
Version 0.9.0

About QSynergy
QSynergy is a graphical front end for Synergy. Synergy lets a user control more
than one computer with a single mouse and keyboard (and has lots and lots of
extra features on top of that). Learn more about Synergy itself or get it from:

Synergy only has a GUI for MS Windows. QSynergy was written to step in and fill
this gap for users on Mac and Unix platforms. Of course, QSynergy can also be
used on MS Windows.

Running and using QSynergy
- Because QSynergy is a graphical frontend for Synergy, it does not make much
  sense to run it without having Synergy installed. So if you have not done so
  already, get it from http://synergy2.sourceforge.net and install it.

- See the Synergy documentation (http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/) for all
  topics concerning what you can do with Synergy.

- In QSynergy, first, go to Edit -> Settings and check if the path names for
  synergys (the Synergy server binary) and synergyc (the client) are correct.
  If they are not, set them by hand or browse to their locations.

- QSynergy knows three modes:

  1. Run Synergy as a client (so the computer QSynergy runs on will be
  controlled from another computer).

  2. Run Synergy as a server with an existing configuration you have written
  already (that's just like running Synergy from the command line with the "-c"

  3. Interactively and graphically create a server configuration and run
  Synergy with this configuration. Herein lies the main benefit of using
  QSynergy instead of the command line Synergy version for Unix and Mac.

- Running as a client: Simply tick the "be a client" checkbox, enter the name
  of the computer to connect to and push the "Start" button.

- Running as a server with an existing configuration: Tick the "be a server"
  checkbox and the radio button that says you would like to use your own
  configuration file. Then enter the path to this configuration file (or browse
  for it). Finally, push the "Start" button.

- Using QSynergy to configure the Synergy server: Tick the "be a server"
  checkbox and the radio button that says you would like to interactively
  configure Synergy. Then push the "Configure server" button. After you have
  finished setting up your configuration, push the "Start" button. QSynergy
  will remember your configuration across restarts, so there is no need to
  configure again the next time you run QSynergy -- unless you change your
  computer setup, of course.

- On MS Windows and X11, QSynergy will minimize to the tray if you close the
  main window or pick the Window -> Minimize menu entry. Double click on the
  icon in the tray or right click on this icon and pick Restore to restore the

- On X11, QSynergy will be restarted with X11 if your X11 server correctly
  implements session handling. On MS Windows, you will have to add QSynergy to
  your Autostart folder. On the Mac, set it to automatically run when the
  Finder starts.

Known bugs and limitations
- It is not possible to configure partial links (e.g., only 50% of a screen's
  edge linking to another screen)

- If you configure a hotkey for a specific screen and later delete this screen,
  QSynergy does not warn you that this will lead to an invalid configuration.

- Importing existing synery server configuration files is not possible.

- There is no true communication channel between Synergy itself and QSynergy.
  This means that QSynergy cannot really know if Synergy itself is working or
  has encountered any problems. QSynergy only knows "Synergy is running" or
  "Synergy has quit with an error".

- Mac OS X only: The look and feel of QSynergy is not quite right for the
  platform. This is due to limitations in Qt.

QSynergy is written using the Qt Toolkit. It is free software released under
the GPLv2.