SettingsDialogBase 0 0 372 390 Settings &Programs This is the synergy client program, usually called synergyc or synergyc.exe. &Client: m_pLineEditSynergyc &Browse... This is the synergy server program, usually called synergys or synergys.exe. S&erver: m_pLineEditSynergys Bro&wse... &Advanced Sc&reen name: m_pLineEditScreenName true P&ort: m_pSpinBoxPort true 65535 24800 &Interface: m_pLineEditInterface true &Start A&utomatically start synergy when QSynergy starts &Logging level: m_pComboLogLevel Error Warning Note Info Debug Debug1 Debug2 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::NoButton|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() SettingsDialogBase accept() 257 380 157 274 buttonBox rejected() SettingsDialogBase reject() 325 380 286 274