 * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman
 * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file.
 * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.


#include "CBaseClientProxy.h"
#include "ProtocolTypes.h"

class CScreen;

//! Primary screen as pseudo-client
The primary screen does not have a client associated with it.  This
class provides a pseudo-client to allow the primary screen to be
treated as if it was a client.
class CPrimaryClient : public CBaseClientProxy {
	\c name is the name of the server and \p screen is primary screen.
	CPrimaryClient(const CString& name, CScreen* screen);

	//! @name manipulators

	//! Update configuration
	Handles reconfiguration of jump zones.
	void				reconfigure(UInt32 activeSides);

	//! Register a system hotkey
	Registers a system-wide hotkey for key \p key with modifiers \p mask.
	Returns an id used to unregister the hotkey.
	UInt32				registerHotKey(KeyID key, KeyModifierMask mask);

	//! Unregister a system hotkey
	Unregisters a previously registered hot key.
	void				unregisterHotKey(UInt32 id);

	//! Prepare to synthesize input on primary screen
	Prepares the primary screen to receive synthesized input.  We do not
	want to receive this synthesized input as user input so this method
	ensures that we ignore it.  Calls to \c fakeInputBegin() and
	\c fakeInputEnd() may be nested;  only the outermost have an effect.
	void				fakeInputBegin();

	//! Done synthesizing input on primary screen
	Undoes whatever \c fakeInputBegin() did.
	void				fakeInputEnd();

	//! @name accessors

	//! Get jump zone size
	Return the jump zone size, the size of the regions on the edges of
	the screen that cause the cursor to jump to another screen.
	SInt32				getJumpZoneSize() const;

	//! Get cursor center position
	Return the cursor center position which is where we park the
	cursor to compute cursor motion deltas and should be far from
	the edges of the screen, typically the center.
	void				getCursorCenter(SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const;
	//! Get toggle key state
	Returns the primary screen's current toggle modifier key state.
	KeyModifierMask		getToggleMask() const;

	//! Get screen lock state
	Returns true if the user is locked to the screen.
	bool				isLockedToScreen() const;


	// FIXME -- these probably belong on IScreen
	virtual void		enable();
	virtual void		disable();

	// IScreen overrides
	virtual void*		getEventTarget() const;
	virtual bool		getClipboard(ClipboardID id, IClipboard*) const;
	virtual void		getShape(SInt32& x, SInt32& y,
							SInt32& width, SInt32& height) const;
	virtual void		getCursorPos(SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const;

	// IClient overrides
	virtual void		enter(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs,
							UInt32 seqNum, KeyModifierMask mask,
							bool forScreensaver);
	virtual bool		leave();
	virtual void		setClipboard(ClipboardID, const IClipboard*);
	virtual void		grabClipboard(ClipboardID);
	virtual void		setClipboardDirty(ClipboardID, bool);
	virtual void		keyDown(KeyID, KeyModifierMask, KeyButton);
	virtual void		keyRepeat(KeyID, KeyModifierMask,
							SInt32 count, KeyButton);
	virtual void		keyUp(KeyID, KeyModifierMask, KeyButton);
	virtual void		mouseDown(ButtonID);
	virtual void		mouseUp(ButtonID);
	virtual void		mouseMove(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs);
	virtual void		mouseRelativeMove(SInt32 xRel, SInt32 yRel);
	virtual void		mouseWheel(SInt32 xDelta, SInt32 yDelta);
	virtual void		screensaver(bool activate);
	virtual void		resetOptions();
	virtual void		setOptions(const COptionsList& options);

	CScreen*			m_screen;
	bool				m_clipboardDirty[kClipboardEnd];
	SInt32				m_fakeInputCount;
