MainWindowBase 0 0 400 247 0 0 400 247 400 247 Synergy+ &Start 0 0 &Server (share this computer's mouse and keyboard): true true Use existing configuration: &Configuration file: m_pLineEditConfigFile false false &Browse... Configure interactively: true &Configure Server... Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 0 0 0 0 &Client (use another computer's keyboard and mouse): true &Name of the server: m_pLineEditHostname Ready Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &About QSynergy... &Quit Quit QSynergy. Ctrl+Q &Start Synergy Run synergy program. Ctrl+S false S&top Synergy Stop Synergy program. Ctrl+T S&how Status Ctrl+H &Minimize &Restore Save configuration &as... Save the interactively generated server configuration to a file. Ctrl+Alt+S Settings Edit settings for QSynergy and synergy itself Log output Open a window with synergy's output m_pButtonToggleStart clicked() m_pActionStartSynergy trigger() 361 404 -1 -1 m_pRadioExternalConfig toggled(bool) m_pLineEditConfigFile setEnabled(bool) 156 179 169 209 m_pRadioExternalConfig toggled(bool) m_pButtonBrowseConfigFile setEnabled(bool) 353 182 356 211 m_pRadioInternalConfig toggled(bool) m_pButtonConfigureServer setEnabled(bool) 204 244 212 274