 * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Synergy Si Ltd.
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Chris Schoeneman
 * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file.
 * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#pragma once

#include "synergy/KeyState.h"
#include "common/stdmap.h"
#include "common/stdvector.h"

#	error X11 is required to build synergy
#	include <X11/Xlib.h>
#		include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
#	else
#		error The XTest extension is required to build synergy
#	endif
#		include <X11/extensions/XKBstr.h>
#	endif

class IEventQueue;

//! X Windows key state
A key state for X Windows.
class XWindowsKeyState : public KeyState {
	typedef std::vector<int> KeycodeList;
	enum {
		kGroupPoll       = -1,
		kGroupPollAndSet = -2

	XWindowsKeyState(Display*, bool useXKB, IEventQueue* events);
	XWindowsKeyState(Display*, bool useXKB,
		IEventQueue* events, synergy::KeyMap& keyMap);

	//! @name modifiers

	//! Set active group
	Sets the active group to \p group.  This is the group returned by
	\c pollActiveGroup().  If \p group is \c kGroupPoll then
	\c pollActiveGroup() will really poll, but that's a slow operation
	on X11.  If \p group is \c kGroupPollAndSet then this will poll the
	active group now and use it for future calls to \c pollActiveGroup().
	void				setActiveGroup(SInt32 group);

	//! Set the auto-repeat state
	Sets the auto-repeat state.
	void				setAutoRepeat(const XKeyboardState&);

	//! @name accessors

	//! Convert X modifier mask to synergy mask
	Returns the synergy modifier mask corresponding to the X modifier
	mask in \p state.
	KeyModifierMask		mapModifiersFromX(unsigned int state) const;

	//! Convert synergy modifier mask to X mask
	Converts the synergy modifier mask to the corresponding X modifier
	mask.  Returns \c true if successful and \c false if any modifier
	could not be converted.
	bool				mapModifiersToX(KeyModifierMask, unsigned int&) const;

	//! Convert synergy key to all corresponding X keycodes
	Converts the synergy key \p key to all of the keycodes that map to
	that key.
	void				mapKeyToKeycodes(KeyID key,
							KeycodeList& keycodes) const;


	// IKeyState overrides
	virtual bool		fakeCtrlAltDel();
	virtual KeyModifierMask
						pollActiveModifiers() const;
	virtual SInt32		pollActiveGroup() const;
	virtual void		pollPressedKeys(KeyButtonSet& pressedKeys) const;

	// KeyState overrides
	virtual void		getKeyMap(synergy::KeyMap& keyMap);
	virtual void		fakeKey(const Keystroke& keystroke);

	void				init(Display* display, bool useXKB);
	void				updateKeysymMap(synergy::KeyMap&);
	void				updateKeysymMapXKB(synergy::KeyMap&);
	bool				hasModifiersXKB() const;
	int					getEffectiveGroup(KeyCode, int group) const;
	UInt32				getGroupFromState(unsigned int state) const;

	static void			remapKeyModifiers(KeyID, SInt32,
							synergy::KeyMap::KeyItem&, void*);

	struct XKBModifierInfo {
		unsigned char	m_level;
		UInt32			m_mask;
		bool			m_lock;

#ifdef TEST_ENV
public: // yuck
	typedef std::vector<KeyModifierMask> KeyModifierMaskList;

	typedef std::map<KeyModifierMask, unsigned int> KeyModifierToXMask;
	typedef std::multimap<KeyID, KeyCode> KeyToKeyCodeMap;
	typedef std::map<KeyCode, unsigned int> NonXKBModifierMap;
	typedef std::map<UInt32, XKBModifierInfo> XKBModifierMap;

	Display*			m_display;
	XkbDescPtr			m_xkb;
	SInt32				m_group;
	XKBModifierMap		m_lastGoodXKBModifiers;
	NonXKBModifierMap	m_lastGoodNonXKBModifiers;

	// X modifier (bit number) to synergy modifier (mask) mapping
	KeyModifierMaskList	m_modifierFromX;

	// synergy modifier (mask) to X modifier (mask)
	KeyModifierToXMask	m_modifierToX;

	// map KeyID to all keycodes that can synthesize that KeyID
	KeyToKeyCodeMap		m_keyCodeFromKey;

	// autorepeat state
	XKeyboardState		m_keyboardState;

#ifdef TEST_ENV
	SInt32                  group() const { return m_group; }
	void                    group(const SInt32& group) { m_group = group; }
	KeyModifierMaskList	modifierFromX() const { return m_modifierFromX; }