/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2013 Bolton Software Ltd. * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "CMSWindowsSession.h" #include "CLog.h" #include #include CMSWindowsSession::CMSWindowsSession() : m_sessionId(-1), m_newSessionId(-1) { } CMSWindowsSession::~CMSWindowsSession() { } DWORD CMSWindowsSession::getSessionId() { return WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId(); } BOOL CMSWindowsSession::isProcessInSession(const char* name, PHANDLE process = NULL) { BOOL result = isProcessInSession_(name, process); if (!result) { LOG((CLOG_ERR "could not find winlogon in session %i", m_sessionId)); } return result; } BOOL CMSWindowsSession::isProcessInSession_(const char* name, PHANDLE process = NULL) { // first we need to take a snapshot of the running processes HANDLE snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (snapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG((CLOG_ERR "could not get process snapshot (error: %i)", GetLastError())); return 0; } PROCESSENTRY32 entry; entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); // get the first process, and if we can't do that then it's // unlikely we can go any further BOOL gotEntry = Process32First(snapshot, &entry); if (!gotEntry) { LOG((CLOG_ERR "could not get first process entry (error: %i)", GetLastError())); return 0; } // used to record process names for debug info std::list nameList; // now just iterate until we can find winlogon.exe pid DWORD pid = 0; while(gotEntry) { // make sure we're not checking the system process if (entry.th32ProcessID != 0) { DWORD processSessionId; BOOL pidToSidRet = ProcessIdToSessionId( entry.th32ProcessID, &processSessionId); if (!pidToSidRet) { LOG((CLOG_ERR "could not get session id for process id %i (error: %i)", entry.th32ProcessID, GetLastError())); return 0; } // only pay attention to processes in the active session if (processSessionId == m_sessionId) { // store the names so we can record them for debug nameList.push_back(entry.szExeFile); if (_stricmp(entry.szExeFile, name) == 0) { pid = entry.th32ProcessID; } } } // now move on to the next entry (if we're not at the end) gotEntry = Process32Next(snapshot, &entry); if (!gotEntry) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { // only worry about error if it's not the end of the snapshot LOG((CLOG_ERR "could not get subsiquent process entry (error: %i)", GetLastError())); return 0; } } } std::string nameListJoin; for(std::list::iterator it = nameList.begin(); it != nameList.end(); it++) { nameListJoin.append(*it); nameListJoin.append(", "); } LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "processes in session %d: %s", m_sessionId, nameListJoin.c_str())); CloseHandle(snapshot); if (pid) { if (process != NULL) { // now get the process, which we'll use to get the process token. LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "found %s in session %i", name, m_sessionId)); *process = OpenProcess(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, FALSE, pid); } return true; } else { return false; } } HANDLE CMSWindowsSession::getUserToken(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security) { HANDLE sourceToken; if (!WTSQueryUserToken(m_sessionId, &sourceToken)) { LOG((CLOG_ERR "could not get token from session %d (error: %i)", m_sessionId, GetLastError())); return 0; } HANDLE newToken; if (!DuplicateTokenEx( sourceToken, TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, security, SecurityImpersonation, TokenPrimary, &newToken)) { LOG((CLOG_ERR "could not duplicate token (error: %i)", GetLastError())); return 0; } LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "duplicated, new token: %i", newToken)); return newToken; } BOOL CMSWindowsSession::hasChanged() { return ((m_newSessionId != m_sessionId) && (m_newSessionId != -1)); } void CMSWindowsSession::updateNewSessionId() { m_newSessionId = getSessionId(); } void CMSWindowsSession::updateActiveSession() { m_sessionId = m_newSessionId; }