/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "CKeyState.h" #include "IEventQueue.h" #include "CLog.h" #include // // CKeyState // CKeyState::CKeyState() : m_halfDuplex(0), m_mask(0) { memset(&m_keys, 0, sizeof(m_keys)); memset(&m_serverKeyMap, 0, sizeof(m_serverKeyMap)); memset(&m_keyToMask, 0, sizeof(m_keyToMask)); } CKeyState::~CKeyState() { // do nothing } void CKeyState::setKeyDown(KeyButton button, bool down) { button &= kButtonMask; updateKeyState(button, button, down, false); } void CKeyState::setToggled(KeyModifierMask modifier) { if (isToggle(modifier)) { const KeyButtons& buttons = m_maskToKeys[getIndexForModifier(modifier)]; for (KeyButtons::const_iterator j = buttons.begin(); j != buttons.end(); ++j) { m_keys[(*j) & kButtonMask] |= kToggled; } } } void CKeyState::sendKeyEvent( void* target, bool press, bool isAutoRepeat, KeyID key, KeyModifierMask mask, SInt32 count, KeyButton button) { if (isHalfDuplex(m_keyToMask[button])) { if (isAutoRepeat) { // ignore auto-repeat on half-duplex keys } else { EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getKeyDownEvent(), target, CKeyInfo::alloc(key, mask, button, 1))); EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getKeyUpEvent(), target, CKeyInfo::alloc(key, mask, button, 1))); } } else { if (isAutoRepeat) { EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getKeyRepeatEvent(), target, CKeyInfo::alloc(key, mask, button, count))); } else if (press) { EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getKeyDownEvent(), target, CKeyInfo::alloc(key, mask, button, 1))); } else { EVENTQUEUE->addEvent(CEvent(getKeyUpEvent(), target, CKeyInfo::alloc(key, mask, button, 1))); } } } void CKeyState::updateKeys() { static const KeyModifierMask s_masks[] = { KeyModifierShift, KeyModifierControl, KeyModifierAlt, KeyModifierMeta, KeyModifierSuper, KeyModifierModeSwitch, KeyModifierCapsLock, KeyModifierNumLock, KeyModifierScrollLock }; // reset our state memset(&m_keys, 0, sizeof(m_keys)); memset(&m_serverKeyMap, 0, sizeof(m_serverKeyMap)); memset(&m_keyToMask, 0, sizeof(m_keyToMask)); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < sizeof(m_maskToKeys)/sizeof(m_maskToKeys[0]); ++i) { m_maskToKeys[i].clear(); } // let subclass set the state doUpdateKeys(); // figure out the active modifiers m_mask = 0; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < sizeof(s_masks) / sizeof(s_masks[0]); ++i) { if (isModifierActive(s_masks[i])) { m_mask |= s_masks[i]; } } LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "modifiers on update: 0x%04x", m_mask)); } void CKeyState::setHalfDuplexMask(KeyModifierMask mask) { m_halfDuplex = mask & (KeyModifierCapsLock | KeyModifierNumLock | KeyModifierScrollLock); } void CKeyState::fakeKeyDown(KeyID id, KeyModifierMask mask, KeyButton button) { // get the sequence of keys to simulate key press and the final // modifier state. Keystrokes keys; KeyButton localID = (KeyButton)(mapKey(keys, id, mask, false) & kButtonMask); if (keys.empty()) { // do nothing if there are no associated keys LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "cannot map key 0x%08x", id)); return; } // generate key events fakeKeyEvents(keys, 1); // note that key is down updateKeyState((KeyButton)(button & kButtonMask), localID, true, true); } void CKeyState::fakeKeyRepeat( KeyID id, KeyModifierMask mask, SInt32 count, KeyButton button) { button &= kButtonMask; // if we haven't seen this button go down then ignore it KeyButton oldLocalID = m_serverKeyMap[button]; if (oldLocalID == 0) { return; } // get the sequence of keys to simulate key repeat and the final // modifier state. Keystrokes keys; KeyButton localID = (KeyButton)(mapKey(keys, id, mask, true) & kButtonMask); if (localID == 0) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "cannot map key 0x%08x", id)); return; } if (keys.empty()) { // do nothing if there are no associated keys return; } // if the keycode for the auto-repeat is not the same as for the // initial press then mark the initial key as released and the new // key as pressed. this can happen when we auto-repeat after a // dead key. for example, a dead accent followed by 'a' will // generate an 'a with accent' followed by a repeating 'a'. the // keycodes for the two keysyms might be different. if (localID != oldLocalID) { // replace key up with previous key id but leave key down // alone so it uses the new keycode. for (Keystrokes::iterator index = keys.begin(); index != keys.end(); ++index) { if (index->m_key == localID) { index->m_key = oldLocalID; break; } } // note that old key is now up m_keys[oldLocalID] &= ~kDown; // map server key to new key m_serverKeyMap[button] = localID; // note that new key is now down m_keys[localID] |= kDown; } // generate key events fakeKeyEvents(keys, count); } void CKeyState::fakeKeyUp(KeyButton button) { // if we haven't seen this button go down then ignore it KeyButton localID = m_serverKeyMap[button & kButtonMask]; if (localID == 0) { return; } // get the sequence of keys to simulate key release Keystrokes keys; Keystroke keystroke; keystroke.m_key = localID; keystroke.m_press = false; keystroke.m_repeat = false; keys.push_back(keystroke); // generate key events fakeKeyEvents(keys, 1); // note that key is now up updateKeyState(button, localID, false, true); } void CKeyState::fakeToggle(KeyModifierMask modifier) { const KeyButtons& buttons = m_maskToKeys[getIndexForModifier(modifier)]; if (buttons.empty() || !isToggle(modifier)) { return; } KeyButton button = buttons[0]; // get the sequence of keys to simulate key toggle Keystrokes keys; Keystroke keystroke; keystroke.m_key = button; keystroke.m_press = true; keystroke.m_repeat = false; keys.push_back(keystroke); keystroke.m_press = false; keys.push_back(keystroke); // generate key events fakeKeyEvents(keys, 1); // note the toggle m_keys[button] ^= kToggled; m_mask ^= modifier; } bool CKeyState::isKeyDown(KeyButton button) const { return ((m_keys[button & kButtonMask] & kDown) != 0); } KeyModifierMask CKeyState::getActiveModifiers() const { return m_mask; } void CKeyState::addModifier(KeyModifierMask modifier, const KeyButtons& buttons) { // the mask must not be zero assert(modifier != 0); // the mask must have exactly one high bit assert((modifier & (modifier - 1)) == 0); for (KeyButtons::const_iterator j = buttons.begin(); j != buttons.end(); ++j) { KeyButton button = static_cast(((*j) & kButtonMask)); if (button != 0) { m_keyToMask[button] = modifier; } } // index keys by mask m_maskToKeys[getIndexForModifier(modifier)] = buttons; } bool CKeyState::mapModifier(Keystrokes& keys, Keystrokes& undo, KeyModifierMask mask, bool desireActive, bool force) const { // look up modifier const KeyButtons& buttons = m_maskToKeys[getIndexForModifier(mask)]; if (buttons.empty()) { return false; } // ignore if already in desired state if (!force && isModifierActive(mask) == desireActive) { return true; } // initialize keystroke Keystroke keystroke; keystroke.m_repeat = false; // handle toggles if (isToggle(mask)) { keystroke.m_key = buttons[0]; keystroke.m_press = true; keys.push_back(keystroke); keystroke.m_press = false; keys.push_back(keystroke); keystroke.m_press = false; undo.push_back(keystroke); keystroke.m_press = true; undo.push_back(keystroke); } else if (desireActive) { // press keystroke.m_key = buttons[0]; keystroke.m_press = true; keys.push_back(keystroke); keystroke.m_press = false; undo.push_back(keystroke); } else { // releasing a modifier is quite different from pressing one. // when we release a modifier we have to release every keycode that // is assigned to the modifier since the modifier is active if any // one of them is down. when we press a modifier we just have to // press one of those keycodes. for (KeyButtons::const_iterator j = buttons.begin(); j != buttons.end(); ++j) { if (isKeyDown(*j)) { keystroke.m_key = *j; keystroke.m_press = false; keys.push_back(keystroke); keystroke.m_press = true; undo.push_back(keystroke); } } } return true; } bool CKeyState::isToggle(KeyModifierMask mask) const { return (mask == KeyModifierCapsLock || mask == KeyModifierNumLock || mask == KeyModifierScrollLock); } bool CKeyState::isHalfDuplex(KeyModifierMask mask) const { return ((mask & m_halfDuplex) != 0); } bool CKeyState::isModifierActive(KeyModifierMask mask) const { const KeyButtons& buttons = m_maskToKeys[getIndexForModifier(mask)]; KeyButtons::const_iterator j = buttons.begin(); if (j != buttons.end()) { if (isToggle(mask)) { // modifier is a toggle if ((m_keys[*j] & kToggled) != 0) { return true; } } else { // modifier is not a toggle for (; j != buttons.end(); ++j) { if ((m_keys[*j] & kDown) != 0) { return true; } } } } return false; } UInt32 CKeyState::getIndexForModifier(KeyModifierMask mask) const { switch (mask) { case KeyModifierShift: return 0; case KeyModifierControl: return 1; case KeyModifierAlt: return 2; case KeyModifierMeta: return 3; case KeyModifierSuper: return 4; case KeyModifierModeSwitch: return 5; case KeyModifierCapsLock: return 6; case KeyModifierNumLock: return 7; case KeyModifierScrollLock: return 8; default: assert(0 && "invalid modifier mask"); return 0; } } void CKeyState::fakeKeyEvents(const Keystrokes& keys, UInt32 count) { // do nothing if no keys or no repeats if (count == 0 || keys.empty()) { return; } // generate key events LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "keystrokes:")); for (Keystrokes::const_iterator k = keys.begin(); k != keys.end(); ) { if (k->m_repeat) { // repeat from here up to but not including the next key // with m_repeat == false count times. Keystrokes::const_iterator start = k; while (count-- > 0) { // send repeating events for (k = start; k != keys.end() && k->m_repeat; ++k) { fakeKeyEvent(k->m_key, k->m_press, true); } } // note -- k is now on the first non-repeat key after the // repeat keys, exactly where we'd like to continue from. } else { // send event fakeKeyEvent(k->m_key, k->m_press, false); // next key ++k; } } } void CKeyState::fakeKeyEvent(KeyButton button, bool press, bool isAutoRepeat) { // half-duplex keys are special. we ignore releases and convert // a press when the toggle is active to a release. KeyModifierMask mask = m_keyToMask[button]; if (isHalfDuplex(mask)) { if (isAutoRepeat || !press) { return; } if (isModifierActive(mask)) { press = false; } } // send key event LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 " %d %s%s", button, press ? "down" : "up", isAutoRepeat ? " repeat" : "")); doFakeKeyEvent(button, press, isAutoRepeat); } void CKeyState::updateKeyState(KeyButton serverID, KeyButton localID, bool press, bool fake) { // ignore bogus keys if (serverID == 0 || localID == 0) { return; } // update key state. state doesn't change when auto-repeating. if (press) { m_serverKeyMap[serverID] = localID; m_keys[localID] |= kDown; } else { m_serverKeyMap[serverID] = 0; m_keys[localID] &= ~kDown; } // update modifier state KeyModifierMask mask = m_keyToMask[localID]; if (mask != 0) { if (isToggle(mask)) { // never report half-duplex keys as down if (isHalfDuplex(mask)) { m_keys[localID] &= ~kDown; // half-duplex keys on the primary screen don't send the // usual press/release pairs but instead send the press // when toggling on and the release when toggleing off. // since we normally toggle our shadow state on the press // we need to treat the release as a press on the primary // screen. we know we're on the primary screen if fake is // false. secondary screens always get press/release pairs. if (!fake) { press = true; } } // toggle on the press if (press) { m_keys[localID] ^= kToggled; m_mask ^= mask; } } else { if (press) { m_mask |= mask; } else if (!isModifierActive(mask)) { m_mask &= ~mask; } } LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "new mask: 0x%04x", m_mask)); } }