#!/bin/sh cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 # some environments have cmake v2 as 'cmake' and v3 as 'cmake3' # check for cmake3 first then fallback to just cmake B_CMAKE=$(command -v cmake3 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then # Continue, cmake3 exists in $PATH. continue else # OK, so cmake3 isn't in path, so let's test to see if `cmake` itself exists, before proceeding. if command -v cmake 2>/dev/null; then B_CMAKE=$(command -v cmake) # We have a cmake executable available, now let's proceed! else # As self-explanatory, the cmake executable isn't available, so we should fail here. echo "ERROR: CMake not in $PATH, cannot build! Please install CMake, or if this persists, file a bug report." exit 1 fi fi # Set default build type, but in CI, this is set to Release. # For downstream distributions, our recommendation is to set this type in your build scripts to Release, and supply Debug build types in your debug packages. B_BUILD_TYPE=${B_BUILD_TYPE:-Debug} if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then # macOS needs a little help, so we source this environment script to fix paths. if [ ! -e "./macOS_environment.sh" ]; then echo "macOS environment script not found, this isn't meant to happen!" exit 1 else . ./macOS_environment.sh fi B_CMAKE_FLAGS="-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=$(xcode-select --print-path)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9 ${B_CMAKE_FLAGS:-}" fi # Source local build variables to the environment, if available. # If not, continue as normal, and silently. if [ -e "./build_env.sh" ]; then . "./build_env.sh" fi # Initialise Git submodules git submodule update --init --recursive B_CMAKE_FLAGS="-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${B_BUILD_TYPE} ${B_CMAKE_FLAGS:-}" # Clear build directory, but do a conditional first! if [ -d "./build" ]; then rm -rf ./build fi # Previous versions of this script created the build directory, and CD'd into it - CMake allows us to do this another way... # Note: If you use Ninja (i.e, cmake -GNinja -B build), run Ninja like: "ninja -C build", just like you would with Meson. $B_CMAKE "$B_CMAKE_FLAGS" -B build || exit 1 echo "INFO: Now commencing Barrier build process..." echo "INFO: We're building an $B_BUILD_TYPE output type." $(command -v make) -C build || exit 1 # Implictly, we assume the build was successful due to no exits. # Later revisions of this script should do conditionals. TODO. echo "INFO: Success! The build completed successfully!" exit