLock.cpp lib/mt/CLock.h lib/mt/CMutex.cpp lib/mt/CMutex.h lib/mt/CThread.cpp lib/mt/CThread.h lib/mt/CThreadRep.cpp lib/mt/CThreadRep.h lib/mt/CTimerThread.cpp lib/mt/CTimerThread.h lib/mt/Makefile.am lib/mt/XThread.h lib/mt/mt.dsp lib/net/CNetwork.cpp lib/net/CNetwork.h lib/net/CNetworkAddress.cpp lib/net/CNetworkAddress.h lib/net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp lib/net/CTCPListenSocket.h lib/net/CTCPSocket.cpp lib/net/CTCPSocket.h lib/net/IDataSocket.h lib/net/IListenSocket.h lib/net/ISocket.h lib/net/Makefile.am lib/net/XNetwork.cpp lib/net/XNetwork.h lib/net/XSocket.cpp lib/net/XSocket.h lib/net/net.dsp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.h lib/platform/CPlatform.cpp lib/platform/CPlatform.h lib/platform/CSynergyHook.cpp lib/platform/CSynergyHook.h lib/platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp lib/platform/CUnixPlatform.h lib/platform/CWin32Platform.cpp lib/platform/CWin32Platform.h lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboardUCS2Converter.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboardUCS2Converter.h lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboardUTF8Converter.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboardUTF8Converter.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h lib/platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsUtil.h lib/platform/IMSWindowsScreenEventHandler.h lib/platform/IPlatform.h lib/platform/Makefile.am lib/platform/makehook.dsp lib/platform/platform.dsp lib/platform/synrgyhk.dsp lib/server/CClientProxy.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy.h lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.h lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/CHTTPServer.cpp lib/server/CHTTPServer.h lib/server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h lib/server/CPrimaryClient.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.h lib/server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryScreen.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h lib/server/Makefile.am lib/synergy/CClipboard.cpp lib/synergy/CClipboard.h lib/synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp lib/synergy/CInputPacketStream.h lib/synergy/COutputPacketStream.cpp lib/synergy/COutputPacketStream.h lib/synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp lib/synergy/CProtocolUtil.h lib/synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.cpp lib/synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.h lib/synergy/ClipboardTypes.h lib/synergy/IClient.h lib/synergy/IClipboard.h lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreenReceiver.h lib/synergy/IScreen.h lib/synergy/IScreenEventHandler.h lib/synergy/IScreenReceiver.h lib/synergy/IScreenSaver.h lib/synergy/IServer.h lib/synergy/ISocketFactory.h lib/synergy/KeyTypes.h lib/synergy/Makefile.am lib/synergy/MouseTypes.h lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.h lib/synergy/Version.h lib/synergy/XScreen.cpp lib/synergy/XScreen.h lib/synergy/XSynergy.cpp lib/synergy/XSynergy.h lib/synergy/libsynergy.dsp mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CCondVar.h mt/CLock.cpp mt/CLock.h mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CMutex.h mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h mt/CTimerThread.cpp mt/CTimerThread.h mt/Makefile.am mt/XThread.h mt/mt.dsp net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetwork.h net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.h net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPListenSocket.h net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.h net/IDataSocket.h net/IListenSocket.h net/ISocket.h net/Makefile.am net/XNetwork.cpp net/XNetwork.h net/XSocket.cpp net/XSocket.h net/net.dsp platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.h platform/CPlatform.cpp platform/CPlatform.h platform/CSynergyHook.cpp platform/CSynergyHook.h platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.h platform/CWin32Platform.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.h platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardUCS2Converter.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboardUCS2Converter.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardUTF8Converter.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboardUTF8Converter.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp platform/CXWindowsUtil.h platform/IMSWindowsScreenEventHandler.h platform/IPlatform.h platform/Makefile.am platform/makehook.dsp platform/platform.dsp platform/synrgyhk.dsp server/CClientProxy.cpp server/CClientProxy.h server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp server/CClientProxy1_0.h server/CConfig.cpp server/CConfig.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CHTTPServer.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/Makefile.am server/resource.h server/server.cpp server/server.dsp server/server.rc synergy.dsw synergy/CClipboard.cpp synergy/CClipboard.h synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp synergy/CInputPacketStream.h synergy/COutputPacketStream.cpp synergy/COutputPacketStream.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.h synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.cpp synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.h synergy/ClipboardTypes.h synergy/IClient.h synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreenReceiver.h synergy/IScreen.h synergy/IScreenEventHandler.h synergy/IScreenReceiver.h synergy/IScreenSaver.h synergy/IServer.h synergy/ISocketFactory.h synergy/KeyTypes.h synergy/Makefile.am synergy/MouseTypes.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/Version.h synergy/XScreen.cpp synergy/XScreen.h synergy/XSynergy.cpp synergy/XSynergy.h synergy/synergy.dsp Reorganized source tree. Moved client.cpp into cmd/synergy as synergy.cpp and server.cpp into cmd/synergyd as synergyd.cpp. Moved and renamed related files. Moved remaining source files into lib/.... Modified and added makefiles as appropriate. Result is that library files are under lib with each library in its own directory and program files are under cmd with each command in its own directory. ---------- 2002/07/30 15:17:44 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CSecondaryScreen.h client/CServerProxy.cpp client/CServerProxy.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/client.cpp server/CClientProxy.h server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp server/CClientProxy1_0.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/server.cpp synergy/IClient.h Replaced method name `run' with `mainLoop', and `stop' and `quit' with `exitMainLoop' in most places. ---------- 2002/07/30 14:59:36 crs client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CSecondaryScreen.h client/CServerProxy.cpp client/CServerProxy.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CClientProxy.h server/CClientProxy1_0.h server/CConfig.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CHTTPServer.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IClient.h synergy/IScreen.h synergy/IScreenReceiver.h synergy/IServer.h Added doxygen comments for all relevant headers in client and server. ---------- 2002/07/29 17:03:55 crs platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.h platform/CPlatform.h platform/CSynergyHook.h platform/CUnixPlatform.h platform/CWin32Platform.h platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardUCS2Converter.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardUTF8Converter.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h platform/CXWindowsUtil.h platform/IMSWindowsScreenEventHandler.h platform/IPlatform.h Added doxygen comments for all relevant headers in platform. ---------- 2002/07/29 16:07:26 crs synergy/CClipboard.h synergy/CInputPacketStream.h synergy/COutputPacketStream.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.h synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.h synergy/ClipboardTypes.h synergy/IClient.h synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreenReceiver.h synergy/IScreen.h synergy/IScreenEventHandler.h synergy/IScreenReceiver.h synergy/IScreenSaver.h synergy/IServer.h synergy/ISocketFactory.h synergy/KeyTypes.h synergy/MouseTypes.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/Version.h synergy/XScreen.h synergy/XSynergy.h Added doxygen comments for all relevant headers in synergy. ---------- 2002/07/29 16:06:52 crs platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.cpp moved try/catch block from CMSWindowsScreen to CPrimaryClient. this means CMSWindowsScreen doesn't need to include XSynergy.h. ---------- 2002/07/29 16:05:59 crs doc/doxygen.cfg changed doxygen configuration. ---------- 2002/07/28 19:06:52 crs net/CNetwork.h net/CNetworkAddress.h net/CTCPListenSocket.h net/CTCPSocket.h net/IDataSocket.h net/IListenSocket.h net/ISocket.h net/XNetwork.h net/XSocket.cpp net/XSocket.h Added doxygen comments for all relevant headers in net. ---------- 2002/07/28 17:55:59 crs http/CHTTPProtocol.h http/XHTTP.cpp http/XHTTP.h Added doxygen comments for all relevant headers in http. ---------- 2002/07/28 17:25:13 crs io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp io/CBufferedInputStream.h io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp io/CBufferedOutputStream.h io/CInputStreamFilter.h io/COutputStreamFilter.h io/CStreamBuffer.h io/IInputStream.h io/IOutputStream.h io/XIO.h Added doxygen comments for all relevant headers in io. ---------- 2002/07/28 13:34:19 crs mt/CCondVar.h mt/CLock.h mt/CMutex.h mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.h mt/CTimerThread.h mt/XThread.h Added doxygen comments for all relevant headers in mt. ---------- 2002/07/26 18:28:18 crs base/CFunctionJob.h base/CLog.h base/CStopwatch.h base/CString.h base/CUnicode.h base/IInterface.h base/IJob.h base/TMethodJob.h base/XBase.h base/common.h added doxygen comments for all relevant headers in base. ---------- 2002/07/26 18:27:31 crs platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp fixed type mismatch (SInt32 vs int) in definition of getWindowProperty(). ---------- 2002/07/26 16:05:59 crs doc/doxygen.cfg added configuration file for building doxygen documentation. the code is not yet doxygen documented, though. ---------- 2002/07/26 15:22:25 crs platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp now deleting property when so requested even if read failed. ---------- 2002/07/25 18:08:00 crs notes checkpoint. ---------- 2002/07/25 17:58:01 crs client/client.cpp net/XSocket.cpp server/server.cpp improved error messages for bad addresses. ---------- 2002/07/25 17:52:40 crs base/XBase.cpp http/XHTTP.cpp io/XIO.cpp net/XNetwork.cpp net/XSocket.cpp server/CConfig.cpp server/server.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/XScreen.cpp synergy/XSynergy.cpp made all getWhat() methods on exceptions consistent. they now all use format() the same way. also changed format() to actually do formatting. however, it doesn't try looking up formatting strings by id, it just uses the fallback format string. ---------- 2002/07/25 17:23:35 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h base/CString.cpp base/CString.h moved string formatting into CStringUtil from CLog and added methods for format positional string arguments. ---------- 2002/07/25 09:55:01 crs platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp added unix specific implementation of CXWindowsScreen::mainLoop() that uses poll() to process events more efficiently. it won't wake up nor sleep any more than necessary, unlike the platform independent implementation that polls and sleeps. ---------- 2002/07/25 09:23:24 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp finished INCR transfer changes. also made motifGetTime() return icccmGetTime() because it seems motif does TIMESTAMP like ICCCM. ---------- 2002/07/25 08:57:46 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp checkpoint. working on INCR transfers. ---------- 2002/07/24 19:26:18 crs platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.h fixes for win32 due to changes in how s_restartable is handled. the main change is that WM_QUIT now causes the thread to be cancelled instead of mainLoop() just returning. this also requires runDaemon() to call the run function in a new thread each time it calls it because it could can cancelled. ---------- 2002/07/24 19:24:21 crs platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.cpp fixes for win32 clipboard due to CUnicode nul terminator changes. ---------- 2002/07/24 19:23:46 crs base/CUnicode.cpp fixed an off-by-one error in UTF8ToText(). ---------- 2002/07/24 17:39:52 crs base/CUnicode.cpp fixed an off-by-one error in textToUTF8(). ---------- 2002/07/24 17:30:32 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h fixed type of TARGETS target. ---------- 2002/07/24 17:22:01 crs base/CUnicode.cpp base/CUnicode.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.cpp made handling of nul terminators in CUnicode more sane. ---------- 2002/07/24 17:07:52 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h some fixes for motif clipboard. still not handling incremental transfer through root window property because not sure of the protocol. ---------- 2002/07/24 13:01:18 crs client/CClient.cpp client/client.cpp net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/XSocket.h platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.h platform/CWin32Platform.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp platform/IPlatform.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/server.cpp synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/Version.h removed restart function from platform. no longer trying to restart if the X server connection was lost; since synergy is likely to be started by xdm or the user's xsession, it's better for synergy to simply terminate when the connection is lost. synergy will still restart due to other errors. also fixed numerous other minor bugs and cleaned some stuff up (like app error codes are now consistent and enumerated in Version.h, for lack of a better place). and boosted version and protocol numbers. ---------- 2002/07/23 19:00:01 crs notes checkpoint. ---------- 2002/07/23 18:59:44 crs platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp fixed a bug in clipboard conversion (was using wrong converter or no converter when one was available). ---------- 2002/07/23 18:59:15 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/KeyTypes.h converted win32 to use unicode based KeyID. ---------- 2002/07/23 17:04:41 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/KeyTypes.h checkpoint. converting KeyID to use UTF-32 encoding instead of X11 keysyms. ---------- 2002/07/23 15:34:05 crs synergy/CClipboard.cpp synergy/IClipboard.h no longer attempting to unmarshall clipboard formats that aren't known to the caller. if the client supports more formats than the server then the server could get a clipboard format greater than kNumFormats. with this change the server discards the extra formats instead of crashing. ---------- 2002/07/23 15:26:40 crs base/CUnicode.cpp base/CUnicode.h base/base.dsp platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboardAnyTextConverter.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboardUTF16Converter.h platform/platform.dsp unicode clipboard changes for win32 plus some bug fixes. ---------- 2002/07/23 12:35:36 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h removed unnecessary atoms from X clipboard object. ---------- 2002/07/23 12:08:30 crs base/CUnicode.cpp checkpoint. more CUnicode fixes. ---------- 2002/07/23 11:51:13 crs base/CUnicode.cpp checkpoint. fixed the other cases in the same function as the previous checkin. also prevented the errors flag from getting reset after the multibyte to wide character conversion. ---------- 2002/07/23 11:42:54 crs base/CUnicode.cpp checkpoint. fixed cases for mbrtowc (was using 1 and 2 instead of -1 and -2). ---------- 2002/07/23 11:36:18 crs base/CUnicode.cpp base/CUnicode.h platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp checkpoint. more UTF8 clipboard stuff. ---------- 2002/07/23 09:33:50 crs base/CUnicode.cpp base/CUnicode.h platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp checkpoint. more UTF8 clipboard testing. ---------- 2002/07/22 18:46:57 crs base/CUnicode.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp checkpoint. more UTF8 clipboard stuff. ---------- 2002/07/22 18:17:21 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp checkpoint. more UTF8 clipboard stuff. ---------- 2002/07/22 18:03:44 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp checkpoint. working on UTF8 clipboard transfer. ---------- 2002/07/22 17:32:51 crs base/CUnicode.cpp base/CUnicode.h base/Makefile.am platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardTextConverter.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboardTextConverter.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardUCS2Converter.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboardUCS2Converter.h platform/CXWindowsClipboardUTF8Converter.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboardUTF8Converter.h platform/Makefile.am synergy/IClipboard.h checkpoint. adding support for unicode in clipboard. ---------- 2002/07/19 21:27:59 crs README changed notes about how to startup configure synergy. it now discourages using boot scripts, which can't handle X servers requiring authorization, and suggests modifying xdm's Xsetup. ---------- 2002/07/19 20:44:57 crs examples/synergy.linux.init examples/synergyd.linux.init updated init.d scripts to work with SuSE. however, it looks as if they cannot be used on an X server using authentication because the daemons they start are not authorized to connect to the X server. X users should modify Xsetup or Xsession. ---------- 2002/07/19 18:12:41 crs server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp formatting. ---------- 2002/07/19 17:39:45 crs server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp removed <CR> from previous change. ---------- 2002/07/19 17:38:34 crs server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp reordered operations to reduce cursor flashing when entering primary screen. ---------- 2002/07/18 17:03:10 crs platform/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp fixed handling of calling init() when a previous process did not call cleanup(). if that process still appears to exist then the init() fails. otherwise some cleanup is performed and the init() proceeds. a synergy server started while another is running will now exit immediately without interfering the original server. ---------- 2002/07/18 17:00:48 crs server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h now cancelling and waiting for the accept client thread before cancelling any other threads. this prevents a race condition where we disconnect a client but it reconnects before we manage to shutdown. that might leave a thread running and the connection won't be closed down properly. ---------- 2002/07/18 16:58:08 crs mt/CThreadRep.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp changed waitForEvent() to handle a peculiar feature of MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(): it will not return immediately if an event already in the queue when it's called was already in the queue during the last call to GetMessage()/PeekMessage(). also now discarding screen saver events if there are any other screen saver events in the queue already. this prevents these events from piling up in the queue, which they'd do because we sleep for 250ms when handling each one. ---------- 2002/07/18 08:54:17 crs synergy.dsw fixed incorrect paths to makehook and synrgyhk project files. ---------- 2002/07/17 17:27:41 crs platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CSynergyHook.cpp platform/CSynergyHook.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CPrimaryScreen.h attempt to fix stuttering when leaving win32 screen. seems to work but will let testers make the final call. also fixed desktop synchronization by setting a variable that was mistakenly left unset. and tried to work around an apparent bug in MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() that prevented the service from closing down properly. start/pause/continue/stop sequence still doesn't shut down correctly. start/pause/stop and start/stop work fine. ---------- 2002/07/17 17:24:44 crs client/CClient.cpp removed unnecessary local variable. ---------- 2002/07/16 19:07:15 crs base/stdistream.h io/CStreamBuffer.cpp fixes to get it compiling on .NET. ---------- 2002/07/16 16:52:26 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CServerProxy.cpp client/CServerProxy.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/IMSWindowsScreenEventHandler.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreenReceiver.h synergy/IScreen.h synergy/IScreenEventHandler.h synergy/IScreenReceiver.h synergy/IServer.h moved onError() method to IScreenReceiver from IPrimaryScreenReceiver. also implemented onError in CClient which previously did not have any way to handle display disconnection. ---------- 2002/07/15 15:03:04 crs platform/CSynergyHook.cpp platform/synrgyhk.dsp completing previous checkin. ---------- 2002/07/15 15:01:36 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/client.dsp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CSynergyHook.cpp platform/CSynergyHook.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/IMSWindowsScreenEventHandler.h platform/makehook.dsp platform/platform.dsp platform/synrgyhk.dsp server/CConfig.cpp server/CConfig.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/makehook.dsp server/server.dsp server/synrgyhk.dsp synergy/IScreen.h synergy/IScreenEventHandler.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/synergy.dsp checkpoint. refactored win32 code. had to edit and rename some files so this is only a checkpoint. ---------- 2002/07/13 22:00:38 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CSecondaryScreen.h client/CServerProxy.cpp client/CServerProxy.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/ISecondaryScreen.h client/Makefile.am client/client.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h server/CClientProxy.h server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp server/CClientProxy1_0.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/IPrimaryScreen.h server/Makefile.am server/server.cpp synergy/IClient.h synergy/IPrimaryScreenReceiver.h synergy/IScreen.h synergy/IScreenEventHandler.h synergy/IScreenReceiver.h synergy/IServer.h synergy/Makefile.am checkpoint. still refactoring. merged common code from primary screens into CPrimaryScreen and merged common code from secondary screens into CSecondaryScreen. changed is-a relationship to a has-a between the primary and secondary screen classes and the generic platform dependent screen class to avoid multiple inheritance of implementation. also standardized the interface for those generic screen classes. adding a platform now involves implementing simpler interfaces: IScreen for the generic screen, IScreenEventHandler and some methods of CPrimaryScreen for the primary screen, and IScreenEventHandler and some methods of CSecondaryScreen for the secondary screen. did X11 platform but not win32 platform. ---------- 2002/07/12 20:41:23 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h refactoring. refactored stuff in client (with changes to server as necessary). ---------- 2002/07/11 18:58:49 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h checkpoint. making win32 and X primary screen code more similar in order to share code later. ---------- 2002/07/11 13:13:37 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CServerProxy.cpp client/client.dsp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/IPrimaryScreen.h server/server.dsp synergy/synergy.dsp applied refactoring to win32 code. ---------- 2002/07/10 21:22:28 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CServerProxy.cpp client/CServerProxy.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/ISecondaryScreen.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreenReceiver.h synergy/IScreenReceiver.h synergy/IServer.h synergy/Makefile.am more refactoring. ---------- 2002/07/10 20:18:32 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CServerProxy.cpp client/CServerProxy.h client/ISecondaryScreen.h client/Makefile.am client/client.cpp server/CClientProxy.h server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp server/CClientProxy1_0.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CServer.cpp synergy/IClient.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/Makefile.am refactored client code. it now uses IClient and IServer and has a CServerProxy, making it's design similar to the server code. ---------- 2002/07/10 14:29:50 crs synergy/IClient.h removed some obsolete comments. ---------- 2002/07/10 14:15:17 crs server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp server/CClientProxy1_0.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/IPrimaryReceiver.h server/Makefile.am synergy/IServer.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h removed IPrimaryReceiver in favor of IServer, which required a few minor changes to support IPrimaryReciever's functionality. this does mean that the IPrimaryScreen class will be calling some methods with dummy arguments. those are documented in CPrimaryClient. ---------- 2002/07/09 21:22:31 crs acinclude.m4 acsite.m4 config/depcomp config/install-sh config/missing config/mkinstalldirs mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h notes platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp server/CClientProxy.cpp server/CClientProxy.h server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp server/CClientProxy1_0.h server/CPrimaryClient.cpp server/CPrimaryClient.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol.cpp server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/IPrimaryReceiver.h server/IPrimaryScreen.h server/IServerProtocol.h server/Makefile.am synergy/IClient.h synergy/IServer.h synergy/Makefile.am updated to new automake and refactored server stuff. the server now speaks to the primary screen and secondary screens almost everywhere the same way through an IClient interface; only special primary screen calls are accessed through a different interface, the CPrimaryClient interface. this simplifies the server since it no longer needs to test whether the active screen is the primary or a secondary in most cases. the server no longer speaks directly to the primary screen; all that goes through the CPrimaryClient, which often just forwards the call. the primary screen no longer speaks directly to the server either, again going through the CPrimaryClient via a IPrimaryReceiver interface. CServerProtocol classes have been replaced by CClientProxy classes which are very similar. the name makes more sense though. ---------- 2002/07/09 17:31:45 crs server/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/Makefile.am checkpoint. moved IPrimaryScreen.h. ---------- 2002/07/07 15:15:34 crs server/IServerProtocol.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h moved IServerProtocol to server from synergy directory. ---------- 2002/07/03 16:25:36 crs server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h fixed spurious mouse motions when entering/leaving primary screen on X11. ---------- 2002/07/01 15:05:49 crs server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp mistakenly removed mouse button checks when on secondary screens from isLockedToScreen() in earlier checkin. ---------- 2002/07/01 14:01:23 crs README notes checkpoint. ---------- 2002/07/01 13:03:16 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h now synthesizing key release events for each pressed key when the client screen is closed. this fixes the bug where the client's keyboard was left with some keys logically pressed when the client died (e.g. using ctrl+c on the client program from the server's keyboard would leave the ctrl key logically pressed). ---------- 2002/07/01 13:01:16 crs server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp disabled removing client if no heartbeat is received. we don't want that while testing because it might hide bugs. ---------- 2002/07/01 13:00:12 crs server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp fixed locking to screen on win32. was using GetKeyboardState() to query keys but that doesn't give us up-to-date information. now using GetAsyncKeyState() if on primary and m_keys if on secondary. ---------- 2002/07/01 12:58:52 crs platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.h added win32 screen saver class forgotten in previous checkins. ---------- 2002/06/26 16:31:48 crs client/CClient.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp io/CBufferedInputStream.h io/CInputStreamFilter.h io/IInputStream.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CSynergyHook.cpp synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp synergy/CInputPacketStream.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy hook DLL will now restart itself if a client tries to init() it while it's already running. fixed an uninitialized pointer bug in CServer and some cleanup-on-error code in CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen. also added timeout to read() on IInputStream and a heartbeat sent by clients so the server can disconnect clients that are dead but never reset the TCP connection. previously the server would keep these dead clients around forever and if the user was locked on the client screen for some reason then the server would have to be rebooted (or the server would have to be killed via a remote login). ---------- 2002/06/26 13:48:08 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client now compresses mouse motion events. this fixes slow dragging on grace, possibly on win32 too. ---------- 2002/06/26 13:31:06 crs synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp synergy/CInputPacketStream.h fixed getSize() to be non-blocking in CInputPacketStream. ---------- 2002/06/26 12:44:52 crs platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h fixed re-entrant calls to X bug. ---------- 2002/06/23 23:24:22 crs server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h fixed handling of jumping to primary when screen saver starts and back to secondary when it stops. also now redirecting keyboard input to root window when screen saver starts; this allows the user to type in the lock dialog and also effectively discards any input used to deactivate the screen saver. ---------- 2002/06/23 21:54:05 crs notes checkpoint. ---------- 2002/06/23 21:53:31 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/platform.dsp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h win32 screen saver now handled. ---------- 2002/06/23 21:48:33 crs platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h now disabling disable job timer when forcing screen saver activation. previously the timer would deactivate the screen saver shortly after activation. job timer is restored when the screen saver is deactivated. ---------- 2002/06/23 15:43:40 crs platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/Makefile.am synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h checkpoint screensaver changes. now handling xscreensaver dying and restarting or starting after synergy does. also now disabling the screen saver on the client. next step: win32 support. ---------- 2002/06/22 20:29:59 crs platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h fixes to get xscreensaver integration working. ---------- 2002/06/22 19:47:27 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp platform/CXWindowsUtil.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp CXWindowsUtil::CErrorLock wasn't XSync()'ing the display before installing and uninstalling the new error handler, causing errors before the lock to be caught and errors during the lock to not be caught. had to add Display* as argument to c'tor. ---------- 2002/06/22 19:20:21 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h platform/Makefile.am server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IScreenSaver.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/Makefile.am checkpoint. adding screen saver support. only on X so far and untested. also some known problems: not detecting an xscreensaver started after us and not detecting built-in screen saver activation (not sure if we can without using ugly extensions). ---------- 2002/06/22 17:31:24 crs client/Makefile.am http/Makefile.am io/Makefile.am mt/Makefile.am net/Makefile.am platform/Makefile.am server/Makefile.am synergy/Makefile.am added header files to _SOURCES. ---------- 2002/06/22 13:55:45 crs server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp added comments. ---------- 2002/06/22 12:09:49 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp cleanup. ---------- 2002/06/21 17:55:47 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/client.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/server.cpp cleaned up some minor bugs. ---------- 2002/06/21 17:54:22 crs net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetwork.h ported network changes to win32. ---------- 2002/06/21 16:29:35 crs net/CNetworkAddress.cpp now trying to convert hostname as a dot notation address before trying name lookup. not all platforms will do this for us in gethostbyname(). ---------- 2002/06/21 16:19:08 crs net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetwork.h net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.cpp fixed CTCPSocket::connect() to allow cancellation. ---------- 2002/06/21 15:18:01 crs server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h some cleanup. also fixed a race condition when adding threads to the thread list: the child thread would add itself to the list which means there could be a time interval in the parent where the child thread exists but isn't on the list. the parent now does the adding and removing. ---------- 2002/06/21 15:15:34 crs platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp now blocking SIGINT and SIGTERM in restart function. the child should handle the signal and terminate. then the restart function will exit. ---------- 2002/06/21 15:14:32 crs mt/CThreadRep.cpp signal handler thread now dies when SIGABRT is raised. ignoring SIGABRT in sigwait() seems to be a bug in the linux pthread library. ---------- 2002/06/20 16:27:49 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h fixed bug introduced by previous checkin. calling XCheckIfEvent() multiple times is *not* the same as calling XIfEvent() because the former will re-encounter events that it didn't process previously. to make things simple it now pulls events off the queue and saves them if not processed for selection transfer and puts them back afterwards. ---------- 2002/06/20 14:01:44 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp speeded up clipboard transfer by avoiding a selection request when it wasn't necessary. (in particular, we were getting the clipboard update time from the owner then emptying the clipboard, so we didn't need to get the time. worse, most owners don't support getting the time and we often timed out.) also fixed a multithread bug using the X display. we were using a CThread to send an event after a timeout while we were waiting in XIfEvent(). this necessarily involved two threads calling into Xlib at once, which is not allowed. now using polling to do the timeout because Xlib doesn't have a function to get events with a timeout. ---------- 2002/06/20 13:35:28 crs platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h checkpoint. trying to fix a delay when sending clipboards on X. ---------- 2002/06/20 11:13:37 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h added workaround for bug windows 98 (Me?) and multiple displays: absolute mouse_event() moves don't work except for primary display. ---------- 2002/06/20 09:19:55 crs server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp work around for bug with mouse driver on lombard powerbook. ---------- 2002/06/19 20:24:35 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h fixed bugs in mouse motion. wasn't taking care to capture all motion events relative to the previous mouse position. for example, if two mouse events arrive, the first at x+1,y and the second at x+2,y, we used to compute deltas of 1,0 and 2,0 instead of 1,0 and 1,0. that's fixed. also worked around a bug (probably) in windows that caused a motion event after a SetCursorPos() to be lost or reported one pixel off from the correct position. now using mouse_event() which doesn't have that problem. also fixed calculation of normalized coordinates for mouse_event() when there are multiple displays. ---------- 2002/06/19 17:03:29 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h checkpoint. initial support for multiple displays on win32. ---------- 2002/06/19 14:45:22 crs client/Makefile.am configure.in server/Makefile.am fixed addition of X11 -L and -l options on link lines. ---------- 2002/06/19 12:21:26 crs configure.in platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp checkpoint. automake changes for wait(). ---------- 2002/06/19 11:58:48 crs configure.in http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp checkpoint. automake changes for reentrant functions. ---------- 2002/06/19 11:23:49 crs base/BasicTypes.h base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h base/CStopwatch.cpp base/XBase.cpp base/common.h base/stdistream.h base/stdostream.h client/CClient.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/client.cpp configure.in mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CCondVar.h mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetwork.h platform/CPlatform.cpp platform/CPlatform.h platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsUtil.h server/CServer.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/server.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.h checkpoint. more conversion to automake. ---------- 2002/06/19 08:23:08 crs config/install-sh config/missing config/mkinstalldirs configure.in install-sh missing mkinstalldirs moved auxillary automake files into config directory. ---------- 2002/06/18 19:47:52 crs install-sh missing mkinstalldirs added automake required tools. ---------- 2002/06/18 19:44:34 crs Make-linux Make-solaris Makecommon Makefile Makefile.am acsite.m4 base/Makefile base/Makefile.am client/Makefile client/Makefile.am configure.in http/Makefile http/Makefile.am io/Makefile io/Makefile.am mt/Makefile mt/Makefile.am net/Makefile net/Makefile.am platform/Makefile platform/Makefile.am server/Makefile server/Makefile.am synergy/Makefile synergy/Makefile.am tools/depconv started to convert to autoconf/automake. ---------- 2002/06/18 18:34:55 crs base/CLog.cpp now checking vsnprintf result against < 0 instead of == -1 for portability. ---------- 2002/06/18 18:33:59 crs net/XSocket.cpp added FIXME to commented out code. ---------- 2002/06/17 15:44:45 crs README client/client.cpp server/server.cpp made command line parsing a little more sane with respect to windows NT services. ---------- 2002/06/17 14:10:25 crs README updates ---------- 2002/06/17 13:31:21 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CString.cpp base/XBase.cpp client/CClient.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/client.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp http/XHTTP.cpp io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp io/CInputStreamFilter.cpp io/COutputStreamFilter.cpp io/CStreamBuffer.cpp mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CTimerThread.cpp net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/XNetwork.cpp net/XSocket.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp server/CConfig.cpp server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServerProtocol.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/server.cpp synergy/CClipboard.cpp synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp synergy/COutputPacketStream.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/XSynergy.cpp formatting changes. ---------- 2002/06/17 12:02:26 crs client/CClient.cpp net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPListenSocket.h net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.h net/IDataSocket.h net/IListenSocket.h net/ISocket.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CHTTPServer.h server/CServer.cpp synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.cpp synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.h synergy/ISocketFactory.h refactored ISocket into IDataSocket. the latter and IListenSocket now derive from ISocket. ---------- 2002/06/14 18:08:20 crs base/CFunctionJob.cpp base/CFunctionJob.h base/CLog.cpp base/TMethodJob.h base/common.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/client.cpp io/CStreamBuffer.cpp io/CStreamBuffer.h mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.h platform/CWin32Platform.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.h platform/IPlatform.h server/server.cpp performance fixes on win32 plus clean up of some warnings. also improved error messages when uninstalling service. ---------- 2002/06/11 20:10:49 crs README added a blurb about synrgyhk.dll and that the service manager will look for the binary wherever it was when --install was used. ---------- 2002/06/11 20:09:59 crs base/stdpre.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h windows fixes needed for formatting changes. ---------- 2002/06/11 18:33:03 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp commented out half-duplex flags that should never have been uncommented. ---------- 2002/06/11 18:31:06 crs server/CServer.cpp fixed bug with switching screens on primary when there's no link in that direction (it would assert). introduced bug when adding support for wrapping. now ignores attempts to move in a direction with no link. ---------- 2002/06/11 18:30:08 crs platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp added missing #include <signal.h>. ---------- 2002/06/10 22:06:45 crs base/BasicTypes.h base/CFunctionJob.cpp base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h base/CString.cpp base/CString.h base/TMethodJob.h base/XBase.cpp base/XBase.h base/common.h base/stdistream.h base/stdostream.h client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/client.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.h http/XHTTP.cpp http/XHTTP.h io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp io/CBufferedInputStream.h io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp io/CBufferedOutputStream.h io/CInputStreamFilter.cpp io/COutputStreamFilter.cpp io/CStreamBuffer.cpp io/IInputStream.h io/IOutputStream.h io/XIO.cpp io/XIO.h mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CCondVar.h mt/CLock.cpp mt/CLock.h mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CMutex.h mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CTimerThread.cpp mt/CTimerThread.h mt/XThread.h net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.h net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.h net/IListenSocket.h net/ISocket.h net/Makefile net/XNetwork.cpp net/XNetwork.h net/XSocket.cpp net/XSocket.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CPlatform.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.h platform/CWin32Platform.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.h platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp platform/CXWindowsUtil.h platform/IPlatform.h server/CConfig.cpp server/CConfig.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CHTTPServer.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol.cpp server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/server.cpp synergy/CClipboard.cpp synergy/CClipboard.h synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp synergy/COutputPacketStream.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.h synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.cpp synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/ISocketFactory.h synergy/XScreen.cpp synergy/XSynergy.cpp indentation and other formatting changes. also cleaned up #includes. ---------- 2002/06/10 16:49:46 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CStopwatch.cpp mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetwork.h platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CWin32Platform.h server/CSynergyHook.h server/synrgyhk.dsp win32 changes. now including windows.h with WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN to avoid including some stuff we don't want (like winsock). ---------- 2002/06/10 11:09:02 crs README fixes. ---------- 2002/06/10 11:08:02 crs README updates. ---------- 2002/06/10 11:00:55 crs README examples/synergy.conf examples/synergy.linux.init examples/synergyd.linux.init added example files and a README. ---------- 2002/06/10 10:08:36 crs server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp now allowing a screen to be its own neighbor to allow wrapping. also no longer warping mouse to 0,0 when setting server screen info. that was causing the mouse to jump if the server screen had itself as its left or top neighbor (directly or indirectly) once a screen could be its own neighbor. ---------- 2002/06/10 09:49:21 crs server/CConfig.cpp fixed stripping of comments from configuration streams. ---------- 2002/06/10 09:49:03 crs client/client.cpp server/server.cpp changed "permitted" to "supported" in error messages. ---------- 2002/06/09 23:08:18 crs client/CClient.cpp no longer camps if the server sends an error message. ---------- 2002/06/09 22:20:28 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/client.cpp added support for camping, i.e. repeatly trying to connect to the server until we succeed. ---------- 2002/06/09 22:20:01 crs mt/CTimerThread.cpp mt/CTimerThread.h CTimerThread now allows zero and negative timeouts. a negative timeout never times out and CTimerThread is a no-op. ---------- 2002/06/09 18:03:32 crs platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp now using ":0.0" as the display if DISPLAY isn't set. ---------- 2002/06/09 18:00:03 crs notes checkpoint. ---------- 2002/06/09 17:59:32 crs client/client.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/server.cpp added command line option to choose the screen name. also now using the hostname as the default name. this is on both client and server. ---------- 2002/06/09 17:35:28 crs mt/CThreadRep.cpp added FIXME comment. ---------- 2002/06/09 17:21:33 crs server/CServer.cpp fixed problem with setConfig(). if the new config didn't include a screen that was already connected under an alias then that screen wouldn't be disconnected and removed from the screen list until the screen voluntarily disconnected. at that time removeConnection() would assert because the screen name would not be found. now using the canonical name in the protocol object as well as CServer. this allows setConfig() to always detect removed screens and disconnect them. ---------- 2002/06/09 16:53:57 crs platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp now exits instead of restarting if child dies due to an unexpected signal. ---------- 2002/06/09 16:53:25 crs client/client.cpp net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetwork.h net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.h net/XSocket.cpp net/XSocket.h server/CConfig.cpp server/CConfig.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/server.cpp synergy/ProtocolTypes.h added command line and configuration file arguments to choose the address and port to listen on or connect to. changed the default port and put it in ProtocolTypes.h. the HTTP port is now no longer opened unless the --http argument is supplied or the config file includes it. ---------- 2002/06/08 23:24:40 crs server/CConfig.cpp server/CConfig.h server/CServer.cpp server/server.cpp added aliases to configuration. an alias is another name for a screen. it's expected that the server will want to accept a given client under several names (e.g. the hostname and the FQDN). ---------- 2002/06/08 21:48:16 crs notes checkpoint. ---------- 2002/06/08 21:48:00 crs all.dsp base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h base/base.dsp base/common.h base/stdpre.h client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/client.cpp client/client.dsp http/http.dsp io/io.dsp mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/mt.dsp net/net.dsp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.h platform/CWin32Platform.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.h platform/IPlatform.h platform/platform.dsp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/makehook.dsp server/server.cpp server/server.dsp server/synrgyhk.dsp synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/synergy.dsp win32 changes. changed names of binaries. added support for running as (and installing/installing) a service. added support for multiple desktops (NT only, 95 doesn't support multiple desktops). ---------- 2002/06/04 12:26:23 crs Makefile client/Makefile client/client.cpp client/client.dsp platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.h platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h platform/CPlatform.cpp platform/CPlatform.h platform/CUnixPlatform.cpp platform/CUnixPlatform.h platform/CWin32Platform.cpp platform/CWin32Platform.h platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp platform/CXWindowsScreen.h platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp platform/CXWindowsUtil.h platform/IPlatform.h platform/Makefile server/Makefile server/server.cpp server/server.dsp synergy.dsw synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsUtil.cpp synergy/CXWindowsUtil.h synergy/Makefile synergy/synergy.dsp test.cpp refactored some common platform dependent stuff into a new library: platform. also removed test.cpp. ---------- 2002/06/04 11:06:26 crs client/CClient.cpp client/client.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServerProtocol.cpp server/server.cpp synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/Version.h added command line parsing, restartability, and daemonizing to client. broke win32 stuff though. also moved version and copyright constants into a new file and renamed protocol version constants. ---------- 2002/06/04 11:03:34 crs base/CLog.cpp fixed delete bug in printt -- when skipping file and line the deleted pointer was wrong. ---------- 2002/06/04 11:02:33 crs synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp fixed timeout when getting selection -- forgot to set flag to terminate event loop. ---------- 2002/06/03 18:53:18 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h server/CConfig.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/server.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h changes to add command line arguments. also added automatic restarting and daemonizing on unix. daemon sends log messages to syslog. unix now reads config file from file named on command line; if no command line arg then uses effective user's config file and if that's not there it finally tries /etc/synergy.conf. if there are no screens configured then one is added for the primary screen. broke some startup stuff on win32. also now timing out if X primary screen can't grab the mouse and keyboard. the server will just give up trying to switch screens. the grabs will fail is some other app has a grab and won't release it. note that kdm grabs the keyboard for the duration that the login window is displayed, effectively disabling synergy. ---------- 2002/06/03 16:36:45 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h added a method to set the filter given a priority string (instead of a number). fixed a comment related to what those priority strings are. added a CLOG_PRINT priority which is never filtered and suppresses the trace info and the priority level message. it's intended as a way to output a message through the logger without getting extra output. ---------- 2002/06/03 16:34:22 crs base/CString.cpp base/CString.h base/Makefile base/base.dsp http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.h moved case insensitive comparison utility functions into CString from CHTTPProtocol. ---------- 2002/06/03 13:45:30 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/Makefile synergy/XScreen.cpp synergy/XScreen.h synergy/synergy.dsp added better handling of X server disconnecting unexpectedly. the apps still exit but they do it in a mostly controlled manner. in particular, the server threads except the one processing primary screen events will terminate gracefully. this will be important should the server ever allow HTTP clients to rewrite the configuration file. note that X makes it effectively impossible to continue once the X server disconnects. even if it didn't it would be difficult for synergy to recover. users will have to add synergy to the X display manager's startup script if they expect the server to be restarted. alternatively, we could add code to fork synergy at startup; the child would do the normal work while the parent would simply wait for the child to exit and restart it. ---------- 2002/06/02 23:07:57 crs net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp shortened poll() timeout. ---------- 2002/06/02 22:57:50 crs io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp io/CBufferedOutputStream.h net/CTCPSocket.cpp changed buffered output stream to wait() when flush()ing instead of polling/sleeping. changed CTCPSocket to not use thread cancellation but to instead use m_connected to exit the thread. also shortened poll timeout. ---------- 2002/06/02 21:35:20 crs synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp make sleep shorter in poll/sleep getEvent() loops. ---------- 2002/06/02 21:03:38 crs synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CXWindowsUtil.cpp removed poll/sleep code to improve performance. ---------- 2002/06/02 19:04:24 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp now ignores key if there's no key mapped for a required modifier. was asserting (on the wrong expression). ---------- 2002/06/02 18:49:35 crs client/CClient.cpp client/client.cpp mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h server/CServer.cpp server/server.cpp added SIGINT and SIGTERM handling to unix client and server. either signal causes the main thread to be cancelled. added necessary code to make main thread cancellation clean up nicely. ---------- 2002/06/02 13:34:35 crs http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CHTTPServer.h added a maximum request size to CHTTPProtocol so we can bail on clients that cause us to use too much memory. also put methods in CHTTPRequest to get/set headers and changed the data structure used to store them. fixed a couple of other miscellaneous bugs in CHTTPProtocol.cpp. ---------- 2002/06/02 11:49:46 crs mt/CCondVar.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h now limiting number of simultaneous HTTP requests being handled at once. this is to prevent denial of service. ---------- 2002/06/01 19:26:11 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h base/CString.h base/XBase.h base/base.dsp base/common.h base/stdfstream.h base/stdistream.h base/stdlist.h base/stdmap.h base/stdostream.h base/stdpost.h base/stdpre.h base/stdset.h base/stdsstream.h base/stdvector.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/client.cpp client/client.dsp http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.h http/XHTTP.cpp http/http.dsp io/CStreamBuffer.h io/io.dsp mt/mt.dsp net/net.dsp server/CConfig.cpp server/CConfig.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CHTTPServer.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/makehook.dsp server/server.cpp server/server.dsp server/synrgyhk.dsp synergy.dsw synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/synergy.dsp fixes, mainly for windows. first, had to add a notification from CServer to the primary screen when the configuration changes so it can make necessary adjustments (the win32 primary screen must tell the hook dll about the new jump zones). changed includes of some std c++ library files to go through our own include files. these wrap the include with stuff to keep vc++ quiet when compiling at warning level 4, which is what it does now. it also works around missing <istream> and <ostream> on g++2.96. added missing std:: where necessary. g++ doesn't really support namespaces so it lets references without the namespace slip through. added workaround or fix. not sure if istringstream::str(string) should reset eofbit. it does on g++ but does not on vc++. added clear() after str() so it works either way. added low-level keyboard hook to win32. if available (it's only available on NT SP3 and up) it allows us to catch and handle alt+tab, alt+esc, ctrl+esc, and windows key hot keys. i think that leaves only ctrl+alt+del and accessibility functions uncaught on those systems. ---------- 2002/06/01 10:52:02 crs server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp added mutex to all public methods that didn't already have it. fixed two blown assertions. first, if user tried to switch to a client that had connected but hadn't yet sent the first info message it would assert on the zero size screen. second, if the primary screen was handling a mouse motion on behalf of a secondary screen when that secondary screen disconnected then an assert would blow because the primary screen would call onMouseMoveSecondary() but m_protocol on the active screen is NULL because disconnecting the active secondary screen caused the mouse to jump to the primary screen. ---------- 2002/05/31 18:35:53 crs server/CConfig.h changed iterator to use iterator_traits directly instead of std::iterator to support the old STL on grace. ---------- 2002/05/31 18:18:29 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h server/CServer.cpp synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/XSynergy.cpp synergy/XSynergy.h server now rejects clients that are not in the configuration. added a protocol message to indicate this. ---------- 2002/05/31 18:09:43 crs server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp fixed setConfig() to disconnect secondary screens that aren't in the new configuration. ---------- 2002/05/31 18:08:08 crs server/CConfig.cpp server/CConfig.h made isScreen() a const method. ---------- 2002/05/31 17:32:26 crs server/CConfig.cpp server/CConfig.h server/server.cpp added I/O for configuration files and changed the server to use an external file for its configuration (was hard coding a config for testing). ---------- 2002/05/31 14:44:54 crs server/CConfig.cpp server/CScreenMap.cpp server/Makefile server/server.dsp finished renaming CScreenMap to CConfig. ---------- 2002/05/31 14:43:23 crs server/CConfig.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CHTTPServer.h server/CScreenMap.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/server.cpp checkpoint. changed CScreenMap to CConfig. must still change CScreenMap.cpp to CConfig.cpp. ---------- 2002/05/31 14:34:16 crs server/CConfig.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CScreenMap.cpp server/CScreenMap.h server/CServer.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/server.cpp checkpoint. renamed CScreenMap.h to CConfig.h. will be changing CScreenMap to CConfig everywhere. ---------- 2002/05/31 14:25:26 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h client/client.cpp server/server.cpp added methods to CLog for getting the outputter, getting and setting the priority filter, and added code for thread safety. added code to apps to enable thread safety in CLog. ---------- 2002/05/30 16:13:16 crs Makefile base/common.h http/CHTTPProtocol.cpp http/CHTTPProtocol.h http/Makefile http/XHTTP.cpp http/XHTTP.h server/CHTTPServer.cpp server/CHTTPServer.h server/CScreenMap.cpp server/CScreenMap.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/Makefile added basic support for an embedded HTTP server. server currently supports editing the screen map but changing the map won't behave correctly if there are connected screens. ---------- 2002/05/30 16:11:59 crs net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.h fixed bug in closing down a socket. ---------- 2002/05/27 18:55:51 crs synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.h updated win32 clipboard to match new model. ---------- 2002/05/27 18:35:14 crs notes checkpoint ---------- 2002/05/27 18:30:13 crs server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsUtil.cpp synergy/CXWindowsUtil.h removed getEventMask() from primary screen. added a class to CXWindowsUtil that installs/uninstalls an X error hander. using that in primary screen, clipboard, and util to ensure that certain errors don't kill the app. ---------- 2002/05/27 18:28:06 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h removed getEventMask() and fixed some comments. also now using toggle key states in updateModifiers(). ---------- 2002/05/27 17:05:34 crs synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp changed lesstif hack to only apply to the CLIPBOARD selection. apprently the PRIMARY selection must follow the ICCCM protocol correctly. ---------- 2002/05/27 16:51:07 crs synergy/CXWindowsUtil.cpp synergy/CXWindowsUtil.h added missing files from previous submit. ---------- 2002/05/27 16:22:59 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CClipboard.cpp synergy/CClipboard.h synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/Makefile checkpoint. changed clipboard model. the clipboard can only be accessed now between open()/close(). ownership of the clipboard is asserted via the empty() method. this parallels the win32 model (but the win32 code hasn't been updated yet). refactored X11 clipboard code. moved the bulk of it into CXWindowsClipboard and moved some comment event handling into CXWindowsScreen. changed how requests are processed into a hopefully easier to understand model. added support for getting clipboard from and sending clipboard to motif (or at least lesstif) clients. sending to lesstif required a hack to work around an apparent bug in lesstif. ---------- 2002/05/24 17:54:34 crs notes checkpoint ---------- 2002/05/24 17:54:28 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h added screen locking support to win32. added support for resolution changing (only semi-supported on X because that has no means for resizing screen anyway). also fixed some clipboard problems on win32. ---------- 2002/05/24 14:37:12 crs server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h added support for locking to a screen when the sroll lock is toggled on or when any key or button is pressed. fully implemented on X but stubbed out for now on win32. ---------- 2002/05/23 18:35:15 crs notes checkpoint ---------- 2002/05/23 18:35:08 crs server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h added support for mouse wheel on win32. ---------- 2002/05/23 15:50:38 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp added support for mouse wheel on X. ---------- 2002/05/23 15:00:39 crs server/server.cpp added a third screen to hard coded map for testing purposes. ---------- 2002/05/23 15:00:13 crs server/CServer.cpp fixed log message. ---------- 2002/05/23 14:56:03 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServerProtocol.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/XSynergy.cpp synergy/XSynergy.h server no longer asserts when a client connects with a name that's already in use by another client. also added reporting of errors from the server to clients so clients can report meaningful messages to users. ---------- 2002/05/23 14:04:43 crs notes checkpoint ---------- 2002/05/23 14:04:35 crs net/CNetwork.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h changed structs to classes. there should be no more structs now. ---------- 2002/05/22 17:09:08 crs notes checkpoint. ---------- 2002/05/22 17:08:37 crs synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp removed unnecessary call in screen class, added logging calls in clipboard class, and added another cast in protocol util to avoid warning on win32. ---------- 2002/05/22 17:05:26 crs server/CSynergyHook.cpp now letting some key events filter through. this allows the keyboard lights to track toggle changes. however, it also seems to let through keyboard events that shouldn't get through. ---------- 2002/05/22 17:02:58 crs server/CScreenMap.cpp fixed incorrect for-loop over directions conditional. ---------- 2002/05/22 17:01:17 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h win32 changes. replaced log dialog hack with a windows console window. now attaching thread input queues as necessary. shifted code around so toggling toggle keys is immediately reflected by secondary screen's keyboard. now setting extended key flag for keys that need it. fixed handling of shift + caps-lock. added handling of keys that should distinguish between left and right but don't. fixed get/set of active window on leave/enter of primary screen. replaced 1x1 primary window with a full screen window to work around a problem with losing key events. changed calculation of mouse move deltas. ---------- 2002/05/22 16:56:06 crs net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp fixed type of socket handle (from int to CNetwork::Socket). ---------- 2002/05/22 16:55:19 crs mt/CTimerThread.cpp removed blank line. ---------- 2002/05/22 16:55:05 crs mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp changed un-inlined code to avoid bogus VC++ level 4 warnings. added support for more win32 thread priorities. ---------- 2002/05/22 16:51:59 crs client/client.cpp fixed parameter type for socket port. ---------- 2002/05/22 16:43:14 crs base/common.h changed set of disabled win32 warnings. ---------- 2002/05/22 16:42:48 crs client/CClient.cpp fixed NULL dereference. ---------- 2002/05/22 16:41:24 crs base/common.h changed set of disabled win32 warnings. ---------- 2002/05/22 16:40:51 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h replaced logging dialog hack with a windows console window. ---------- 2002/05/22 16:40:38 crs client/CClient.cpp fixed NULL dereference. ---------- 2002/05/05 23:37:12 crs net/CTCPSocket.cpp removed setting send buffer to zero size. it just reduced performance. ---------- 2002/05/05 19:52:03 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp replaced True/False with true/false when assigning to m_repeat. also should now work if the first element of a modifier keymapping is 0. that won't normally be the case but xmodmap was doing weird things on grace. if the first element is 0 it'll try the second element. if that's also zero then that modifier will be ignored. ---------- 2002/05/05 19:38:09 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp fixes for win32 keyboard. ---------- 2002/05/04 19:43:20 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp fixed caps-lock handling. ---------- 2002/05/04 18:33:48 crs server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h checkpoint. added half duplex for num lock. ---------- 2002/05/04 18:31:54 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h checkpoint. fixing up handling of half-duplex num-lock. ---------- 2002/05/04 18:09:02 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp checkpoint. changed when toggle keys toggle (now always on release). must see if this works. ---------- 2002/05/04 18:08:22 crs client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h net/CTCPSocket.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp Fixes for win32 key handling. ---------- 2002/05/04 11:23:11 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp fixed handling of shift + caps-lock. those two modifiers should cancel out if the keysym is subject to case conversion, but not otherwise. also added logging of key lookup code. ---------- 2002/05/03 12:23:48 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp fixed handling of shift+tab on a system that can map ISO_Left_Tab. now tries to map ISO_Left_Tab without shift first then falls back to Tab (note that if ISO_Left_Tab can be mapped but requires a modifier then the modifier will be added). also changed attempt to map ISO_Left_Tab as a backup to Tab to request the shift modifier whether or not the primary screen requested it. ---------- 2002/05/03 12:14:55 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp fixed handling of ISO_Left_Tab when that is not mapped to a keycode by mapping it to tab with shift pressed. ---------- 2002/05/03 11:49:30 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp removed attempt to make release/press of a repeating key use the same server time. was getting what appears to be deadlock but not sure why. ---------- 2002/05/03 11:26:44 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h checkpoint. made changes to support key autorepeats on X. ---------- 2002/05/02 11:44:21 crs synergy/COutputPacketStream.cpp Indentation change. ---------- 2002/05/02 11:43:52 crs io/CStreamBuffer.cpp net/CTCPSocket.cpp Fixed bug in stream buffer that could cause data to be inserted out of order. Also removed unnecessary limit on writes to the TCP socket. ---------- 2002/05/02 11:33:34 crs io/CStreamBuffer.cpp checkpoint debugging of stream buffer. ---------- 2002/05/01 16:30:20 crs synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp Was trying to avoid sending clipboard if timestamp wasn't changed but clipboard owners may not update that timestamp when the selection is changed. Disabled the timestamp check. ---------- 2002/05/01 16:17:57 crs server/CServer.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp Added more checks to avoid sending unchanged clipboard data. Still takes too long to query the clipboard owner for info (maybe 1/10th second) but not sure why or if that can be improved. ---------- 2002/05/01 15:31:47 crs Make-linux net/CNetwork.h net/CTCPSocket.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h checkpoint. turned off nagle and send buffering. also added test to skip clipboard conversion if a previous conversion from that owner failed. ---------- 2002/05/01 14:36:52 crs server/CServer.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp Fixed uninitialized variable when computing toggle mask. Also reduced priority of some mouse motion log messages. ---------- 2002/05/01 14:35:55 crs net/CSocketInputStream.cpp net/CSocketInputStream.h net/CSocketOutputStream.cpp net/CSocketOutputStream.h net/CSocketStreamBuffer.cpp net/CSocketStreamBuffer.h net/net.dsp removed obsolete files. ---------- 2002/04/30 18:30:05 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp added fallback for missing numpad movement keys (if there's no mapping for those keys then the non-keypad versions are tried). ---------- 2002/04/30 17:48:11 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h checkpoint. now sending toggle modifier state when entering a screen. this allows the secondary screen to set it's modifier state to match the primary screen's state. this is not strictly necessary since each keystroke should adjust the modifier state as needed to get the right result. ---------- 2002/04/30 16:25:29 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h Added logging and handling of "half-duplex" caps-lock key. ---------- 2002/04/30 16:23:30 crs Make-linux Make-solaris Changed name for auto-generated dependency files from Makedepend to .depend. ---------- 2002/04/30 16:23:03 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/server.rc synergy/CClipboard.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.h synergy/synergy.dsp Fixes to get win32 client and server up to date. ---------- 2002/04/29 14:40:01 crs base/CFunctionJob.h base/CLog.h base/CStopwatch.cpp base/CStopwatch.h base/CString.h base/IInterface.h base/IJob.h base/TMethodJob.h base/XBase.h client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h io/CBufferedInputStream.h io/CBufferedOutputStream.h io/CInputStreamFilter.h io/COutputStreamFilter.h io/CStreamBuffer.h io/IInputStream.h io/IOutputStream.h io/XIO.h mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CCondVar.h mt/CLock.h mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CMutex.h mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h mt/CTimerThread.h mt/XThread.h net/CNetwork.h net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.h net/CSocketInputStream.h net/CSocketOutputStream.h net/CSocketStreamBuffer.h net/CTCPListenSocket.h net/CTCPSocket.h net/IListenSocket.h net/ISocket.h net/XNetwork.h net/XSocket.h server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CScreenMap.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CClipboard.h synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp synergy/CInputPacketStream.h synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.h synergy/COutputPacketStream.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.h synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.h synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/ISocketFactory.h synergy/XSynergy.h Indentation changes. ---------- 2002/04/29 14:25:24 crs client/CClient.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp Added some validation of protocol message parameters. ---------- 2002/04/29 14:12:48 crs synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp Shortened timeout on waiting for clipboard response. ---------- 2002/04/29 14:08:48 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h Made event selection a little more robust. Also fixed failure to marshall clipboard data when updating primary clipboards. ---------- 2002/04/29 13:49:56 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp Added missing event mask. ---------- 2002/04/29 13:31:44 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.h synergy/CClipboard.cpp synergy/CClipboard.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h checkpoint. changed protocol to better handle clipboards. now sending a sequence number with enter messages. screens use that sequence number in clipboard grab and data messages. the server uses the sequence number to order messages across clients. also changed secondary screens to send clipboard updates on leaving (or when grab occurs when not active) instead of on a query from the server. primary effectively does the same. the query message has been removed. ---------- 2002/04/29 11:58:17 crs client/CClient.cpp changed logging levels. ---------- 2002/04/28 00:46:15 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h Clipboard improvements. Still not working right. Nedit doesn't work at all but at least now there's a timeout to prevent synergy from hanging waiting on a reply. ---------- 2002/04/27 18:49:03 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h client/CClient.cpp mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CTimerThread.cpp net/CNetwork.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp Added more debug levels and moved some annoying debug messages to those levels. Default log level is now DEBUG for debug builds and INFO for release builds. ---------- 2002/04/27 18:06:40 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CServer.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/ProtocolTypes.h checkpoint. changed CProtocolUtil::readf() to store 1 and 2 byte integers into pointers to 1 and 2 byte integers. was always assuming pointers to 4 byte integers. ---------- 2002/04/27 14:19:53 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/ClipboardTypes.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h Added support for multiple clipboards. This is mainly to support both PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections on X windows. ---------- 2002/04/27 14:19:19 crs Makecommon set TARGETS macro to BIN and LIB targets. ---------- 2002/04/26 20:15:59 crs notes updated ---------- 2002/04/26 20:14:46 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp Fixed caps-lock and num-lock behavior. It seems to work okay now but did notice one problem: when powerbook is primary and num-lock is on the keypad works fine until shift is pressed (and released); after that the keypad only works while the shift key is down. ---------- 2002/04/26 20:12:55 crs server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h Added hack to handle "half-duplex" caps-lock key on powerbook. That key only reports press when pressed and released when caps-lock is activated and only reports release when pressed and released when caps-lock is deactivated. I don't know of a way to detect this behavior so it may have to be configured by the user. The code assumes normal behavior; will have to add code to set the flag (perhaps from a user configuration). ---------- 2002/04/26 17:38:01 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/KeyTypes.h changed processing of key events in X. secondary screen now activates/deactivates modifiers as necessary to get a keycode interpreted as the expected keysym. still some work and testing to do on this. ---------- 2002/04/25 10:44:01 crs notes Added notes on keyboard handling. ---------- 2002/04/25 10:43:53 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h added handling for DestroyNotify of clipboard requestors. ---------- 2001/11/26 22:36:51 crs synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp checkpoint. improvements to clipboard transfer on X windows. not detecting a change to clipboard when synergy window isn't the owner (since there's no event for this; we'll have to check when we leave the screen i guess). large transfers don't seem to work. ---------- 2001/11/26 22:09:53 crs synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h checkpoint. testing clipboard transfer on X windows. ---------- 2001/11/25 22:20:41 crs client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h checkpoint. implementing clipboard owner in x windows. ---------- 2001/11/25 18:44:13 crs synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.h fixed function signature. ---------- 2001/11/25 18:42:13 crs Make-linux Make-solaris Makecommon client/Makefile server/Makefile executables are now built into a common area on unix (and they already were on win32). ---------- 2001/11/25 18:32:41 crs client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/client.cpp client/client.dsp net/CNetwork.cpp notes server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/makehook.dsp server/server.cpp server/server.dsp server/synrgyhk.dsp synergy.dsw synergy/CClipboard.cpp synergy/CClipboard.h synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/Makefile synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/synergy.dsp added platform independent clipboard transfer stuff clipboard owner support (MS windows done, X windows partial) added key transfer on ms windows mutex fixes in CClient (had race conditions) faster debug output in ms windows changed temporary screen name to "secondary" network fixes on ms windows (poll returned wrong result) fixed transparent cursor on ms windows ---------- 2001/11/19 00:33:36 crs Make-linux all.dsp base/BasicTypes.h base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h base/XBase.cpp base/base.dsp base/common.h client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CMSWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/Makefile client/client.cpp client/client.dsp client/client.rc client/resource.h io/io.dsp mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h mt/mt.dsp net/CNetwork.cpp net/CNetwork.h net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.h net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPListenSocket.h net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.h net/Makefile net/XNetwork.cpp net/XNetwork.h net/net.dsp notes server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CMSWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/CScreenMap.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CSynergyHook.cpp server/CSynergyHook.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/Makefile server/makehook.dsp server/resource.h server/server.cpp server/server.dsp server/server.rc server/synrgyhk.dsp synergy.dsw synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CMSWindowsScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/synergy.dsp checkpoint. merging win32 code. server on X is currently broken and client probably is. ---------- 2001/11/18 23:14:28 crs Makefile client/CClient.cpp client/CClient.h client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp client/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h client/Makefile client/client.cpp server/CScreenMap.cpp server/CScreenMap.h server/CServer.cpp server/CServer.h server/CServerProtocol.cpp server/CServerProtocol.h server/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp server/CServerProtocol1_0.h server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp server/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h server/Makefile server/server.cpp synergy/CClient.cpp synergy/CClient.h synergy/CScreenMap.cpp synergy/CScreenMap.h synergy/CServer.cpp synergy/CServer.h synergy/CServerProtocol.cpp synergy/CServerProtocol.h synergy/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp synergy/CServerProtocol1_0.h synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h synergy/Makefile synergy/client.cpp synergy/server.cpp moved client and server files into their own respective directories. ---------- 2001/11/13 23:34:12 crs synergy/CServer.cpp synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp synergy/CXWindowsClipboard.h synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/IClipboard.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/Makefile added preliminary support for getting the X selection. ---------- 2001/11/11 21:27:36 crs synergy/CServer.cpp fixed clamping when mapping to a different screen when beyond bottom or right of source screen. ---------- 2001/11/11 21:15:30 crs synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h synergy/Makefile factored common X windows screen stuff into a common base class. ---------- 2001/11/10 22:28:37 crs notes updated notes. ---------- 2001/11/10 22:28:30 crs Makefile added main app directory to build. ---------- 2001/10/25 22:17:17 crs io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CThreadRep.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CSocketInputStream.cpp net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp removed unnecessary global scoping operators. ---------- 2001/10/25 22:09:27 crs synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp changed hider window to move underneath mouse when leaving the screen. this makes it so if the mouse is moved locally, it'll reappear where it was last seen. ---------- 2001/10/25 21:40:29 crs synergy/CClient.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h changed some method names and removed warpCursor() from secondary screen interface. ---------- 2001/10/24 23:29:29 crs synergy/CServer.cpp synergy/CServer.h now handling disconnect of secondary screen that has the cursor by jumping back to the primary screen (without trying to notify the now disconnected secondary screen). also fixed blown assert in mapPosition(). ---------- 2001/10/24 22:33:24 crs synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h made calls to X thread safe. ---------- 2001/10/23 22:45:59 crs notes more notes. ---------- 2001/10/23 22:41:46 crs synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h added cursor hiding. ---------- 2001/10/23 21:23:29 crs base/CLog.cpp can now filter logging by level. ---------- 2001/10/23 21:13:08 crs synergy/CServer.cpp fixed blown assert trying to find neighbor when there was none. ---------- 2001/10/21 00:21:21 crs synergy/CClient.cpp fixed handling of stream ownership. ---------- 2001/10/21 00:21:02 crs io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp mt/CThreadRep.cpp net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.h synergy/CServer.cpp synergy/server.cpp fixed bugs in handling streams. ---------- 2001/10/20 20:43:31 crs Make-linux mt/CThreadRep.cpp threading fixes. had sigmask set in wrong place. was setting m_exit flag potentially after the object had been destroyed. most importantly, RTTI must be enabled on PPC to avoid SIGILL. ---------- 2001/10/14 19:16:54 crs mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CTimerThread.cpp some debugging code. ---------- 2001/10/14 18:29:43 crs base/CLog.h mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h mt/CTimerThread.cpp synergy/CClient.cpp synergy/CClient.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp synergy/client.cpp synergy/server.cpp fixed timeout bug in CThreadRep::wait() (negative timeout wouldn't wait forever). also fixed early return from sleep due to signal. now forcing client to initialize CThread to ensure global mutex gets initialized before threads are used. ---------- 2001/10/14 16:58:01 crs io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp io/CBufferedInputStream.h io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp io/CBufferedOutputStream.h io/CInputStreamFilter.cpp io/CInputStreamFilter.h io/COutputStreamFilter.cpp io/COutputStreamFilter.h io/CStreamBuffer.cpp io/CStreamBuffer.h io/IInputStream.h io/IOutputStream.h mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CCondVar.h mt/CLock.cpp mt/CLock.h mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CMutex.h net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.h net/CSocketInputStream.cpp net/CSocketInputStream.h net/CSocketOutputStream.cpp net/CSocketOutputStream.h net/CSocketStreamBuffer.cpp net/CSocketStreamBuffer.h net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPListenSocket.h net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.h net/IListenSocket.h net/ISocket.h synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp synergy/CInputPacketStream.h synergy/COutputPacketStream.cpp synergy/COutputPacketStream.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.h synergy/CScreenMap.cpp synergy/CScreenMap.h synergy/CServer.cpp synergy/CServer.h synergy/CServerProtocol.cpp synergy/CServerProtocol.h synergy/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp synergy/CServerProtocol1_0.h synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.cpp synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/ISocketFactory.h removed exception specifications. thread exceptions weren't being listed and they'd have to be added to every one. just doesn't seem worth the trouble. ---------- 2001/10/14 14:56:06 crs synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp stupid bug fixes. writef() used the wrong variable as the number of bytes to write. readf() forgot to prepare the va_list. ---------- 2001/10/14 14:38:45 crs base/CLog.cpp base/CLog.h forgot to add the logger files. ---------- 2001/10/14 14:37:41 crs Make-linux base/Makefile synergy/CClient.cpp synergy/CScreenMap.cpp synergy/CScreenMap.h synergy/CServer.cpp synergy/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp added logging facility and added a bunch of log messages. ---------- 2001/10/08 19:24:46 crs Makefile notes synergy/CClient.cpp synergy/CClient.h synergy/CServer.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsSecondaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/Makefile synergy/client.cpp synergy/server.cpp checkpoint. first cut of client and server apps. not tested yet but they compile and *should* work as is. ---------- 2001/10/06 14:18:01 crs Make-linux Makefile updated old files to new implementation ---------- 2001/10/06 14:13:28 crs BasicTypes.h CClient.cpp CClient.h CEvent.h CEventQueue.cpp CEventQueue.h CMessageSocket.cpp CMessageSocket.h CProtocol.h CScreenProxy.cpp CScreenProxy.h CServer.cpp CServer.h CSocket.cpp CSocket.h CSocketFactory.cpp CSocketFactory.h CString.h CTrace.cpp CTrace.h CUnixEventQueue.cpp CUnixEventQueue.h CUnixTCPSocket.cpp CUnixTCPSocket.h CUnixXScreen.cpp CUnixXScreen.h CXScreen.cpp CXScreen.h IClient.h IClipboard.h IEventQueue.h IJob.h IScreen.h IServer.h ISocket.h KeyTypes.h Make-linux Make-solaris Makecommon Makefile MouseTypes.h TMethodJob.h XBase.cpp XBase.h XSocket.h base/BasicTypes.h base/CFunctionJob.cpp base/CFunctionJob.h base/CStopwatch.cpp base/CStopwatch.h base/CString.h base/IInterface.h base/IJob.h base/Makefile base/TMethodJob.h base/XBase.cpp base/XBase.h base/common.h io/CBufferedInputStream.cpp io/CBufferedInputStream.h io/CBufferedOutputStream.cpp io/CBufferedOutputStream.h io/CInputStreamFilter.cpp io/CInputStreamFilter.h io/COutputStreamFilter.cpp io/COutputStreamFilter.h io/CStreamBuffer.cpp io/CStreamBuffer.h io/IInputStream.h io/IOutputStream.h io/Makefile io/XIO.cpp io/XIO.h main.cpp mt/CCondVar.cpp mt/CCondVar.h mt/CLock.cpp mt/CLock.h mt/CMutex.cpp mt/CMutex.h mt/CThread.cpp mt/CThread.h mt/CThreadRep.cpp mt/CThreadRep.h mt/CTimerThread.cpp mt/CTimerThread.h mt/Makefile mt/XThread.h net/CNetworkAddress.cpp net/CNetworkAddress.h net/CSocketInputStream.cpp net/CSocketInputStream.h net/CSocketOutputStream.cpp net/CSocketOutputStream.h net/CSocketStreamBuffer.cpp net/CSocketStreamBuffer.h net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp net/CTCPListenSocket.h net/CTCPSocket.cpp net/CTCPSocket.h net/IListenSocket.h net/ISocket.h net/Makefile net/XSocket.cpp net/XSocket.h notes synergy/CClient.cpp synergy/CClient.h synergy/CInputPacketStream.cpp synergy/CInputPacketStream.h synergy/COutputPacketStream.cpp synergy/COutputPacketStream.h synergy/CProtocolUtil.cpp synergy/CProtocolUtil.h synergy/CScreenMap.cpp synergy/CScreenMap.h synergy/CServer.cpp synergy/CServer.h synergy/CServerProtocol.cpp synergy/CServerProtocol.h synergy/CServerProtocol1_0.cpp synergy/CServerProtocol1_0.h synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.cpp synergy/CTCPSocketFactory.h synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.cpp synergy/CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h synergy/IServerProtocol.h synergy/ISocketFactory.h synergy/KeyTypes.h synergy/Makefile synergy/MouseTypes.h synergy/ProtocolTypes.h synergy/XSynergy.cpp synergy/XSynergy.h test.cpp Started over. ---------- 2001/05/14 21:14:49 crs MouseTypes.h flipped order of buttons to match default X setup. ---------- 2001/05/14 21:14:25 crs CClient.cpp CEvent.h CScreenProxy.cpp CScreenProxy.h CServer.cpp CXScreen.cpp CXScreen.h IScreen.h KeyTypes.h added other mouse and key event handling to CXScreen. key repeat isn't implemented and modifier masks are ignored. modifier masks are new; they indicate the modifier key (shift, ctrl, etc) state at the time of the key event. ---------- 2001/05/13 12:43:16 crs CUnixTCPSocket.cpp CUnixTCPSocket.h more fixes to reduce latency. nagle agorithm doesn't seem to stay off on a socket on linux because a connection clearly doesn't send data as often as possible. will have to implement a UDP socket to reduce overhead and avoid these delays. wanted to do that anyway. ---------- 2001/05/13 12:21:11 crs CUnixTCPSocket.cpp CXScreen.cpp fixes to avoid update delays. ---------- 2001/05/13 12:07:32 crs CMessageSocket.cpp fixed bug in read() that miscalculated the message length. ---------- 2001/05/13 11:40:29 crs BasicTypes.h CClient.cpp CClient.h CEvent.h CEventQueue.cpp CEventQueue.h CMessageSocket.cpp CMessageSocket.h CProtocol.h CScreenProxy.cpp CScreenProxy.h CServer.cpp CServer.h CSocket.cpp CSocket.h CSocketFactory.cpp CSocketFactory.h CString.h CTrace.cpp CTrace.h CUnixEventQueue.cpp CUnixEventQueue.h CUnixTCPSocket.cpp CUnixTCPSocket.h CUnixXScreen.cpp CUnixXScreen.h CXScreen.cpp CXScreen.h IClient.h IClipboard.h IEventQueue.h IJob.h IScreen.h IServer.h ISocket.h KeyTypes.h Make-linux Makefile MouseTypes.h TMethodJob.h XBase.cpp XBase.h XSocket.h main.cpp tools/depconv initial revision of synergy. currently semi-supports X windows on unix, but client screens don't simulate events other than mouse move. also not supporting clipboard at all yet and the main app is just a temporary framework to test with. must clean up protocol and communication. ----------