#Start synergyc
Synergy+ Client#
#Unix (Linux/Mac)#
Show log window for
test mode in Windows#
#run(..., startup)
Cross-platform; execution
steps into here until exit;
passes in the startup(...)
function pointer#
Setup logging#
pointer to one of:
- daemonNTStartup()
- foregroundStartup()
- standardStartup()#
#assign: startup =
... or ...
Function ptr for later#
#assign: startup =
Function ptr for later#
#Exit occurs when
the run() method is
stepped out of; which
occurs when mainLoop()
ends and steps out#
Windows service, invisible to
user (1.3.3: Windows XP only)#
Parses command line args
and stores the input values
in static variables#
Windows foreground
app with tray icon, etc#
Main execution loop for both
Windows and Unix in all modes;
all routes lead to here#
Unix start up mode;
starts either a loop
or a threaed daemon#
Shows a console window
on Unix when non-daemon#
In Unix mode this is
called via "demonizer"
function, and does some
logging before entering
#Cross-platform activities
are displayed with red border
and blue background#
Fairly complex function which controls
the Windows service, and invokes
mainLoop, which runs in a thread#
Starts the client in another thread,
which handles the events as they arrive#
#getEvent(ref: event)#
#dispatchEvent(ref: event)#
#event != CEvent::kQuit#
#Exit occurs when the
event is a quit message,
and mainLoop() returns#