ActionDialogBase 0 0 372 484 Configure action Choose the action to perform Press a hotkey true Release a hotkey Press and release a hotkey 1 0 256 0 dfgsfgsdfgsdfgsd only on these screens true true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 128 64 QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection Qt::Horizontal Switch to screen Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false Switch in direction Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false left right up down Lock cursor to screen Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false toggle on off This action is performed when the hotkey is pressed true the hotkey is released Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::NoButton|QDialogButtonBox::Ok KeySequenceWidget QLineEdit
buttonBox accepted() ActionDialogBase accept() 245 474 157 274 buttonBox rejected() ActionDialogBase reject() 313 474 286 274 m_pGroupType toggled(bool) m_pKeySequenceWidgetHotkey setDisabled(bool) 104 194 110 132 m_pRadioSwitchInDirection toggled(bool) m_pKeySequenceWidgetHotkey setDisabled(bool) 118 322 81 129 m_pRadioLockCursorToScreen toggled(bool) m_pKeySequenceWidgetHotkey setDisabled(bool) 101 353 68 126 m_pRadioPress toggled(bool) m_pKeySequenceWidgetHotkey setEnabled(bool) 48 48 45 129 m_pRadioRelease toggled(bool) m_pKeySequenceWidgetHotkey setEnabled(bool) 135 70 148 125 m_pRadioPressAndRelease toggled(bool) m_pKeySequenceWidgetHotkey setEnabled(bool) 194 100 201 125 m_pRadioSwitchToScreen toggled(bool) m_pComboSwitchToScreen setEnabled(bool) 148 291 350 290 m_pRadioSwitchInDirection toggled(bool) m_pComboSwitchInDirection setEnabled(bool) 158 322 350 321 m_pRadioLockCursorToScreen toggled(bool) m_pComboLockCursorToScreen setEnabled(bool) 180 353 350 352 m_pRadioPress toggled(bool) m_pGroupBoxScreens setEnabled(bool) 25 47 33 155 m_pRadioSwitchToScreen toggled(bool) m_pGroupBoxScreens setDisabled(bool) 48 278 98 153 m_pRadioRelease toggled(bool) m_pGroupBoxScreens setEnabled(bool) 264 67 241 158 m_pRadioPressAndRelease toggled(bool) m_pGroupBoxScreens setEnabled(bool) 286 98 290 156 m_pRadioSwitchInDirection toggled(bool) m_pGroupBoxScreens setDisabled(bool) 38 313 64 195 m_pRadioLockCursorToScreen toggled(bool) m_pGroupBoxScreens setDisabled(bool) 48 339 79 234 m_pRadioSwitchToScreen toggled(bool) m_pKeySequenceWidgetHotkey setDisabled(bool) 84 280 185 123