 * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman
 * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file.
 * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.


#include "ClipboardTypes.h"
#include "KeyTypes.h"
#include "MouseTypes.h"
#include "CMutex.h"

class IClipboard;
class IScreen;

//! Generic client-side screen
This is a platform independent base class for secondary screen
implementations.  A secondary screen is a client-side screen.
Each platform will derive a class from CSecondaryScreen to handle
platform dependent operations.
class CSecondaryScreen {
	virtual ~CSecondaryScreen();

	//! @name manipulators

	//! Open screen
	Opens the screen.  This includes initializing the screen,
	hiding the cursor, and disabling the screen saver.  It also causes
	events to the reported to an IScreenReceiver (which is set through
	some other interface).  Calls close() before returning (rethrowing)
	if it fails for any reason.
	void				open();

	//! Run event loop
	Run the screen's event loop.  This returns when it detects
	the application should terminate or when exitMainLoop() is called.
	mainLoop() may only be called between open() and close().
	void				mainLoop();

	//! Exit event loop
	Force mainLoop() to return.  This call can return before
	mainLoop() does (i.e. asynchronously).
	void				exitMainLoop();

	//! Close screen
	Closes the screen.  This restores the screen saver, shows the cursor
	and closes the screen.  It also synthesizes key up events for any
	keys that are logically down;  without this the client will leave
	its keyboard in the wrong logical state.
	void				close();

	//! Enter screen
	Called when the user navigates to this secondary screen.  Warps
	the cursor to the absolute coordinates \c x,y and unhides
	it.  Also prepares to synthesize input events.
	void				enter(SInt32 x, SInt32 y, KeyModifierMask mask);

	//! Leave screen
	Called when the user navigates off the secondary screen.  Cleans
	up input event synthesis and hides the cursor.
	void				leave();

	//! Set clipboard
	Sets the system's clipboard contents.  This is usually called
	soon after an enter().
	void				setClipboard(ClipboardID, const IClipboard*);

	//! Grab clipboard
	Grabs (i.e. take ownership of) the system clipboard.
	void				grabClipboard(ClipboardID);

	//! Activate/deactivate screen saver
	Forcibly activates the screen saver if \c activate is true otherwise
	forcibly deactivates it.
	void				screensaver(bool activate);

	//! Notify of key press
	Synthesize key events to generate a press of key \c id.  If possible
	match the given modifier mask.
	virtual void		keyDown(KeyID id, KeyModifierMask) = 0;

	//! Notify of key repeat
	Synthesize key events to generate a press and release of key \c id
	\c count times.  If possible match the given modifier mask.
	virtual void		keyRepeat(KeyID id, KeyModifierMask, SInt32 count) = 0;

	//! Notify of key release
	Synthesize key events to generate a release of key \c id.  If possible
	match the given modifier mask.
	virtual void		keyUp(KeyID id, KeyModifierMask) = 0;

	//! Notify of mouse press
	Synthesize mouse events to generate a press of mouse button \c id.
	virtual void		mouseDown(ButtonID id) = 0;

	//! Notify of mouse release
	Synthesize mouse events to generate a release of mouse button \c id.
	virtual void		mouseUp(ButtonID id) = 0;

	//! Notify of mouse motion
	Synthesize mouse events to generate mouse motion to the absolute
	screen position \c xAbs,yAbs.
	virtual void		mouseMove(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs) = 0;

	//! Notify of mouse wheel motion
	Synthesize mouse events to generate mouse wheel motion of \c delta.
	\c delta is positive for motion away from the user and negative for
	motion towards the user.  Each wheel click should generate a delta
	of +/-120.
	virtual void		mouseWheel(SInt32 delta) = 0;

	//! @name accessors

	//! Test if active
	Returns true iff the screen is active (i.e. the user has entered
	the screen).  Note this is the reverse of a primary screen.
	bool				isActive() const;

	//! Get clipboard
	Saves the contents of the system clipboard indicated by \c id.
	void				getClipboard(ClipboardID id, IClipboard*) const;

	//! Get jump zone size
	Return the jump zone size, the size of the regions on the edges of
	the screen that cause the cursor to jump to another screen.
	virtual SInt32		getJumpZoneSize() const = 0;

	//! Get screen shape
	Return the position of the upper-left corner of the screen in \c x and
	\c y and the size of the screen in \c width and \c height.
	virtual void		getShape(SInt32& x, SInt32& y,
							SInt32& width, SInt32& height) const;

	//! Get cursor position
	Return the current position of the cursor in \c x,y.
	virtual void		getCursorPos(SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const;

	//! Get screen
	Return the platform dependent screen.
	virtual IScreen*	getScreen() const = 0;


	//! Pre-mainLoop() hook
	Called on entry to mainLoop().  Override to perform platform specific
	operations.  Default does nothing.  May throw.
	virtual void		onPreMainLoop();

	//! Post-mainLoop() hook
	Called on exit from mainLoop().  Override to perform platform specific
	operations.  Default does nothing.  May \b not throw.
	virtual void		onPostMainLoop();

	//! Pre-open() hook
	Called on entry to open().  Override to perform platform specific
	operations.  Default does nothing.  May throw.
	virtual void		onPreOpen();

	//! Post-open() hook
	Called on exit from open() iff the open was successful.  Default
	does nothing.  May throw.
	virtual void		onPostOpen();

	//! Pre-close() hook
	Called on entry to close().  Override to perform platform specific
	operations.  Default does nothing.  May \b not throw.
	virtual void		onPreClose();

	//! Post-close() hook
	Called on exit from close().  Override to perform platform specific
	operations.  Default does nothing.  May \b not throw.
	virtual void		onPostClose();

	//! Pre-enter() hook
	Called on entry to enter() after desktop synchronization.  Override
	to perform platform specific operations.  Default does nothing.  May
	\b not throw.
	virtual void		onPreEnter();

	//! Post-enter() hook
	Called on exit from enter().  Override to perform platform specific
	operations.  Default does nothing.  May \b not throw.
	virtual void		onPostEnter();

	//! Pre-leave() hook
	Called on entry to leave() after desktop synchronization.  Override
	to perform platform specific operations.  Default does nothing.  May
	\b not throw.
	virtual void		onPreLeave();

	//! Post-leave() hook
	Called on exit from leave().  Override to perform platform specific
	operations.  Default does nothing.  May \b not throw.
	virtual void		onPostLeave();

	//! Create window
	Called to create the window.  This window is generally used to
	receive events and hide the cursor.
	virtual void		createWindow() = 0;

	//! Destroy window
	Called to destroy the window created by createWindow().
	virtual void		destroyWindow() = 0;

	//! Show window
	Called when the user navigates off this secondary screen.  It needn't
	actually show the window created by createWindow() but it must hide
	the cursor and clean up event synthesis.
	virtual void		showWindow() = 0;

	//! Hide window
	Called when the user navigates to this secondary screen.  It should
	hide the window (if shown), show the cursor, and prepare to synthesize
	input events.
	virtual void		hideWindow() = 0;

	//! Warp cursor
	Warp the cursor to the absolute coordinates \c x,y.
	virtual void		warpCursor(SInt32 x, SInt32 y) = 0;

	//! Synchronize key state
	Check the current keyboard state.  Normally a screen will save
	the keyboard state in this method and use this shadow state
	when synthesizing events.
	virtual void		updateKeys() = 0;

	//! Synchronize toggle key state
	Toggle modifiers that don't match the given state so that they do.
	virtual void		setToggleState(KeyModifierMask) = 0;

	CMutex				m_mutex;

	// m_active is true if this screen has been entered
	bool				m_active;
