AboutDialogBase About Synergy 关于Synergy <p> Keyboard and mouse sharing application. Cross platform and open source.<br /><br /> Copyright © 2012 Synergy Si Ltd.<br /> Copyright © 2002-2012 Chris Schoeneman, Nick Bolton, Volker Lanz.<br /><br /> Synergy is released under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2).<br /><br /> Synergy is based on CosmoSynergy by Richard Lee and Adam Feder.<br /> The Synergy GUI is based on QSynergy by Volker Lanz.<br /><br /> Visit our website for help and info (symless.com). </p> <p> Keyboard and mouse sharing application. Cross platform and open source.<br /><br /> Copyright © 2012 Synergy Si Ltd.<br /> Copyright © 2002-2012 Chris Schoeneman, Nick Bolton, Volker Lanz.<br /><br /> Synergy is released under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2).<br /><br /> Synergy is based on CosmoSynergy by Richard Lee and Adam Feder.<br /> The Synergy GUI is based on QSynergy by Volker Lanz.<br /><br /> Visit our website for help and info (symless.com). </p> Unknown 未知 Version: 版本: &Ok 确定 ActionDialogBase Configure Action 行为配置 Choose the action to perform 选择要执行的行为 Press a hotkey 按下热键 Release a hotkey 松开热键 Press and release a hotkey 按下一个键然后松开 only on these screens 仅仅在这些屏幕上 Switch to screen 切换到屏幕 Switch in direction 方向切换 left right 右侧 up 上方 down 下方 Lock cursor to screen 锁定指针于屏幕 toggle 切换 on 启用 off 禁用 This action is performed when 当……时启用此行为 the hotkey is pressed 热键被按下 the hotkey is released 热键被松开 AddClientDialog Dialog TextLabel Ignore auto connect clients HotkeyDialogBase Hotkey 热键 Enter the specification for the hotkey: 输入热键的说明: MainWindow &Start 开始 &File 文件 &Edit 编辑 &Window 窗口 &Help 帮助 <p>Your version of Synergy is out of date. Version <b>%1</b> is now available to <a href="%2">download</a>.</p> <p>Version %1 is now available, <a href="%2">visit website</a>.</p> <p>您正在使用的Synergy版本有些过时了,有新版 <b>%1</b> 可以 <a href="%2">下载</a>。</p> Program can not be started 程序无法启动 The executable<br><br>%1<br><br>could not be successfully started, although it does exist. Please check if you have sufficient permissions to run this program. 可执行程序<br><br>%1<br><br>没有成功运行,虽然程序本身存在。请检查你是否有运行此程序的权限。 Synergy client not found 未找到Synergy客户端 The executable for the synergy client does not exist. Synergy客户端的可执行程序不存在。 Hostname is empty 主机名为空 Please fill in a hostname for the synergy client to connect to. 请为Synergy客户端设置一个用于连接的主机名 Cannot write configuration file 不能写入配置文件 The temporary configuration file required to start synergy can not be written. 启动Synergy所需的临时配置文件不可写。 Configuration filename invalid 配置文件名非法 You have not filled in a valid configuration file for the synergy server. Do you want to browse for the configuration file now? 你没有为Synergy服务端设置一个可用的配置文件。需要现在浏览配置文件吗? Synergy server not found 未找到Synergy服务端 The executable for the synergy server does not exist. Synergy服务端可执行程序不存在。 Synergy terminated with an error Synergy因错终止运行 Synergy terminated unexpectedly with an exit code of %1.<br><br>Please see the log output for details. Synergy意外终止运行,退出代码 %1。<br><br>请查看输出日志了解详情。 &Stop 停止 Please add the server (%1) to the grid. Please drag the new client screen (%1) to the desired position on the grid. Failed to detect system architecture. Cancel Failed to download Bonjour installer to location: %1 Do you want to enable auto config and install Bonjour? This feature helps you establish the connection. Auto config feature requires Bonjour. Do you want to install Bonjour? Synergy is starting. Synergy正在启动 Synergy is running. Synergy正在运行 Synergy is not running. Synergy没有运行 Unknown 未知 Synergy Synergy Browse for a synergys config file 浏览Synergy配置文件 Synergy is now connected, You can close the config window. Synergy will remain connected in the background. Security question Do you trust this fingerprint? %1 This is a server fingerprint. You should compare this fingerprint to the one on your server's screen. If the two don't match exactly, then it's probably not the server you're expecting (it could be a malicious user). To automatically trust this fingerprint for future connections, click Yes. To reject this fingerprint and disconnect from the server, click No. Save configuration as... 保存配置到文件 Save failed 保存失败 Could not save configuration to file. 不能保存配置到文件 MainWindowBase Synergy Synergy Ser&ver (share this computer's mouse and keyboard): Screen name: 屏幕名: &Server IP: 服务端IP &Start 开始 Use existing configuration: 使用已有的配置: &Configuration file: 配置文件: &Browse... 浏览… Configure interactively: 交互配置: &Configure Server... 设置服务端… Ready 准备完毕 Log 日志 &Apply 应用 IP addresses: IP地址 Fingerprint: &Client (use another computer's mouse and keyboard): Auto config &About Synergy... 关于Synergy… &Quit 退出 Quit 退出 Run 运行 S&top 停止 Stop 停止 S&how Status 显示状态 &Hide 隐藏 Hide 隐藏 &Show 显示 Show 显示 Save configuration &as... 保存配置到… Save the interactively generated server configuration to a file. 保存通过交互配置生成的配置到文件。 Settings 设置 Edit settings 编辑设置 Run Wizard 运行向导 NewScreenWidget Unnamed 未命名 PluginManager Failed to get plugin directory. Failed to get profile directory. Failed to download plugin '%1' to: %2 %3 Could not get Windows architecture type. Could not get Linux architecture type. PluginWizardPage Setup Synergy 设置Synergy Please wait... Error: %1 Setup complete. Downloading '%1' plugin (%2/%3)... Plugins installed successfully. Generating SSL certificate... Downloading plugin: %1 (1/%2) Getting plugin list... QObject Synergy Configurations (*.sgc);;All files (*.*) Synergy配置文件(*.sgc);;所有文件 (*.*) Synergy Configurations (*.conf);;All files (*.*) Synergy配置文件(*.conf);;所有文件 (*.*) System tray is unavailable, quitting. 系统托盘不可用,程序退出。 ScreenSettingsDialog Screen name is empty 屏幕名为空 The screen name cannot be empty. Please either fill in a name or cancel the dialog. 屏幕名不能为空。请填入一个名字或者关闭对话框。 Screen name matches alias 屏幕名对应别名 The screen name cannot be the same as an alias. Please either remove the alias or change the screen name. 屏幕名不能与别名相同,请取消或者更改别名。 ScreenSettingsDialogBase Screen Settings 屏幕设置 Screen &name: 屏幕名: A&liases 别名 &Add 添加 &Remove 删除 &Modifier keys 修改按键 &Shift: Shift: Shift Shift Ctrl Ctrl Alt Alt Meta Meta Super 超级 None &Ctrl: Ctrl: Al&t: Alt: M&eta: Meta: S&uper: Super: &Dead corners 死角 Top-left 左上角 Top-right 右上角 Bottom-left 左下角 Bottom-right 右下角 Corner Si&ze: 死角大小 &Fixes 修改 Fix CAPS LOCK key 修复caps lock键 Fix NUM LOCK key 修复num lock键 Fix SCROLL LOCK key 修复scroll lock键 Fix XTest for Xinerama 修复Xinerama的XTest ScreenSetupModel <center>Screen: <b>%1</b></center><br>Double click to edit settings<br>Drag screen to the trashcan to remove it <center>屏幕设置: <b>%1</b></center><br>双击以修改设置<br>将屏幕拖到废纸篓来移除 ServerConfigDialog Configure server ServerConfigDialogBase Server Configuration 服务端配置 Screens and links 屏幕和联接 Drag a screen from the grid to the trashcan to remove it. 从格子中拖动屏幕到垃圾桶进行删除。 Configure the layout of your synergy server configuration. 设置Synergy服务端配置的屏幕布局。 Drag this button to the grid to add a new screen. 拖动此按钮到格子中进行添加屏幕。 Drag new screens to the grid or move existing ones around. Drag a screen to the trashcan to delete it. Double click on a screen to edit its settings. 拖动屏幕(图标)到网格中或者移动已经在网格中的屏幕的位置。 拖动屏幕到垃圾桶进行删除。 双击屏幕编辑其设置。 Hotkeys 热键 &Hotkeys 热键 &New 新建 &Edit 编辑 &Remove 删除 A&ctions 行为 Ne&w 新建 E&dit 编辑 Re&move 删除 Advanced server settings 服务端高级设置 &Switch 切换 Switch &after waiting 等待后切换 ms 毫秒 Switch on double &tap within 双击tap切换 &Options 选项 &Check clients every 客户端检查周期 Use &relative mouse moves 使用相关的鼠标动作 S&ynchronize screen savers 同步屏幕保护 Don't take &foreground window on Windows servers 不要移动前台窗口在Windows服务器上 Ignore auto config clients &Dead corners 死角 To&p-left 左上角 Top-rig&ht 右上角 &Bottom-left 左下角 Bottom-ri&ght 右下角 Cor&ner Size: 死角大小 SettingsDialog Save log file to... 保存日志文件… Elevate Synergy 评价Synergy Are you sure you want to elevate Synergy? This allows Synergy to interact with elevated processes and the UAC dialog, but can cause problems with non-elevated processes. Elevate Synergy only if you really need to. 您确定要elevate Synergy吗? 这会允许Synergy和elevated进程交互和UAC对话框,但是可能引起一切和非elevated进程交互的问题。只有在你需要的时候才Elevate Synergy。 SettingsDialogBase Settings 设置 Sc&reen name: 屏幕名称: P&ort: 端口: &Interface: 界面 Elevate mode &Hide on startup &Network Security Use &SSL encryption (unique certificate) Logging 日志记录 &Logging level: 日志等级 Log to file: 记录到文件 Browse... 浏览… Error 错误 &Language: 语言: &Miscellaneous 其他 Warning 警告 Note 注意 Info 信息 Debug 调试 Debug1 调试1 Debug2 调试2 SetupWizard Setup Synergy 设置Synergy Please select an option. 请选择一个选项 Please enter your email address and password. 请输入您的邮箱地址和密码。 SetupWizardBase Setup Synergy 设置Synergy Welcome 欢迎 Thanks for installing Synergy! 感谢您安装Synergy! Synergy lets you easily share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on your desk, and it's Free and Open Source. Just move your mouse off the edge of one computer's screen on to another. You can even share all of your clipboards. All you need is a network connection. Synergy is cross-platform (works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux). Synergy允许你轻松地在你办公桌上多台计算机之间共享你的鼠标和键盘,它免费并且开放源代码。你只要将鼠标(指针)从一台计算机的屏幕边缘移出到另一个屏幕就行了。甚至可以共享你的剪贴板。你所需要的仅仅是一个网络连接。Synergy是跨平台的(可以运行于Windows,Mac OS X和Linux)。 Activate &Activate now... Email: Password: <a href="https://symless.com/account/reset/">Forgot password</a> &Skip activation &Server (share this computer's mouse and keyboard) <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:8pt;">My main mouse and keyboard are connected to this computer. This will allow you to move your mouse over to another computer's screen. There can only be one server in your setup.</span></p></body></html> &Client (use another computer's mouse and keyboard) <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:8pt;">You have already set up a server. This computer will be controlled using the server's mouse and keyboard. There can be many clients in your setup.</span></p></body></html> Server or Client? (此计算机作为)服务端还是客户端? SslCertificate Failed to get profile directory. SSL certificate generated. SSL fingerprint generated. Failed to find SSL fingerprint. VersionChecker Unknown 未知 WebClient An error occurred while trying to sign in. Please contact the helpdesk, and provide the following details. %1 Login failed, invalid email or password. 登录失败,邮箱地址或密码错误。 Login failed, an error occurred. %1 登录失败,出错了。 %1 Login failed, an error occurred. Server response: %1 登录失败,出错了。 服务器回应: %1 An error occurred while trying to query the plugin list. Please contact the help desk, and provide the following details. %1 Get plugin list failed, invalid user email or password. Get plugin list failed, an error occurred. %1 Get plugin list failed, an error occurred. Server response: %1 ZeroconfService zeroconf server detected: %1 zeroconf client detected: %1 Zero configuration service Error code: %1. Unable to start the zeroconf: %1. Synergy Synergy Failed to get local IP address. Please manually type in server address on your clients %1